scholarly journals OS OBJETOS DE APRENDIZAGEM COMO FERRAMENTAS DE ENSINO: potencialidades e fragilidades sob o olhar da Ciência da Informação = LEARNING OBJECTS AS TEACHING TOOLS: strengths and weaknesses under Information Science view

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 27
Ráisa Mendes Fernandes de Souza

A explosão informacional e a ubiquidade das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, aspectos inerentes à Sociedade da Informação, remodelaram a dinâmica social de forma irreversível. Nesse contexto, surgiram os objetos de aprendizagem, ferramentas tecnológicas utilizadas para o ensino, seja ele remoto ou presencial. Porém, é preciso que a Ciência da Informação discuta de forma mais lúcida o uso desses instrumentos na atualidade, apontando seus benefícios e limitações. O objetivo geral buscou analisar as vantagens e desvantagens do uso de objetos de aprendizagem como ferramentas de ensino sob o prisma da Ciência da Informação. Os objetivos específicos são: identificar aspectos negativos e positivos das tecnologias de informação e comunicação na atualidade, utilizando principalmente o embasamento teórico da Ciência da Informação; apontar o conceito de objeto de aprendizagem, bem como seu uso no ensino; detectar as potencialidades e limitações dos objetos de aprendizagem e sugerir os contextos em que eles devem ser ou não utilizados como ferramenta de ensino considerando o âmbito da Sociedade da Informação. Por meio de um levantamento bibliográfico, foi possível apontar até que ponto os objetos de aprendizagem possuem limitações que devem ser seriamente consideradas, evitando-se sempre a adoção de discursos tecnocráticos que elegem essa tecnologia como a solução para todos os problemas educacionais existentes. As considerações finais relatam que o uso dos objetos de aprendizagem precisa refletir os contextos educacionais, culturais e as limitações físicas dos sujeitos, além de possibilitar a capacidade de reflexão do aluno.AbstractThe informational explosion and the ubiquity of information and communicationtechnologies, inherent aspects of the Information Society, have irreversibly reshaped the social dynamics. In this context, learning objects emerged, technological tools used for teaching, whether remote or in person. However, it is necessary that Information Science discuss more lucidly the use of these instruments today, pointing out their benefits and limitations. The general objective sought to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using learning objects as teaching tools from the perspective of Information Science. The specific objectives are: to identify negative and positive aspects of information and communication technologies today, using mainly the theoretical foundation of Information Science; point out the concept of learning object, as well as its use in teaching; detect the potential and limitations of learning objects and suggest the contexts in which they should or should not be used as a teaching tool considering the scope of the Information Society. Through a bibliographic survey, it was possible to point out the extent to which learning objectshave limitations that must be seriously considered, always avoiding the adoption of technocratic speeches that elect this technology as the solution to all existingeducational problems. The final considerations report that the use of learning objects needs to reflect the educational and cultural contexts and the physical limitations of the subjects, in addition to enabling the student's capacity for reflection.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 161-170
Yuliia Shevtsova ◽  
Hanna Shemaieva

Content analysis of 28 library and information science journals of the leading European countries has been conducted in the context of the current research. The thematic focus of these journals has been the priority of the research. Several thematic groups of library and information science journals have been identified. They include the journals that cover the following topics related to: 1) digital information; 2) development of information and communication technologies and their application in library practice; 3) library and information with the key topic of library and information management; 4) various types of communication. The conclusion has been made that scholarly interdisciplinary communication is expanding in the context of information society development. The analysis provides means for taking into account the trends in the leading European countries that help to evaluate and compare the performance of Ukrainian libraries and increase the level of professional knowledge and communication of library and information science professionals.

Maryna Prodan

The events taking place today in the world make them lively and unconditionally respond to them: what was yesterday was too much, today it is not enough. In the information society, it becomes increasingly difficult to find the required unique information. Instead, the number of technological discoveries is steadily increasing. Given the fact that the Ukrainian educational system is currently looking for its own modern way, the changes take place quickly and sharply. There is a problem in creating such technologies for training pedagogical workers that would be able to fulfill educational tasks. The article deals with innovative technologies for raising the professional competence of pedagogical workers of institutions of general secondary education. An important component is the improvement of the professional skills of the teacher. In particular, learn to navigate in modern trends and apply them in practice: to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills of organizing innovation, implementing information and communication technologies, creating author programs, writing textbooks, improving the level of methodological and psychological training. Based on the results of the research carried out at secondary school number 6in the Brovary we can see the level of pedagogical competencies, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of attracting modern technologies into the educational process. The research distinguishes and analyzes modern approaches to managing the teacher's professional competencies: project expertise, methodical service and project methodology

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Cesar Augusto Cusin ◽  
Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregorio Vidotti

