scholarly journals Fitoquímica e Alelopatia da Aroeira -Vermelha (Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi) na Germinação de Sementes

Gislayne de Araujo Bitencourt ◽  
Cibele Caren Moraes Gonçalves ◽  
Artur Guerra Rosa ◽  
Deizeluci De Fátima Pereira Zanella ◽  
Rosemary Matias

Os compostos alelopáticos podem afetar o crescimento e inibir a germinação das espécies. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a fitoquímica e o efeito alelopático do extrato das folhas de Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi na germinação e crescimento de plântulas de Lactuca sativa L. e, posteriormente, aplicar a metodologia em eucalipto vermelho (Eucalyptus camaldulensis). Os compostos químicos foram determinados em extrato alcoólico das folhas, comparados e contrastados observando a alteração de cor. As sementes de alface e eucalipto vermelho foram distribuídas em gerbox contendo papel filtro como substrato, umedecido com 7 mL do extrato aquoso das folhas frescas, nas seguintes concen trações: (0; 12,5; 25; 50; 75 e 100%). Para todas as análises e experimentos foram utilizados três repetições. Os gerbox foram distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, mantidos em câmara de germinação com temperatura de 20 °C para alface e 28°C para eucalipto e fotoperíodo de 12 horas. Durante o segundo e quinto dia foram realizadas contagens das sementes germinadas de alface. O período de avaliação do experimento foi de cinco dias para alface e 12 dias para eucalipto. Ao final, foram determinadas as porcentagens de germinação, comprimento da raiz e de parte aérea das plântulas. Os resultados demonstraram interferência negativa na germinação e crescimento de alface e eucalipto em função do aumento da concentração do extrato. Entre os aleloquímicos predominantes estão os compostos fenólicos e derivados, com destaque aos flavonoides, terpenos e heterosídeos cardioativos o que pode estar relacionados ao efeito alelopático negativo da aroeira. O uso da aroeira associado ao eucalipto deve ser feito com um manejo adequado.   Palavras-chave: Alface. Aleloquímicos. Anacardiaceae. Eucalipto. Efeito Alelopático.   Abstract Allelopathic compounds can affect growth and inhibit species germination. The objective of this work was to analyze the phytochemistry and the allelopathic effect of  extract of  Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi leaves on the  Lactuca sativa L. seedlings germination and growth and later apply the methodology in red eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis). The chemical compounds were determined in the leaves alcoholic extract, compared and contrasted observing the color change. The lettuce and red eucalyptus seeds were distributed in a gearbox containing filter paper as a substrate, moistened with 7 mL of the fresh leaves aqueous extract in the following concentrations: (0; 12.5; 25; 50; 75 and 100%). For all analyzes and experiments, three repetitions were used. The gearbox was distributed in a completely randomized design, maintained in a germination chamber with a temperature of 20 °C for lettuce and 28 °C for eucalyptus and a photoperiod of 12 hours. Germinated lettuce seeds were counted during the second and fifth days. The experiment evaluation period was five days for lettuce and 12 days for eucalyptus. At the end, the germination percentages, root length and the seedlings aerial part were determined. The results showed negative interference in the germination and growth of lettuce and eucalyptus due to the extract increased concentration. The most frequent allelochemicals were flavonoids, terpenes, tannins, anthocyanins and heterosides, which are probably related to the negative allelopathic effect. The use of  aroeira associated with eucalyptus must be done with proper management.   Keywords: Lettuce, Allelochemicals Anacardiaceae. Eucalyptus. Allelopathic Effect.

Uéliton Alves De Oliveira ◽  
Alex Souza Rodrigues ◽  
Elisa Dos Santos Cardoso ◽  
Ana Aparecida Bandini Rossi

