scholarly journals Verbal Phraseological Units (in Nakhchivan Dialects)

Shakar Mammadova (Gadimly) Haywaly

The article examines the structure and frequency of use of the verb in dialects as a phraseological unit. Since the verb plays an important role in enriching the vocabulary of our language, it also manifests itself in a phraseological basis. Verbs, in the literary language and in Nakhchivan group of dialects are rich with their polysemy, omonism, synonymy, and in general, lexical-semantic features. This wealth reveals the importance of the role of the verb in the formation of phraseological units.  Both in the literary language and in the vocabulary of Nakhchivan dialect, the verb can be used in different meanings in different phraseological units. For example, in Nakhichivan dialect the word “vurmag” (to beat) means different meanings in different phraseological units: yashmag vurmag - to hide a face; pal vurmag - obstruct; hava vurmag - carpet weaving; gahra vurmag - hang around (Shahbuz); peyvas vurmah - vaccinate (Sharur); sadama vurmah - to harm; myrt vurmah - chat (Nakhichevan); tin vurmah - coal poisoning (Ordubad), etc. As can be seen from the examples, the verb “vurmag” consists of eight different meanings within eight different phraseological units. Variance and synonymy, which are ones of the types of phraseological units, are more noticeable in Nakhichevan group of dialects.

Alexandra Soares Rodrigues

This paper analyses the construction of deverbal adjectives in European Portuguese, focusing on the interface between morphology and semantics, specifically on the role of Thematic Hierarchy and Semantic Prominence on affixal selection.Supported by paradigmatic morphology, the paper shows that suffixes that work in macro-paradigms of deverbal adjectives establish a relationship with specific semantic features of the lexical-semantic structure of the base verb in order to construct the derivative. The analysis concludes that suffixes are sensitive to thematic hierarchy, which is based on the semantic prominence of features of the verbs’ theta-roles at work in the paradigm. Data from psych verbs is highly relevant to this finding.The paper is dedicated to Professor Ana Maria Brito, who has always been keenly aware that scientific knowledge is not confined to a specific theory.

E.A. Zhdanova

The article is devoted to the analysis of semantic features that are noted in the verb жить in Russian dialects of Udmurtia. As the analysis of the material of the corpus of Russian dialects of Udmurtia showed, this verb is found in contexts indicating values different from those known in the literary language. In connection with the need to clarify the layout of the corpus and create a dictionary of Russian dialects in Udmurtia, a definition of the semantics of this verb is required. The semantic features of a dialect word can be established both by linguistic factors: the syntactic role and lexical compatibility, as well as extralinguistic factors: the range of specific uses of the verb, historical information about the settlement of this territory, religious and ideological features of dialect speakers. For analysis, material from various lexicographic sources, as well as etymological information, was used. As a result of the study, an idea about the possibility of double interpretation of the semantics of the analyzed dialect word was formed: on the one hand, from the point of view of its implementation in dialect, as a syncretic unit, on the other hand, from the point of view of its lexicographic representation, as a set of lexical-semantic variants.

Boiko I.I.

