scholarly journals Small Businesses and Public Procurement: Some Problems of Correlation

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-197
A. Yu. Ryabova

This paper is dedicated to the analysis of some problems small business entities face with in the field of public procurement. The field is regulated by laws made by the State. A lot of laws exist that regulate the functioning of small business entities. The laws made by the State to regulate the field of functioning of small business entities and their performance in the field of public procurement are numerous. Made laws are characterized as legal norms that do not comply with each other. The paper contains examples of such rules and shows negative effects for small business entities when they implement the right under consideration in the field of public procurement. The author classifies the issues according to the sector of public procurement and provides case studies concerning such issues including cases from the author’s legal practice. The author makes practical recommendations in the conclusion of the paper.

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (4) ◽  
pp. 69-76
A. Chushak-Holoborodko ◽  
P. Horyslavets ◽  
O. Poburko ◽  
S. Shramko

The essence of small business and the criteria for enrollment of business entities to small enterprises and micro-enterprises, both according to the approach of domestic legislation and European standards are investigated in this paper The place of small business in the state economy and its role in its development is studied. Factors that shape the environment for small business in Ukraine and hinder its effective functioning are formulated. In particular, the legal capacity of small businesses and the biased attitude of law enforcement agencies towards small businesses permanently put pressure on small businesses and complicate the process of their activities. A wide range of inhibitory factors and factors faced by small business in Ukraine are analyzed and studied. The key areas that are most urgently in need of reform are identified, and their detailed and in-depth analysis is carried out. As the result, a list of small business problems in Ukraine is formed and grouped. Obstacles on the part of the tax system include refusal to register tax invoices for unknown reasons, delays in unblocking tax invoices and registration of invoices by tax authorities, as well as unfounded grounds on which taxpayers are included in risky and lack of clear instructions for exclusion from the list of risky. On the part of law enforcement agencies – unfounded criminal proceedings, slowing down the process of returning business entities to normal operation. On the part of labor relations are the complexity and inflexibility of the interaction between employee and employer and the procedure for dismissal of employees; conducting by the employer of documentary administration of labor in paper form; significant dispersion of legal regulation of labor inspections. In terms of availability of funding are non-compliance with the requirements of bank lending and lack of information about international programs, grants and donor funding with the participation of European organizations, as well as government programs to support business. Based on the outlined problems, a number of ways to overcome them, which will bring small business in Ukraine to a new level and strengthen the economic position of the state are formed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-26
Artem Degtiarov

The purpose of this research is the development of theoretical foundations for the functioning of the mechanism of state support for small business in a decentralized government based on a synergistic approach. The subject of the study: theoretical and methodological foundations for the functioning of the mechanism of state support of small business in the context of synergetics. Research methodology is a set of principles, approaches, general theoretical, special, and interdisciplinary methods of scientific knowledge, namely morphological analysis, comparative analysis, methods of deduction and logical generalization, analysis and synthesis. Functioning of the mechanism of state support for small business is considered on the basis of a synergistic approach. The synergistic approach is one of the most effective methodological bases for the development of modern economics. The article considers the key theoretical provisions for understanding this approach, substantiates the possibility and feasibility of its application in the implementation of this mechanism in modern economic conditions. Results. It is determined that the reform of decentralization of power has led to the creation of institutional problems in the economic mechanism of state support for small business. In the regions and territorial communities, there is no single mechanism to support the development of small business, which causes the inefficiency of this area of public policy. This justifies the relevance of the use of new methodological approaches to the formation of the mechanisms for implementing the state policy of business regulation. The importance of small business for the development of the national economy, ensuring its stability, is substantiated, the main approaches to the essence of entrepreneurship are investigated. Theoretical aspects of the functioning of the mechanism of state support for small business on the basis of traditional and systemic approaches are systematized, their positive aspects and shortcomings are determined. It is substantiated that in the conditions of economic transformations and introduction of the reform of decentralization of power it is expedient to use the synergistic approach in the research of the mechanism of the state support of the small business. It is emphasized that the very synergistic approach is able to study the process of functioning of the mechanism of state support for small business on the basis of evolutionary development and self-organization of complex systems. We propose to consider the mechanism of state support in the conditions of decentralization as a process of self-organization of small business entities and public authorities, which is carried out through their interaction with the meso- and macroenvironment. Conceptual bases of the use of the synergistic approach in the research of the mechanism of the state support for the development of entrepreneurship and its economic levers are developed. It is substantiated that the application of a synergistic approach in the process of formation and application of the mechanism of state support of small business will allow to take into account interdependence of economic processes and phenomena, to investigate the interaction of local authorities and small businesses under decentralization. The use of a synergistic approach as a research method also makes it possible to take into account the dynamics of the state support mechanism. The synergistic methodology in the study of the mechanism of state support for small business allows to take into account the existence of connections and interactions between the components of the mechanism, as well as the integrity and ability to change. Based on a synergistic approach, it becomes possible to ensure the development of small businesses by preventing threats. The next advantage is the ability to take into account the alternative scenarios of small business development of a particular region or territory in a changing socio-economic environment. Consideration of the mechanism of state support as a self-organized system makes it possible to study the patterns of self-organization, which in the future should become the basis for calculating the synergistic effect of the mechanism.