O abacateiro é uma planta frutífera, de porte arbóreo, cultivada em diversas regiões do Brasil, sendo utilizado tanto como alimento quanto fitoterápico. Estudos recentes indicam que compostos químicos, considerados fitoterápicos, podem afetar a germinação de sementes e o desenvolvimento de plântulas. Neste contexto, objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar o efeito alelopático de extratos aquosos das folhas de Persea americana Mill (abacateiro) sobre a germinação e desenvolvimento inicial de alface (Lactuca sativa L.). O experimento foi realizado em câmara de germinação, utilizando extratos aquosos obtidos por meio de decocção e infusão, nas concentrações 4,0, 12,0 e 20,0 mg mL-1, e água destilada (controle), em delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC), com 4 repetições de 50 sementes cada. Para avaliar o potencial alelopático foram realizados os testes de Porcentagem de Germinação (PG), Primeira Contagem (PC), Índice de Velocidade de Germinação (IVG) e Tempo Médio de Germinação (TMG) das sementes, além do Comprimento da Parte Aérea (CPA) e Comprimento do Sistema Radicular (CSR) das plântulas da alface. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste F e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Os extratos interferiram, significativamente, no CPA e apresentaram interação significativa para as variáveis PC, PG e CPA, sendo que o decocto, quando comparado ao infuso, ambos na concentração 4 mg mL-1 estimulou o crescimento, diferindo estatisticamente do infuso e do controle negativo. Os resultados indicam que ambos os extratos podem ser utilizados como insumo biológico, sendo o infuso como bioherbicida e o decocto como biofertilizante. Palavras-chave: Abacateiro. Alelopatia. Metabólitos Secundários. AbstractAvocado is a fruitful, large-sized plant, grown in several regions of Brazil, used both as food and phytotherapy. Recent studies indicate that chemical compounds considered phytotherapic can affect seed germination and seedling development. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the allelopathic effect of aqueous extracts of leaves of Persea americana Mill (avocado) on germination and initial development of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). The experiment was carried out in a germination chamber, using aqueous extracts obtained by means of decoction and infusion, at concentrations 4.0, 12.0 and 20.0 mg mL-1, and distilled water (control), in a completely randomized design (DIC), with 4 replicates of 50 seeds each. In order to evaluate the allelopathic potential, the Germination Percentage (PG), First Count (PC), Germination Speed Index (IVG) and Mean Germination Time (TMG) tests were performed in addition to the Aerial Part Length (CPA) and Root Length (CSR) of lettuce seedlings. The data were subjected to analysis of variance by the F test and the averages were compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability. The extracts interfered significantly in the CPA and presented significant interaction for the variables PC, PG and CPA, and the decoction, when compared to the infusion, in the concentration 4 mg mL-1, stimulated the growth, differing statistically from the infusion and control negative. The results indicate that both extracts can be used as biological inputs, being the infusion as bioherbicide and decoction as biofertilizer. Keywords: Avocado. Allelopathy. Secondary metabolites.

Érika do Nascimento Fernandes Pinto ◽  
Jacob Silva Souto ◽  
Francisco de Assis Pereira Leonardo ◽  
César Henrique Alves Borges ◽  
Roberto Ferreira Barroso ◽  

<p>Esta pesquisa buscou conhecer características alelopáticas e de fertilidade de um solo oriundo de povoamento de <em>Luetzelburgia auriculata </em>(Allemão) Ducke), através da avaliação do crescimento de plantas de alface. Inicialmente, realizou-se a coleta do solo sob o povoamento da <em>L. auriculata</em> (SPL) e de uma área externa a esse povoamento (SAE), na Fazenda Cachoeira de São Porfírio, em Várzea-PB, e encaminhou-se para o Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos. Em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, aplicaram-se cinco tratamentos com cinco repetições, colocando-se três sementes de alface por vaso contendo os seguintes tratamentos: T1=100%SAE; T2=100%SPL; T3=75%SPL; T4=50%SPL e T5=25%SPL. Aos 63 dias da semeadura, realizou-se a colheita e mensuraram-se as variáveis: comprimento da parte aérea, da raiz, peso da massa fresca da parte aérea, área foliar e número de folhas de cada indivíduo e a análise química dos substratos. Aplicou-se a ANOVA e o teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. O solo do povoamento da <em>L. auriculata</em> (SPL) apresentou uma maior quantidade de nutrientes em relação ao solo da área externa ao povoamento (SAE) e influenciou positivamente no crescimento das plantas de alface. No entanto, em apenas três dos cinco tratamentos aplicados (T1, T2 e T3), a alface se desenvolveu. Em T1, T2 e T3 as variáveis analisadas diferiram estatisticamente em função da origem dos solos utilizados e da proporção do esterco bovino. O solo oriundo do povoamento de <em>L. auriculata</em> não apresentou efeito alelopático sobre os parâmetros de crescimento da alface.</p><p align="center"><strong><em>Seedling growth lettuce (</em></strong><em>Lactuca sativa<strong> L.) in soil arising out of a settlement </strong>Luetzelburgia auriculata<strong> (Allemão) Ducke</strong></em></p><p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>: </strong>This research aimed to know allelopathic characteristics and fertility of the soil arising out settlement <em>Luetzelburgia auriculata</em> (Allemão) Ducke by assessing the growth of lettuce plants. Initially, there was the collection of the soil under the settlement of <em>L. auriculata</em> (SSL) and an outdoor area to this settlement (AOS), the Cachoeira de São Porfírio Farm, in Várzea-PB, and walked to the Center for Health and Rural Technology at Federal University of Campina Grande, Campus of Patos. In a completely randomized design , applied to five treatments with five repetitions , placing three lettuce seeds per pot with the following treatments: T1=100%AOS; T2=100% SSL; T3=75% SSL, T4=50% SSL and T5=25% SSL. After 63 days of sowing, held the harvest and the variables measured: shoot length, root, fresh weight of shoot weight, leaf area and leaf number of each individual and the analysis chemical substrates. Applied to ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% probability. The soil settlement of <em>L. auriculata</em> (SSL) showed a greater amount of nutrients from the ground of the area outside the settlement (AOS) and positively influenced the growth of lettuce plants. However, only three of the five treatments applied (T1, T2 and T3), lettuce developed. In T1 , T2 and T3 variables analyzed differed significantly depending on the soil origin used and the proportion of cattle manure. The soil arising from population of <em>L. auriculata</em> showed no allelopathic effect on lettuce growth parameters.</p>

