scholarly journals The Relationship between Body Image Dissatisfaction and New Anthropometric Indices in Women Referred to the Nutrition Clinic in Northwest of Iran, Ardabil City, 2019

Fatemeh Ghannadiasl ◽  
Neda Hoseini

Introduction: Recent studies have shown a high prevalence of body image dissatisfaction in women. This study purposed to examine the relationship between body image dissatisfaction and new anthropometric indices in women. Methods: A cross-sectional study was done among 384 women referred to the nutrition clinic in Ardabil city in 2019, using convenience sampling method. Data were collected through multidimensional body self-relations questionnaires and anthropometric measurements. This questionnaire is an attitudinal assessment of body image, using a 5-point disagrees–agree Likert scale to collect responses. Data was analyzed using SPSS software (version 21). The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to investigate the relation between body image dissatisfaction and anthropometric indices. The significance level was less than 0.05. Results: The mean age and body mass index (BMI) of the women under study were 30.01±7.20 years and 30.21±5.17kg/m2, respectively. Correlation analysis presented that a significant positive relationship was between all anthropometric indices and the subjective weight and overweight preoccupation subscales. The highest relationship of subjective weight subscale was found with BMI, waist circumference, and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) (r=0.85, p<0.001) followed by abdominal volume index (AVI) (r=0.82, p<0.001). The highest relationship of the overweight preoccupation subscale was obtained with waist circumference (r=0.44, p<0.001) followed by AVI and weight (r=0.42, p<0.001) and WHtR (r=0.41, p<0.001). Conclusion: Body image dissatisfaction was associated with anthropometric indices. The findings indicated the need for interventions designed to improve anthropometric indices and, consequently, body image dissatisfaction.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-199
Tamariani Manullang

Prevalence of hypertension in adult males was highest in PuskesmasBasuki Rahmat (16.2%) as many as 648 cases of hypertension patients which hasincreased compared to 2012 by 12% in cases of hypertension totaled 482 patients((Dinkes Kota, 2013). This study aims to determine the relationship of body massindex (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) with systolic blood pressure (BP) in adultmales in Puskesmas Basuki Rahmat Bengkulu City in 2015. The study design wasdescriptive analytic with cross sectional approach. Study location was in PuskesmasBasuki Rahmat City of Bengkulu. Samples were selected using purposive samplingtotalling 68 people. Criterias sample were being adult males who occupied inPuskesmas Basuki Rahmat City of Bengkulu, aged ≥ 18 years, agreed to beinterviewed,and able to communicate actively. Data were obtained include BMI, WCand systolic BP adult males and processed using computer software with pearsoncorrelation analysis.The results showed that there was relationship between BMI andsystolic BP (p = 0.0005; r = 0.395); between WC and systolic BP (p = 0.004 and r =0.347) in adult males. This study concluded that there was relationship between BMIand WC with systolic BP in adult males in Puskesmas Basuki Rahmat Bengkulu Cityin 2015.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-84
Budi Kristanto

Latar belakang : saat ini prevalensi hipertensi secara global sebesar 22% dari total penduduk dunia. Dari sejumlah penderita tersebut, hanya kurang dari seperlima yang melakukan upaya pengendalian terhadap tekanan darah yang dimiliki. Adapun faktor yang terkait dengan tekanan darah sangat kompleks, baik yang dapat dikontrol maupun tidak dapat dikontrol. Salah satu kebiasaan yang diduga terkait dengan hipertensi adalah kebiasaan konsumsi kopi. Tujuan : mengetahui hubungan antara kebiasaan konsumsi kopi dengan kejadian hipertensi. Subjek dan Metode : responden penelitian ini adalah  warga Desa Ngringo RW 22 dan 29 Kecamatan Jaten Karanganyar sejumlah 45 responden. Jenis penelitian adalah analitik observasional, desain korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kebiasaan konsumsi kopi dengan kejadian hipertensi. Teknik sampling menggunakan total sampling, Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Pearson Corelation. Hasil : mayoritas responden memiliki kebiasaan konsumsi kopi dalam kategori ringan (1-3 cangkir perhari) sebesar 97,8%, sedangkan yang kategori sedang (4-6 cangkir perhari) sebesar  2,2%. Mayoritas responden dengan tekanan darah yang normal yaitu 82,2%, dan hipertensi 17,8%. Kesimpulan : tidak ada hubungan antara kebiasaan konsumsi kopi dengan kejadian hipertensi (p : 0,058).   Kata kunci : konsumsi kopi, hipertensi   THE RELATIONSHIP OF COFFEE CONSUMING HABITS WITH HYPERTENSION   Budi Kristanto, Diyono   Astract   Background : currently the global prevalence of hypertension is 22% of the total world population. Of the number of sufferers, only less than a fifth who make efforts to control their blood pressure. The factors associated with blood pressure are very complex, both controllable and uncontrollable. One of the habits thought to be associated with hypertension is the habit of consuming coffee. The aims of the study: knowing the relationship between coffee consumption habits and the incidence of hypertension. Subject and Methods : the respondents of this research were 45 respondents in Ngringo Village RW 22 and 29, Jaten, Karanganyar District. This research used observational analytic method, correlation design with cross sectional approach to determine the relationship between coffee consumption habits and the incidence of hypertension. The sampling technique used total sampling. Data were analyzed using the Pearson Correlation test. Result : the majority of respondents have a habit of consuming coffee in the light category (1-3 cups per day) of 97.8%, while the moderate category (4-6 cups per day) is 2.2%. The majority of respondents with normal blood pressure were 82.2%, and hypertension 17.8%. Conclusion : There is no relationship between coffee consumption habits and the incidence of hypertension (p: 0.058).   Keywords: coffee consumption, hypertension  

