scholarly journals Pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Kulit Pisang Kepok Fermentasi (Musa paradisiaca normalis) terhadap Performan Ayam Broiler

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 781-789
Yeyen Safitri ◽  
Zulfan Zulfan ◽  
Herawati Latif

Abstrak:  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi sebagian ransum komersil periode finisher dengan tepung kulit pisang kepok (Musa paradisiaca normalis) fermentasi + bungkil kelapa + feed supplement  terhadap performan ayam broiler.   Penelitian dilakukan  di Laboratorium Lapangan Peternakan (LLP),  Program Studi Perternakan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala.   Penelitian menggunakan 100 ekor anak ayam broiler (DOC) strain Lohmann. Perlakuan yang  dicobakan adalah pemberian tepung kulit pisang kepok fermentasi + bungkil kelapa + feed supplement, sebanyak 0% (P1), 2,5%+1,5%+1% (P2), 5%+3%+1% (P3). 7,5%+4,5%+1% (P4), dan 10%+6%+1% (P5)   Parameter yang diamati meliputi  berat badan akhir,  pertambahan berat badan, konsumsi ransum,  dan konversi ransum.  Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa substitusi ransum komersil dengan sebanyak-banyaknya 10% tepung kulit pisang kepok fermentasi + 6% bungkil kelapa + 1% feed supplement tidak berpengaruh nyata (P0.05) terhadap berat badan akhir,  pertambahan berat badan, konsumsi ransum,  dan konversi ransum ayam broiler.    Effect of Administration of  Fermented Banana Peel as Partial Substitution of  Commercial Finisher Diets on Broiler Performances Abstract:  The aim of present study was to determine effect of partial substitution of commercial broiler finisher diet with a fermented banana (Musa paradisiaca normalis) peel + coconut meal + feed supplement to performances of broiler chickens.  The study was conducted in Field Laboratory,  Department of Animal Husbandry,  Faculty of Agriculture,  Syiah Kuala University.   As many as 100 chicks,  strain lohmann, were used in this study.  The treatment was the provision of  fermented banana peel + coconut meal +  feed supplement, with the level of 0% (P1), 2,5%+1,5%+1% (P2), 5%+3%+1% (P3). 7,5%+4,5%+1% (P4), and 10%+6%+1% (P5), respectively.   The parameters observed were final body weight, average body weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion.  Results of study showed that administration of  fermented banana peel up to 10% + coconut meal 6% + feed supplement 1%  as partial substitution of  commercial finisher broiler diet was not significant effect (P0.05) on  final body weight, average body weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion of broiler chickens

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
Tri Hardianti P ◽  
Muhammad Daud ◽  
Zulfan Zulfan

Abstrak.   Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan itik peking jantan yang diberi ransum komersil yang sebagian disubstitusi dengan tepung kulit pisang fermentasi + bungkil kelapa + minyak sawit selama periode finisher.   Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Lapangan Peternakan (LLP), Univeritas Syiah Kuala  tanggal 22 Februari‒19 April 2017.  Penelitian ini menggunakan 96 ekor anak itik peking (Day Old Duck).  Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok,  terdiri dari 4 perlakuan, 4 kelompok. Tiap kelompok merupakan unit percobaan yang masing-masing terdiri dari enam ekor itik.  Perlakuan yang  dicobakan adalah pemberian tepung kulit pisang fermentasi + bungkil kelapa + minyak sawit +  feed supplement sebanyak masing-masing 0% (P1),  4+2,5+0,5+1% (P2),  8+5+1+1% (P3),  dan 12+7,5+1,5+1% (P4).  Parameter yang diamati meliputi berat badan akhir, pertambahan berat badan, konsumsi ransum, konversi ransum, dan mortalitas.   Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa  ransum komersil itik peking dapat disubstitusi dengan tepung kulit pisang fermentasi sebanyak 12% ditambah bungkil kelapa 7,5%,  minyak kelapa 1,5% dan feed supplement 1% selama periode pemeliharaan 3‒8 minggu tanpa berpengaruh nyata (P0,05) terhadap berat badan akhir, pertambahan berat badan, konsumsi, dan konversi ransum itik peking.The Growths of Male Peking Ducks Fed the Commercial Diets Partly Substituted  by Fermented Banana Peel Meal,  Coconut Meal, and Coconut OilThe aim of present study was to determine the growths of  male peking ducks fed commercial diets  partly substituted  by a fermented banana peel meal + coconut meal + coconut oil + feed supplement during finisher  period.  The study was conducted in Field Laboratory of Animal Husbandry,   Department of Animal Husbandry,  Faculty of Agriculture,  Syiah Kuala University,  February 22 until April 19, 2017.   As many as 96  DOD of  male peking ducks were used in this study.  The study was performed into block randomized design (BRD),  consisted of  4 treatments and 4  blocks.   Each block was an experimental unit, consisting of  six ducks.  The treatment was the inclusion of  fermented banana peel meal + coconut meal + coconut oil + feed supplement with the level of  0% (P1),  4+2,5+0,5+1% (P2),  8+5+1+1% (P3),  and 12+7,5+1,5+1% (P4), respectively.  The parameters observed were final body weight, average body weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion, as well as mortality.    The results of study showed that inclusion of  fermented banana peel up meal up to 12% + coconut meal 7,5% + coconut oil 1,5% + feed supplement 1%  as partial substitution of  commercial diet were not significant effect (P0.05) on  final body weight, average body weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion of  peking ducks. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Fadilla Anwar ◽  
Catur Sriherwanto ◽  
Etyn Yunita ◽  
Imam Suja’i