Purpose. The article reveals the features of synonymy, paronymy and antonymy in the English terminology of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine, considers their functioning, and describes the dynamics of the prominent characteristics of these semantic processes.Methodology. The research material consisted of 1000 English terms of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine selected from the relevant English professional texts (scientific articles and didactic materials). The research is methodologically based on the systemic-structural approach, which enables synchronous analysis of language phenomena based on the connections and relationships between linguistic elements. The analysis of paradigmatic relations of the terminology was based on the principles of semantic field and thematic organization of terms. Descriptive and comparative methods were also applied.Results. A review of the literature confirmed the existence of multi-vector views on synonymy in terminology. The sources of synonyms in the terminology of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine are disclosed. The semantic and functional criteria of synonymy in the terminology are described, and the synonymous series available in it are revealed.The manifestation of antonymous relations as a regular principle of naming concepts with opposite meaning is clarified, and the differences between word-forming and lexical antonymy in the terminology of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine are shown. The use of paronyms is analyzed, and it is emphasized that a slight difference in spelling and pronunciation leads to incorrect replacement of one word with another and loss of information.Conclusions. The analysis of lexical and semantic features of terminology of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine has shown that synonymy and antonymy are common phenomena manifested on the lexical-semantic, derivational and stylistic levels. Each of theseypes of paradigmatic relations contributes to the development and enrichment of terminology of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine. As for paronymy, it is a linguistic universal that cannot be avoided despite the fact that it contradicts the principles of professional communication. This vision of the role of synonymy, antonymy and paronymy is generally consistent with the observations and conclusions of researchers who conducted similar studies in related terminological systems.Key words: semantic relations, systematic language, paradigmatic relations, term, lexical-semantic relations. Мета. Метою статті було розкриття особливостей синонімії, паронімії і антонімії в англійській термінології косметології та естетичної медицини, розгляд їх функціонування, опис динаміки провідних характеристик цих семантичних процесів.Методи. Матеріалом дослідження послугували 1 000 англійських термінів косметології та естетичної медицини, відібраних з відповідних англійських фахових текстів (наукових статей та науково-дидактичних матеріалів). Дослідження методологічно ґрунтується на системно-структурному підході, який дозволяє здійснювати синхронний аналіз мовних явищ на основі зв’язків і відношень між мовними елементами. Аналіз парадигматичних відношень термінології відбувався на основі принципів семантичного поля та тематичної організації термінопонять. Було також застосовано описовий та порівняльний методи.Результати. Здійснений огляд літератури підтвердив існування різновекторних поглядів на синонімію в термінології. Визначено джерела поповнення синонімів у термінології косметології та естетичної медицини. Описані семантичні і функці-ональні критерії синонімії в зазначеній термінології, виявлені наявні в ній синонімічні ряди.З’ясований вияв антонімічних відношень як регулярного принципу найменувань понять з протилежним значенням, показано відмінності між словотвірною і лексичною антонімією в термінології косметології та естетичної медицини. Проаналі-зовано використання паронімів та підкреслено, що незначна відмінність у написанні і вимові призводить до неправильної заміни одного слова іншим та втрати інформації.Висновки. Проведений аналіз лексико-семантичних особливостей косметології та естетичної медицини показав, що сино-німія і антонімія є у ній поширеними явищами, які маніфестуються на лексико-семантичному, дериваційному та стилістич-ному рівнях. Кожний з цих типів парадигматичних відношень сприяє розвитку і збагаченню термінології. Щодо паронімії, то вона є мовною універсалією, якої неможливо уникнути, попри те, що вона суперечить принципам фахового спілкування. Таке бачення ролі синонімії, антонімії та паронімії в термінології косметології та естетичної медицини загалом узгоджується зі спостереженнями та висновками дослідників цих явищ в споріднених або близьких за тематикою терміносистемах.Ключові слова: семантичні відношення, системність мови, парадигматичні відношення, термін, лексико-семантичні відношення.

This article discusses the role of terminology in linguistics, lexical-semantic aspects of sporting terms, and the importance of sports in the development of personality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
Kasemu Shermaymayti ◽  
Alfiya Sh. Yusupova ◽  
Elvira N. Denmukhametova ◽  
Ayşen Uslu Bayramli

The vocabulary of each language consists of words that enable people to call the things they see and express their attitude towards them, characterize and compare them with the others. To do it, one uses lexical and grammatical means of native language and the borrowed ones from other kindred languages and unrelated languages. If in the beginning these “foreign” words are perceived as exoticisms, with time, without suspecting of their foreign origin, they can enter into its active lexical fund, take a place in dictionaries, be actively used in oral and written speech. However, they may be forgotten, not accepted by the canons of the language, or become archaisms and historicisms. The relevance of the study is explained by the tasks of revealing the role of the activity of loan words with the synonymy of the Tatar language. The article presents the materials that reflect the experience of research of the teachers of the Kazan Federal University in cooperation with the colleagues from other countries on the study of Turkic languages, including the Tatar language in synchrony and diachrony. It is well known that the etymological affinity of the borrowed lexicon from different languages is not the same, as well as their morphological and semantic features. If the most active words are the words related to nouns and adjectives, then verb forms in Turkic languages are rarely borrowed. This paper aim is a lexico-semantic description of the synonymous connections of the verbs with borrowed stems in the Tatar language, as one of the representatives of the Turkic world. During the research, the authors got insight into modern works of Russian and foreign authors on linguistics, philology; analyzed the lexical material fixed in bilingual dictionaries and in “The Dictionary of Synonyms” of the Tatar language; made comparisons of the dictionary fund and practical Tatar speech; revealed the basic tendencies of development of the modern literary language.