Марина Михайлівна Богданова

This article is devoted to the study of the topic of tax levers for regulating the activities of small businesses in Russia. Tax aspects of business are included in the scope of financial support from the state for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. The aim of the study is to analyze the tax instruments through which the state provides financial support to small businesses. The subject of the research is the measures of state financial support for small businesses in terms of taxation. In the course of the research, such methods were applied as: comparative, statistical, descriptive, analysis and synthesis. Research hypothesis. Identification of the optimal tax instruments for financial support of small business will allow the subjects of this sphere of the economy to function effectively without causing a conflict of interest between entrepreneurship and the state in paying taxes to the budget. Presentation of the main material. Small business entities in the Russian Federation have the right to state support in the form of financial, property, information, and consulting assistance. Financial assistance, as the most significant, consists in the provision of government subsidies, preferential types of loans, tax holidays, special tax regimes, simplified accounting procedures, etc. Tax instruments of financial support are of key importance for business entities, as they allow regulating the tax burden depending on the types of activities, the scale of the organization, the amount of income and many other factors. For Russian business entities, there are 5 taxation regimes, of which one is general and four special (preferential), tax holidays for small businesses and tax incentives for types of taxes. Originality and practical significance of the research. A comparative analysis of special tax regimes showed that the profitability of a particular tax regime is determined by the goals of the business, the scale and scope of activity. Conclusions and prospects for further use. The use of special tax regimes helps to optimize tax payments, and tax incentives reduce the tax burden of business entities. However, in the current conditions of the spread of the pandemic, increased attention from the state to small businesses is required in order to regulate the possible loss of profitability due to the introduction of restrictive measures, and, as a result, a decrease in the population's ability to pay, which, in turn, will negatively affect the replenishment of the country's budget with tax payments.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 680
Tetiana Portovaras ◽  
Zhanna Harbar ◽  
Ihor Sokurenko ◽  
Iuliia Samoilyk

The purpose of the study is to identify the factors influencing the management of the activity of small businesses and to provide recommendations for its development through the resolution of crisis issues that prevent businesses from achieving strategic prospects and stable profits. The main factors for reducing the effectiveness of small businesses have been identified on the basis of the results of the questionnaire survey of one level of managers (small business directors), which should be taken into account in the formation of strategic management decisions and long-term development strategies. It is found that many of the factors are subject to managerial influence, which minimizes the negative impact on the performance of small business entities. The hypothesis that the main tool for stimulating small business development remains the state has confirmed with the help of research, but there is an urgent objective need to identify other factors that influence the activities of small businesses that impede their development and lead to closure. The study suggests that only a balance between the internal environment of small businesses and the regulatory framework of the state will allow them to work effectively in market conditions and provide the national economy with money. The authors present a position on the organization of a small business entity management system that reflects the links between processes and events in a market environment. The presented approach takes into account a number of elements of influence on a small business when forecasting its development in a strategic perspective. The results of the study showed that it is necessary to clearly identify the tasks at each stage of development of a small business entity, to form alternative models of its development by looking for ways to optimize activities and opportunities to avoid possible risks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 110 ◽  
pp. 01018
Niiara B. Demiroglu

