scholarly journals Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Penggunaan Media Poster Berbasis Ppt Interaktif dan Media Video Animasi pada Muatan IPS Kelas IV di SD

Yesita Galatia Maysella ◽  
Syaiful Imam ◽  
Puri Selfi Cholifah

Abstract: This research was conducted with the aim of comparing the learning outcomes between students using PowerPoint-based poster learning media with animated video media in social studies subject class IV material "cultural diversity" at SDN Bunulrejo 02 Malang. This research is a quasi-experimental study with a population of all fourth grade students at SDN Bunulrejo 02 Malang. The sample in this study used a purposive sampling technique with 28 students in class IV A as the control class using PowerPoint-based poster media, while in class IV C, 28 students as an experimental class using animated video media. Data collection techniques in this study used the results of pre-test and posttest, interviews and documentation. The results of the study using the t-test obtained tcount is 6.474 and ttable is 2.005, so that the data with tcount greater than ttable, where Ha is acceptable, and it is concluded that there is a significant comparison of student learning outcomes between the use of poster-based learning media and video learning media. animation on social studies learning material about cultural diversity. Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan guna melihat adanya perbandingan hasil belajar antara siswa yang menggunakan media pembelajaran poster berbasis powerpoint dengan media video animasi pada mata pelajaran IPS kelas IV materi “keragaman budaya” di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Bunulrejo 02 Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimental dengan populasi seluruh peserta didik kelas IV SDN Bunulrejo 02 Malang. Sampel dalam penelitian menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan kelas IV A sebanyak 28 peserta didik sebagai kelas kontrol yang menggunakan media poster berbasis powerpoint adapun kelas IV C sebanyak 28 peserta didik sebagai kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan media video animasi. Teknik dalam pengumpulan data dalam penelitian menggunakan hasil tes pre-test dan posttest, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan uji-t diperoleh thitung adalah 6,474 dan ttabel adalah 2,005, sehingga data tersebut dengan thitung lebih dari ttabel di mana Ha dapat diterima, dan disimpulkan adanya perbandingan hasil belajar peserta didik yang signifikan antara menggunakan media pembelajaran poster berbasis powerpoint dengan media pembelajaran video animasi pada pembelajaran IPS materi keragaman budaya.

Yesita Galatia Maysella ◽  
Nihayati Nihayati ◽  
Syaiful Imam

Abstract: This research was conducted with the aim of comparing the learning outcomes between students using PowerPoint-based poster learning media with animated video media in social studies subject class IV material "cultural diversity" at SDN Bunulrejo 02 Malang. This research is a quasi-experimental study with a population of all fourth grade students at SDN Bunulrejo 02 Malang. The sample in this study used a purposive sampling technique with 28 students in class IV A as the control class using PowerPoint-based poster media, while in class IV C, 28 students as an experimental class using animated video media. Data collection techniques in this study used the results of pre-test and posttest, interviews and documentation. The results of the study using the t-test obtained tcount is 6.474 and ttable is 2.005, so that the data with tcount greater than ttable, where Ha is acceptable, and it is concluded that there is a significant comparison of student learning outcomes between the use of poster-based learning media and video learning media. animation on social studies learning material about cultural diversity. Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan guna melihat adanya perbandingan hasil belajar antara siswa yang menggunakan media pembelajaran poster berbasis powerpoint dengan media video animasi pada mata pelajaran IPS kelas IV materi “keragaman budaya” di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Bunulrejo 02 Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimental dengan populasi seluruh peserta didik kelas IV SDN Bunulrejo 02 Malang. Sampel dalam penelitian menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan kelas IV A sebanyak 28 peserta didik sebagai kelas kontrol yang menggunakan media poster berbasis powerpoint adapun kelas IV C sebanyak 28 peserta didik sebagai kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan media video animasi. Teknik dalam pengumpulan data dalam penelitian menggunakan hasil tes pre-test dan posttest, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan uji-t diperoleh thitung adalah 6,474 dan ttabel adalah 2,005, sehingga data tersebut dengan thitung lebih besar dari ttabel di mana Ha dapat diterima, dan disimpulkan adanya perbandingan hasil belajar peserta didik yang signifikan antara menggunakan media pembelajaran poster berbasis powerpoint dengan media pembelajaran video animasi pada pembelajaran IPS materi keragaman budaya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 191-197
Cannystia Safitri