Resumo A natureza atual da web, que destaca a participação colaborativa dos usuários em diversos ambientes informacionais digitais, conduz ao desenvolvimento de diretrizes que enfocam a arquitetura da informação digital inclusiva para diferentes públicos nas mais diversas ambiências informacionais. A pesquisa propõe e objetiva um ambiente informacional digital inclusivo, visando apontar os elementos de acessibilidade que permitam a promoção da inclusão informacional digital, de forma a destacar os referenciais da Arquitetura da Informação Digital, de recomendações internacionais, com o olhar da Ciência da Informação e das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC).Palavras-chave inclusão digital; web; acessibilidade; ciência da informação; arquitetura da informação.Abstract The current nature of the web, which highlights the collaborative participation of users in various digital informational environments, leads to the development of guidelines that focus on the digital inclusive information architecture for different audiences in diverse informational environments. The study proposes an inclusive digital information environment, aiming to establish the elements of accessibility that  enable the promotion of digital inclusion information in order to highlight the references of digital information architecture, the international recommendations, with the perspective of Information Science and the new information and communication technologies (ICT).Keywords digital inclusion; web; accessibility; information science; information architecture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3A) ◽  
pp. 504-511
Volodymyr Bekh ◽  
Valerii Akopian ◽  
Sergiy Yashanov ◽  
Ilya Devterov ◽  
Bogdan Kalinichenko

The rapid development in the world of information and communication technologies makes it possible to say that now they are one of the most common ways of teaching. These technologies influence the formation of methods and methods of pedagogical activity, open up new opportunities for communication and obtaining information. Informatization and computerization of education acts as a component of the general trend of global processes of world development, as an initial information and communication basis for the harmonious development of the individual and social systemic information. Preparing a student for an active and fruitful life in a modern digital information society is one of the main tasks of the modern stage of modernization of the education system.

Aline Jaime Leal ◽  
Lenira Maria Nunes Sepel

Resumo: Os Laboratórios Virtuais de Aprendizagem (LVA) são páginas web, softwares ou CD-ROM que contêm um conjunto de objetos de aprendizagem, os quais possibilitam a realização de atividades experimentais, preferencialmente, através da simulação de equipamentos, materiais e variáveis. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de descrever características relevantes para que um LVA auxilie o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Ciências. Para isso, foram selecionados 30 artigos científicos, publicados entre 2001 e 2015, que aplicaram LVA no Ensino de Ciências, compreendendo as três subáreas: Biologia, Física e Química. Esses artigos abrangeram três idiomas (Espanhol, Inglês e Português) e foram selecionados por apresentarem pesquisa de opinião dos usuários e/ou avaliação da aprendizagem dos alunos após o uso do LVA. Analisou-se os LVA quanto a conteúdo abordado, nível de ensino a que foi destinado, recursos didáticos disponíveis, formato, metodologia empregada na sua aplicação e tipo de avaliação a que foi submetido (opinião do usuário e/ou aprendizagem dos alunos). Desta forma, a partir da opinião dos usuários (alunos e professores), bem como das concepções dos autores dos trabalhos analisados, identificou-se que determinadas características são consideradas relevantes para um LVA facilitar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Ciências. Dentre elas, destacam-se: apresentar o conteúdo teórico de forma clara e sucinta; ser fácil de usar para promover a inclusão digital de seus usuários; ser atrativo e interativo para despertar o interesse e motivação dos alunos, bem como a comunicação entre seus usuários; apresentar vários métodos avaliativos para acompanhar o processo de aprendizagem dos alunos.Palavras-chave: Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação. Atividades práticas experimentais. Laboratório Virtual de Aprendizagem.  DIGITAL INCLUSION IN SCIENCE TEACHING: ANALYZING VIRTUAL LEARNING LABORATORIESAbstract: Virtual Learning Labs (LVA) are web pages, softwares or CD-ROM which contain a set of learning objects which allow carrying out experimental activities, preferably through simulation of equipment, materials and variables. This work was conducted with the aim of describing relevant features for which a LVA helps the process of teaching and learning of Science. For this purpose, 30 scientific articles have been selected, published between 2001 and 2015, applied LVA in Science Teaching, comprising three sub areas: Biology, Physics and Chemistry. These articles covered three languages (Spanish, English and Portuguese) and were selected for containing users opinion survey and/or learning evaluation of the students after using LVA. LVA was analyzed relating to the content, teaching level to what it was intended, available didactic resources, format, used methodology in your application and type of assessment to that it was submitted (opinion of the user and/or students' learning). In this way, from the opinion of users (students and teachers), as well as the authors' conceptions of analyzed works, it was identified that certain characteristics are considered relevant for LVA facilitates the process of teaching and learning Science. Among these features it can be highlighted: to introduce the theoretical content in a clear and succinct way; to be easy to use to promote digital inclusion of users; to be attractive and interactive to awaken students’ interest and motivation, as well as the communication between their users; to introduce several evaluation methods to monitor the learning process of the students.Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies. Practical experimental activities. Virtual Learning Lab.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 128-143
Késsia Mileny De Paulo Moura

