scholarly journals Mujeres en movimiento: bajo la Dictadura militar chilena (1973-1990)

Javier Maraval Yáguez

<p>Desde la perspectiva histórica feminista, el artículo analiza el impacto que la represiónde la dictadura militar del general Augusto Pinochet Ugarte (1973-1990) causó en las mujeres que conformaron la oposición política. La Tortura Sexual se definió como una estrategia dirigida y pensada contra las prisioneras en los diversos campos de concentración que se extendían a lo largo de Chile. Este hecho, invisibilizado durante años por los diversos estudios entorno a los Derechos Humanos, se reconoció de forma oficial cuando en 2004 se publicó el Informe de la Comisión Nacional sobre Prisión Política y Tortura (<em>Informe</em><em> Valech</em>), un documento pionero que recogía 4000 testimonios de mujeres supervivientes.</p><p>From the feminist historical perspective, the article analyses the impact of the Pinochet dictatorship repression (1970-1990) against women from the political opposition. The sexual torture was a specific strategy carried out in the military concentration camps all around Chile. This fact was not visible until the publication of the National Commission on Political Imprisonment and Torture Report in 2004 (<em>Valech</em><em> Report</em>), a pioneer investigation  that  recognises  sexual tortur  as specific torture against  prisoners including 4000 women survivors testimonies.</p><p> </p>

Patrick Barr-Melej

The epilogue briefly pushes the book’s discussion forward in time, into 1974, when countercultural youths faced very different conditions put upon them by a military regime whose leaders were familiar with anticounterculture discourses, especially those of the Allende years. Upon the military coup (led by General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte) that ended Allende’s presidency and democracy in September 1973, matters turned from troublesome to dismal for many hippies (including Jorge Gómez), Siloists, and countercultural youths in general as the dictatorship forcefully imposed its notion about youth, discipline, and culture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 673
Guillermo Lazcoz Moratinos ◽  
Ander Gutiérrez-Solana Journoud

Resumen: El TEDH ha inaugurado el procedimiento consultivo enunciado en el Protocolo 16 al CEDH con la emisión de una Opinión Consultiva solicitada por la Cour de Cassation francesa. El TEDH debía afrontar una serie de preguntas sobre los derechos de la mujer contratante de un acuerdo de maternidad subrogada celebrado en el extranjero en lo respectivo a la filiación. Para resolver estas cuestiones era esperable que el TEDH aplicara la perspectiva de género a su labor jurisdiccional, para analizar las consecuencias de la normativa y de su propia jurisprudencia a la luz del derecho antidiscriminatorio, incluso analizando el impacto de estas prácticas sobre las madres gestantes. Sin embargo, el TEDH opta por la vía de la no contestación y la reiteración de doctrina precedente: la obligación de inscribir menores si hay carga genética del hombre contratante y la de encontrar una vía de reconocimiento de la convivencia del menor con la pareja contratante, ignorando el eje de las preguntas formulada por el tribunal francés.Palabras clave: maternidad subrogada internacional, orden público, interés superior del menor, derechos humanos, CEDH.Abstract: The ECHR has opened the consultative procedure enunciated in Protocol 16 to the ECHR with the issuance of an Advisory Opinion requested by the French Cour de Cassation. The ECHR had to face a series of questions on the rights of contracting women of a surrogacy agreement concluded abroad with regard to filiation. To resolve these issues, it was expected that the ECHR applied the gender perspective to its jurisdictional work, to analyze the consequences of the regulations and its own jurisprudence in the light of the anti-discrimination law, including analyzing the impact of these practices on pregnant mothers. However, the ECHR opts for the way of non-contestation and reiteration of precedent doctrine: the obligation to register minors if there is a genetic load of the contracting man and to find a way to recognize the child’s coexistence with the contracting partner, ignoring the object of the questions asked by the French court.Keywords: cross-border surrogacy, public order, best interest of the child, human rights, ECHR. 