To reduce broiler production cost, a study was carried out on utilisation of alternative, less costly feed components, namely kepok banana peel and corn hominy which were mixed and fermented using the fungus Rhizopus oryzae. The fermented substrate was added into commercial feed in order to determine its influence on the poultry’s production performance. This study employed a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments: one using 100% pure commercial feed, and the other three commercial feed mixed with the fermented feed component at the levels of 5%, 10% and 15%. All treatments were repeated four times during 25 days growth period. The results showed that supplementation of the fermented ingredient in the broiler ration at the levels of 5%, 10%, or 15% had no significant effect (P>0,05) on the feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and the final body weight of the animals. Although mixing the fermented feed ingredient up to 15% in the commercial feed promoted the growth of the broilers, the results were not yet comparable to pure commercial feed.Keywords: Corn hominy, broiler, fermentation, kepok banana peel, Rhizopus oryzae AbstrakUntuk mengurangi biaya produksi ayam pedaging, dilakukan pengkajian penggunaan bahan penyusun pakan alternatif yang lebih murah, yaitu kulit pisang kepok dan ampok jagung yang dicampur dan difermentasi menggunakan jamur Rhizopus oryzae. Hasil fermentasi tersebut lalu ditambahkan pada pakan komersial ayam pedaging dengan tujuan mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap penampilan produksi ayam pedaging. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan, yaitu satu perlakuan 100% pakan komersial murni, dan tiga perlakuan pakan komersial yang dicampur bahan pakan hasil fermentasi tersebut dengan kadar 5%, 10%, dan 15%. Seluruh perlakukan diulang empat kali selama 25 hari masa pemeliharaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan bahan pakan terfermentasi ke dalam ransum ayam pedaging pada kadar 5%, 10%, atau 15% tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap konsumsi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan, nilai koversi pakan, dan bobot badan akhir hewan. Meskipun penambahan bahan pakan fermentasi tersebut hingga 15% dalam pakan komersial mendukung pertumbuhan ayam pedaging, namun capaian pertumbuhannya belumlah sebaik pakan komersial.Kata kunci: Ampok jagung, ayam pedaging, fermentasi, kulit pisang kepok, Rhizopus oryzae

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 698-708
Muhammad Syairazi ◽  
Cut Aida Fitri ◽  
Zulfan Zulfan

