Al-Hikmah Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan
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Published By Uir Press

2598-2168, 1412-5382

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-103
Irwan Saleh Dalimunthe

Integrasi  pengetahuan amat penting, untuk itu perlu membangun kurikulum yang terintegrasi yakni, keterkaitan wahyu dengan sains serta penataan lingkungan sekolah yang Islami. Hal ini yang dilakukan SMP IT Bunayya dalam mendidik siswanya.Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologis.Subjek penelitian adalah Kepala Sekolah dan pihak menajemen sekolah yang menangani kurikulum, Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara studi dokumen serta observasi.Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan Pemprosesan Satuan, Kategorisasi, Kategorisasi dan Penafsiran.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Bentuk Integrasi Ilmu pada SMP IT Bunayya adalah Model Integrasidengan dua pola yaitu model pengintegrasian kedalam paket kurikulum yakni pemaduan pada aspek Kognitif, Afektif, Psikomotorik, Spritualitas dan nilai social dan model pengintegrasian ke dalam tema-tema pelajaran yakni dalam desain pembelajaran. Sedangkan Model Pembinaan sesuai kurikulum dalam usaha terwujudnya Integrasi pengetahuan kedalam sikap kepribadian dilakukan beberapa kegiatan, yaitu; Malam Bina Takwa, Pramuka, Talkshow Aqil Baligh, Amalan Yaumiyah, dan Outing Class sebagai wujud lingkungan Islami.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-156
Rosyida Ros ◽  
Chairun Nisa ◽  
Nadhila Azzahra ◽  
Raihanatu Binqalbi Ruzain

Autoimmunity is a chronic disease that attacks healthy body tissues; there are more than 80 types of disease. Patients will experience physical function and psychological disorders such as stress. Psychological stress has been implicated in the development and severity of autoimmune diseases with a value of 50%. This study focused on treatment, including stress management and behavioral interventions to prevent stress-related immune imbalances. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the self-healing technique in expressing writing and self-talk in reducing the stress level of autoimmune sufferers and in determining the level of social support received. The study was conducted 6-27 July 2021, week 1 expressing writing, week two self-talk, week three social support. The methods used a quantitative type of quasi-experimental design, matching pretest-posttest group design. The subjects were 30 patients, 15 patients in the control group and 15 patients in the experimental group. Data analysis used the paired-sample t-test and Wilcoxon test. The results showed that the experimental group experienced a decrease in stress levels than the control group (p-value = 0.001 < = 0.05). Social support affects patient stress. The conclusion is that giving expressing writing and self-talk therapy can reduce stress levels in autoimmune patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-122
Lia Dwi Tresnani ◽  
Casmini Casmini

This research aims to describe how academic perfectionism women rise from failure. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The number of participants in this study was four people obtained by purposive sampling technique with the characteristics of middle-aged adult women, the type of perfection in completing academic tasks, had experienced academic failure, and were willing to become research participants. In-depth interviews and observations collect data. This study indicates that educated perfectionist women always try to achieve maximum results io doing academic work. They also always have high targets that must be completed in their academic life. When they experience academic failures, at first, they tend to be sad, but after that, they can get up quickly. That is because they have a good self-concept of achievement, emotional maturity, belief in God's destiny, and a sense of optimism in themselves, and they also get reinforced motivation through social support from close relatives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-143
Lilis Madyawati ◽  
Marhumah Marhumah ◽  
Ahmad Rafiq

This study aims to identify and describe the importance of religious and moral values ​​instilled by parents in welcoming society in the 5.0 era. This research is qualitative with library research. A sorting method with two determining elements, children's spiritual and moral values, was used to analyze the data. Researchers explain the data into categories and characteristics. We also limited the data, performed content analysis, and studied the text literature. In the era of society 5.0: 1) parents are advised to educate their children as did Rasulullah (SAW); 2) parents are responsible for children's academic education; 3) parents are encouraged to grow the Rabbani generation (religion-based); 4) parents need to bring up good habits. Due to increasingly sophisticated technological developments, parents must increase their knowledge of this new technology, positively direct digital devices and media, and balance the time in using digital media and real-life interactions. In addition, parents are also encouraged to choose programs or applications that are positive for children that can positively impact their child's growth and development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-109
Daharmi Astuti ◽  
Boy Syamsul Bakhri ◽  
Masrayanti Masrayanti

