scholarly journals Key Insights into What Makes Public Organizations Learn from Training Programs

Kristin Reichborn-Kjennerud

Public organizations often operate in rigid environments with standardized procedures that are not conducive to learning, yet it is crucial that they continuously improve at solving their societal tasks in a satisfactory way. There is a lack of knowledge about what factors are important for learning to occur in public organizations. Based on a questionnaire, this study looks at how different factors condition the way in which employees perceive standardized training programs in public organizations. The study demonstrates how a training program was perceived by two different professional groups, one being more accustomed to and accepting of standardized procedures than the other. The results show that the child welfare services had a more positive attitude toward the program than did the family counseling services. Employees working in an environment that is positive to employee feedback also perceived the program as more relevant, important and useful. Employees working in an environment that prioritized competence development perceived the program to be better organized and implemented and to be relevant to their work tasks. The article argues that these factors contribute positively to organizational learning and stresses the importance for leaders to develop an environment that is positive to employee feedback.

2005 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 104-111 ◽  
Pernille Bertelsen ◽  
Christian Nøhr

The introduction of electronic health records will entail substantial organisational changes to the clinical and administrative staff in hospitals. Hospital owners in Denmark have predicted that these changes will render up to half of medical secretaries redundant. The present study however shows that medical secretaries have a great variety of duties, and often act as the organisational ‘glue’ or connecting thread between other professional groups at the hospital. The aim of this study is to obtain a detailed understanding of the pluralism of work tasks the medical secretaries perform. It is concluded that clinicians as well as nurses depend on medical secretaries, and therefore to reduce the number of secretaries because electronic health record systems are implemented needs very careful thinking, planning and discussion with the other professions involved.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Putri Erika Ramadhani ◽  
Hetty Krisnani

Perceraian tidak hanya berdampak bagi yang bersangkutan (suami-isteri), namun juga melibatkan anak khususnya yang memasuki usia remaja, perceraian merupakan beban tersendiri bagi anak sehingga berdampak pada psikis. Reaksi anak terhadap perceraian orangtuanya, sangat dipengaruhi oleh cara orang tua berperilaku sebelum, selama dan sesudah perceraian. Metode dalam penulisan artikel ini menggunakan studi literatur. Studi literatur yaitu data sekunder yang dilakukan dengan diawali mencari kajian kepustakaan dari berbagai literatur seperti buku, jurnal ilmiah,  artikel, ataupun hasil penelitian sejenis yang telah dipublikasikan mengenai dampak perceraian orang tua terhadap anak remaja. Hingga saat ini dampak perceraian orang tua memang dapat memberikan dampak buruk bagi anak, baik fisik maupun psikologis anak. Sehingga perceraian memang perlu dipertimbangkan matang-matang, dan orang tua harus bisa memberikan pengertian yang baik kepada anak sehingga dapat mengurangi dan mengatasi dampak buruk pada anak pada saat perceraian terjadi. Tetapi fungsi keluarga untuk memberikan pengertian dan perhatian pada anak/remaja ternyata tidak berfungsi dalam kaitannya dengan kasus perceraian. Untuk mengatasi perlakuan salah tersebut, maka dalam praktik pekerjaan sosial, seorang pekerja sosial harus berupaya mewujudkan ketercapaian akan kesejahteraan bagi anak. Pekerja sosial dapat melakukan proses pertolongan sesuai dengan tahapan pertolongan pekerjaan sosial, pekerja sosial memberikan layanan konseling, serta  pekerja sosial memberikan layanan konseling keluarga.  Divorce is not only an impact to the concerned, but also involves children, especially those entering adolescence, divorce is an individual burden to the child so that it affects the psychic. The child's reaction to the divorce of its parents, is heavily influenced by the way parents behave before, during and after divorce. The method in writing this article uses literature studies. The study of literature is secondary data conducted by beginning to seek literature study from various literatures such as books, scientific journals, articles, or similar research results that have been published regarding the impact of divorce of parents To teenage children. Until now, the impact of parents ' divorce can adversely affect children, both physical and psychological. So the divorce does need to be considered mature, and parents should be able to give a good understanding to the child so as to reduce and overcome the adverse effects on the child at the time of divorce occurs. But the family function to provide understanding and attention in children/adolescents is not functioning in relation to divorce cases. To overcome such mistreatment, in the practice of social work, a social worker must strive to realize the welfare of the children. Social workers can do the relief process in accordance with the social job relief phases, social workers provide counseling services, as well as social workers to provide family counseling services.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 4049-4052
Afdal Afdal, Taufik Taufik, Ifdil Ifdil

