scholarly journals Assesment Of The Effectiveness To Which Lecturers Apply Learner-Centered Techniques In Teaching And Learning Process In Universities In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Mwenge Catholic University

Joseph Angelista ◽  
Minja Gileard

The study examines the effectiveness of implementing Learner Centered Techniques and approaches among lecturers at Mwenge Catholic University. Learner Centered Technique (LCT) is a competence-based instructional approach which seeks teachers’ active involvement of students in the classroom processes with emphasis on students’ learning. The study was guided by the following research questions; To what extent do lecturers and teacher students familiar with Learner Centered Teaching at MWECAU? Which LCTs are most preferred by most lecturers during teaching and learning at MWECAU? What skills does the LCT promote in teaching and learning process? What measures can be put in place to improve the implementation of LCT at MWECAU? Both qualitative and quantitative designs were used to examine to what extent lecturers at MWECAU apply LCT targeting lecturers and students at MWECAU. Questionnaires were the main tool used to collect data and statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20 was used to analyze quantitative data. Findings revealed that to a higher extent the lecturers in the university understudy use learner centered techniques in teaching and assessment. The findings also indicate that Learner Centered Techniques promotes students’ creativity, critical thinking and independent learning. The Learner Centered Techniques used to encourage students’ engagement and in problem-solving skills to apply in daily life.

2010 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-142 ◽  
Robsan Egne

Washback Effects of Handouts on the Teaching and Learning Process in Higher Education Institutions in Ethiopia: Adama University in Focus The present study investigates the washback effects of handouts on the teaching and learning process in the higher education institutions of Ethiopia, particularly in Adama University. A descriptive survey and analytical research methods were employed in the present study. The subjects of the study included instructors and some selected students of the university. A questionnaire, an interview, a document and content analysis were employed to collect data. The data were analysed using quantitative and qualitative approaches. The data collected through close-ended items of the questionnaire were analysed quantitatively using a chi-square. Whereas the data collected via some interview guides and some items of the questionnaire were analysed using percentage. Besides, the qualitative data gathered via open-ended items of the questionnaire, some items of the interview, content and document analysis were analysed qualitatively. The research results revealed that the way handouts are being prepared and used in higher education institutions of Ethiopia does not encourage active and independent learning. Some recommendations which are deemed crucial for alleviating the problem are suggested.

Marina A. Fedorova

The change in educational paradigms has led to the need to define new methodological regulations that allow to consider the objects of pedagogical reality from a different angle. This led to the need to study traditional issues of pedagogy in an innovative context. The issue of forming students’ independent learning activities is not new for pedagogy. However, we present it from the perspective of an integrative-reflexive approach, which allowed us to identify its internal potential for personal development. The theoretical methods of pedagogical research used in the study: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, method of causal relationships research, etc., which allowed to mentally penetrate into the essence of the studied pedagogical phenomenon and rethink it in a new educational reality. It is established that the educational independent activity accumulates the reflexive and didactic potential for professional and personal formation and development in the process of studying at the university. The possibilities of reflexive discourse as a way of realizing the reflexive-didactic potential of educational independent activity in the learning process are determined. According to the structure of the process of reflection in educational independent activity we distinguish the stages of reflexive discourse: reflexive-indicative, reflexive-presentative and reflexive-realizational. We consider the relationship of these stages of the discourse with various types of reflection and features of self-assessment, self-analysis, self-design and self-realization as structural components of educational independent activity.

Vasileios Orfanakis ◽  
Stamatios Papadakis ◽  
Michail Kalogiannakis ◽  
Maria Ampartzaki ◽  
Kostas Vassilakis

Today, during the ‘fourth industrial revolution’ which is led by the Internet and the digital ecosystem it creates, schools are expected to achieve the development of not only the functional skills of literacy and numeracy but also of general knowledge. The apparent inadequacy of the standardized education system to respond to the needs and interests of 21st-century students urges researchers to adopt new forms of teaching as meaningful and high-quality teaching requires a more active use of innovative educational methods and tools. With the rapid development of IT globally, there is a tendency to utilize the capabilities of e-learning as a mode of distance learning since itcan function both independently of and in conjunction with conventional teaching. The varied applications of Web 2.0 tools create new possibilities in the educational sector. It provides the ability to develop innovative educational methods that transform students from passive recipients of information to knowledge creators through an active involvement in the learning process often within a modern interactive environment. This study presents the results of the implementation of a teaching intervention, with the use of a flexible and student-centered web system developed and used as complementary to the ‘Research Project’ course during the first term of the 2015-2016 school year. The ultimate goal of this effort was to highlight and consequently incorporate the use of a digital platform for student conferences which we implemented in schools as a means to research, learning, and skill development. The students had the opportunity to participate in a digital community which employed distance learning tools for communication, cooperation, and learning during a digital conference in which they had leading roles as writers and reviewers. The initial results of the pilot study indicated that the use of the digital platform increased the interest of students, supported the development of various skills and contributed to the overall improvement of the teaching and learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-256
Siti Arofah ◽  
Husni Mubarok