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan kecerdasan interpersonal dan kedisiplinan belajar dengan hasil belajar muatan pembelajaran IPS siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Gugus Kalimosodo Kecamatan Kranggan Kabupaten Temanggung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian korelasi. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik non-probability sampling yang berupa sampel jenuh. Jumlah sampel 106 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, dokumentasi, dan angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara kecerdasan interpersonal dengan hasil belajar IPS dengan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,465 yang termasuk dalam kategori cukup serta terdapat hubungan antara kedisiplinan belajar dengan hasil belajar IPS dengan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,660 yang termasuk dalam kategori baik. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kecerdasan interpersonal dan kedisiplinan belajar secara bersama-sama berhubungan positif dan signifikan dengan hasil belajar IPS siswa kelas IV SDN Gugus Kalimosodo Kecamatan Kranggan Kabupaten Temanggung. This research aimed examine the correlation between interpersonal intelligence and learning discipline with the learning outcomes of social studies learning content for fourth grade students of SD Negeri Cluster Kalimosodo, Kranggan District, Temanggung Regency. This research used quantitative methods with the type of correlation research. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling technique in the form of saturated samples. The number of samples was 106 students. Data collection techniques used interviews, documentation, and questionnaires. The results showed there was a relationship between interpersonal intelligence with social studies learning outcomes with a correlation coefficient of 0.465 which is included in the sufficient category and there was an influence between learning discipline with social studies learning outcomes with a correlation coefficient of 0.660 which was included in both categories. The conclusion of this study is that the interpersonal intelligence and discipline of learning has a positive and significant effect on the learning outcomes of Social Studies students in class IV SDN Cluster Kalimosodo, Kranggan District, Temanggung Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-52

The problem in this research is the low social studies learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to improve the social studies learning outcomes of the fourth grade students of SDN 006 Sencano Jaya, by applying the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) type of cooperative learning model. The hypothesis in this study is that if the cooperative learning model (STAD) is applied, it can improve the social studies learning outcomes of students of SDN 006 Sencano Jaya class. The results showed that the teacher activity in the first cycle of the first meeting showed an average of 70.83%, in the first cycle of the second meeting an average of 83.33%. In the second cycle, the first meeting was 87.50%, in the second cycle the second meeting had an average of 95.83%. Teacher activity in this study increased. Student activity in the first cycle of the first meeting with an average of 58.33% in the first cycle of the second meeting was 70.83%, in the second cycle of the first meeting an average of 75.00% in the second cycle of the second meeting with an average of 91.66%. Student activity in this study also increased. The initial data of social studies learning results showed that only 11 students completed with a percentage of 40.74% who did not complete 16 people or 59.25% of students who obtained a basic score above the minimum completeness criteria standard (KKM). In the UH I who completed 15 people or the percentage of 55.55% who did not complete 12 people with a percentage of 44.41%. At UH II, 24 people or 88.88% who did not complete were only 3 students or with a percentage of 11.11%. Social studies learning outcomes in this study are increasing, so with the application of the Cooperative learning model type Students Teams Achievement Division (STAD).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-78

The phenomenon of low student learning outcomes from observations of researchers in the field is caused by several factors, such as: (1) The learning carried out by the teacher still uses conventional learning, namely the teacher lectures in delivering material, questions and answers and assignments, so it does not provide encouragement for students to study seriously ; (2) In delivering learning, the teacher still places students as recipients so that students are passive and only wait for information from the teacher without trying to find it. This can be seen when the teacher asks for students' opinions, only a few students give opinions and ask questions about things that are not understood; (3) This is also due to the lack of teacher knowledge about learning strategies that can activate students; (4) Teachers do not provide opportunities for students to work together in doing their assignments with their friends. This makes researchers feel the need to improve the learning process with efforts made to apply an appropriate learning model, namely the Think Pair Share Type cooperative learning model. This type gives students time to think and respond and help each other. Cooperative learning Think Pair Share is a cooperative learning model that allows students to help each other and cooperate with one another. Through this model students are more enthusiastic in learning so that they can increase the achievement of optimal learning outcomes. The formulation of the problem is as follows: "Does the student learning outcomes increase through the application of the Think Pair Share type of cooperative learning model for fourth grade students of SD Negeri 6 Sukajadi, Pekanbaru City?". The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of social studies learning outcomes through the application of the Think Pair Share Type Cooperative learning model for class IV SDN 6 Sukajadi, Pekanbaru City. Based on the data that has been presented above, it is concluded that the application of the Think Pair Share (TPS) cooperative learning model can improve social studies learning outcomes for fourth grade students of SD Negeri 6 Sukajadi (the average student learning outcomes through cycle I is 62.25, while in the second cycle the average student learning outcomes of 76.25)