Students are the responsibility of teachers and parents in fulfilling their needs. It is not uncommon for students who have problems in school that require parents to come to school to solve problems. One form of eradicating student problems by providing family counseling services with the concept of Birrul Walidaini to parents of students. In this case, the family plays an important role in students 'behavior in school so that students' problems are resolved and return to living an effective life everyday. The method used is individual counseling interviews with samples single subject. After applying the concept of Birrul Walidaini and changing the negative perceptions of the client's parents, making the client can change in a positive direction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 440
Fith Khaira Nursal ◽  
Nining Nining

Obat merupakan sediaan yang tersusun atas satu atau lebih senyawa kimia yang memberikan khasiat dalam menjaga dan meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat. Tetapi pada sisi lain obat bisa membahayakan kesehatan jika tidak digunakan sesuai aturan yang ditetapkan. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa setiap obat memiliki rasio manfaat dan resiko yang berbeda dan batasan ini menjadi tolak ukur keamanan obat. Berdasarkan fakta tersebut, diperlukan pengetahuan dan wawasan terkait obat yang dimulai dari masa pendidikan tingkat kanak-kanak hingga menengah atas untuk mempengaruhi tingkah laku penggunaan obat-obatan di lingkungan keluarga maupun masyarakat. Salah satu bentuk kegiatan yang mungkin dilakukan adalah berupa permainan dalam pendidikan obat bernama PIANO (pintar dengan obat). Permainan ini menekankan konsep pemberdayaan siswa dalam meningkatkan kemampuan memahami obat secara komprehensif sehingga pada akhirnya diharapkan terjadi perubahan sikap dan perilaku positif dalam peggunaan obat yang rasional dan sekaligus secara tidak langsung dapat mencegah penyalahgunaan obat. Hasil pengamatan kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa para siswa sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan dan hasil analisis data menunjukkan adanya pengaruh permainan PIANO yang dilakukan dalam peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai obat.School-Based Medicine Education Using the Piano Game Method (Smart with Medicine)ABSTRACT Drugs are preparations composed of one or more chemical compounds that provide efficacy in maintaining and improving public health. But on the other hand drugs can be dangerous to health if not used according to established rules. This indicates that each drug has a different ratio of benefits and risks and this limit is a measure of drug safety. Based on these facts, knowledge and insight related to drugs are needed starting from the level of childhood education to senior high school to influence the behavior of the use of drugs in the family and community. One form of activity that might be carried out is in the form of a game in drug education called PIANO (smart with drugs). This game emphasizes the concept of empowering students in enhancing the ability to comprehend drugs comprehensively so that ultimately positive attitude and behavior changes in rational use of drugs are expected and at the same time indirectly can prevent drug abuse. The observations of the activities showed that the students were very enthusiastic about participating in the activities and the results of data analysis showed that there was an influence of the PIANO game which was done in increasing knowledge about the drug. Keywords: drug education, games, smart with medicine, piano

2020 ◽  
pp. 169-191 ◽  
Małgorzata Pamuła-Behrens ◽  
Agnieszka Hennel-Brzozowska

Research on the personality of primary school teachers and on their level of competence in teaching migrant children, including their own migration experience and their attitudes toward training for better education of foreign pupils, was conducted in 2016, using Big Five NEO-FFI and a questionnaire constructed by the authors (PPNUC). The subjects work in a big Polish city and their school is attended by Ukrainian and Vietnamese migrant children; half of the teachers (called NU) have the migrant children in their classes, the other half do not (NN). The results have shown, among others, that NU teachers have higher extraversion scores than NN and that younger teachers have a more positive attitude toward training programs for educating migrant children.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Munira Abdullah Al-Fakri

