scholarly journals Folk Game as Sociocultural Means of PreventingDeviant Behaviour

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 51-59 ◽  
A.B. Teplova ◽  
V.A. Chernushevich

Role-playing can be used as one of the possible means of early professional training in legal psychologists. Defining play-based practice as the content of education eliminates the problem of professional and learning motivation during the first semesters of study. Folk game is considered a cultural form that helps create a developmental, corrective and preventive environment for working with deviant behaviours. The most significant causes of deviant behaviour are commonly thought to be one’s lack of both psychoemotional experience and psychophysiological preconditions for its acquisition. The key factors in an individual’s ability to establish social relations and organise behaviour are his/her experience in communication, ability to take into account other people’s emotional states and to display his/her own states and needs for others to consider. The resources of folk games, apart from them being a cultural form of traditional communication, are the following: the strictness of rules which, at the same time, provide only the framework to the game, thus not interfering with creative activity and improvisation; the richness of images, meanings and emotions in plots; the value of the very process of the game to its participants; the freedom of self-determination for those entering the game; the equality of all participants in regard to roles and rules.

Anastasia Lohvinenko

The article defines the role of the method of cultural dialogue in the tolerance formation of future foreign language teachers during professional training in pedagogical institutions of higher education. It is pointed out that one of the leading methods contributing to the formation of students' tolerance is the method of dialogue of cultures, in particular, in the classes of the educational discipline "Practice of Oral and Written Speech". It is noted that for the formation of tolerance in future teachers of a foreign language, the use of this method is most expedient in conducting tolerance classes, debates, discussions, organization of role-playing and business games that promote the acquisition of students' tolerance skills, virtual excursions that provide active creative activity for students. Keywords: future foreign language teachers, tolerance, method “dialogue of cultures”.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-172
Оксана Воронкевич

У   статті   актуалізовано   проблему   поширеності   шкільного   насильства   у   середовищі   учнів  початкових класів. Особлива увага звертається на необхідність діалогічної взаємодії учасників освітнього  процесу як необхідної умови попередження насилля у школі.  Опираючись на результати власного дослідницького пошуку, автор пропонує варіант програми  психологічної профілактики шкільного насильства вчителів стосовно учнів. Дана програма спрямована на  формування  у  педагогів  навичок  глибинного  самопізнання  й  пізнання  дітей,  апробування  нових  форм  поведінки та базується на ідеї діалогізації педагогічної взаємодії, оскільки важливо налагодити суб’єкт- суб’єктну взаємодію учня та вчителя й не використовувати монологічну модель спілкування. Наголошено,  що педагоги повинні стимулювати будь-які прояви суб’єктної активності дітей, що сприяють виробленню  у них адекватної оцінки себе та свого оточення, розвитку здатності до самовизначення. Відзначено, що  для   діалогічного   освітнього   середовища   характерними   є   такі   властивості,   як   різноманітність,  динамічність, напруженість, достатність, кожна з яких сприяє високій ефективності освітньої взаємодії,  здійснює істотний вплив на розвиток особистості. Під час занять використано різні тренінгові методи:  рольові ігри, міні-лекції, мозковий штурм, обговорення в загальному колі тощо. Разом із тим поширено  інформацію з актуальних для педагогів питань спілкування з дитиною без агресії, злості та конфлікту.  Представлено  результати  успішної  апробації  програми  психологічної  профілактики  шкільного  насильства  з  боку  вчителів,  що проявилися в розумінні важливості толерантного ставлення до учнів,  набутті практичних умінь відчувати психологічний стан іншої людини та адекватно реагувати на нього,  виявляти доброзичливість, прихильність до школярів та надавати їм необхідну допомогу.  The article actualizes the problem of the prevalence of school violence among elementary school pupils.  Special attention is drawn to the need for dialogical interaction of participants in the educational process as a  necessary condition for preventing violence in school.  Relying on the results of his own research, the author suggests a variant of school violence psychological  prevention program of teachers in relation to pupils. This program is aimed at educating the students the skills of  deep self-cognition and cognition of children, testing new forms of behavior and is based on the idea of pedagogical  interaction dialogization, since it is important to establish subject-subject interaction between the pupil and the  teacher and not use the monologue model of communication. It is highlighted that teachers should stimulate any  manifestation of children's subject activity, which helps to develop an adequate assessment of themselves and their  environment, development of self-determination ability. It is noted that a dialogical educational environment is  characterized by such attributes as diversity, dynamism, intensity, sufficiency, each of them contributes to the high  effectiveness of educational interaction, have a significant impact on the development of personality. During the  classes various training methods were used: role-playing games, mini-lectures, brainstorming, discussions in the  general circle, etc. At the same time, information on relevant for teachers issues about communicating with a child  without aggression, anger and conflict is propagated.  Was presented results of successful approbation of the school violence psychological prevention program  from teacher’s part, manifested in the understanding importance of the tolerant attitude towards pupils, acquiring  practical skills of feeling the another’s person psychological state and react adequately to it, showing benevolence,  adherence to schoolchildren and providing them the necessary assistance. 

