scholarly journals The Architects’ Small House Service Bureau and the American Institute of Architects

2009 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Lisa M. Tucker

A group of Minnesota architects created the ASHSB in 1914 to provide a solution for theshortage of middle class housing in the U.S. By 1919, the bureau had offices throughout the U.S. and received the endorsement of both the American Institute of Architects and the Department of Commerce. During this time, the members of the Bureau produced hundreds of plan sets and monthly bulletins to assist homeowners with their housing choices. The monthly magazine The Small Home, in conjunction with the published plan books--Your Future Home and How to Plan, Finance, and BuildYour Home--dispensed valuable information to potential homebuyers across the nation. To date, one master’s thesis (Lisa Schrenk, University of Virginia 1990) and an article (Thomas Harvey, 1991) have been written about the ASHSB. Neither one discussed the relationship of this group with the AIA, a keyendorsement agency.This research involved extensive archival research at the AIA. Records from the early 20th century were analyzed to determine the relationship between the AIA and the ASHSB in the early 20th century. This relationship provides insight into the current lack of architectural involvement in single-family house design today. The single most prevalent building type in the U.S. is the single-family house, yet architects are little involved in the design of most of them. Architects have the ability and training to create sustainable, affordable, and well-design single-family houses and yet they do not. This paper seeks to provide one explanation through the interpretation of the historic relationship of the AIA to the ASHSB.

1999 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-56 ◽  
Andrew Shanken

The 1930s in the United States marked a turning point in the relationship of the architectural profession to both the government and corporations. The federal government and large corporations, began to hold design competitions to stimulate the building industry during the Depression. This caught the American Institute of Architects unprepared and led to the transformation of the profession from one grounded in the ideal of the architect-artist to one whose survival depends, in part, upon business acumen, technical competence, and public relations skill.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 425
Nur Saidah

The issue of women is still a serious discourse for discussion, both about the identity, The issue of women is still a serious discourse for discussion, both about the identity, position and role, even to the character and intellect. This article discusses the theory of education and emancipation of women in view of Abbas Mahmud al - 'Aqqad, an Egyptian thinker, poet, philosopher and journalist scholars in the late - 19th and early 20th century. According to al - 'Aqqad, women have equal footing with men in education and all social roles. But the natural differences between women and men demanding the division of different roles, so that the relationship of women and men should be a partnership. Conservative viewsof ' Aqqad theory based on the Koran, the Hadith position and role, even to the character and intellect. This article discusses the theory of education and emancipation of women in view of Abbas Mahmud al-‘Aqqad, an Egyptian thinker, poet, philosopher and journalist scholars in the late - 19th and early 20th century. According to Him, women have equal footing with men in education and all social roles. But the natural differences between women and men demanding the division of different roles, so that the relationship of women and men should be a partnership. Conservative viewsof ‘ Aqqad theory based on the Koran, the Hadith and the research on the female characters. This theory is in line with structuralist functionalist theory. Structuralist theory gravitate to sociology, while learning functionalist psychological theory, but they have same conclusion, that the relationship of women and men is the preservation of harmony, not competition. ‘Aqqad’stheory could be a solution to the issue of family crisis and child neglect that often occurs as a result of the division of the marital partnership roles are less than ideal. and the research on the female characters. 'Aqqad’stheory could be a solution to the issue of family crisis and child neglect that often occurs as a result of the division of the marital partnership roles are less than ideal. 

Ian Shaw

‘Religion’ studies ancient Egyptian religion, the history of which was at one stage concerned principally with the beliefs and temples of the pharaonic period. Now it has become increasingly clear that there is a significant prehistory of Egyptian religion. If the provision of offerings represents a relatively familiar aspect of Egyptian religion, there is another recurrent aspect of many of the Egyptian religious cults that Egyptologists of the late 19th and early 20th century frequently preferred to ignore. This was the tendency towards ‘phallocentrism’, involving cults dedicated to very obviously ithyphallic gods. The relationship of Egyptian religion with Egyptian kingship and Egyptian ideology is an important area to examine.