This research is motivated by the lack of full implementation of productive endowments in Pekanbaru and the lack of management of productive waqf in Pekanbaru. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze Productive Waqf Mapping in Pekanbaru. The theoretical framework used is Mapping theory with indicators of data collection stages, data presentation stages, and data use settings. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques using observation, interviews, documentation, literature study. The sample used is the saturated sample, the agency responsible for Productive mapping Waqf. This study indicates that Productive Waqf in Pekanbaru City has not been appropriately implemented due to the lack of people in productive earning and government participation to further optimize the empowerment of Waqf in Pekanbaru City in general. As for the Constraints and Obstacles of the Ministry of Religion in the process of Supervising Institution of Waqf in Pekanbaru City are: firstly, the lack of socialization budget for Productive Waqf, Secondly the Lack of Human Resources in managing Productive Waqf, Third Communities still think consumptive to be representative, fourth which became a reference in the city of Pekanbaru.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-165
Alucyana Irawan ◽  
Ary Antony Putra ◽  
Bahril Hidayat

School readiness is essential for children because children ready to enter elementary school will benefit and progress further than those not prepared to enter elementary school. Kustimah (2008) stated that the factors that influence children's readiness to enter elementary school include age and level of intelligence. Age factors can affect thinking and work. A person's mindset and grasping power are also influenced by age. The older a person gets, the more his grasping ability and attitude will develop and, of course, affect the knowledge he gains. This study is a quantitative study that aims to determine the effect between age and intelligence of early childhood on their readiness to enter elementary school by using psychological test tools Nijmeegse Schoolbekwaamheids Test (NST) and Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM). Studies conducted this research at Muhammadiyah Elementary School, Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau Province. From 85 respondents, using the ordinal regression model, the results were 0.998, 0.998, 0.278, and 0.887; this shows that age and intelligence have no significant effect on children's readiness to enter school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-131
Sekou Kouyate

The research aims to compare the two poets in terms of social, religious, cultural, economic, and psychological factors and then talk about the similar poetic contents of both poets within the framework of ascetic poetry.  The researcher used the French school curriculum, in which the comparison is made between literature that is related to each other based on impact and influence. The most prominent result of the study was that Abu Al-Atheya was influenced by imam shafi'i in some aspects of his poem, but he invented and mastered it perfectly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-89
Ary Antony Putra ◽  
Ida Windi Wahyuni ◽  
Alucyana ◽  

The problem in this study is the misuse of cell phones by elementary school students, resulting in deviant student behaviour. Some cases found in the community are students' emotional uncontrolled, easily angry, indifferent, and selfish. The type of this research is quantitative research. The research sample was 180 students. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires and documentation. At the same time, the data analysis of this research uses descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The results of this study show that there is no significant effect in the use of cellphone on the social behaviour of student at SDN 011 Simalinyang Kampar Kiri Tengah District Kampar Regency, which the following information; The value of t-test < t-tabel namely 1.933 < 2 means that Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted. The variable use of the mobile phone has a significance level of 0.057 > 0.005. The meaning is insignificant, with Ha rejected, and Ho accepted. So the conclusion is that there is no significant influence between the use of cellphones on the social behaviour of students at SDN 011 Simalinyang, Kampar Kiri Tengah District, Kampar Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-78
Aprianda Helni Hs ◽  
Bahril Hidayat