The article emphasizes the need to consider the institutional environment of small businesses as the basis for ensuring the implementation of the state strategy for business development during the period of overcoming the consequences of the economic crisis that arose as a result of the spread of a new coronavirus infection. The comparative characteristic of the definitions “institutional environment” and “institutional environment of entrepreneurship” of domestic and foreign researchers is carried out. Conclusions are made about the need to study the interaction of elements of the institutional environment of entrepreneurship development in Russia. The stages of formation of the institutional environment of small business are summarized. The composition and structure of small business entities in recent years have been analyzed. The problems affecting the decrease in the level of the business climate are systematized. The institutions for supporting small businesses (the fund for support (development) of SMEs in the region, the SME corporation, Skolkovo, territories of advanced socio-economic development, special economic zones, industrial parks, etc.), which provide various types of support for entrepreneurs: subsidies, tax incentives, preferential lending, non-financial support, government guarantees. The role of the state as the initiator of the creation of various institutions that support the development of small business and implements programs for the strategic development of small and medium-sized businesses, stimulating the growth of investment potential, is emphasized. To conduct the research, the author used both theoretical and empirical methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-38
Tetyana Gogol ◽  
Vadym Kolotok

The purpose of this research is to study the functioning of small business during the period of implementation of quarantine restrictions. It was found out that more than 70% of small business entities in Ukraine and the European Union have suffered significant losses due to the measures taken. The article has identified the key issues faced by small business during the quarantine period to reduce the spread of coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). A comparison of the problems of Ukrainian and European small business has shown that they are identical. The main ones relate to reducing the financial security of small business entities and increasing their vulnerability to unpredictable situations. The authors of the research have focused on the fact that Ukrainian small agricultural enterprises experienced more negative effects in comparison with others, as the closure of food markets deprived them of the opportunity to sell their own products. The authors have also highlighted the problems that arise in the process of transition of small business to remote work. This issue can be addressed through appropriate employee training. In order to prevent the loss of ties with contractors, the authors of the research have suggested that the management staff of small business entities could develop a plan to restore ties with suppliers and customers to gradually normalize the work in pre-crisis volumes. The current Ukrainian and European regulatory framework adopted in order to overcome the negative impact of the imposed quarantine restrictions on the activities of enterprises has been analyzed. The results of the study showed the need to improve Ukrainian legislation on this issue taking into account the experience of European countries. It was found out that different countries have applied customs, credit, social, tax, information and other types of mitigation measures in order to overcome the negative effects and to support small business affected by the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). In order to improve the economic situation of small business entities, the authors of the research have considered the following measures for the quarantine period and after the restrictions expire: to provide a quota for public procurement for small business; not to prohibit the functioning of markets provided that they comply with anti-epidemic sanitary norms; reimbursement of expenses incurred for the purchase of anti-epidemic means of protection; introduce additional subventions from the state to local budgets; compensation for the cost of renting premises, etc.

2021 ◽  
pp. 171-179 ◽  
Vitalii KUDELSKYI ◽  

The main types of activity of small enterprises in Ukraine are investigated in the article. The ratio of the number of small enterprises to the total number of enterprises in the country and the share of micro-enterprises is determined. The influence of small enterprises on the socio-economic development of the country is studied. The state of development of small business in the world is studied. The share of small enterprises in the total number of enterprises is analyzed. The share of small enterprises in the structure of GDP is studied. The number of employees employed in small businesses is analyzed. The importance of small business functioning for the national economy through integrated indicators is substantiated. The branches and types of economic activity of Ukraine are analyzed and the best ones are singled out according to the number of small enterprises and their share in the total volume of enterprises of the country, according to the level of employment and by the volume of sold products. The dynamics of development of small enterprises of Ukraine is analyzed. Significant growth rates of financial results of small enterprises and prerequisites for their effective operation have been identified. The most attractive activities for small enterprises in Ukraine are analyzed. The structure of small business entities by types of economic activity is studied. The place of Ukraine in the world ranking of ease of doing business «Doing Bussines-2020» is studied. The national problems that hinder the development of small enterprises in Ukraine are studied. A comparative analysis of Ukraine and the countries of the post-Soviet space is carried out and the main positive changes and existing unresolved problems are indicated. Ways to eliminate bureaucratic obstacles by creating (functioning) direct financial support from the state and simplifying the procedure for obtaining it are proposed. The experience of foreign countries in state support of small business is considered. The problems of small business development in Ukraine are studied and the ways of solution which will promote further development are offered.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (46) ◽  
pp. 42-47
O. M. Krasnonosova ◽  
R. V. Kharchenko ◽  

