scholarly journals Ethics of ideals and "prose of life" in Panteleimon Kulish's epistolary

Larysa Shevchenko

The article from a series of publications about the prominent Ukrainian writer, publisher, translator and author of Ukrainian spelling, the so-called "kulishivka", is dedicated to the analysis of the author's worldview constants reflected in his epistolary. The ethical maxims and moral principles of Panteleimon Kulish are considered as the unity of the ideal, inspired by creative, romantic views of the author and real life. P. Kulish's appeals are analyzed from the point of view of his motivation for dominant evaluations of events, circumstances and characteristics of the addressees, such as attitude towards work, people, culture, language, history, etc. Particular attention is paid to the influence of M. Gogol on P. Kulish due to the fact that P. Kulish was the author’s commentator, archiver of texts and memoirs as well as publisher. The letters give an opportunity to chronologize and explain P. Kulish's meetings with M. Gogol's family, an assessment of M. Gogol's creativity by his contemporaries, to find out the peculiarities of work on M. Gogol's texts and the memories of his confederates and P. Kulish’s friends. The analysis of the epistolary introduces P. Kulish’s seek for spiritual truths, comparisons and parallels with M. Gogol's reflections and creative sources, in particular during his visit to Danilov Monastery and to the writer's tomb. P. Kulish's intellectual reflection in epistolary texts reveals a complex of ethical problems around which the author always focuses, substantiating the complexity of views on the issues of "ideal" – "profane", "people" – "service to people", "gospel truths" – "the world of real people", "the commensurability of the gospel word" – "living spiritualized nature " etc. A wide range of P. Kulish addressees is analyzed, which allows us to observe the panorama of the cultural life of the Ukrainian intelligentsia in the mid-19th century, testing in the environment of cultural and public figures of traditional ethical views and formation of new ideas about language, culture and national revival. P. Kulish's general characterization of moral principles is correlated with his appeals to authoritative figures, iconic events and partial manifestation in epistolary texts, in particular the features of requests to addressees. The author concludes that P. Kulish’s personality was complex and ambiguous. At the same time, the writer was a tireless worker who combined high ethical ideals with the moral principles of creative life – the service of the word.

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 01008 ◽  
Olga Sergeyeva ◽  
Anna Tsareva ◽  
Nadezhda Zinoveva ◽  
Olga Kononova

The research paper addresses the issue of the impact of MMORPGs on social culture and communication skills of individuals. The mainstream discourse about computer games which take individuals away from reality and substitute the real life by the fictional one is complemented by brand new ideas, which affirm that computer games do not substitute but supplement the real life and expand its possibilities. To confirm the presented point of view we use diagnostic questionnaire of interpersonal relations by A.A. Rukavishnikov. This questionnaire is aimed to evaluate typical ways of respondent’s attitude towards other people. At this point we have 43 gamers and 29 non-gamers involved in our research, aged 18 to 57. The comparison of a user and non-user answers gives a bigger view on an overall gaming experience. In the obtained indices we note that there are no fundamental differences between MMORPGs gamers and ordinary people. During research, MMORPGs users have showed many important social interaction skills such as striving to control own actions, collaborate with others, though with a low interest in emotionally charged relationships. Authors discuss the idea about the differences between addiction and fascination among gamers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (23) ◽  
pp. 21-29
Mayada B. Al-Quzweny

In this work, results from an optical technique (laser speckle technique) for measuring surface roughness was done by using statistical properties of speckle pattern from the point of view of computer image texture analysis. Four calibration relationships were used to cover wide range of measurement with the same laser speckle technique. The first one is based on intensity contrast of the speckle, the second is based on analysis of speckle binary image,  the third is on size of speckle pattern spot, and the latest one is based on characterization of the energy feature of the gray level co-occurrence matrices for the speckle pattern. By these calibration relationships surface roughness of an object surface can be evaluated within these relations ranges from single speckle pattern image which was taken from the surface.