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-15
Agus Suwarno

The problem in this research is "Implementation Methods of Inquiry Against Student Results AtSubjects IPS Integrated In Creative Diversity Flora And Fauna In Indonesia In Class VIIJunior High School 1 Tebas", with sub-problems of research: (1) student learning control classwho did not apply his method of inquiry in social studies Integrated in the material diversity offlora and fauna in Indonesia in class VII SMP Negeri 1 Tebas. (2) The results of theexperimental class students learn to apply methods of inquiry in social studies Integrated in thematerial diversity of flora and fauna in Indonesia in class VII SMP Negeri 1 Tebas. (3) Thedifference in student learning outcomes with the experimental class control class thatimplements the method of inquiry in social studies Integrated in the material diversity of floraand fauna in Indonesia in class VII SMP Negeri 1 Tebas. The variables in this study consistedof the dependent variable and independent variables, the independent variable of this researchis the result of learning and the independent variables are methods of inquiry. This study usedan experimental method, the research is a form of quasi-experimental research or experimentwith the study design quasy two-group post-test only design. The population in this study theentire seventh grade students totaling 196 people. The sampling technique using clustersampling. Data collection techniques used in this study is the direct observation techniques,measurement techniques, and documentary techniques. And tools used are observation sheets(IPKG 2), achievement test, and documentation. Based on the analysis and discussion of dataobtained: (1) the average student learning outcomes in control class is 69.62 which is quiteenough. (2) The results of the calculation, the average student learning outcomes in theexperimental class at 73.23 which is quite good. (3) based on calculations using the t test wasobtained tcount ≥ ttable, 2.27 ≥ 2.00 then there is a difference in student learning outcomes with theexperimental class control class that implements methods of inquiry.

Santi Susanti ◽  
Teguh Prasetyo ◽  
Syamsuddin Ali Nasution

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pengaruh pembelajaran kolaboratif terhadap hasil belajar IPS. Salah satu faktor rendahnya hasil belajar karena pembelajaran yang masih berpusat pada pendidik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu dengan desain nonequivalent control group. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan populasi peserta didik kelas V SDN Leuwinutug 04. Hipotesis yang digunakan dengan menggunakan independent sample t-test dengan nilai sig 0,000<0,05 artinya H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Jadi, kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran kolaboratif berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap hasil belajar IPS kelas V SDN Leuwinutug 04.Kata Kunci: hasil belajar, IPS, pembelajaran kolaboratif.  COLLABORATIVE LEARNING MODEL AS ALTERNATIVE LEARNING ON SOCIAL SCIENCEABSTRACTThis study aims to describe the influences of collaborative learning on social sciences learning outcomes. One of the factors of low learning outcomes due to learning that is still focused on teachers (teacher-centered learning). The method used in this study is quasi experimental with nonequivalent control group design. This study used purposive sampling technique with population of class V students of SDN Leuwinutug 04. The analysis results by using independent sample t-test showed sig value 0,00 < 0,05 means that Ho is rejected and H1 accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that collaborative learning had significant influences on social sciences learning outcomes of class V students of SDN Leuwinutug 04.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 415-426
Tara Lorenza

This study aims to determine the effect of the Inside Outside Circle (IOC) model on the improvement of integrated thematic learning outcomes for class IV SDN Gugus V, Sutera District. This research is a quantitative research with the type of research is a quasi experimental design. This research was conducted at SDN Cluster V Sutera District. The sample data was collected using random sampling technique. The instrument used in collecting data is in the form of an objective test in the form of multiple choice. The data analysis technique used is the t-test. The results showed that there was a significant effect of the Inside Outside Circle (IOC) model on student learning outcomes in theme 8. This was evidenced by the results of the t-test at the real level ɑ = 0.05, and dk = 43 obtained tcount (2.48)> t (2,018). The conclusion is that the Inside Outside Circle (IOC) model has a significant effect on increasing integrated thematic learning outcomes for class IV SDN 14 Sungai Sirah, Sutera District, Pesisir Selatan Regency.  