The objectives of this research are to analyze the type of violation and flouting the maxim of teacher-student interaction in the English teaching and learning process in MA Hasyim Asy’ari Bangsri and also find the most frequently produced between violation and flouting of the maxim. This research used the descriptive qualitative method. The data was obtained from the conversation between the teacher and students during the teaching and learning process and analyzed by categorizing utterances based on the violation and flouting maxim theory of the Cooperative Principle. The data were collected through the observation then analyzed by using the technique which is suggested by Miles and Huberman that consists of data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion or data verification. The result of the research showed that there are four types of maxims that are violated by the teacher and students. These are the maxim of quantity 11 (50%), the maxim of quality 5 (22.73%), the maxim of relation 1 (4.54%), and the maxim of manner 5 (22.73%). The dominant violation was the maxim of quantity with 11 occurrences. Based on the findings, there are three types of flouting maxims in which the most of flouting maxim that is occurred was the maxim of relation. They are divided into 1 (14.29%) maxim of quantity, 2 (28.57%) maxim of quality, and 4 (57.14%) maxims of relation. In conclusion, the most produced between the violation and flouting was the violation of maxim with 22 (75.86%) of total occurrences. Meanwhile, the proportion of flouting maxim was 7 (24.14%).

2022 ◽  
pp. 76-94
Nicoleta Duță

This chapter approaches the problematic of communication in teaching-learning activities in higher education during the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors have proposed to present a theoretical and practical approach to the effective communication in teaching, with the objective of knowing which are the opinions of students on communication skills and motivation of them in the classroom. The study included a total of 261 students from different faculties at the University of Bucharest, who were a Likert-scale survey in the period May -July 2020. Results of the analysis of research data shows that students have seen their ability to concentrate and motivation to perform tasks affected, but they did not leave university. In this respect, most difficulties were in carrying out teamwork than individual. The adaptations made by the university during confinement have been positively appreciated. The research findings coming according to recent studies confirm that without communication the teaching and learning process will not take place.

Sohail Iqbal Malik ◽  
Mostafa Al-Emran ◽  
Roy Mathew ◽  
Ragad M Tawafak ◽  
Ghaliya Alfarsi

Learning to code is considered as a difficult and challenging task for a significant number of novice programmers in programming education. Novice programmers have to acquire different skills such as problem solving, program design, comprehension, and debugging at the same time. On the other hand, most introductory programming courses focus more on syntax of the programming language. In this study, we developed and introduced a ‘PROBSOL’ application in three different learning systems (E-learning, M-learning and Game-based learning) to enhance the problem solving skills of novice programmers in an introductory programming (IP) course. A survey was conducted with the IP students to determine their perception about all the three applications in the IP course. Gender differences were determined by comparing both female and male students’ responses for each question in the survey. The results of comparison show that male students were more satisfied with all the three applications compared to female students. Both female and male students perceived that all the three applications are user-friendly, enabled them to accomplish tasks more quickly, and enhanced their learning productivity. Overall, both male and female students appreciated all the three applications in the teaching and learning process of the IP course. This study implies that instructors can also use all the three applications as an additional teaching tool in the teaching and learning process of programming education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.6) ◽  
pp. 98 ◽  
Jossy P George ◽  
Vinay M

The technological advancement in the world has changed the people’s life. The people view point towards the usage of technologies in different fields like business, tourism, communication, education etc. has changed. Mobile learning can give flexible learning environment for the user. It can also increase the participant number in the online teaching learning process. This paper discusses about the effectiveness of the current technologies used in higher education system. It profiles the advantages of using mobile in accessing the university central system for teaching and learning. It also discusses about mobile digital book with augmentation, which can be used to improve the teaching and learning process of the different departments in the university

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 87 ◽  
Juan Carlos Manrique Arribas ◽  
Cristina Vallés Rap ◽  
Juan Manuel Gea Fernández

