scholarly journals Khabarovsk Federal Research Center of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Far Eastern Research Institute (KhFRC FEB RAS FIARI)Features of tomato breeding in the Amur region. Results and perspectives

2021 ◽  
pp. 48-52
G. A. Kuzmitskaya ◽  
G. E. Shestopalova

Relevance. Khabarovsk region is considered to be the zone of risky agriculture. It is characterized by the monsoon climate (july - september), having no analogies in Russia by univen distribution of precipitation, temperature drops and high natural infections background. That is why the search of tomato sorts, responsive to environmental changes, with increased or stable yield is highly relevant. The aim of our perennial researches in the creation of highly productive sorts and hybrids of tomato, most fully realizing natural and climatic conditions of cultivation, having higher stability to the most harmful diseases, stress environmental factors and high productive potential. The most significant limiting factors when growing tomatoes in the region are high natural infections background and sharply variable hydrothermal regime, formed under the influence of the Priamurye monsoon climate.Methods. The selection work had been made on vegetable plot of DV NIISH. The seedlings had been growing by cassette method into film greenhouse, which had been no had heating. Then the seedlings was planted out into open ground in accordance with bed technology recommended in the region by scheme 140 X 35 cm. The main method of selection work of new tomato sorts creation was analytical with continious selection. All the necessary phenological, biometrical and psychopathological observations and accounts had been done by generally accepted methodics.Results. The results in development of tomato selection in DV NIISH was the creation of sorts with different ripening time: early ripe – Zarya Vostokа and middle ripe – Amursky Utios and Dunyasha. They were included in the State registry of selection achievements in 2008 year. Sorts Klad and Galant passed successfully the state sort tests and were included in the state registry of selection achievements in 2017 and 2018 years. All these sorts are recommended for growing in garden plots, private plots and farms.

2021 ◽  
pp. 33-36
В.В. Огнев ◽  
Т.В. Чернова ◽  
А.Н. Костенко ◽  
И.В. Барбарицкая

Несовершенство используемого сортимента – серьезная проблема при выращивании томата в открытом грунте, в том числе и на юге России. Возделывают как старые малоурожайные сорта, так и импортные с низкой адаптивностью. Необходим переход на современные технологии возделывания, позволяющие более полно проявить продуктивный потенциал новых сортов и гибридов томата. Цель исследований: оценка современного состояния и определение перспектив селекции томата для условий открытого грунта юга России. Исследования проводили в открытом грунте ССЦ «Ростовский» компании «Поиск», расположенном в Октябрьском районе Ростовской области в 2016–2020 годах. Материалом для исследований служили сорта и гибриды томата отечественной и иностранной селекции, рекомендованные к использованию в Российской Федерации для возделывания в открытом грунте. Основными лимитирующими факторами в период выращивания томата в открытом грунте были высокие температуры, низкая относительная влажность воздуха и недостаточное естественное увлажнение. Почвы в опытах представлены черноземом обыкновенным с содержанием гумуса 3,6%, рН – 7,8. Рассаду томата выращивали в кассетах в разводочной необогреваемой теплице с забегом 30 дней. Растения высаживали по схеме 70×30 см. Срок высадки – 2–3 декада мая при прогреве почвы на глубине 10 см до 8–10 °C и отсутствии опасности заморозков. Технология возделывания включала капельное орошение и систему фертигации. Учеты и наблюдения за растениями вели по общепринятым методикам. В исследованиях установлена необходимость создания сортимента с высокой продуктивностью, лежкостью и транспортабельностью, устойчивостью к биотическим и абиотическим факторам среды, с признаками пригодности для конкретных направлений использования. Особое значение имеет создание сортов и гибридов томата с высокими потребительскими качествами, а также раннеспелых. Наряду с созданием сортимента для промышленного производства есть потребность в создании эксклюзивных сортов и гибридов, спрос на которые имеет тенденцию к росту, в том числе в товарном секторе. The problem when growing tomatoes in the open ground is the imperfection of the assortment used, including South of Russia. Both old low-yielding varieties and imported ones with low adaptability are cultivated. It is necessary to switch to new cultivation technologies that allow us to more fully demonstrate the productive potential of new varieties and hybrids of tomato. The purpose of the research is to assess the current state and determine the prospects of tomato breeding for open ground conditions in Russia. The research was carried out in the open ground of the Rostovskiy breeding and seed production centre of Poisk Agrofirm, located in the Oktyabrsky district of the Rostov region in 2016–2020. The research materials were varieties and hybrids of tomato of domestic and foreign selection, recommended for use in the Russian Federation for cultivation in the open ground. The main limiting factors during the period of growing tomatoes in the open ground were high temperatures, low relative humidity and insufficient natural moisture. The soils in the experiments are represented by ordinary chernozem with a humus content of 3.6%, pH – 7.8. Tomato seedlings were grown in cassettes in a non-heated greenhouse with a run of 30 days. The plants were planted according to the scheme of 70×30 cm. The planting period is 2–3 decades of May when the soil is heated at a depth of 10 cm to 8–10 °C and there is no danger of frost. Cultivation technology with drip irrigation and fertigation system. Records and observations of plants were conducted according to generally accepted methods. The research has established the need to create a assortment with high productivity, shelf life and transportability, resistance to biotic and abiotic environmental factors, with signs of suitability for specific areas of use. Of particular importance is the creation of tomato varieties and hybrids with high consumer qualities, as well as early-ripening ones. Along with the creation of assortment for industrial production, there is a need to create exclusive varieties and hybrids, the demand for which tends to grow, including in the commodity sector.