1974 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-51 ◽  
Ronald C. Newton

In the aftermath of the military revolt that overthrew the Popular Unity government of Dr. Salvador Allende in September 1973, reports began to seep out of Chile that the junta was supervising revision of the constitution in a “corporativist” sense. The structural alterations contemplated are designed, in the first instance, to ensure permanent military representation in the councils of government. However, General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, head of the military junta, has made it known that the new constitution will also give a prominent place to industrial, commercial, agrobusiness, mining, and professional associations, which he terms “the authentic representatives of the people.” Such employers' and trade associations—known collectively as “gremios patronales,” to distinguish them from trade unions or “gremios de obreros” — have been in existence for many years, but a number of them experienced a sharp upsurge of political militancy in the late 1960's in reaction to what their leaders perceived as the leftward drift of the then-ruling Christian Democratic Party. Their role, under the direction of the Confederation of Production and Commerce, in arousing resistance to the Popular Unity government elected in 1970 and, ultimately, in paralyzing it before its final downfall is widely known, at least in outline.

2018 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
pp. 413-448
Kim Christiaens

AbstractThe overthrow of the democratically elected socialist president Salvador Allende in Chile and the human rights violations under the military junta of Augusto Pinochet spawned one of the most iconic and sustained human rights campaigns of the Cold War. Human rights scholars have argued that this movement on behalf of Chile signalled the “breakthrough” of human rights as the lingua franca of transnational activism. They have emphasized the global dimensions of these campaigns, which inspired movements mobilizing on behalf of other issues in the Third World. However, such narratives have not been corroborated by research on the campaigns as developed in Europe. Historians have so far focused on the impact of the Chilean crisis in specific countries or on particular organizations, and on the ways in which human rights activism was coloured by local and national contexts. This article aims to shift the scope of the debate by establishing relations with and crossovers from other transnational causes and campaigns, analysing the ways in which campaigns on behalf of Chile became intimately related to campaigns on intra-European issues during the 1970s and 1980s. It explores the so far little-studied connections between campaigns over Chile and simultaneously burgeoning movements on behalf of East–West détente, resistance against authoritarian regimes in Southern Europe, and the plight of dissidents in Eastern Europe. It argues that campaigns on behalf of Chile were reconfigured around European themes, created bonds of solidarity within a divided Europe, and drew on analogies rather than a juxtaposition between Europe and the Third World.

Alba Nidia Triana Martínez

<p>El artículo trata, en primer lugar, acerca del panorama legislativo acordado en los organismos internacionales de Derechos Humanos en relación con el tema de la violencia contra la mujer. Para éste análisis se hace énfasis en los articulados que tratan la violencia doméstica en la relación de pareja. En segundo lugar, se establece la correlación entre los instrumentos jurídicos internacionales y la construcción de una normatividad en Colombia orientada a proteger los derechos fundamentales de las mujeres al interior de la familia. En tercer lugar, se hace un análisis acerca del impacto de la normatividad en el ámbito de la realidad familiar colombiana en la actualidad.</p><p>This article discuss about, in first place, concerning the legislative tune in international human right organisms in relation violence against woman’s for this analysis we make emphasis in does articles that treat domestic violence in couple relationship. In second place, them selves establish a reciprocal way between international jurist instrument and a construction of a model in Colombia orientated to protect the fundamental rights of woman inside they family.  In third place, we do analysis about the impact</p><p> </p>

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
Jean-Manuel Larralde

El Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos ha desarrollado una jurisprudencia protectora de las mujeres que se despliega de dos maneras complementarias; de una parte, apoyándose sobre el principio de no discriminación el Tribunal contribuye a promover las condiciones de igualdad de trato entre hombres y mujeres privilegiando la universalidad de los derechos protegidos por la Convención Europea de Derechos Humanos. Por otra parte, consciente de que las mujeres pertenecen a un grupo específico que requiere de medidas especiales de protección, el Tribunal ha desarrollado una jurisprudencia aplicable específicamente a las mujeres, reconociéndoles parcialmente un derecho a la libre disposición de sus cuerpos e imponiéndole a los Estados europeos la implementación de mecanismos de protección para combatir la violencia contra las mujeres