Ana Zakiyah ◽  
Duwi Basuki ◽  
Windu Santoso

Discharge planning is one of the activities in the provision of nursing care on patients in the hospital, it will have a shortening impact on patient care in the hospital and reduce the patient's recurrence rate, but the implementation is not appropriate. so far, implementation of Discharge planning is still to be done after the patient finished having treatment by making a summary of the recording of patients return. Various characteristic factors of nurses can influence the implementation of discharge planning in hospital. The research purpose was to know the relationship of factors that influence discharge planning with the implementation of discharge planning. The research design used was cross-sectional, the instrument used was the questionnaire about the characteristics of the nurses and the implementation of discharge planning. The population of research was nurses who served in the inpatient room RSI Sakinah Mojokerto number of 80 nurses and obtained the number of 67 samples with proportional random sampling technique. The result of analysis with pearson correlation for age, education, length of work and chi-square for marital status showed that the characteristics of nurses related to discharge planning implementation were educational factor with p-value 0,023. The higher the nurse education caused more critical, logical and systematic in thinking so as to improve the quality of its work and the greater the desire to utilize the knowledge and skills it possesses keywords        : discharge planning, nurses, education

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 31
Elpinah Widiastuti ◽  
Diah Ratnawati

This research is more purpose know the relationship of peer support with body image on adolescent SMP Pelita 1 Depok. The method used with the quantitative approach make us of cross sectional (potong litang) with increase the sampel of 100 respondent at SMP Pelita 1 Depok with startified sampling technique. Method of data analysis will do it by using chis square test. Result of data analysis was obtained result p=0,001. This is show that there is a relationship peer support with body image on adolescent SMP Pelita 1 Depok at significant  level 0,005, also obtained the value OR=4,173 means that responden who have negative peer support have a 4 kali change to have a negative body image in comparison with respondents who have positive peer support. From the result of this research expected to give a positive  to be behavior, and of individual throughts and feelings for friends will give supports for their body image, so adolescent more confident again their body image.Keywords: Adolescent, Body Image, Peer Support

Body Image ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-270 ◽  
Matthew M. Clark ◽  
Ivana T. Croghan ◽  
Stephanie Reading ◽  
Darrell R. Schroeder ◽  
Sarah M. Stoner ◽  

Jurnal Gizi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 42
Aanisah Ardiyanti ◽  
Vitria Melani ◽  
- Nadiyah ◽  
Laras Sitoayu ◽  
Yulia Wahyuni

Health is the one of readiness factors in marriage. Towards the wedding, usually thebody image will be a concern. A diet to get the ideal body is often to found. The results showedthat the percentage of anemia in WUS who were not married was greater than WUS who werealready married. This study aimed to determine the relationship of body image, level ofnutritional adequacy, nutritional status, and anemia status in premarital women. An observational study with cross sectional approach. A number of 65 respondents wereselected by accidental sampling. The data were obtained through interviews usingquestionnaire (respondent characteristics, body shape questionare-34), anthropometricmeasurements (weight, height, body mass index, nutritional status), and blood sampling(hemoglobin levels). The data were analyzed using Chi-Square Test. The results showed a significant relationship between body image and anemia status(p<0,05). There was no significant relationship between the level of energy sufficiency,protein, fat, iron, zinc, and vitamin C with anemia status (p>0,05). There was no significantrelationship between nutritional status and anemia status (p>0,05). The conclusion is thatonly body image has a significant relationship to anemia status.Key words : anemia, body image,  nutrition

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 144-148
Masoud Nikfarjam ◽  
Elham-Sadat Salehi ◽  
Ali Ahmadi