ABSTRACT Adolescent at this point very close to the rapid technological growth. Adolescent are a primary target for debatable features inside the smartphone, which makes it easier for the youth to become addicted to the smartphone usage, and this of course, also encourages learning in the youth to become weak that results in a drop in academic achievement. Previous studies have explained that adolescents depend heavily on their smartphones, as well as on the features available inside the smartphone. It also certainly had an impact on academic achievement, their ability to achieve good academic achievement was weak, they were not motivated to get a good achievement on their academic. In this case, youth should pay more attention to the time of their smartphone use, youth should also have internal motivation, parents, teachers, and friend so that youth have the proper fighting power to improve academic achievement. On the other side, a homepical method is used as a solution to the smartphone. The application of reading a digital Quran application in away of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and a withdrawal of conclutions or otherwise know by miles and huberman interactive models has yielded results from where reading the Quran could direct youth to use smartphones on positive things. Students or adolescents affected by smartphone addictions in the interview express better changes in themselves and want to continue reading Quran applications on their order to break from their smartphone addictions. Keywords: Smartphone Addiction, Fighting power, Academic Achievement, Adolescence   ABSTRAK Remaja pada zaman sekarang merupakan orang yang sangat dekat dengan perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat. Remaja merupakan sasaran utama pengembangan fitur-fitur yang ada di dalam Smartphone, dengan ini memudahkan remaja menjadi candu pada penggunaan Smartphone dan tentunya hal ini juga menimbulkan daya juang belajar pada remaja menjadi lemah yang mengakibatkan penurunan pada prestasi akademik. Artikel ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan sebagai pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yang menggambarkan fenomena adiksi smartphone (ponsel pintar) pada siswa atau remaja.  Dalam hal ini, remaja harus lebih memperhatikan waktu penggunaan Smartphone mereka. Remaja juga harus mendapatkan metode belajar yang tepat untuk mengatasi adiksi ponsel pintar. Selain itu, metode keislaman dipergunakan sebagai solusi mengatasi smartphone addiction. Penerapan membaca aplikasi al-Quran digital yang dilakukan dengan cara pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau yang dikenal dengan teknik analisis data pada konsep miles and huberman interactive model berhasil menunjukkan hasil tentang penerapan membaca al-Quran mampu mengarahkan remaja untuk menggunakan smartphone kepada hal yang positif. Siswa atau remaja yang terkena adiksi smartpone menyatakan perubahan lebih baik pada diri mereka dan ingin terus membaca aplikasi al-Quran pada ponsel mereka untuk dapat berhenti dari kecanduan smartphone mereka. Kata Kunci: Smartphone Addiction, Daya Juang, Prestasi Akademik, Remaja

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-64
Nindy Amita ◽  
Hepi Wahyuningsih ◽  
Indahria Sulistya Rini

The research conducted by researchers aimed to determine how effective religious coping training was in reducing anxiety in patients with ovarian cysts. The hypothesis in this study is that there are differences in anxiety in the treated group. This can be seen from the pre-test, post-test, and follow-up. Thus, the treated group was more able to reduce anxiety in patients with ovarian cysts. The research design carried out by the researcher was a one-group pretest and posttest design. The scale used in the study was the SAI (State Anxiety Disorder) scale. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test statistical technique. The results of the study proved that religious coping training was able to reduce anxiety in patients with ovarian cysts. The results showed that the pre-test and post-test sig was 0.043 and p <0.05. This result explains the difference between the pre-test and post-test scores. The changes in the participants' anxiety had given rise to changes before and after the training was given. The pre-test value with the follow-up value also has the same modifier, namely the sig value obtained is 0.043 and p <0.05. There are differences in research subjects' anxiety before being given training and after being given training given distance measurements for 2 weeks. The results of the hypothesis in this study were accepted, namely that there were differences in anxiety in the groups given treatment in this study. Keywords: Religious Coping, Anxiety, Ovarian Cysts ABSTRACT Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa efektif pelatihan koping religius dalam menurunkan kecemasan pada pasien kista ovarium. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah ada perbedaan kecemasan pada kelompok yang diberi perlakuan. Hal itu dapat dilihat dari pre-test, post-test dan tindak lanjutnya. Dengan demikian, kelompok yang diobati lebih banyak dapat mengurangi kecemasan pada pasien dengan kista ovarium. Desain penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah one group pretest and posttest design. Skala yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah skala SAI (State Anxiety Disorder). Analisis data menggunakan teknik statistik uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa pelatihan koping religious mampu menurunkan kecemasan pada pasien kista ovarium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pre-test dan post-test sig sebesar 0,043 dan p <0,05. Ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan antara nilai pre-test dan post-test. Perubahan kecemasan peserta sendiri telah memberikan perubahan sebelum pelatihan dan setelah pelatihan diberikan. Nilai prates dengan nilai follow up juga memiliki modifikator yang sama yaitu diperoleh nilai sig sebesar 0,043 dan p <0,05. Terdapat perbedaan subjek penelitian kecemasan sebelum diberikan perlakuan dan setelah diberi perlakuan diberikan pengukuran jarak selama 2 minggu. Dengan demikian hipotesis penelitian diterima. Kata Kunci: Koping Religius, Kecemasan, Kista Ovarium

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