scholarly journals Control of Natural Food with Diazinon for Growth and Survival of Marbled Goby, Oxyeleotris marmorata (Bleeker)

2007 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 19
M. Nasir ◽  
K. Sumawidjaja ◽  
K. Sumawidjaja ◽  
Irzal Effendi

<p>Dua percobaan telah dilakukan, yaitu tanpa dan dengan larva ikan. Percobaan pertama, yang menggunakan 3 konsentrasi diazinon 0. 2 dan 4 ppm dan 3 ulangan, mempelajari pertumbuhan rotifera, cladocera dan copepoda. Percobaan kedua mempunyai 2 perlakuan, yaitu diazinon 0 dan 4 ppm (yang terbaik dari percobaan pertama) serta 4 ulangan untuk mengevaluasi: 1) ketersediaan, pemanfaatan dan susunan jasad-jasad pakan, 2) pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup larva, serta 3) perkembangan larva ikan. Larva yang berumur satu hari ditebar pada saat kelimpahan rotifera tertinggi di hapa dengan kepadatan 40 larva/1 atau 3.200 larva/hapa. Hapa (mesh 0,8 mm) yang berukuran 50x40x50 cm ditempatkan dalam kolam-kolam beton yang berukuran 4,25x2,00x 0,65 m. Kolam-kolam ini mula-mula dikeringkan selama 2 hari, dipupuk dengan kotoran ayam 1.000 g/m3 dan diisi air setinggi 50 cm. Keesokan harinya kolam dipupuk dengan urea dan tripel superfosfat masing-masing 20 dan 30 g/m3. Dua hari kemudian air diberi diazinon sesuai perlakuan. Hasil percobaan pertama menunjukkan bahwa diazinon meningkatkan ketersediaan rotifera. Populasi rotifera tertinggi dicapai di kolam yang mendapat diazinon 4 ppm. Percobaan kedua memberikan laju pertumbuhan harian dan kelangsungan hidup larva ikan serta ketersediaan dan pemanfaatan rotifer tertinggi pada pemberian diazinon 4 ppm.</p> <p>Kata kunci: Pakan alami, larva. <em>Oxyeleotris marmorata, </em>diazinon. kelangsungan hidup, pertumbuhan</p> <p> </p> <p>ABSTRACT</p> <p>Two experiments were conducted, without and with fish larvae. The first experiment, utilizing 3 concentrations of diazinon, i.e. 0, 2 and 4 ppm and 3 replications, evaluated the growth of rotifers, cladocerans and copepods. The second experiment had 2 treatments, i.e. 0 and 4 ppm diazinon and 4 replications evaluated: 1) the availability, utilization and composition of food organisms, 2) the growth and survival rates offish larvae, and 3) the development of larvae. One-day old larvae were stocked at times of highest rotifer concentrations in hapas at 40 larvae/1 or 3,200 larvae/hapa. Hapas (0,8 mm mesh) of 50x40x50 cm were placed in concrete ponds of 4.25x2.00x0,65 m. The ponds were dried for 2 days, fertilized with chicken manure 1.000 g/m3 and filled with water up to 50 cm deep. Next day, the ponds were fertilized with urea and triple superphosphate 20 and 30 g/m3 respectively. Two days later, the water was treated with diazinon according to treatments. The results of the first experiment showed that diazinon increased the availability of rotifers. The highest rotifer populations were obtained in ponds receiving 4 ppm diazinon. The second experiment gave highest daily growth and survival rates of fish larvae, te availability and utilization of rotifers at 4 ppm diazinon.</p> Key words: Natural foods, larvae, <em>Oxyeleotris marmorata, </em>diazinon, survival, growth.

Eka Indah Raharjo ◽  
Hastiadi Hasan ◽  
Darmawan .

ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pergantian pakan. penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Susunan perlakuan adalah sebagai berikut : Perlakuan A : eguchi 10 hari dan infusoria 10 hari, Perlakuan B : infusoria 10 hari dan eguchi 10 hari, Perlakuan C : Eguchi 20 hari, Perlakuan D : Infusoria 20 hari dan Perlakuan E : campuran eguchi 50% dan Infusoria 50% selama 20 hari. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 20 hari untuk mengetahui laju pertumbuhan spesifik bobot, laju pertumbuhan mutlak panjang, kelangsungan hidup dan kualitas air sebagai data penunjang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pergantian pakan alami dengan pakan buatan menghasilkan respon yang baik dalam pertumbuhan larva ikan gurami. Pergantian pakan buatan (eguchi) dengan pakan alami (infusoria)(perlakuan A) memberikan hasil terbaik dengan rata – rata laju pertumbuhan spesifik bobot 5,3256%, rata – rata laju pertumbuhan mutlak panjang 5.70 mm dan rata – rata kelangsungan hidup 78.89%.  Kata Kunci : Infusoria, Eguchi, Larva Ikan Gurami, Laju Pertumbuhan ABSTRACT Research was aimed to determine the change of feed. research using completely randomized design consisting of 5 treatments and 3 replications. The composition of the treatment is as follows: Treatment A: Eguchi 10 days and infusoria 10 days, Treatment B: infusoria 10 days and Eguchi 10 days, Treatment C: Eguchi 20 days, Treatment D: Infusoria 20 days and Treatment E: a mixture of Eguchi 50% and infusoria 50% for 20 days. This research was conducted for 20 days to determine the specific growth rate weight, the absolute growth rate of long survival and quality of water as supporting data. The results showed turnover natural feed with artificial feed to produce a good response in the growth of larval carp. Substitution of artificial feed (Eguchi) with natural food (infusoria) (treatment A) gives the best results with the average - average specific growth rate 5.3256% weighted, averageabsolute growth rate, average length of 5.70 mm and survival rate 78.89% . Keywords : Infusoria, Eguchi, Fish larvae Gurame, Growth Rate

2007 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 17 ◽  
Kukuh Nirmala ◽  
R. Wulandari ◽  
D. Djokosetiyanto

<p>This study was conducted to determine the effect of hardness on growth and survival rate of barb fish (<em>Barbus conchonius</em> Hamilton-Buchanan) reared in the 3 ppt of water salinity.  Fish were reared in three different hardnesses, i.e., 54, 72,<sub> </sub>and 90 mg/L CaCO<sub>3 </sub>for 30 days.  The results of study showed that fish reared in water hardness of 72 mg/L CaCO<sub>3</sub> had higher daily growth rate (1.15%) compared with other treatments.  Daily growth rate of fish reared in water hardness of 54 and 90 mg/L CaCO<sub>3</sub> were 0.76 and 0.37%, respectively.  There was no effect of hardness on survival rate of barb fish.</p> <p>Keywords: barb fish, <em>Barbus conchonius</em>,  hardness, salinity</p> <p> </p> <p>ABSTRAK</p> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kesadahan yang berbeda terhadap laju pertumbuhan dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup ikan barbir (<em>Barbus conchonius</em> Hamilton-Buchanan) yang dipelihara <a name="OLE_LINK2"></a><a name="OLE_LINK1">pada air bersalinitas 3 ppt.  </a>Ikan dipelihara dalam 3 tingkat kesadahan yang berbeda, yaitu 54 mg/L CaCO<sub>3</sub>, 72 mg/L CaCO<sub>3</sub>,<sub> </sub>dan 90 mg/L CaCO<sub>3 </sub>selama 30 hari.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa laju perumbuhan harian tertinggi diperoleh pada ikan yang dipelihara pada kesadahan 72 mg/L CaCO<sub>3 </sub>(1,15%) dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lainnya. Laju pertumbuhan harian ikan yang dipelihara pada kesadahan 54 dan  90 mg/L CaCO<sub>3</sub> masing-masing mencapai 0,76% dan 0,37%.  Kelangsungan hidup ikan barb tidak dipengaruhi oleh kesadahan.</p> <p>Kata kunci: ikan barbir, <em>Barbus conchonius</em>, kesadahan, salinitas</p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Ferdinand Hukama Taqwa ◽  
Daniel Djokosetiyanto ◽  
Ridwan Affandi