Background and Aim: Spiritual attitude is one of the factors affecting mental health of students. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of religious attitudes with self-control and self-discrepancy (S-D) in students of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences (SKUMS) in 2017. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 328 students of the SKUMS were studied. The participants completed Tangney Self-control Survey, Higgins Self-discrepancy Questionnaire, a religious attitude questionnaire, and a checklist of demographic information. For data analysis, in addition to descriptive statistics, independent t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and one-way ANOVA were used. Stata software was used to analyze the data. Results: The mean values of religious attitude, self-control, and self-discrepancy were higher in women in comparison with men (P< 0.05). There was a significant difference between self-control religious beliefs, actual-self minus actual-self (S-D2), and self-discrepancy in terms of total monthly income of all family members (P< 0.05). Academic discipline was significantly associated with religious attitude, ideal-self minus actual-self (S-D1), S-D2, and S-D (P< 0.05), but self-control difference was not significant (P= 0.84). There was a linear relationship, significant correlation of religious attitude with the mean values of self-control, required self, actual-self, idea-self, self-discrepancy, and S-D1 and S-D2 (P< 0.05). Conclusion: According to the results of this study, religious attitude was associated with self-control, self-discrepancy, and their dimensions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. e5509119470
Aminda Tri Handayani

This study took the relationship of self-confidence and body image to students at FKIP UMN Alwashliyah. In this case, self-confidence and body image as independent variables and personal fable as dependent variables. Adolescence is one of the stages in human life which is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. At this stage adolescents will experience changes both physically, cognitively and psychosocial. In line with physical changes, young women tend to develop a high level of concern for their physical changes. The way adolescents perceive their physical condition will affect the level of their personal ability. With high trust and a positive body image will increase the personal level of the teenager. The objectives of this study were to determine: (i) the relationship between self-confidence and body image with personal fable in UMN AW students; (ii) The relationship between self-confidence and personal ability in UMN AW students; (iii) The relationship between body image and personal fable in UMN AW students. The research method used in this research is quantitative method with a sample of 2 classes from semester 2, each class totaling 30 people. Thus the data taken is in the form of a questionnaire, using Pearson Correlation analysis. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 23 for windows.     

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Sara Khosravian ◽  
Mohammad Ali Bayani ◽  
Seyed Reza Hosseini ◽  
Ali Bijani ◽  
Simin Mouodi ◽  

AbstractBackground: The prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS) are increasing, worldwide. Using a simple, efficient and reliable tool for predicting MetS is an essential approach in preventive health programs. The aim of this study was to compare the different anthropometric indices in predicting metabolic syndrome in older adults.Methods: This cross-sectional study is a part of the Amirkola Health and Ageing cohort Project (2011-2016). Of total, 1488 older people aged 60-92 years were entered to the study. Medical and personal information of participants were collected by a questionnaire. After measuring the height, weight, waist circumference, hip circumference and neck circumference, body mass index, waist to hip ratio, waist to height ratio, abdominal volume index and conicity index were calculated. Independent t-test, chi-square and ROC curve were used to analyze the data.Results: Based on ATPIII-2005 diagnostic criteria, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 71.57%.The prevalence in female was higher than male. All of examined anthropometric indices, except neck circumference (p=0.10), showed a significant difference in people with MetS compared to the individuals without metabolic syndrome (p<0.001). Waist to height ratio showed the largest area under the curve for predicting MetS (0.786; 95% CI: 0.76-0.81) followed by BMI (0.746; 95% CI: 0.71-0.77), AVI (0.745; 95% CI: 0.71-0.77), and waist circumference (0.743; 95% CI: 0.71-0.77).Conclusion: Waist to height ratio was the best predictor of MetS in older adults.

Healthcare ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 1435
Gisela Pineda-García ◽  
Aracely Serrano-Medina ◽  
Estefanía Ochoa-Ruíz ◽  
Ana Laura Martínez

Background: The potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on weight, shape-related appearance behaviors (body image dissatisfaction), and bulimic symptoms in nonclinical participants is poorly evaluated. This study aimed to identify the relationship between labor status, confinement degree due to COVID-19, dissatisfaction with body image, and anxiety and to discover its effect on bulimic behavior in Mexican adults. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a non-probabilistic sample of 276 participants via an online survey. Questions addressed their anxiety, body image dissatisfaction, and bulimic behavior. Results: The path analysis showed direct effects on the confinement degree (β = −0.157); of the labor situation (β = −0.147) and gender (β = 0.129) on anxiety; of dissatisfaction on bulimic behavior (β = 0.443) and anxiety about bulimic behavior (β = 0.184); and dissatisfaction (β = 0.085). Conclusions: The confinement, gender, and labor status are predictors of anxiety, while anxiety and body dissatisfaction directly influence bulimic behavior.

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