2017 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 1028-1038 ◽  

ABSTRACT This study aimed to define areas suitable, and the irrigation water requirement for, cultivation of Tanzania guineagrass in the state of Ceará, Brazil. Tanzania guineagrass yield was estimated by a mathematical model, which considers the crop actual evapotranspiration, resulting from the crop climatological water balance. The water requirement throughout the year was estimated for soils with a water holding capacity of 20 (shallow soils), 40 (sandy soils), 60 (soils with medium texture) and 100 mm (clay soils). The relative frequency of occurrence of monthly productions greater than 2,750 kg DM ha-1 month-1 was obtained for different areas in Ceará, representative of most of the state's economic mesoregions. Tanzania guineagrass annual yields in the state of Ceará were between 20,000-30,000 kg DM ha-1 year-1. During the rainy season, the productive potential varies with the economic mesoregion, which presents different climatic conditions. The state of Ceará is only suitable for the rainfed production of Tanzania guineagrass for 4 months each year, predominantly from February to May, while weather conditions do not favor the development of this grass in the remaining months.

Л. Г. Білявська

Висвітлено сучасні напрями та завдання в селекціїсої, що безпосередньо пов’язані з ґрунтово-кліматичними умовами, сортовою адаптивністюта значним генетичним потенціалом. Проведеніпошук і виявлення джерел адаптивності сої донесприятливих факторів навколишнього середо-вища. Створено новий сорт сої Антрацит. Наво-дяться дані господарсько цінних ознак та насіннє-вої продуктивності цього сорту. Новостворенийвисокопродуктивний сорт Антрацит занесений додержавного Реєстру сортів рослин України. Сортсої Антрацит відрізняється стійкістю проти за-хворювань і шкідників, не вилягає. При дозріваннінасіння боби не розтріскуються. Особливістюсорту є швидка віддача вологи на час дозріваннянасіння, високий вміст протеїну та олії. The new modern tasks in soybean selection, which are connectedwith soil-climatic conditions, varietal adaptability and considerablegenetic culture potential are presented. Using sources ofadaptability to limiting factors of environment by hybridizationsome new material has been created. This helped raise newsoybean variety Anthracite. Early ripening highly productivevariety Anthracite has been registered in the State Register ofplants variety of Ukraine. Morphological description and economicaptitude of this sort are presented. The sort differs with itsresistance to diseases and pests. The beans don’t burst. Highcapacity of protein and oil in seeds, quick moisture efficiencyduring ripening are particular qualities of the variety.

O.R. Davletbaeva ◽  
A.N. Khovrin ◽  
I.V. Barbaritskaya ◽  
M.G. Ibragimbekov

Дана характеристика мирового производства салата посевного, приведена его наиболее распространенная классификация. Рассказано о селекционной работе по созданию сортов салата для южных районов России, ведущейся в Агрохолдинге Поиск . Дана характеристика созданных и переданных для регистрации в государственный реестр двух новых сортов салата Грин мастер и Грин стар.The characteristic of the world production of lettuce is given, its most common classification is given. It is told about the selection work on the creation of varieties of lettuce for the southern regions of Russia, conducted in the Poisk Agro Holding. The characteristic of two new varieties of Green master and Green star salad created and transferred for registration in the state register is given.