<p>This research was conducted to determine natural food substitution time by artificial diet   after salinity acclimatization from 20 ppt until 2 ppt, which can increase survival and growth of (<em>Litopenaeus vannamei</em>) postlarvae during rearing period. Design experiment was completely randomized design with five treatments and three replications of natural food <em>Chironomus</em> sp.  (60% of crude protein) substitution time by artificial diet (40% of crude protein) at day: 1 (A), 7 (B), 14 (C), 21 (D) and full natural food without artificial diet (E) during 28 days rearing period. White shrimp postlarvae and rearing media in this experiment based from best result of earlier research that is PL<sub>25 </sub>from acclimatization in media 2 ppt with addition of potassium 25 ppm to freshwater media.  The densities of PL<sub>25</sub> white shrimp were 20 PLs/50 liters of 2 ppt media. The result of this experiment showed that the use of artificial diet as soon as after salinity acclimatization (PL<sub>25</sub>) gave best performance production compared to which only that was given natural food <em>Chironomus</em> sp. during experiment or with treatment by artificial diet substitution at day-7, day-14 or day-21, shown with the highest value of food consumption level, protein retention, energy retention, daily growth rate and food efficiency. Survival rate of PL<sub>54</sub> was above 80% and not significant different between treatment. That is supported by chemical-physical value of water quality still in range appropriate to survival rate of white shrimp post larvae during a rearing period. The result of this experiment indicated that requirement nutrient of PL<sub>25</sub> in low salinity did not fulfilled if only rely on natural food, so that require artificial diet with nutrition content to support growth and survival rate of white shrimp post larvae more maximal.</p> <p>Key words: salinity, natural food, artificial diet, Pacific white shrimp</p> <p> </p> <p>ABSTRAK</p> <p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan waktu penggantian pakan alami oleh pakan buatan yang tepat selama masa pemeliharaan postlarva udang vaname di media bersalinitas rendah setelah melalui masa aklimatisasi penurunan salinitas dari 20 ppt hingga 2 ppt, sehingga dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup. Rancangan percobaan berupa rancangan acak lengkap dengan perlakuan yang diterapkan berupa waktu penggantian pakan alami <em>Chironomus </em>sp. (kadar protein 62%) oleh pakan buatan (kadar protein 40%) pada hari ke-1 (A), ke-7 (B), ke-14 (C), ke-21 (D) dan pakan alami (E) selama masa pemeliharaan. Postlarva udang vaname dan media pemeliharaan yang dipergunakan selama percobaan mengacu pada hasil terbaik yang didapatkan dari penelitian pendahuluan yaitu berupa PL<sub>25 </sub>hasil aklimatisasi di media bersalinitas 2 ppt  dengan penambahan kalium 25 ppm ke media air tawar pengencer. Padat tebar sebanyak 20 ekor/50 liter/wadah. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan buatan yang diberikan segera setelah masa aklimatisasi salinitas (pada awal pemeliharaan PL<sub>25</sub>) memberikan performa produksi budidaya terbaik bila dibandingkan dengan yang hanya diberi pakan alami selama masa pemeliharaan maupun waktu penggantian pakan alami oleh pakan buatan pada hari ke-7, ke-14 dan hari ke-21 yang ditunjukkan dengan tingkat konsumsi pakan, retensi protein, retensi energi, laju pertumbuhan harian dan efisiensi pakan yang tertinggi.  Kelangsungan hidup di akhir pemeliharaan (PL<sub>54</sub>)  di atas 80% dan tidak berbeda nyata antar perlakuan. Hal ini ditunjang oleh nilai fisika kimia air yang berada dalam kisaran yang layak selama masa pemeliharaan. Hasil percobaan ini menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan nutrisi pada stadia PL<sub>25</sub> di media bersalinitas rendah tidak terpenuhi jika hanya mengandalkan pakan alami sehingga perlu ditunjang dari pakan buatan dengankandungan nutrisi yang dapat mendukung pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup yang lebih maksimal.</p> <p>Kata kunci: salinitas, pakan alami, pakan buatan, udang vaname.</p>

Ayi Yustiati ◽  
Mahmud Sa’id ◽  
. Junianto ◽  
Ibnu Bangkit Bioshina Suryadi

This research aimed to determine the optimal dosage of potassium diformate addition to commercial feed in order to increase the growth and survival rate of common carp seeds. The method used in this research was experimental in a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of five treatments and four replications. The treatments used were A (control), B with addition of potassium diformate (0.2%), C (0.3%), D (0.4%), and E (0.5%). For test fish, there were 200 of Common carp seeds with a size of 2-3 cm. The media used was 20 aquariums with a size of 40x30x40 cm3 and a stocking density of 10 individuals/aquarium. The rearing period was 35 days and the amount of feed given was 3% of the fish body weight. The parameters observed included water quality (temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen) which were observed every 7 days for 35 days. Other parameters  monitored were daily growth rate, survival rate, feed efficiency, and the acidity level of the intestine. The results showed that 0.3% addition of potassium diformate gave the best results with a daily growth rate value of 3.21%, highest survival of 98%, efficiency of feed utilization of 64.83%, and a decrease in intestinal pH which helped the process of protein absorption in the fish body. In conclution, the addition of potassium diformate has good effect on growth and survival rates of common carp.