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi sebagian ransum komersil periode finisher dengan tepung kulit pisang fermentasi + bungkil kelapa + feed supplement  terhadap efisiensi ekonomis pemeliharaan  ayam broiler.  Penelitian dilakukan  di Laboratorium Lapangan Peternakan (LLP),  Program Studi Perternakan,  Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala,  tanggal 1 April‒5 Mei 2016.  Penelitian menggunakan 100 ekor anak ayam broiler (DOC) strain lohmann.  Perlakuan yang  dicobakan adalah pemberian tepung kulit pisang kepok fermentasi + bungkil kelapa + feed supplement, sebanyak 0% (P1), 2,5%+1,5%+1% (P2), 5%+3%+1% (P3). 7,5%+4,5%+1% (P4), dan 10%+6%+1% (P5)   Parameter yang diamati meliputi aspek teknis (berat badan akhir dan  total konsumsi ransum) dan aspek ekonomis (penerimaan,  biaya, Income over Feed Cost, dan total income).   Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa substitusi ransum komersil dengan sebanyak-banyaknya 10% tepung kulit pisang kepok fermentasi + 6% bungkil kelapa + 1% feed supplement selama periode finisher tidak berpengaruh nyata (P0.05) terhadap berat badan akhir dan total konsumsi ransum ayam broiler.   Substitusi ransum komersil dengan tepung kulit pisang kepok fermentasi + bungkil kelapa + feed supplement  selama periode finisher menurunkan biaya ransum dan menaikkan IOFC dan total income.   Ransum komersil paling layak dan menguntungkan jika disubstitusi dengan 7,5% tepung kulit pisang kepok fermentasi + 4,5% bungkil kelapa + 1%  feed supplement  selama periode finisher.     Economic Analysis of Administration of Fermented Banana Peel and Feed Supplement  as Partial Substitution of Commercial Broiler DietAbstract:  The aim of present study was to analysis the efficiency of partial substitution of commercial broiler diet with fermented banana peel + coconut meal + feed supplement during finisher period.  The study was conducted in Field Laboratory of Animal Husbandy Department,  Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University,  April 1 until Mei 5, 2016.   As many as 100 chicks,  strain lohmann.   The treatment was the provision of  fermented banana peel  + coconut meal +  feed supplement, with the level of  0% (P1), 2,5%+1,5%+1% (P2), 5%+3%+1% (P3). 7,5%+4,5%+1% (P4), and 10%+6%+1% (P5), respectively.   The parameters observed involved both production technical aspects (final body weight and total  feed consumption) and economic aspects  (revenue, cost, Income over Feed Cost, and total income) of raising broilers fed the commercial diets substituted partially by fermented banana peel + coconut meal + feed supplement.   The results of study showed that administration of  fermented banana peel up to 10% + coconut meal  6% + feed supplement 1%  as partial substitution of  commercial broiler finisher diet during finisher periode was not significant effect (P0.05) on  final body weight and feed consumption.   Substituting commercial diet with fermented banana peel up to 10% + coconut meal 6% + feed supplement 1%  reduced cost and increased IOFC as well as total income.  It was suggested that the best level of substitution of  finisher commercial  diet was 7,5% fermented banana peel + 4,5% coconut meal + 1% feed supplement

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-32
Zulfan Zulfan ◽  
Sulaiman Ibrahim

ABSTRACT. The aim of this experiment is to investigate a possibility to include tofu by-product in broiler diet without causing adverse performances. This study was conducted in poulty production Lab. Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh. The study performed 80 unsex day old chick, strain CP 707, Charoen Pokphan product, for which the chikens were divided into for diet treatment. The study was desingned into Completely Randomized Design (CRD) containing for different diet treatment. ei. R1 (Control diet with 0% of tofu by product. R2 (the diet containing 2.5% of tofu by-product), R3 (the diet containing 5% of tofu by-product, and R4 (the diet containing 7.5% of tofu by-product). Each treatment consisted of five chiks. Investigated variables included  final body weight, body weght gain, feed consumption, feed conversion, and income over feed and chick coast (IOFCC). The data were analyzed by an analysis of variance and as a significant effect was detected, the analysis  was continued by Duncan Multiple Range Test based on Steel and Torrie (1991). Result of this study showed that the inclusion of up to 5% of tofu by-product in the diet were not significantly defress body weight, body weight gain, feed consumpsion, and feed conversion compared to the control. However, the inclusion of 7.5% of tofu by-product significantly defress body weght, body weight gain feed consumpsion. The was no significant effect on feed conversion as tofu by-product was included 7.5% in the diet. The inclusion of tofu by-product could minmize diet cost and increase. Income and Over Feed and Chick Cost (IOFCC). However, the highest IOFCC was detected in the untilization of 5% of tofu by-product was still possible to be included in poulty diet up to 5% without significantly depress broiler ferformances.Key word :Tofu by-product; Broiler diet; Body weight; Feed Consumption; Feed conversion

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
A. A. P. P. WIBAWA ◽  

This study was conducted to know the right amount of amino acid and choline (Aminovit) mixture in traditionalfeeds on male bali pigs for 12 weeks. The design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with fourtreatments and each treatment consisted of 4 replications, so 16 male bali pigs using with a weight range of 11.60-14.10 kg. The feed treatment were P0 treatment: mixed base feed of 49.5% yellow maize and 49.5% pollard; P1:treatment P0 + 0,50% Aminovit; P2: P0 + 1.00% Aminovit; and P3: treatment P0 + 1.5 Aminovit. The performancemeasured were initial body weight, final body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio(FCR). The results showed that increasing Aminovite in the feed increased of final body weight, body weight gainand feed consumption, and feed efficiency.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-74 ◽  
Muhammad Daud ◽  
Zahrul Fuadi ◽  
Mulyadi Mulyadi

ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kepadatan kandang yang berbeda terhadap performan dan persentase karkas. Materi penelitian yang digunakan adalah ayam ras petelur jantan strain Isa Brown dari PT Charoen Pokphand Jaya Farm, Medan, sebanyak 208 ekor berumur 1 hari (DOC). Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), terdiri atas 4 perlakuan tingkat kepadatan kandang dan masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 4 kali. Perlakuannya antara lain adalah K1: 10 ekor/m2, K2:  12 ekor/m2, K3:  14 ekor/m2, K4:  16 ekor/m2. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analysis of variance dan jika memberikan hasil yang nyata dilanjutkan dengan Uji Duncan. Variabel yang diamati meliputi: konsumsi ransum, pertambahan bobot badan, bobot badan akhir, konversi ransum, mortalitas, bobot karkas dan persentase karkas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan kandang yang berbeda 10, 12 14, dan 16 ekor/m2 tidak memberi pengaruh yang nyata terhadap konsumsi ransum ayam ras petelur jantan umur 6 minggu. Demikian juga halnya terhadap pertambahan bobot badan, bobot badan akhir, konversi ransum, bobot karkas. Pemeliharaan ayam ras petelur jantan pada kepadatan kandang yang berbeda tidak mengalami mortalitas (0%) selama 6 minggu penelitian. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kepadatan kandang yang berbeda 10, 12, 14 dan 16 ekor/m2 tidak mempengaruhi performan, dan persentase karkas ayam ras petelur jantan umur 6 minggu. Pemeliharaan ayam ras petelur jantan masih dapat dilakukan pada kepadatan kandang 16 ekor/m2 tanpa mempengaruhi performan dan persentase karkas. (Performance and carcass percentage of male chicken layers with different density) ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance and carcass percentage of male layer chickens in different density of cage. U 208 male layer DOC, strain Isa Brown produced by PT. Charoen Pokphand Jaya Farm, Medan. The study was designed into Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications; K1: 10 birds/m2, K2: 12 birds/m2, K3: 14 birds/m2  and K4: 16 birds/m2.Data was analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), a significant difference, would be analyzed with the Duncan Multiple Range Test. Measured variables were, body weight, feed consumption, feed conversion, mortality, and carcass percentage. The results  indicated that different density of cage has no significant effect on final body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion and carcass percentage of male layer chickens. Density of cage did not influence to mortality rate of male . In conclusion, density of  cage of 10, 12, 14, and 16 birds/m2 did not affect performance and carcass percentage of  male chicken layers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 247
Rosa Tri Hertamawati ◽  
Niswatin Hasanah ◽  
Adline Putri Sabrina

Rapid broiler development is one of the reason farmers’ choice in raising broiler. The effect broiler become weak because of diseases even come from bacteria or viruses. One of the diseases which are leaded by bacteria which attack broiler oftenly is colibacillosis. The aim of this experiment was to examine the addition of sambiloto leaf meal on feed to the inhibition of bacterial development inside the body of infected Escherichia coli broiler toincrease broilers performance. This experiment used 100 day old chicks (DOC) of Cobb strain which were kept for five weeks. The experiment used completely randomized design with five treatments and four replications consisting of 5 broilers in each replication. The treatments were          P0 = control (healthy broiler), P1 = P0 infected with Escherichia coli, P2 = P1 + 0,2% sambiloto leaf meal, P3 = P1 + 0,4% sambiloto leaf meal, P4 = P1 + 0,6% sambiloto leaf meal. The data were analyzed with analysis of variance. The variables observed were feed consumption, body weight gain, final body weight, feed conversion ratio, mortality, and total colony bacteria in broiler excreta. The result showed that sambiloto leaf meals 0.6% have a significant effect in decreasing bacteria. Keywords: Antibacterial, Broilers, Eschericia coli, Performance, Sambiloto leaf meal

2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012110
M Daud ◽  
M A Yaman ◽  
Zulfan ◽  
H Latif ◽  
D Erfiyan

Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the growth performance of Peking ducks fed with rations containing waste products of leubiem fish (Chanthidermis maculatus) and probiotic agents. The study was conducted experimentally using 96 Peking ducks, within an age range of about 1 to 8 weeks, and a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), which consisted of four treatment rations and four replications. The treatment rations used in this research included treatment R0, which was the basal diet, serving as the control ration, and also treatment R1, R2, and R3, which consisted of 10% concentration of leubiem fish skin, head, and bone, respectively, as well as 1% of a probiotic agent. The observed variables included the rate of feed consumption, body weight gain, final body weight, feed conversion ratio, and mortality were then analysed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results showed that the use of leubiem fish components and probiotic agents in rations at 10% and 1%, respectively, had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the rate of feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio and final body weight. However, there was no significant effect on the mortality of Peking ducks. Therefore, this study concluded that the use of rations containing leubiem fishbone and probiotic agents at 10% and 1%, respectively, were able to accelerate the growth performance of Peking ducks.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
N. S. SUTAMA ◽  