The definition of state policy on business regulation is understood here in accordance with the current Commercial Code of Ukraine, namely: it is a system of economic, social, organizational, legal and political support of a favorable business climate so as to form and develop small business. This understanding allows us to distinguish three blocks within state policy. The first block includes fiscal components of economic relations, primarily related to financing (this block includes monetary policy, investment policy, antitrust policy, depreciation policy, innovation policy); the second block includes organizational measures, in particular, support for small businesses, domestic banks and funds financing small businesses; the third block includes legal measures, namely: a simplified system of registration and licensing, improved tax legislation as for the implementation of international accounting standards, simplification of the accounting system for small businesses, etc. The classification of the system of state policy tools in the field of supporting and stimulating small business development is considered. Unlike others, it provides systematizing state influence tools in two main vector directions: state regulation tools and state policy tools of support and stimulation of small and medium business entities, which makes it possible to clarify the composition of each group. The composition of the state regulation mechanism of small business development has been clarified as one including functions, methods, means and tools, thus allowing us to single out the tools of state regulatory and coordination influence. The concept of state support for small business has been specified as a component of public policy, which is interpreted in the work as a set of methods and forms of promoting small business, taking into account the interests of the state and businesses, allowing us to formulate its purpose, directions and tools. The latter are divided into three groups by their features: state forecasting and planning of small business development by type of economic activity; tax and financial and investment support; information, advisory and institutional support for the development of small business entities

Igor Ponomarenko ◽  
Kateryna Volovnenko

The subject of the research is a set of approaches to the statistical analysis ofthe activities of small business entities in Ukraine, including micro-enterprises. The purpose of writing this article is to study of the features of functioningof small business entities in Ukraine. Methodology. The research methodology isto use a system-structural and comparative analysis (to study the change in thenumber of small enterprises by major components); monographic (when studyingmethods of statistical analysis of small businesses); economic analysis (when assessing the impact of small business entities on socio-economic phenomena andprocesses in Ukraine). The scientific novelty consists to determine the features ofthe functioning of small businesses in Ukraine in modern conditions. The influenceof the activities of the main socio-economic and political indicators on the activities of small enterprises in recent periods of time has been identified. It has beenestablished that there is flexibility in the development of strategies by small businesses in conditions of significant competition, which makes it possible to quicklyrespond to changing situations in specific markets. Conclusions. The use of acomprehensive statistical analysis of small businesses functioning in Ukraine willallow government agencies to develop a set of measures to optimize the activitiesof these enterprises, which ultimately will positively affect the strengthening oftheir competitiveness and will contribute to the growth of the national economicsystem.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 309-313 ◽  
Anzhela Litvinova ◽  
Denis Paleev

This article analyzes the situation of innovative approaches to building business processes and interaction between universities, the government,  and representatives of the business environment. A methodology is proposed by the authors for calculating the feasibility of government support for small innovative enterprises (SIEs) as independent small business entities organized at higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, the activities of which are aimed at research, development, implementation, and commercialization.The importance and role of small innovative entrepreneurship in the economy of the country and large cities is becoming the main world trend. Russia is trying to match its innovation strategy in small business, but the success is, unfortunately, still negligible. On the part of the government, millions of rubles are allocated to support small innovative entrepreneurship, as well as the construction of technology parks, the creation of business incubators, technological laboratories, and platforms being organized at universities in order to ensure the implementation of innovative projects. In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 217-FL of August 2, 2009, universities were able to register small innovative enterprises on their territory as independent small businesses in the sphere of innovative development, whose activities are focused mainly on the commercialization of intellectual property objects and their active promotion in the market.Nevertheless, the implementation of new technologies and know-how is associated with greater risks of SIEs and needs a methodical approach to assess the appropriateness of providing government support to such enterprises. We are going to consider and calculate the indicator of the feasibility of government support for a small innovative enterprise in the amount of 50 million rubles for a period of five years for its development and will prove the increase in the efficiency of the enterprise and the possibilities for its development through the government support mechanisms for innovations.

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