Vadim Shaherov

The article examines the formation of the Soviet credit system in the territory of the Irkutsk province in the early years of the New Economic Policy. The study focuses on the nationalization of the financial sector, primarily the financial management bodies and private banks. We examine the creation of the financial system of a new government, as well as complex issues of interaction between the region and the central bodies of Siberia and Russia. The opening of the Irkutsk branch of the State Bank of the RSFSR played a major role in the economic recovery of the region. We examined new documents on its interaction with private and joint-stock financial institutions. We studied for the first time the attempt of the Far Eastern Joint-Stock Bank to be included into the credit system of the region. The article provides information about the history of the creation of Dalbank and its operations in the Far East and China. In the late 1920s, at the time of transition to building socialism, there was gradual shutting down of private enterprise and market economy. Under these conditions, the idea of a “united bank” as the leading body for the implementation of credit policy in the country was introduced. The beginning of the reorganization of the Soviet credit system was the Resolution of the CEC and the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR of June 15, 1927 “On the principles of building a credit system”, which led to the monopoly of the State Bank in the management of all credit institutions in the country.

2018 ◽  
N.I. Ryakhovskaya ◽  
T.P. Sherstyukova ◽  
M.L. Gamolina

Рассмотрены агроклиматические условия Камчатского края и лимитирующие факторы, сдерживающие рост урожайности картофеля. Приведены характеристики новых сортов картофеля селекции Камчатского НИИСХ созданных в соответствии с приоритетными для региона направлениями селекции, включенных в Государственный реестр селекционных достижений РФ и охраняемых патентами.Agroclimatic conditions of the Kamchatka Krai and limiting factors that restrain the growth of potato yield are considered. The characteristics of new varieties of potatoes of the selection of the Kamchatsky RIA are created in accordance with the priority for the region selection areas included in the State Register of Selection Achievements of the Russian Federation and protected by patents.

2020 ◽  
pp. 72-82
I.L. Kapylou

The article describes the achievements and determines the prospects for the standardization of Belarusian onyms: it examines the problems associated with the establishment of official written forms of toponyms, the creation of normative onomastic reference books, the functioning of onyms in the situation of the state Belarusian-Russian bilingualism in Belarus, the transliteration of foreign names into the Belarusian language, the preparation of a legal framework and development of a program for proper names romanization.

V. Nazarkin ◽  
O. Semenenko ◽  
A. Efimenko ◽  
V. Ivanov

The task of choosing the rational number of power structures is always one of the main priorities of any political leadership of the state. An insufficient number of armed forces is a threat to the national security of the state; an excess number creates pressures on the development of the country's national economy. Today, when the development programs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are being formed in the context of the practical application of their units and subunits to carry out combat missions, questions of choosing a priority approach to the formation (justification) of the rational size of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is an urgent issue. The article proposes a structure for conducting research on the development and implementation of the methodology of military-economic substantiation of the rational strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the system of defense planning of Ukraine in the formation of programs for their development for the medium and long term. The main objectives of this methodology are: scientific substantiation of the range of the necessary strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the period of the program of their development; the choice of the indicator of the rational size of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to the years of the program from a certain range of its changes; military-economic substantiation of this number under the influence of various limiting factors. The development and implementation of such a methodology will increase the efficiency of the formation and implementation of development programs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the efficiency of using public funds for the development of power structures.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 341-357
Jonathan Zilberg

This article describes the conflicted genesis of the Museum Istiqlal, the history of  the creation of the collection, and the state of the institution relative to other Indonesian museums. It emphasizes both  positive developments underway and the historical problems facing the institution. Above all, it focuses on the role the museum was originally intended to serve for the Indonesian Muslim public sphere and the significant potential the museum has to better serve that mission in the national and international sphere. In short, the article emphasizes that in the context of the Government of Indonesia’s current four year plan to revive the museum sector, the problems and opportunities presented at the Museum Istiqlal are symptomatic of endemic national challenges for both the museum and the education sector.

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