2003 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 477-480 ◽  
Warley Marcos Nascimento

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seed germination is strongly temperature dependent and under high temperatures, germination of most of genotypes can be erratic or completely inhibited. Lettuce seeds of 'Dark Green Boston' (DGB) were incubated at temperatures ranging from 15° to 35°C at light and dark conditions. Other seeds were imbibed in dark at 20°; 25°; 30°; and 35°C for 8 and 16 hours and then transferred to 20 or 35°C, in dark. Seeds were also incubated at constant temperature of 20° and 35 °C, in the dark, as control. In another treatment, seeds were primed for 3 days at 15°C with constant light. DGB lettuce seeds required light to germinate adequately at temperatures above 25°C. Seeds incubated at 20°C had 97% germination, whereas seeds incubated at 35°C did not germinate. Seeds imbibed at 20°C for 8 and 16 hours had germination. At 35°C, seeds imbibed initially at 20°C for 8 and 16 hours, had 89 and 97% germination, respectively. Seeds imbibed at 25°C for 16 hours, germinated satisfactory at 35°C. High temperatures of imbibition led to no germination. Primed and non-primed seeds had 100% germination at 20°C. Primed seeds had 100% germination at 35°C, whereas non-primed seeds germinate only 4%. The first hours of imbibition are very critical for lettuce seed germination at high temperatures.

Heider Alves Franco ◽  
Monica Regina da Costa Marques ◽  
Clarisse Ferreira Braga ◽  
Allana De Souza Izidorio ◽  
Sérgio Thode Filho

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-25
Moh Muarif ◽  
Agus Sujarwanta ◽  
Handoko Santoso ◽  
Muhfahroyin Muhfahroyin

Abstract: This research is an experimental research, which aims to determine the effect of variation dosage in of organic pineapple liquid waste fertilizer,  on the growth and productivity of red lettuce (Lactuca Sativa L) and its potential as learning resources of biology learning. This research uses a Completely Randomized Design with 1 control and 3 treatment combinations and 5 repetitions. This research was conducted for 30 days. The parameters which is used in this research include plant height and wet weight of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L), with supporting data in the form of number of leaves and stem diameter. The main data is tabulated and analysed using the SPSS 25.0 application which includes Multivariate Analysis of Variance. The results of this research can be concluded that the application of organic fertillizer from pineaplle liquid waste has a significant influence on the growth and product of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L). The results of the research be used as a practical guide on plant growth and development materials.

Carolina Santos Barreto ◽  
Fortune Homsani ◽  
Nina C Barboza Da Silva ◽  
Carla Holandino

Lettuce seeds bioassays have been used in many different tests such as: alellopathyc models; developing of new drugs; ecotoxicity tests. In most cases, lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., Asteraceae) has been used because of its sensitivity, simultaneous and rapid germination, reliability of germination percentage and homogeneity of seeds. The main goal was to evaluate the effects of ultra-high diluted gibberellic acid (GA3) on lettuce seeds germination and seedling growth. Experiment was performed using Petri dishes containing one disk of Whatman nº01 paper watered with 1ml of water. In each Petri dish 10 lettuce seeds(Lactuca sativa L.) cv Regina 500 were placed and 2ml of the different treatment solutions were add: GA33µmol, GA3 3CH (10-6), GA3 12CH (10-24), water 12CH and water (no dilution and succussion). One milliliter solutions were added every 2 days of experiment. The experiment was repeated twice and each one consisted in 5 Petri dishes per treatment (n=100). All seeds were maintained in germination incubator under controlled temperature (25°C) and photoperiod (16L/8D). The tested substances were prepared according to Brazilian Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (Brazil, 2011). The experiment was blinded all the time. All seeds germinated at same time (2 days) and after 7 days the germination rate was the same in all treatments. Root was affected just by Water 12 CH, in which shown the longest length (4.59 cm) when compared with others treatments. Shoot length was higher where gibberellin was added in concentration upper then Avogrado’s number.

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