Sytniak R.M.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the views of linguists of the second half of the XX – early XXI century on the importance of synchronic and diachronic studies of lexical meaning and identify the tendency of modern linguists to consider synchrony and diachrony as components of one whole. With the help of synchronic-diachronic study of language, studies of lexical semantics are presented in an extremely wide range of works, which receive new opportunities to explain semantic processes and highlight similar dominant features in both structurally related and unrelated languages. The scientific interest of linguists can be directed both to the study of a particular morpheme and to the derivation of universal laws for the development of the lexical meaning of the world’s languages. The vast majority of studies, however, have a more or less clear distribution on the principle of synchrony and diachrony. The article highlights the current perception of diachronic research as one that consists of a number of studies of synchronous sections in the history of lexical meaning, and as a result is considered as one holistic effective study. In accordance with the purpose of the article, a general scientific method is used – an actualist method, which is based on the principle of historicism and allows modern knowledge to trace the development of certain linguistic concepts in the past and predict some trends in future theories. The methodological basis of the actualist method is the principles of historicism, causality, systematics and the principle of general connection of phenomena. As the result of the research it was established that the linguists of our time accept the idea of not confrontation, but of fruitful joint work of synchronic and diachronic research of lexical meaning, unity of synchronic description and historical reconstruction. The author concludes that from the point of view of modern linguistics, the dichotomy of synchrony and diachrony is quite conditional. Synchronous research is not opposed, but, on the contrary, is an important component of diachronic research, because diachronic analysis without synchronic one does not exist. The tacit ban on the use of language history data in synchronic analysis has been overcome.Key words: synchrony, diachrony, dichotomy, non-linguistic concept, interdependence, flexible way of thinking, scientific subjectivism. Метою статті є висвітлення поглядів мовознавців другої половини ХХ – початку ХХІ століття на важливість синхронічних та діахронічних досліджень лексичного значення та виявлення тенденції лінгвістів сучасності розглядати синхронію та діахронію як складники одного цілого. За допомогою синхронно-діахронного вивчення мови дослідження лексичної семантики представлені надзвичайно широким діапазоном праць, що отримують нові можливості пояснення семантичних процесів та виокремлення схожих домінантних рис як у споріднених, так і у неспоріднених мовах світу. Науковий інтерес мовознавців може бути спрямований як на дослідження окремої морфеми, так і на виведення універсальних законів розви-тку лексичного значення мов світу. Більшість досліджень усе ж мають більш-менш чіткий розподіл за принципом синхронії та діахронії. У статті висвітлюється сучасне сприйняття діахронного дослідження як такого, що складається із певної кількості досліджень синхронних зрізів в історії лексичного значення, і як результат – розглядається одним цілісним ефективним дослідженням. Відповідно до мети у статті використано загальнонауковий метод – актуалістичний, який бере за основу принцип історизму і дає змогу за допомогою сучасних знань простежити розвиток певних лінгвістичних концепцій у минуло-му та передбачити деякі тенденції майбутнього розвитку відповідних теорій. Методологічну основу актуалістичного методустановлять принципи історизму, причиновості, системності та принцип загального зв’язку явищ. У результаті дослідження встановлено прийняття лінгвістами сучасності ідеї не протистояння, а плідної сумісної праці синхронного та діахронного дослідження лексичного значення, єдність синхронного опису та історичної реконструкції. Автор доходить висновку, що з погляду сучасного мовознавства дихотомія синхронії та діахронії носить досить умовний характер. Синхронне дослідження не протиставляється, а навпаки, є важливою складовою частиною діахронного дослідження, тому що діахронний аналіз без синхронного не існує. Припинено мовчазну заборону на використання даних історії мови у разі синхронного аналізу. Ключові слова: синхронія, діахронія, дихотомія, нелінгвістична концепція, взаємозумовленість, мінливий образ мислення, науковий суб’єктивізм.

Kate Greasley

Feminist ethics approaches to abortion have a tendency to be critical of the methodology employed by mainstream philosophical treatments of the abortion problem. In particular, they impugn the latter’s reliance on abstract theorizing and general principles, advising that only a focus on the particular and concrete details of real-life ethical problems such as abortion can direct us towards the truth of the matter. This chapter attempts to defend so-called ‘traditional’ abortion ethics from such criticisms. More fully, it sets out to explain and vindicate the aim of mainstream abortion ethics to discern and apply more general moral principles to the particular case of abortion, as well as the centrality of foetal moral status to many of those accounts. It also works towards showing that mainstream and feminist ethical approaches are more aligned in both their methods and their claims than might first appear.

A. Erdemir ◽  
J.-M. Martin

Superlubricity is defined as a new sliding regime in which friction or resistance to sliding almost vanishes. Because of its enormous implications for a wide range of transportation and manufacturing systems, it has attracted increasing interest in recent years from both the research and industrial communities (see a recent book on this subject in Ref. 1). From a practical point of view, development and uses of new materials, coatings, and/or lubricants that can enable superlubricity in moving mechanical systems will have huge positive impact on saving energy and reducing emissions. The annual cost of friction- and wear-related losses in some of the highly industrialized nations is currently estimated to be more than 5% of their gross national products. Hence, achieving superlubricity in moving mechanical systems will also have a huge positive impact on the economical well-being of all nations. In this presentation, an overview of recent progress in superlubricty research in general and novel superlow friction coatings and solid/liquid lubricated systems in particular is provided and the prospects for achieving superlubricity in real life applications are highlighted.