1970 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 85-98
Rasmus Antoft

Chronic illness as biographical occurrence – a study on bypass operated individuals and their biographical work. The primary focus of this article is on bypass operated chronically ill peoples attempt to re-establish their biographical work, their everyday life. The everyday life experiences based on routines and obviousness are subjugated by the chronicle illness influence on the life narrative, its future character and the way in which it affects the shaping of identity, the biographical work. Two different themes are central in individual’s narratives about their everyday life with a chronic heart disease. These themes concern their self-presentation in inter-action with others and their anxiety directed at the future life with the illness, with the anxiety of death. This study shows that every bypass operated and chronically ill participant have experienced difficulties in reshaping their normal biographical work. Their ability to regain social action as part of the biographical work and their shaping of self-identity, has been altered significantly. In various situations this leads to potential stigmatisation, but also to a lack of acceptance in the role-playing of a chronic ill, be that in interaction with strangers or intimate social relations. This causes identity dilemmas, paradoxes in self-presentation and, as a consequence, self-deception in everyday life. The existential problem of anxiety and its subjugating character in the lifeplaning and biographical work is to be explained by the risk of reoccurrence of the heart disease, and by the latency of the possible terminal nature of the disease. The nature of the illness ruptures routines and the predictability of everyday life, thus manifesting itself in key situations of everyday life. In addition to this, the anxiety generates a lack of ability to act actively, that is, the individuals ability actively shape its lifeplaning and its biographical work.

Aziz Srai ◽  
Fatima Guerouate ◽  
Naoual Berbiche ◽  
Hilal HilalDrissi

E-learning, or learning via a computer or mobile device, is growing. It can take many forms, such as an annotated PowerPoint presentation, a tutorial, or an interactive role-playing game .The possibilities are endless. Today, 80% of companies and communities have done a number of interesting and effective e-learning solutions, and 30% of all professional training are e-learning courses. The development of these platforms is based mainly on different technologies. This technological diversity can make comparing or managing E-learning platforms difficult, and the choice of a given platform will be also complex. Therefore, to address this problem, this paper proposes a solution to generate a PSM model based on n-tier architecture from a PIM model. The language used is the QVT (Query View Transformation) transformation language.

2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 198-204
A.A. Kdyrbaeva ◽  
E.V. Ryabova ◽  
A.O. Abdykadyrov ◽  

This article analyzes the problem of organizing the practice of students-future teachers of primary education in the University, describes the pedagogical conditions for the success and effectiveness of its implementation. The purpose of the article is to identify and justify the relationship between the student's creative activity and continuous practice during the entire period of study at the University. It is shown that pedagogical practice has a special role in preparing future primary school teachers for professional work, since practice generates a desire to discover new things, arouses interest in the studied, and forms students ' complete ideas about pedagogical activity, about the real ways of its knowledge and development.

2021 ◽  
pp. 94-99
Lutsyk H.O.