The study aimed to reveal the level of awareness of Omani families about family counseling by knowing their attitudes and needs about the governmental services and counseling programs in the Sultanate of Oman. It is a descriptive field study that sample survey approach adopted and the questionnaire as a tool to collect data from a random sample simple in random numbers tables method. The sample is including (200) families, 136 of them from the North Batina governorate and 64 from Muscat Governorate, 49.5% are husbands and 50.5% are wives, mostly young people aged between 25-40 years, are working in the government sector.The study found that the percentage of family’s awareness about family counseling services is 69%. 30% of these families benefit from the services, while 70% do not benefit from it because of cultural and environmental considerations imposed by the customs and traditions in the villages about the family problems. Consequently, most family prefers to use traditional methods to solve their problems, which indicates a lack of awareness of the importance of services. The percentage of awareness of family’s awareness programs is 46%, but only 33% participate of them are  attending the lectures, and 67% of them do not participate because of their lack of awareness and modesties. This reflects the low level of social awareness of parents in the community study on counseling services with limited benefit.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 31
Frischa Meivilona Yendi ◽  
Zadrian Ardi ◽  
Ifdil Ifdil

Marriage is a bond between the outer and inner man as a husband who has not aged 25 years and women 21 years old wife is not with the purpose of achieving happiness. Marriage and family counseling is a profession that will be developed in Indonesia. Counseling emphasizes on changes contained in the family system. Stages counseling, theory and dynamics as well as the use of counseling skills in marriage and family counseling has similarities with individual counseling and group counseling.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 18
Dr. Indu Goyal

Marriage is an important thing in the life of a woman. The importance that our society attaches to marriage is reflected in our literature and it is the central concern of Shashi Deshpade’s novels. In our society where girl learns early that she is ‘Paraya Dhan’, and she is her parents’ responsibility till the day she is handed over to her rightful owners. What a girl makes of her life, how she shapes herself as an individual, what profession she takes up is not as important as whom she marries. Marriage is the ultimate goal of a woman’s life. This paper attempts to probe into the problems of marriage through the protagonists of her novels where one enjoys the freedom of marriage and the other accepts the traditional marriage. Shashi Deshpade highlights the problems of marriage faced by middle-class people in finding suitable grooms for their daughters. This problem is well-illustrated through the characters of her novels. Since the girl’s mind over her childhood is tuned that she is another’s property, she tries to attach a lot of importance to it. it is indeed a tragedy that even in the modern age, Indian females echo the same sentiment where it was marriage which mattered most of them but not to the men. It is a beginning of females sacrifices in life that marriage brings to her. Shashi Deshpande encourages her female protagonists to rise in rebellion against the males in the family matters, instead she wants to build a harmonious relationship between man and woman in a mood of compromise and reconciliation.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 16
Stella Baindu Fortune Fortune

The nature of children’s development is greatly influenced by the environmental conditions in which they are brought up. The amount of social stimulation which they receive is of particular importance, and even if physical conditions are adequate, an unstimulating environment which provides with little opportunity or need to experiment or solve problems will result in low level of achievement. Perhaps the most important aspect of the child’s social development is beyond the reach of the teacher. For the first very important aspect of the child’s development lies in the home. Genetic endowment and cultural level of the family, coupled with the actual physical conditions of the home will have decisive effect on the child’s development and will continue to influence him throughout his school life. These factors are inaccessible to be influenced by the teacher but it is as well for him to have them in mind in his dealings with pupils. In addition, he will need to know how he may most effectively change his pupils along the lives he considers to be the most appropriate. That is, he will seek out the most efficient ways of getting pupils learn for productive life in future. The topic under review will be approached from various fronts which include; The Sociological and Philosophical models; role of the school; Learners’ responsibility; role of the teacher; discipline and learner control; role of the parent; guidance and counseling services and conclusion.

2014 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Roman Wituła ◽  
Edyta Hetmaniok ◽  
Damian Słota

Abstract In the paper we present the selected properties of composition relation of the convergent and divergent permutations connected with commutation. We note that a permutation on ℕ is called the convergent permutation if for each convergent series ∑an of real terms, the p-rearranged series ∑ap(n) is also convergent. All the other permutations on ℕ are called the divergent permutations. We have proven, among others, that, for many permutations p on ℕ, the family of divergent permutations q on ℕ commuting with p possesses cardinality of the continuum. For example, the permutations p on ℕ having finite order possess this property. On the other hand, an example of a convergent permutation which commutes only with some convergent permutations is also presented.

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