RESUMO: Pesquisar a inserção das tecnologias digitais da informação e comunicação nos contextos formativos envolve problematizar as percepções, apropriações e significações de professores e alunos sobre a questão. Este texto buscou identificar as produções científicas brasileiras (teses e dissertações) a respeito do letramento digital na formação de professores, realizadas entre os anos de 2010 a 2018. Utilizamos a revisão sistemática como procedimento metodológico, com o auxílio do software Parsifal. Pontuamos as seguintes equações para verificar nos trabalhos: quais objetivos de pesquisa essas produções revelam? Que perspectivas de letramento digital e quais procedimentos e instrumentos metodológicos os pesquisadores adotaram? Quais resultados dos processos de letramento digital trabalhados na formação de professores foram revelados? Como resultados, validamos 37 trabalhos, que apontam as configurações das propostas de formação com usos das tecnologias digitais que procuram responder às novas dinâmicas sociais para as quais os alunos-professores precisam estar aptos. De acordo com as pesquisas encontradas, os cursos de formação inicial ou continuada têm inserido as tecnologias digitais em suas práticas, mas as possibilidades de usos ainda são muitas. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: letramento digital; formação de professores; revisão sistemática.   ABSTRACT: Researching the insertion of digital information and communication technologies in the formative contexts involves problematizing teachers and students’ perceptions, appropriations and meanings about the issue. This text sought to identify the Brazilian scientific productions (theses and dissertations) regarding digital literacy in teacher education, between the years 2010 to 2018. We used the systematic review as a methodological procedure, with the help of the Parsifal software. We scored the following equations to verify the work: which research objectives do these productions reveal? What perspectives of digital literacy and what procedures and methodological instruments did the researchers adopt? What results of the digital literacy processes worked on in the training of teachers were revealed? As results, we validated 37 works, which point out the settings of training proposals with uses of digital technologies that seek to respond to the new social dynamics that student-teachers need to be able to. According to the research works found, the initial or continued training courses have lent themselves to insert the digital technologies, but the possibilities of uses are still many. KEYWORDS: digital literacy; teacher training; systematic review.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-34
S. G. Bychkova ◽  
L. S. Parshintseva

The aim of the study. The aim of the study is a statistical analysis of the accessibility and the use of information and communication technologies for the population and households based on the developed integrated indices in the regional aspect.Fundamental international documents refer to the increasing role of information in all spheres of society, and indicate that the number of the poorest households with, for example, a mobile phone is higher than that with the access to clean drinking water.Thus, it can be noted that the level of accessibility and use of information and communication technologies is a priority for the development of both individual countries and the world community as a whole.Materials and methods. Methods of grouping and multidimensional classification, analysis of variation, normalizing, construction of multidimensional averages and correlation analysis, as well as tabular and graphical methods of visual representation of the results of the study were used as statistical tools for the study. Microsoft Excel was used to process the primary information.Results. Comparison of currently used indicators has revealed the need to develop and build integrated indices in four main areas of ICT research: infrastructure (physical and information), ICT accessibility (physical and price affordability), the use of ICT (by the population and households, enterprises and organizations, in the public sector), knowledge and skills (education, digital skills). In this study, the analysis was carried out according to the characteristics of the accessibility and the use of ICT for the population and households. The results of the study at the federal district level led to the conclusion that, despite the existence of a unified policy in the field of ICT development and information society at the federal level, there are significant differences in the management of this process and the level of implementation of system development measures for ICT in individual federal districts and regions. The main result of the study is the classification of regions by levels of accessibility and use of ICT. The analysis revealed a significant direct relationship between the components of ICT accessibility and its use. The ratings based on the calculated multidimensional averages allowed us to reveal the leader and lagging regions of the Russian Federation in terms of the development of ICT and information society.Conclusion. According to the results of the statistical research positions of regions of the Russian Federation on the accessibility levels and the use of information and communication technologies were determined, as well as a direct relationship between the indices of accessibility and the use of ICT was revealed as a whole in the Russian Federation, and in individual federal districts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Neli Kiskinova ◽  

This paper presents the types of distance learning platforms with the use of information and communication technologies. It analyses their main functionalities and outlines the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud technologies in e-learning.

Vaggelis Saprikis

It goes without saying that the advances of Information and Communication Technologies have brought many changes in various forms of traditional commerce including gambling industry. Nowadays, e-gambling has dramatically changed the way of wagering and is considered as one of the fastest growing sectors of contemporary e-commerce. Every day even more individuals are moving from terrestrial to online gambling venues or start wagering exclusively online taking advantage of the numerous playing options. Characteristically, the global internet gambling gross market is expected to exceed US$51 billion by 2018. Consequently, its dynamics has forced many researchers to investigate e-gambling scientific field from different perspectives trying to gain an improved insight into gamblers behavior in the cyberspace. This chapter aims to investigate the perceived advantages and disadvantages of terrestrial versus online gamblers towards e-gambling activities focusing on university students. Furthermore, it aims to identify possible similarities and differences between the two groups examined.

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