2021 ◽  
pp. 30-36
I. V. Borshevskyi ◽  
O. D. Hryn

The scientific article is devoted to the study of general theoretical aspects of the category “legal technique”, which is conditioned by the problem of the modern Ukrainian legislation improving and bringing it to conformity with the requirements of international standards. The author considered the issue of active development of the legal system of Ukraine, impact of the processes of globalization and integration on it, as well as renovation of the content of some state-legal phenomena, which actualizes the improvement of rule-making and law enforcement. Taking into account the analysis of the degree of efficiency and quality of legal technology in modern conditions, it should be noted that there is no sufficient scientific research of this issue by legal scholars in modern legal science. The problem of studying and analyzing the essence of legal technique is of great interest among scientists in different legal spheres and plays an important role in improving lawmaking in general. In connection with this, the issue of search for means of increasing the efficiency of legal activity is quite topical in modern legal science. The aim of the study is to analyze various aspects of legal technique in modern legal science and elicit problems of its improvement in the context of globalization and integration processes. It has been ascertained that legal technique plays an essential role in ensuring the effectiveness of law and strengthening legality. Complete and correct use of all means and methods based on elaborated rules of legal technique provides an accurate expression of the content of legal acts, their simplicity and possibility of their most rational use in practical work. The level of legal technique is one of the indicators of the level of legal culture in the country. The need for full and thorough use of legal technique, expressing the advanced experience of legislation and progressive recommendations of science, is an objective principle that allows one to avoid certain negative consequences, costs and shortcomings in the form of law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 ◽  
pp. 02013
Svetlana Petrovna Kazakova ◽  
Olesya Aleksandrovna Kukhareva ◽  
Ekaterina Viktorovna Tkachenko ◽  
Asiya Nailevna Yusupova ◽  
Dimitri Oleynik

The study’s objective is to develop theoretical provisions revealing the conceptual features of forming and implementing conciliation procedures. The authors pay special attention to the most controversial issues that prevent their dissemination in the Russian Federation. The methodological basis of the study consisted of dialectical analysis, which allowed to evaluate the results of rule-making and law enforcement; the comparative-legal method contributed to an objective assessment of the quality of existing legislation; the systematic method allowed to interpret the categorical apparatus on the example of studying “conciliation procedures”; the method of legal modeling allowed to formulate a model of conciliation procedures, which has a separate, independent place in the legislation of several countries. The result of the work was to draw attention to the meaning of “conciliation procedures” in its empirical and functional aspect and to prove that conciliation procedures, with their objective and subjective justification, are a fundamental category of modern objective law, in which the freedom of choice of subjects of law is not limited to permissive and administrative means, but must be justified by the essence of the dispute being resolved and the final result. The study’s novelty is the conclusion that in some cases, the reference to legislation providing for “conciliation procedures” for legal entities is not always consistent and does not reflect its ontological nature. For, conciliation procedures, expressing an example of the permissive rule of Russian legislation with the peculiarities of its legal regulation of certain legal institutions, should be aimed at developing voluntary settlement by the parties to a legal dispute as a special type of social conflict.

M. G. Girich ◽  
A. Saule

The development of the sharing economy has affected the change in the passenger transportation market, as online platforms for taxi services have appeared. For example, Uber Technologies plays a significant role in the market, which in 2017 won first place in the top 10 startups of the sharing economy. Currently, there are many problems that arise with the regulation of online taxi platforms. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, together with the International Transport Forum, is conducting a study of the law enforcement practices of countries regarding the regulation of online taxi platforms (or taxi aggregators), in particular, the problems of deploying the online platform for the transport of passengers and baggage by passenger taxi as a regular online platform or as a transport provider, and licensing problems for such online platforms, problems of control over obtaining permission directly by the driver, problems of vehicle safety of control over the drivers, ensure quality of service, traffic security problems and etc.