Virittäjä ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 122 (3) ◽  
Lotta Aarikka

Artikkelissa tarkastellaan suomalaisen murteentutkimuksen historiaa suomen kielen alalla ilmestyneiden murteita käsittelevien väitöskirjojen lähdeluetteloiden avulla. Artikkelissa käsitellään dialektologian ja sosiolingvistiikan suhdetta sekä perustellaan sitä, miksi alueellisen vaihtelun tutkimushistoriaa on tarpeen tarkastella kokonaisuutena. Aineistona on 41 väitöskirjan lähdeluetteloista koostettu lähdetietokanta, jota analysoidaan tekijä-, nimike- ja julkaisuvuositietojen näkökulmasta.  Lähdetietokannan viitatuin sadasosa tekijöistä kattaa 27 tutkijaa, joihin on viitattu lähdetietokannassa 40–316 kertaa. Yhteensä tähän tekijäjoukkoon viitataan lähdetietokanta-aineistossa 2 672 kertaa. Yli 10 kertaa lähdeluetteloissa mainittuja tekijöitä on 150. Miesten tekemään tutkimukseen viitataan useammin kuin naisten ja kotimaisten tutkijoiden tekemään tutkimukseen useammin kuin ei-kotimaisten. Murteita käsittelevissä väitöskirjoissa ei viitata juuri lainkaan tutkimukseen, joka olisi kotimaisten ja ei-kotimaisten tutkijoiden yhteistyössä tekemää. Sekä tekijöiden sukupuolen että kotimaisuuden näkökulmasta on havaittavissa paitsi laaja väitöskirjakohtainen vaihtelu myös tendenssi kohti kansainvälistymistä ja naisten tasavertaisempaa edustusta tutkimusalalla. Aineiston kumulatiivinen luonne aiheuttaa vanhojen nimikkeiden painottumisen. Tämä näkyy esimerkiksi siitä, että uusimmat pelkän frekvenssin perusteella viitatuimmiksi määritetyt teokset ovat ilmestyneet vuonna 1966. Tätä vinoutumista voi tasapainottaa tarkastelemalla viitattujen nimikkeiden julkaisuvuoteen suhteutettua suhdelukua. Myös siten, että tarkasteluun ottaa nimikkeet, joihin on viitattu neljäsosassa väitöskirjoja (88 kpl), on joukko vähemmän homogeeninen. Julkaisuvuosien ja nimikkeiden jakautumista verrattaessa voi perustellusti todeta, että 1900-luvun loppupuoliskolla ilmestyneisiin nimikkeisiin viittaaminen on heterogeenisempää kuin vuosisadan alkupuoliskolla ilmestyneisiin. Tätä selittävät paitsi tutkimuksen monimuotoistuminen myös sen määrän kasvu. Lähdeluetteloiden tarkasteleminen tuo uuden näkökulman tutkimushistorian analysointiin. Se todentaa empiirisesti, keihin ja mihin tutkimuksiin tieteenalalla viitataan. Kvantitatiivisen luonteensa vuoksi näkökulma tarjoaa myös paljon lisäkysymyksiä laadulliselle jatkotutkimukselle.   Dialect study in the light of citations This article considers research history on dialects in Finland. It examines the relationship of dialectology and sociolinguistics in the study of dialects and explains why they must be understood as one continuous research history. The data used in this article comes from a citation database compiled from the bibliographies of 41 doctoral theses. In the citation database, 27 researchers comprise the most cited 1%; they have been cited between 40 and 316 times. The most cited 1% has been cited in the database a total of 2,672 times, while 150 individual researchers have been cited over 10 times. Men are cited more often than women, and Finnish researchers have been cited more frequently than non-Finnish ones. There are almost no citations to research that has been conducted jointly by a Finnish and non-Finnish researcher. The variation in citing women and non-Finnish researchers is great, and there is a tendency towards more international and equal citing. The cumulative nature of the data means that older research is over-represented. This can be deduced from the fact that the newest frequently cited research dates from 1966. This distortion can be balanced by creating and analysing a ratio based on the year in which individual works were published. Also, when looking at the research that has been cited in a quarter of all dissertations (88), the data becomes less homogenous. When analysing the amount of research published, it is justified to say that citing in the late 20th century is more heterogeneous than it was at the beginning of the century. The diversification and increased volume of research explains this change.  The article demonstrates how a quantitative perspective, based on citations, can enhance our understanding of research history. It verifies with empirical data whom and which research has been cited over the years. Finally, the article concludes what kinds of questions concerning research history arise and can still be answered by further investigating the citation database.  

Brunilda Pali ◽  
Robert Mackay

This paper explores the practice of the blood feud refracted through the prism of Ismail Kadare’s Broken April (1978), which is set in early 20th century Albania. Analysis of emerging themes reveals some important insights for Law and Literature. We examine the relationship of the blood feud with a number of themes, which fall under the structural headings of socio-political conditions, social ethos and values, and mechanisms of conflict management. Situating the author’s agenda within a perspective of historical imagination, between history and epic, past and present, suggests the perspective of la longue durée in relation to customary laws and feuding. That insight in turn prompts reflections about the survival and continuation of blood feuding as a form of life in contemporary societies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-31
Alexandre Yu. Bendin