The research aims at analyzing the effect use of probiotic cellulolytic biosuplement termite (Termites sp.) tothe productivity of male bali ducks. Bacteria isolates used were first and second preeminent probiotic cellulolyticbacteria isolated derived from termites code BR3.3 and BR3.5. It was designed using a Completely RandomizedDesign with five treatments and three replicates consists of: basal ration without biosuplement (R0), ration basalwith biosupplement but without additional probiotic cellulolytic bacteria inoculant preeminent termites (RBCT0),RBCT1= basal ration with biosuplement probiotic cellulolytic bacteria inoculant preeminent termites 1, RBCT2=basal ration with biosuplement probiotic cellulolytic bacteria inoculant preeminent termites 2 and RBCT1-2= basalration with biosuplement probiotic cellulolytic bacteria inoculant preeminent termites 1 and 2. The result showedthat the initial body weight, slaughter weight and carcass percentage had no significant differences (P>0.05). Incontrast, final body weight, body weight gain, feed consumption, Feed Conversion Ratio and meat total cholesterolwere significantly affected (P<0,05) to the result. It can be concluded that use of basal ration supplemented withbiosupplement probiotic cellulolytic bacteria inoculant preeminent termites 2 (RBCT2) can increase productivity ofbali duck at the age of 2 up to10 weeks.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 843-853
Rismanda Sari ◽  
Herawati Latif ◽  
Zulfan Zulfan

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi sebagian ransum komersil periode finisher dengan tepung kulit pisang kepok (Musa paradisiaca normalis) fermentasi + bungkil kelapa +  feed supplement  terhadap berat dan persentase karkas ayam broiler.  Penelitian dilakukan  di Laboratorium Lapangan Peternakan (LLP),  Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala, tanggal 1 April‒5 Mei 2016.  Penelitian menggunakan 100 ekor anak ayam broiler (DOC) strain lohmann.  Perlakuan yang  dicobakan adalah pemberian tepung kulit pisang kepok fermentasi + bungkil kelapa + feed supplement sebanyak 0% (P1), 2,5%+1,5%+1% (P2), 5%+3%+1% (P3). 7,5%+4,5%+1% (P4), dan 10%+6%+1% (P5).  Parameter yang diamati meliputi  berat dan persentase karkas, potongan karkas, dan giblets.  Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa substitusi ransum komersil dengan  tepung kulit pisang kepok fermentasi sebanyak 10% + bungkil kelapa 6% + feed supplement 1% tidak berpengaruh nyata (P0,05) terhadap berat karkas, potongan karkas, serta organ giblets,  namun nyata (P0,05) berpengaruh terhadap persentase karkas ayam broiler.  Meskipun secara statistik tidak berbeda nyata,  ayam-ayam broiler yang diberikan tepung kulit pisang kepok fermentasi + bungkil kelapa + feed supplement umumnya memiliki bobot dan persentase dada relatif lebih tinggi dan bobot dan persentase punggung dan sayap lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan ayam broiler yang diberikan 100% ransum komersil,  sedangkan bobot dan persentase paha relatif sama pada semua perlakuan.   Effect of  Using  Fermented Banana Peel + Feed Supplement on the Weight  and Percentage of  Broiler Chicken Carcass Abstract: The aim of present study was to determine effect of partial substitution of commercial broiler finisher ration with a fermented banana (Musa paradisiaca normalis)  peel + coconut meal + feed supplement to the weight and the percentage of broiler chicken carcasses.  The study was conducted in Field Laboratory,  Livestock Department,  Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University,  April 1 until Mei 5, 2016.   As many as 100 chicks,  strain lohmann.  The treatment was the provision of  fermented banana peel + coconut meal +  feed supplement with the level of  0% (P1), 2,5%+1,5%+1% (P2), 5%+3%+1% (P3). 7,5%+4,5%+1% (P4), and 10%+6%+1% (P5), respectively.   The parameters observed were the weight and percentage of  carcass, retail cut-ups, and giblets.   The results of study showed that administration of  up to 10% fermented banana peel + 6% coconut meal + 1% feed supplement as partial substitution of  commercial finisher broiler ration was not significant effect (P0.05) on  the weight of  carcass, retail cut-ups and gilblets.   However,   carcass percentage was significantly effect (P0.05).   Although, statiscally no significant effect,  the percentage of  breast tend to higher  while the percentage of  back tend to lower  found in the chickens fed on the substitution rations

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