D.M. Byelov

The article considers the features of the category "legal space". The author cites the views of scholars engaged in the study of this legal concept. By linking the category of "legal space" to constitutional law, a conclusion is made about space as a constitutional-legal category. It is indicated that the development and assertion of Ukraine's own path and place in the geopolitical environment, its inclusion in European and world integration processes are inextricably linked with the organization of rule-making and law enforcement activities of public authorities and local governments, which would meet modern trends and international standards. in this area. New trends in the constitutional and legal construction of the country, the formation of civil society institutions, optimization and reform of public administration determine the new conditions for the implementation of state power, a prerequisite for effective operation of which is the unity of the legal space. It is established that legal space as a constitutional-legal category is a specific functional category of the science of constitutional law, which reflects certain spatial boundaries of the origin and development of any constitutional-legal action, the constitutional process, constitutional norm, state or event. Thus, space is a spatial boundary established by the Constitution, which can overcome itself and be replaced by more progressive in the implementation of constitutional and legal reform. They also simultaneously form a certain boundary, beyond which begin to develop constitutional relations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 98-103
Kolisnichenko A.I.

The scientific article is devoted to the formation of the international qualification requirements list and general and specific standards for the foreign language teacher training in the European model of teacher education. The author highlights the state of research and analyzes the European requirements for the profession of teacher in general and foreign language teachers in particular, which provided an opportunity to explore key aspects of the profession and ways of its development in the nearest future. The topicality of the researched question,which consists of the introduction and observance of the international requirements in the course of foreign languages teacher training during formal pedagogical education, is defined. The publication also defines the concept of “professional foreign language teacher training”, as a result of which the compliance of teacher training programs and international requirements with standards which are implemented in the European educational area is analyzed.The article reviews the stages of creating an international qualifications framework, and the preconditions for its emergence, as well as clarifies which framework were the basis and the time of its adoption and implementation. The author reveals the features of the national qualifications framework of European countries, their purpose and function.The publication identifies the stages of creating a list of international requirements for the quality of specialist qualifications, describes their essence and features. The study revealed the structural components of the qualification framework, including knowledge, skills, and competencies. The structure of qualification requirements for the foreign language teacher profession is also exposed.In the process of reviewing the qualification framework, the requirements for professional training, which are specified in the educational standards of the countries and the concept of standard in teacher education, are revealed. There are four main goals of international standards for FL teacher training and their types. The list of standards for the future foreign language teacher training is defined, which are divided into three basic sections: professional values and qualities; professional knowledge; professional skills. As a result of the qualification requirements, the qualification framework study, international requirements and standards of foreign language teaching, a positive impact on the quality of foreign language teacher training in pedagogical education of the European educational area was revealed.Key words: qualification requirements, professional training standards, national qualification framework, professional foreign language teacher training, quality of formal pedagogical education, European educa-tional area. Наукова стаття присвячена питанню формування переліку міжнародних кваліфікаційних вимог та загальних і специфічних стандартів до підготовки вчителів іноземних мов у європейській моделі педагогічної освіти. Авторка висвітлює стан дослідження питання та здійснює аналіз загальноєвро-пейських вимог до професії педагога загалом та вчителя іноземних мов зокрема, який дав можливість дослідити ключові аспекти професії та шляхи її розвитку у найближчій перспективі. Визначено актуальність досліджуваного питання, яка полягає у впровадженні та дотриманні запропонованих міжнародних вимог у процесі підготовки вчителів іноземних мов протягом формальної педагогічної освіти. У публікації наведено визначення поняття «професійна підготовка вчителя іноземних мов», унаслідок чого аналізується відповідність програм підготовки вчителів міжнародним вимогам та стандартам, які впроваджені у європейському освітньому просторі.У статті здійснено огляд етапів створення міжнародної кваліфікаційної рамки та передумов її виникнення, а також з’ясовано, яка рамка було базовою, час її прийняття й запровадження. Авторка розкриває особливості національних кваліфікаційних рамок країн Європи, їх мету створення та функції.У публікації визначено етапи створення переліку міжнародних вимог до якості кваліфікацій фахівців, описано їхню сутність та особливості. У результаті дослідження виявлено структурні компоненти кваліфікаційної рамки, серед яких слід назвати знання, уміння, компетентності. Також наведено структуру кваліфікаційних вимог до професії вчителя іноземних мов.В процесі огляду кваліфікаційної рамки у питанні якості підготовки фахівців виокремлено вимоги до професійної підготовки, які зазначені в освітніх стандартах окремих країн, а також розкрито поняття стандарту у педагогічній освіті. Виокремлено чотири основних цілі укладання міжнародних стандартів для підготовки вчителів та їх види. Визначено перелік стандартів для підготовки майбутніх учителів іноземних мов, які поділяються на три базові секції, такі як професійні цінності та якості; професійні знання та вміння; професійні навички. У результаті дослідження кваліфікаційних вимог кваліфікаційної рамки, міжнародних вимог та стандартів навчання іноземних мов виявлено позитивний виплив на якість підготовки вчителів іноземних мов у педагогічній освіті Європейського освітнього простору.Ключові слова: кваліфікаційні вимоги, стандарти професійної підготовки, національна кваліфікаційна рамка, професійна підготовка вчителя іноземних мов, якість формальної педагогічної освіти, Європейський освітній простір.