The article is dedicated to the theoretical analysis of pedagogical conditions of the formation of future psychologists’ readiness to work with the adolescents prone to deviant behaviour. The content of the problem in the scientific literature is analyzed, the main pedagogical conditions of the formation of the future psychologists’ readiness to work with deviant adolescents are determined. It is revealed that in the scientific literature the generalization concerning pedagogical conditions of formation of future psychologists’ readiness to professional activity is presented, among which single out forms and methods of the organization of the educational environment in an educational institution, interaction between psychology students and lecturers, students’ inclusion in solving problems of professional direction and implementation of a creative approach in teaching. Looking at the readiness of the future psychologists to work with the adolescents prone to deviant behaviour as the systemic formation that includes cognitive, motivational-value, creative-practical and regulative components, we consider that the development of these components of readiness depends on the pedagogical conditions implemented in the professional training process.In the process of scientific search, we used the following methods of research: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization, specification.The pedagogical conditions of formation of future psychologists’ readiness to work with adolescents prone to deviant behaviour are generalized as a set of pedagogical measures, requirements, external influences which provide construction of educational space, effective course of educational processes and allow to form readiness of the specified quality in future graduates.Pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the formation of the future psychologists’ readiness of this quality are highlighted, in particular: the focus of the educational environment on quality theoretical training of future psychologists to work with adolescents prone to deviant behaviour; implementation of practice-oriented, acmeological and competency-based approach in the training of future psychologists; reflective attitude of psychology students to education in the chosen field of study; use of innovative and problem-searching teaching methods that will contribute to the formation of future psychologists’ cognitive activity.Key words: adolescents, deviant behaviour, future psychologists, adolescents prone to deviant behaviour, future psychologists’ readiness, formation of future psychologists’ readiness to work with adolescents prone to deviant behaviour, pedagogical conditions of the formation of future psychologists’ readiness to work with adolescents prone to deviant behaviour. Стаття присвячена теоретичному аналізу педагогічних умов формування готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками, схильними до девіантної поведінки. Проаналізовано зміст проблеми у науковій літературі, визначено основні педагогічні умови формування готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками-девіантами. Виявлено, що в науковій літературі представлено узагальнення стосовно педагогічних умов формування готовності майбутніх психологів до професійної діяльності, серед яких виділяють форми і методи організації освітнього середовища в закладі освіти, взаємодію між студентами-психологами та викладачами, включення студентів до розв’язання проблемних завдань професійного спрямування та реалізації творчого підходу у навчанні.У процесі наукового пошуку нами використовувалися такі методи, як: аналіз та синтез, порівняння, класифікація, узагальнення, конкретизація.Констатовано, що розвиток складників готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками, схильними до девіантної поведінки, залежить від педагогічних умов, які реалізовуються в процесі про-фесійної підготовки.Узагальнено, що педагогічні умови формування готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з під-літками, схильними до девіантної поведінки, є тими педагогічними заходами, вимогами, зовнішніми впливами, які забезпечують конструювання освітнього простору, ефективний перебіг освітніх процесів та дозволяють формувати у майбутніх випускників готовність зазначеної якості.Виділено педагогічні умови, які сприятимуть формуванню готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками-девіантами, зокрема: спрямованість освітнього середовища на якісну теоретичну підготовку майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками, схильними до девіантної поведінки; реалізація практико-орієнтованого, акмеологічного та компетентнісного підходу у професійній підготовці майбутніх психологів; рефлексивне ставлення студентів-психологів до здобуття освіти за вибраним фахом; використання інноваційних та проблемно-пошукових методів навчання, які сприятимуть фор-муванню пізнавальної активності майбутніх психологів.Ключові слова: підлітки, девіантна поведінка, майбутні психологи, схильні до девіантної поведінки підлітки, готовність майбутніх психологів, формування готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками, схильними до девіантної поведінки, педагогічні умови формування готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками, схильними до девіантної поведінки.

Peter A. Williams

This essay explores the open-ended and complex performance of an underground Mardi Gras parade in Kansas City, MO, in 2012. The sounds, movement, and route of the parade are shaped by a network of globally circulating images of Mardi Gras in New Orleans, the history of race and space in Kansas City, and the intercultural exchange involved in white performances of black cultural practices as they move from the “circum-Caribbean” city of New Orleans to the U.S. heartland of Kansas City. The parade is a partially improvised performance of a historical narrative linking Kansas City’s mostly white bohemian arts culture in the present to the city’s past as a major jazz city and center for African American culture. This narrative is told by bodily movement through urban space and through improvised sound and dance, and demonstrates the complex social relations that are highlighted when a cultural form is subject to cross-cultural communication, borrowing, and appropriation.

Marina S. Chvanova ◽  
Irina A. Kiselyova

The work deals with the problem of professional self-determination of students in the process of professional training in the universities of the science city. We consider the types of self-realization, present a model of professional self-determination of future young scholars, as well as methodological approaches to building a model and its components. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the professional self-determination of students on the basis of the cluster approach are presented: the orientation of the educational process of universities in science cities to interact with enterprises, research institutes of the science city, the business community; active organizational and educational position of universities in science cities to promote employment and job placement of students at enterprises in science cities; a combination of various forms, methods of supporting the professional self-determination of students; accompaniment of the educational process with a digital ecosystem for practice-oriented interaction of students with employers and other interested social partners. The implementation of the model in practice will allow students to engage in professionally oriented interaction, including through project activities and interaction through Internet technologies with the world professionally oriented scientific community.

Mahboubeh Asgari ◽  
David Kaufman

Digital games have the potential to create environments that increase motivation, engage learners, and support learning. This chapter focuses on fantasy as one of the motivational features of games, and explores the relationships among digital games, fantasy, and learning. The authors describe game characteristics and the key factors that make digital games motivational and compelling – important factors in designing games for learning. Motivation is critical in engaging students in learning activities, and this chapter explores fantasy as an important motivational feature in digital games, the popular genre of fantasy role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons, and the importance of creating different kinds of fantasies for males and females. Finally, the authors explore the integration of learning content in fantasy contexts in digital games.

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