Giuseppe Conti ◽  
Raffaele De Amicis ◽  
Stefano Piffer ◽  
Bruno Simões

The management of a territory is a complex process, involving a number of different operators, administrators and decision makers. Territory management requires accessing and processing a wide range of heterogeneous and multi-dimensional GI (GI). Within a typical scenario, the process involves departments at public administrations responsible for urban planning, environmental control, infrastructure planning and maintenance. Additionally units such as civil protection, fire brigades also play a vital role when dealing with emergencies. Data to be managed range from alphanumerical information, stored within enterprise-level databases, to satellite imagery, vector data and information coming from on-site sensors. It is acknowledged that creating an infrastructure capable to provide access to such a range of information requires, an integrated system approach, both from a technological and from a procedural point of view. This article illustrates the benefit of adopting a system approach which makes use of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) and 3D geobrowsers to provide an answer to the aforementioned shortcomings. To do so the article presents the client-server platform designed to support decision makers and experts from local or regional administrations in the process of managing their territory. The infrastructure developed allows a large number of concurrent applications to access geographical data in a fully interactive way, within a 3D environment, thus providing support to territorial and environmental management tasks. The work illustrates also the results of the application of the infrastructure within a real-life scenario, thus providing the chance to discuss of implications of adopting such an approach.

2002 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-150 ◽  
Anne S. Ulrich

Liposomes are used as biocompatible carriers of drugs, peptides, proteins, plasmic DNA, antisense oligonucleotides or ribozymes, for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and biochemical purposes. The enormous versatility in particle size and in the physical parameters of the lipids affords an attractive potential for constructing tailor-made vehicles for a wide range of applications. Some of the recent literature will be reviewed here and presented from a biophysical point of view, thus providing a background for the more specialized articles in this special issue on liposome technology. Different properties (size, colloidal behavior, phase transitions, and polymorphism) of diverse lipid formulations (liposomes, lipoplexes, cubic phases, emulsions, and solid lipid nanoparticles) for distinct applications (parenteral, transdermal, pulmonary, and oral administration) will be rationalized in terms of common structural, thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of the lipids. This general biophysical basis helps to understand pharmaceutically relevant aspects such as liposome stability during storage and towards serum, the biodistribution and specific targeting of cargo, and how to trigger drug release and membrane fusion. Methods for the preparation and characterization of liposomal formulations in vitro will be outlined, too.

2018 ◽  
Ike Anisa ◽  
Suhud Eko Yuwono

A novel is proved of the real condition of the person. Sometimes it reflects the background from the author of the novel. By the novel, an author can express the idea or feeling that derives from his life. In short, the story in a novel can be portrait of the real condition in a certain time. Here, Richard Wright as the author of the Native Son expressed his idea and his feeling through the writing of the novel. His novel full the message that could be represented his real life condition. This study tries to explore the structural analysis of the character, setting, plot, point of view and style. Here, the writer tries to analyze the characters including the characterization of the major character and the minor character, setting of time and place, plot of the story, point of view, style and theme. This analysis of the structural elements of Native Son is meant to reveal the internal coherence that explains the author’s worldview.

Akshay Anjikar ◽  
Dr. Vinay Chandra Jha

In the Indian economy, agriculture plays a vital role. Over the last few decades, Indian agriculture has recorded good growth. Implementing new ideas in this field is very important, although a lot of work has been done in this area. The multipurpose farming robot is a fundamental and major agricultural machine for full yield. The traditional method of weeding, sowing seeds and spraying pesticides is a laborious procedure. In India, many farmers still use bullocks, horses, and buffalo for agricultural operations. In contrast to other countries around the world, this will not fulfil the need for agricultural energy requirements. We assume that human and animal efforts can be replaced from an economic point of view by some advanced mechanism that will be ideal for small-scale farmers. We are therefore designing this prototype and assume that it will fulfil all requirements and problems in real life. India is a country focused on agriculture in which 70% of individuals rely on the results of farming. But if we observe that with population growth the farm is spread among the family and because of this, farmers in India kept only two acres of farm on average. Economically, farmers are still very poor because they are unable to afford tractors and other expensive machinery, so they use conventional farming methods. So, we are designing this machinery that will fulfil all this need and solve the problem of labor.

2020 ◽  
pp. 43-50
Yauheniya N. Saukova

It is shown that the issues of metrological traceability for extended self-luminous objects with a wide range of brightness have not yet been resolved, since the rank scales of embedded systems are used for processing digital images. For such scales, there is no “fixed” unit, which does not allow you to get reliable results and ensure the unity of measurements. An experiment is described to evaluate the accuracy of determining the intensity (coordinates) of the color of self-luminous objects. In terms of repeatability and intermediate precision compared to the reference measurement method, the color and chromaticity coordinates of self-luminous objects (reference samples) were determined by their multiple digital registration using technical vision systems. The possibilities of the developed methodology for colorimetric studies in hardware and software environments from the point of view of constructing a multidimensional conditional scale are determined.

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