2021 ◽  
Vol 109 ◽  
pp. 01013
Pavel Fantrov ◽  
Vladimir Shinkaruk ◽  
Wilhelm Guhl ◽  
Natalya Solovyeva

The fight against the manifestation of extremism among young people is an urgent problem that goes beyond law enforcement and requires a comprehensive socio-political solution. At the same time, preventive measures and technologies for the prevention of this negative phenomenon of public life play a significant role in countering extremism. The effective implementation of crowdsourcing network technologies unites national security entities for a coordinated solution of an urgent problem and helps to level the extremist threat. Their effectiveness should be measured based on the number of identified facts of an extremist orientation, and also the quality of leveling the negative consequences caused by extremist activity. To achieve the goal and objectives of the study, a system of scientific methods based on the systemic principle, the institutional approach, and the sociological method was used. All these methods made it possible to identify the importance of network crowdsourcing technologies for the prevention of extremism among the youth in the context of interaction between the state and citizens. When determining the effectiveness of crowdsourcing network technologies, the study evaluated the projects “Cibersquad”, “MediaGuard” and “STOPTERROR”, which participated in the prevention of extremism among young people. Largely due to their promotion, the level of extremist crime in 2019-2020 was reduced (compared to 2018). The article substantiates the effectiveness of crowdsourcing network technologies and concludes that their widespread adoption can “socialize” the system of preventing extremism among the youth, provided that not only government agencies, but also constructively-minded citizens’ associations are its most important actors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 ◽  
pp. 32-35
D.M. Byelov ◽  
M.V. Hromovchuk

The article considers the features of the category "legal space". The author cites the views of scholars engaged in the study of this legal concept. By linking the category of "legal space" to constitutional law, a conclusion is made about space as a constitutional-legal category. It is indicated that the development and assertion of Ukraine's own path and place in the geopolitical environment, its inclusion in European and world integration processes are inextricably linked with the organization of rule-making and law enforcement activities of public authorities and local governments, which would meet modern trends and international standards. in this area. New trends in the constitutional and legal construction of the country, the formation of civil society institutions, optimization and reform of public administration determine the new conditions for the implementation of state power, a prerequisite for effective operation of which is the unity of the legal space. It is established that legal space as a constitutional-legal category is a specific functional category of the science of constitutional law, which reflects certain spatial boundaries of the origin and development of any constitutional-legal action, the constitutional process, constitutional norm, state or event. Thus, space is a spatial boundary established by the Constitution, which can overcome itself and be replaced by more progressive in the implementation of constitutional and legal reform. They also simultaneously form a certain boundary, beyond which begin to develop constitutional relations.

С.М. Воробьев ◽  
В.Е. Лапшин ◽  
А.Г. Грунин

В настоящей научной статье рассматриваются вопросы обеспечения прав и свобод человека, через призму соотношения принципов нормотворчества и законности. В исследовании проведен анализ факторов, влияющих на неуклонное обеспечение законности, освещены основные тенденции нормотворческой и правоприменительной практики в законодательстве России на современном этапе. Кроме того, даны рекомендации, касающиеся ключевых аспектов для дальнейшего совершенствования и развития ключевых демократических подходов. This scientific article are considered the issues of ensuring human rights and freedoms, through the prism of the relationship between the principles of rulemaking and legality. The study analyzes the factors affecting the steady provision of legality, highlights the main trends in rule-making and law enforcement practice in Russian legislation at the present stage. In addition, recommendations are made regarding key aspects for further improvement and development of key democratic approaches.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-60 ◽  
Mohamed Sesay