Inna Stupak

Verbs of speech activity constitute a significant layer of verbal lexicon, which is characterized bya complex semantic structure. Depending on the nature of the semantic features, verbs of speechactivity are divided into three groups, one of which is represented byverbs to deliver information. In recentyears, there has been an increase in the frequency of use of verbs for conveying information indifferent literary styles. The aim of the study is to establish the most frequent verbs of this semanticsand to identify the specifics of their functioning in the situation for informational transmission on thematerial of German journalistic texts. The analysis of the to deliver information was carried out usingthe electronic corpus of the German language, which made it possible to trace the dynamics of theuse of 28 to deliver information, identify the four most frequent verbs and establish their semanticmodels. The situation for conveying information provides three obligatory semantic roles: agent,addressee and message.The analysis of the situation for conveying information with the verbs іnformieren, melden, mitteilen, berichten revealed the asymmetry of the obligatory components at the semantic and syntactic levels. Explicit and elliptical implementation of required components depends on the semantics of the verbs. The situation for conveying information with the verb is characterized at the syntactic level by the implementation of two semantic roles: addressee and message. The semantic role of agent in the situation for conveying information with the verbs berichten, melden, mitteilen is filled with a noun in a metonymic transfer of the type WHOLEPART, where the WHOLE is an institution, and PART is an employee or the head of this institution. The second mandatory component of the situation is addressee, who at the syntactic level has an explicit expression mainly with the verb іnformieren. In the situation with the verbs berichten, melden, mitteilen the semantic role of addressee is identified by the previous context. The third obligatory component of the situation for conveying information – the information that istransmitted – has both explicit and deictic expression. Verb semantics, communicative necessity and the principle of saving language efforts regulate the implementation of the obligatory semantic components of the situation for conveying information. The most significant component of the informational situation has an explicit expression. In general, the analyzed verbs are characterized by the possibility of shiftingthe focus of attention to any of the obligatory components.

Yong Li ◽  
Xiaojun Yang ◽  
Min Zuo ◽  
Qingyu Jin ◽  
Haisheng Li ◽  

The real-time and dissemination characteristics of network information make net-mediated public opinion become more and more important food safety early warning resources, but the data of petabyte (PB) scale growth also bring great difficulties to the research and judgment of network public opinion, especially how to extract the event role of network public opinion from these data and analyze the sentiment tendency of public opinion comment. First, this article takes the public opinion of food safety network as the research point, and a BLSTM-CRF model for automatically marking the role of event is proposed by combining BLSTM and conditional random field organically. Second, the Attention mechanism based on vocabulary in the field of food safety is introduced, the distance-related sequence semantic features are extracted by BLSTM, and the emotional classification of sequence semantic features is realized by using CNN. A kind of Att-BLSTM-CNN model for the analysis of public opinion and emotional tendency in the field of food safety is proposed. Finally, based on the time series, this article combines the role extraction of food safety events and the analysis of emotional tendency and constructs a net-mediated public opinion early warning model in the field of food safety according to the heat of the event and the emotional intensity of the public to food safety public opinion events.

Proglas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Милена Обретенова ◽  

В статията се разглежда ролята на синхронния подход като основна предпоставка за изтънчена фалшифицируемост при изучаване на историите на националните книжовни езици на територията на културно-езиковата общност Slavia Orthodoxa. Анализира се възможната му роля в изучаването на книжовноезиковата история като компонент на историческия подход към езика в контекста на теорията и методологията на научноизследователските програми на Имре Лакатош.

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