Filanderas ◽  
2017 ◽  
pp. 75-84
Alicia Brox Sáenz de la Calzada

La violencia contra las mujeres se ha traducido jurídicamente de diversas formas. Mientras que las organizaciones internacionales de Derechos Humanos la definen ampliamente como cualquier acto de violencia cometido contra una mujer por el simple hecho de serlo, los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea suelen restringir penalmente el concepto en función de varios factores. Esta diversidad se traduce en una falta de uniformidad, existiendo, para un mismo fenómeno, múltiples traducciones penales. Para limitar las diferencias, los Estados miembros del Consejo de Europa elaboraron en 2011 el Convenio de Estambul, texto de importante calado que insta a seguir ciertas pautas de género a la hora de legislar en la materia y del que se espera resulte una mayor armonización europea. Este artículo ilustra brevemente el estado actual de la cuestión en Francia y en España, dos de los países signatarios del Convenio que presentan grandes disparidades legislativas sobre el asunto. Mientras que España ha introducido la violencia de género en su Código Penal como una infracción sexo específica autónoma, Francia ha optado por hacerlo a través de una circunstancia agravante.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 72-78
Tracie Paola Méndez Saravia

El presente estudio busca analizar el derecho a la vida desde el enfoque de los derechos humanos de las mujeres, haciendo una exposición sobre la situación que les afecta y limita el ejercicio de sus derechos humanos, con énfasis en los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. Además, se analizan los marcos legales vigentes en Guatemala, que establecen la obligatoriedad del Estado a garantizar la prevención, atención y reparación en cuanto a la violencia sexual y los embarazos no deseados, forzados o no planificados. Así mismo se analizan, aquellos marcos legales que limitan el ejercicio del derecho de las mujeres a decidir libremente. Se realiza una exposición de los instrumentos internacionales en materia de derechos humanos, especialmente los derechos a la vida y se expone sobre las nuevas evidencias científicas en relación al inicio de la vida humana. Se colocan además algunas de las principales problemáticas y necesidades que afectan a las mujeres en el ámbito de la sexualidad.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (10) ◽  
pp. 149-166
Dmitry V. Gordienko ◽  

The paper examines the interests of Russia, the United States and China in the regions of the world and identifies the priorities of Russia's activities in Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus, the Asia-Pacific region, the Arctic, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America, their comparative assessment with the interests of the United States and China. An approach to assessing the impact of possible consequences of the activities of the United States and China on the realization of Russia's interests is proposed. This makes it possible to identify the priorities of the policy of the Russian Federation in various regions of the world. The results of the analysis can be used to substantiate recommendations to the military-political leadership of our country. It is concluded that the discrepancy between the interests of the United States and China is important for the implementation of the current economic and military policy of the Russian Federation.

2021 ◽  
Arshita Nandan ◽  

Abstract This project focuses on the conflict in Indian administered Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). This conflict is characterised by the militarised occupation of the region and resistance for self- determination by indigenous populations. In 2019, there were over 500,000 military and police force stationed in the state of J&K and over the years the forces have become a permanent fixture of the day-to-day life of people in the region. The use of civilian infrastructure by the military apparatus to control the rhythms of everyday life has evolved to its current form as an integral aspect of the conflict itself. This paper is focused on two interrelated aspects i.e., the impact of militarisation, magnified by Covid-19 pandemic on the fieldwork itself and its relationship to the larger impact of militarisation on everyday life in Srinagar. The methodology is inspired by rhythmanalysis which focuses on space of interaction. The rhythmanalysis is in two parts, it explores the rhythms as viewed and investigated by the researcher as opposed to the rhythms of everyday life for research participants. The aim here is to contextualise the questions of ethics and positionality as a researcher, conducting fieldwork during covid 19, in a militarised conflict region. Key Words: Military; Public Space; Rhythmanalysis; Resistance, Critical Architecture

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