AbstractThe positive effects of rule of law norms and institutions are often assumed in the peacebuilding literature, with empirical work focusing more on processes of compliance with international standards in war-torn countries. Yet, this article contends that purportedly ‘good’ rule of law norms do not always deliver benign benefits but rather often have negative consequences that harm the very local constituents that peacebuilders promise to help. Specifically, the article argues that rule of law promotion in war-torn countries disproportionately favours actors who have been historically privileged by unequal socio-legal and economic structures at the expense of those whom peacebuilders claim to emancipate. By entrenching an inequitable state system which benefits those with wealth, education, and influence, rule of law institutions have reinforced structural, social, and cost-related barriers to justice. These negative effects explain why war-torn societies avoid the formal courts and law enforcement agencies despite substantial international efforts to professionalise and strengthen these institutions to meet global rule of law standards. The argument is drawn from an historical, comparative, and empirical analysis of the UK-funded justice sector development programme in Sierra Leone and US-supported rule of law reforms in Liberia – two postwar countries often cited as prototypes of successful peacebuilding.

P. V. Otenko

The scientific article is devoted to the issue of complex legal analysis of both advantages and disadvantages of the contemporary system of Commission’s quasi-legislative acts which is composed of implementing and delegated acts. Commission’s implementing and delegated acts play a crucial role in the EU, but the abusive application by the EU legislator of the delegation of quasi-legislative powers to the Commission of the EU cause various negative consequences on the EU legal order. The author outlines the following positive sides of Commission’s quasi-legislative acts: acceleration of the EU decision-making process, adding the EU decision-making process flexibility, improvement of the quality of the EU legislative acts and unloading the overall EU legislature’s workload. Taking into account the latest statistics, the author has proved that the process of the adoption of implementing and delegated acts is in four times faster than ordinary and special legislative procedures. It is emphasized that COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 made the EU urgently enact a bunch of legislative acts that were mainly adopted in the form of Commission’s quasi-legislative acts. The author also points out that the quality of the EU’s legislation has been improved as well as EU’s legislator workload has been greatly reduced because of Commission’s implementing and delegated acts. At the same time, the author specifies that the absence of an explicit legal distinction between Commission’s implementing and delegated acts leads to numerous interinstitutional litigations and disputes and undermines the hierarchy of legal acts under the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty. It is established that an excessive application by the Commission of the EU of the quasi-legislative instruments may breach the principle of institutional balance and may lead to the replacement of the sole EU legislator – the European Parliament and the Council. Eventually, the author argues that the lack of transparence and accountability of the Commission of the EU during the process of adoption of implementing and delegated acts deepen the ‘democratic deficit’ problem within the EU.

Андрей Куртяк ◽  
Andrey Kurtyak

The scientific article presents the results of sociological research, the purpose of which is to identify the legal status of an official carrying out operational investigative activities in the internal Affairs bodies. The empirical base of the study was the results of the survey on specially designed questionnaires of 307 respondents, including employees of operational units (156 people) and employees of structural units (94 people) authorized to carry out operational investigative activities, cadets of the 5th course of specialization of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, trained in the direction of training «40.02.02-law Enforcement (Profile: Operational investigative activities of the Internal Affairs bodies)» (57 people), as well as analytical reports, reviews, materials operatively-search activity, 2018. The obtained information is processed using the methods of sociology, theory of state and law and other branches of law. Objective information is classified and divided into six conditional factors based on the methodology developed by the author. In the course of quantitative and qualitative analysis of empirical material (survey results and interviewing of practitioners), graphs, tables, charts were compiled. The study is aimed at determining the legal status of a single entity as an official, identifying the features of the formation of the conceptual apparatus of the official, his functions, powers and legal responsibility, as well as to substantiate the relevance of the criteria for law enforcement in the field of operational and investigative activities, the Specification of the legal category «official» contributes to the development of recommendations for law-making bodies in order to improve the quality of legal norms of law in the field of operational and investigative activities of internal Affairs bodies.

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