Resumen: El siguiente trabajo muestra los resultados de 29 experiencias de innovación en docencia universitaria, en las que se ha aplicado un sistema de evaluación formativa. Han participado en el estudio 7 áreas de conocimiento de 4 universidades, con un total de 1.770 alumnos y 29 profesores. El marco de referencia lo constituye la Red de Evaluación en Docencia Universitaria, centrada en investigar el potencial de la evaluación formativa para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje del alumnado universitario. La metodología empleada en esta Red de profesorado es la investigación-acción y el estudio de casos. Entre los resultados obtenidos en el estudio destacan las siguientes ventajas: a)-aprender formas alternativas de evaluación, b)-permitir mayor implicación y motivación del alumnado y c)-facilitar la adquisición de competencias de aprendizaje autónomo. Se observan algunos inconvenientes como: a)-mayor carga de trabajo para el profesor y el alumno y b)-falta de costumbre del profesorado y alumnado en la aplicación de este modelo de evaluación formativa. Sin embargo, la relación entre la carga de trabajo para el profesor y el alumno está en consonancia con el requerimiento que establece el nuevo crédito ECTS de los nuevos grados según los datos obtenidos. Los resultados extraídos permiten afirmar que la evaluación formativa supone un medio adecuado para que el alumnado alcance las competencias que exigen las titulaciones, sirviendo también como elemento dinamizador del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje que permite buenos resultados académicos así como la motivación de los alumnos y profesores. Overall results of the implementation of 29 cases on the development of formative assessment in higher education Abstract: In this paper we show the overall results after having implemented 29 innovative experiences in university teaching, based on the application of formative assessment systems. This implementation covers 7 areas of knowledge, 4 universities, 1,770 students and 29 teachers. The framework is the University Formative Evaluation Network, formed by university professors who focus on researching the potential of formative assessment to improve student learning and teaching process. The methodology used is “action research” and case studies. The results show that this evaluation system has many advantages: a) it allows learning new practice of assessment, b) greater involvement and more student motivation and c) it facilitates the acquisition of independent learning skills. It also presents some drawbacks, such as increased workload for the teacher and student, and a traditional lack of practice of teachers in the application of this model. However, the relationship between workload for the teacher and the student is in line with the requirement set by the new ECTS credit of the new degrees. The most important conclusion we have reached is that formative assessment is a very appropriate means to achieve the competencies required by the degrees, and it develops a dynamic process of teaching and learning that improves academic performance and students and teachers’ motivation.

Andi Muhammad Syafri Idris ◽  
Adliah Adliah ◽  
Syatria Alfina

This research aimed at exploring teacher and student ways of interacting in multilingual EFL classrooms. This research was a qualitative study using case study design. This research participants consisted of 1 EFL and 4 SMKN 5 Jeneponto students at Sulawesi Selatan. The data was obtained by observation and interview. The data was analyzed on the basis of data analysis procedure consisting of data collection, data display, data condensation, and conclusion: drawing / verification. The finding showed that there were three ways through multilingual interaction in the teaching and learning process, beginning the class, during learning process and closing the class.  The findings led to the conclusion that the multilingual interaction within the classroom had already made the teacher-students and student-students more interactive. Furthermore, the students were even good in communicating and influencing their attitude so they participated actively in classroom activities and felt comfort interacting with the class using multilingual interaction. The researcher also suggests that future researchers should conduct the relevant research by adding some new aspects to it. The aspects can be extended in terms of the method used, the number of research variables, research participants, etc.

ELT-Lectura ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-111
Ratih Laily Nurjanah ◽  
Deswandito Dwi Saptanto ◽  
Maya Kurnia Dewi

The lack of English module in speaking skill to support the teaching and learning process becomes one of the reasons for this study to come up. Another one is the reality that now, students are expected to be able to develop themselves independently without being dependent on lecturers since the Ministry of Education issued a new curriculum of Kampus Merdeka (Independent Campus). This is such an extended period from what is being faced by the world during outbreak era where classroom activities cannot be held. This study aims to observe what kind of speaking module is needed by students and to develop a modelling-based speaking module in informal interaction to support the independent learning process. This is a research and Development method according to Borg and Gall theory with 10 steps of development. The results show students need a module that can give them examples how to pronounce words but not in form of phonetic transcription. A module is then developed containing various daily expressions accompanied by an USB flash-drive contains recordings of a native speaker giving examples or models on how to pronounce the expressions accurately. Student are expected to be able to imitate the examples whenever they need until they can produce correct pronunciation and intonation.

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