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Syayid Qosim M. Jafar Al-idrus ◽  
Hikmawati Hikmawati ◽  
Wahyudi Wahyudi

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan bantuan video kartun terhadap hasil belajar fisika siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experimental. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPA SMAN 1 Sikur tahun ajaran 2014/2015 dengan jumlah 113 siswa. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan melalui teknik purposive sampling dengan siswa kelas XI IPA 2 sebanyak 37 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen dan siswa kelas XI IPA 1 sebanyak 36 siswa sebagai kelas kontrol. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah nonequivalent control group design. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes tertulis dalam bentuk pilihan ganda yang sebelumnya dilakukan uji validitas, reliabilitas, analisis tingkat kesukaran, dan analisis daya beda soal. Data hasil tes akhir dianalisis menggunakan uji-t dua pihak dengan rumus pooled varians dan diperoleh thitung sebesar (5,318) dengan ttabel sebesar (1,996) pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Nilai thitung lebih besar dari ttabel maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran berbasis masalah berbantuan video kartun berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar fisika siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Sikur. Kata kunci : Model pembelajaran berbasis masalah, video kartun, hasil belajar.Abstract: This research aims to determine the effect of problem-based learning model assisted cartoon video of the physics student learning outcomes. This type of research is a quasi-experimental. The study population was all students (113 students) of class XI IPA SMAN 1 Sikur academic year 2014/2015. Sampling was done through purposive sampling technique with class XI IPA 2 as experimental class (37 students) and class XI IPA 1 as the control class ( 36 students). The nonequivalent control group was used as the experimental design. The instruments used in the form of a written test in the form of multiple choices previously tested the validity, reliability, analysis of the level of difficulty, and analysis about the different power. The final test result data were analyzed using t-test two parties with pooled variance formula and obtained tcount of (5.318) with ttable of (1.996) at the 5% significance level. The value of tcount greater than ttable then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This suggests that the problem-based learning model assisted cartoon video has effect on the student class XI of SMAN 1 Sikur physics learning outcomes.Keywords: Problem-based learning model, video cartoon, learning outcomes

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 265
Edo Dwi Cahyo

The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of social skills and gender responsive students after the implementation of the Controversial Issues (CI) model in social studies learning while at the same time looking at student learning outcomes. The method of this research is the quasi-experimental method using the nonequivalent groups pretest-posttest design. The population is the fourth grade students of SD Negeri 8 Metro Timur with samples of classes IV A and IV B. Data collection techniques are in the form of tests and sets of students' social skills. The results of this study indicate that the Controversial Issues (CI) model in social studies learning can improve social skills and gender-responsive student learning outcomes.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-20
Iin Khairunnisa ◽  
Sugiharsono Sugiharsono

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Keefektifan model pembelajaran kooperatif metode Problem Solving dan tipe Team-Assisted Individualization (TAI)  dapat meningkatkan minat dan hasil belajar IPS, dan (2) Perbedaan keefektifan pembelajaran kooperatif metode Problem Solving dan tipe Team- Assisted Individualization dalam meningkatkan minat dan hasil belajar IPS. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Depok tahun pelajaran 2013-2014 yang terbagi menjadi 12 kelas. Sampel dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas tiga kelas yaitu dua kelas untuk kelas eksperimen dan satu kelas untuk kelas kontrol. Teknik sampling yang digunakan ialah purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan test dan tugas. Penentuan keefektifan kedua model tersebut diuji dengan Anava satu jalur. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Model pembelajaran kooperatif  metode Problem Solving dan tipe Team-Assisted Individualization efektif untuk meningkatkan minat dan hasil belajar IPS. (2) Model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Team-Assisted Individualization lebih efektif untuk meningkatkan minat belajar peserta didik dibandingkan dengan metode Problem Solving, sedangkan metode  Problem Solving lebih efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik dibandingkan dengan tipe Team-Assisted Individualization.Kata Kunci: penelitian ekperimen, problem solving, team-assisted individualization , minat belajar dan hasil belajar. ______________________________________________________________ EFFECTIVENESS OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING PROBLEM SOLVING AND TAI TO IMPROVE LEARNING OUTCOMES INTERESTS AND IPS Abstract This study aims to reveal: (1) the cooperative learning model of Problem Solving method and Team-Assisted Individualization type in increasing the interest and learning outcomes in IPS, and (2) the difference the effectiveness of the cooperative learning model of Problem Solving method and Team-Assisted Individualization Type in increasing the interest and learning outcomes in IPS. This study was a quasi-experimental study. The population was all students of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Depok in 2013-2014 divided into 12 classes. The sample consisting of three classes, two experimental classes and one control class, was establisted using the purposive sampling technique. The data were collected using a test and assignments. The determination of the effectiveness of these two models was tested with one-way Anova. The results are as follows. (1) The cooperative learning model of the Problem Solving method and Team-Assisted Individualization types effective increase the interest and learning outcomes in IPS. (2) The Team-Assisted Individualization type is more effective to increase the interest of the learners than the Problem Solving method, and the Problem Solving method is more effective to improve the learning outcomes of the students than the Team-Assisted Individualization type. Keywords: experimental study, problem solving, team assisted individualization, interest in learning and learning outcomes

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