The Russian governments three principal institutions to regulate the empires diverse religions from the 18th to the early 20th century are examined. Its author describes the evolution of these bodies, their features and purpose, as well as defining the concept of religious security by analyzing its specific historical content. The author also discusses the relationship between the institutions of the official Russian Church, religious tolerance for foreign confessions, and discrimination against the Old Believers through the prism of friend - alien - foe relations. This approach helps us understand the hierarchical nature of the relations and contradictions that existed between the institutions, whose activities regulated the religious life of the Russian Empires subjects until 1905. The article goes on to analyze the relationship between the official legal status of the Russian Church, imperial tolerance, and religious discrimination. It concludes that the formation of the three state-religious institutions that began in the 18th century ended during the reign of Emperor Nicholas I. That time saw the beginning of the gradual evolution of friend - alien - foe inter-institutional relations, which peaked under Emperor Nicholas in 1904-1906. The author also considers the changes in the governments policy towards the Russian schism of the 17th century, which ultimately removed the friend-or-foe opposition in the relations between the Russian state, the Russian Church and the schismatic Old Believers. In accordance with the modernized legislation on religious tolerance, lawful Old Believers and sectarians moved from the category of religious and political foes to that of aliens, to which foreign confessions traditionally belonged. Under the new legal and political conditions, intolerance and religious discrimination against the schism ceased to be an instrument of state policy.

2021 ◽  

Djalkiri are “footprints" – ancestral imprints on the landscape that provide the Yolŋu people of eastern Arnhem Land with their philosophical foundations. This book describes how Yolŋu artists and communities keep these foundations strong, and how they have worked with museums to develop a collaborative, community-led approach to the collection and display of their artwork. It includes contributions from Yolŋu elders and artists as well as Indigenous and non-Indigenous historians and curators. Together they explore how the relationship between communities and museums has changed over time. From the early 20th century, anthropologists and other collectors acquired artworks and objects and took photographs in Arnhem Land that became part of collections at the University of Sydney. Later generations of Yolŋu have sought out these materials and, with museum curators, proposed a new type of relationship, based on a deeper respect for Yolŋu intellectual frameworks and a commitment to their central role in curation. This book tells some of their stories.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 277-296
Noémi Karácsony

"French composer and pianist Maurice Delage wrote several significant works inspired by his personal contact with the Orient. His travels to India inspired Delage to use innovative sound effects in his compositions, as well as to require his performers to adapt their vocal or instrumental technique to obtain the sound desired by the composer. His representation of the Orient is not a mere evocation of the Other, as is the case with most orientalist works, rather it reflects the composer’s desire to endow Western music with the purity, strength, and vivid colors which he discovered and admired in Indian music. The present paper presents the historical and artistic background which inspired and influenced Delage, the relationship between France and India in the early 20th century and reveals the composer’s idealistic point of view regarding India, its culture, and its music. The analysis focuses on the mélodie cycle Quatre poèmes hindous, composed between 1912 and 1913, striving to reveal the Indian influences in the work of Delage and the way orientalism is represented in French music from the first decades of the 20th century. Keywords: orientalism, France, India, 20th century, Maurice Delage"

The Forum ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Molly E. Reynolds

Abstract Since its early uses in the early 1980s, the budget reconciliation process has played an important role in how the U.S. Congress legislates. Because the procedures protect certain legislation from a filibuster in the Senate, the reconciliation rules both shape, and are shaped by, the upper chamber in significant ways. After providing a brief overview of the process, I discuss first how partisanship in the Senate has affected the use of the reconciliation procedures. Next, I describe two sets of consequences of the contemporary reconciliation process, on negotiation and on policy design. I conclude with some observations about the relationship of reconciliation to the prospects for broader procedural change in the Senate.

1990 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-47 ◽  
Carole A. Kimmel ◽  
Gary L. Kimmel ◽  
Elaine Z. Francis ◽  
Laurence D. Chitlik

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has recently proposed amendments to the Guidelines for the Health Assessment of Suspect Developmental Toxicants. These amendments expand and clarify points made in the original guidelines, and add new information based on advances in the field. For example, the original risk assessment guidance was developed around several basic assumptions that were implicit in the earlier document, but that are clearly stated in the proposed amendments. Also, several consensus workshops were held following the completion of the 1986 guidelines, and the conclusions of these workshops have been incorporated. These include workshops dealing with the relationship of maternal and developmental toxicity, and with the development of an approach for a weight-of-evidence classification. In addition, a reference dose for developmental toxicity (RfDT) is proposed, based on short-term exposure, to distinguish it from the Rf D for chronic exposure. Other proposed changes include the expansion of the functional developmental toxicity section to reflect the Agency's testing guidelines for developmental neurotoxicity, and the human studies section which now gives more guidance on the use of human data in risk assessment. A number of other minor proposed changes are discussed. The final amended guidelines are currently undergoing Agency review and should be completed within the next year.

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