2007 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 5
. Hermawan ◽  
M. Zairin Junior ◽  
M.M. Raswin

<p>The experiment was conducted to study the effect of thyroxine hormone injection on female marble goby on metamorphosis and survival rate of their larva. Thyroxine hormone was injected into female at the dosage of 0,25 and 50 µg/g body weight. And then the female were reared with males in spawning tanks. Spawned eggs were hatched and the larva was observed for organogenesis, yolk absorption and growth in length. Formation of eye spot, swim bladder and body pigment becoming faster as the increase in thyroxine hormone dose. Yolk volume in larva that was obtained form thyroxine injected female decreased faster than those of control. Thyroxine hormone did not affected length growth and survival rate</p> <p>Key words: Marble goby, broodstock, thyroxine, metamorphosis, survival rate, larva</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Zumalallail Nailulmuna ◽  
P Pinandoyo ◽  
Vivi Endar Herawati

Daphnia sp. is one kind of natural food that has many advantages. Some advantages of Daphnia sp. is a high nutrient content, according to the size suitable for fish larvae, and the provision of Daphnia sp. in the form of life does not cause a decrease in water quality. Nutrition content on the Daphnia sp. became from the suspended organic and the bacteria which was obtained from the fertilizer that added to the culture media. This research was aimed to found out the effect of fermented quail feces, bread waste, and tofu and determine the best treatment to generate the biomass growth, and the nutrition content of the Daphnia sp.This research used laboratory animals such as Daphnia sp. and a container of concrete tanks as many as four. The methods of this research was used experimental methods with Complete Randomize Design with 4 treatments and population count repetition as 3 times with the density of the Daphnia sp. was 100 ind./l. Treatments of this research were Tretment A  (0 %  chicken mannure, 50 % tofu waste and 50 % bread waste), B (25 % chicken mannure, 50 % tofu waste and 25 % bread waste),  C (25 % chicken mannure, 25 % tofu waste and 50 % bread waste, D (50 % chicken mannure, 25 % tofu waste and 25 % bread waste) with the total amount of the combination was 200 g/l. Data which observed were population density, biomass, and nutrition content. The results showed that the treatment of A was the lowest population density valued 548.67 ind / ml and the highest population density was on C treatment with a density of 1328.67 ind / ml at the peak of the stationary phase. Biomass in treatment C resulted in 336.30 grams and the treatment A yield 82.64 grams, and the content of nutrients with the highest protein is found in the C treatment with a value of 66.80%. Keywords :Daphnia sp.;chicken manure; tofu waste; bread waste; fermentation

1980 ◽  
Vol 37 (7) ◽  
pp. 1063-1069 ◽  
Robert G. Werner ◽  
J. H. S. Blaxter

Growth and survival rates were determined for 4- to 12-wk-old herring larvae (Clupea harengus) reared at prey densities of 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, and 3.0 Artemia nauplii/mL. The time required for food to pass through the gut in relation to prey density was also estimated.The results indicate that significant deleterious effects occur when larvae are reared at the two lowest prey densities. Survival was reduced at 0.03 Artemia/mL and growth was lowered at 0.03 and 0.1 Artemia/mL. Growth depensation leading to size hierarchies was not correlated with prey density. Food passed through the gut more rapidly at high prey densities. The threshold prey density above which changes in numbers of prey have little effect on survival or growth was estimated to lie between 0.1 and 0.3 Artemia/mL, possibly near 0.17 Artemia/mL.Key words: fish larvae, herring, feeding ecology, predator-prey

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (12) ◽  
Isabela Bacalhau de Oliveira ◽  
Henrique David Lavander ◽  
Priscilla Celes Maciel de Lima ◽  
Carlos Yure Barbosa de Oliveira ◽  
Danielli Matias de Macedo Dantas ◽  

ABSTRACT: Anomalocardia brasiliana post-larvae were cultured for 28 days to evaluate the effect of stocking density on their growth and survival rate. Three stocking densities were tested 40, 80 and 160 post-larvae cm-2, in experimental units (2-L) with static cultivation system and total water renewal at each 48 hours. The experimental design was completely randomized with three treatments and three repetitions each. Stocking density of 40 post-larvae cm-2 reached 1 mm length within 24 days, while only 18% of the post-larvae at density of 80 post-larvae cm-2 reached 1 mm length in the same time. The density of 40 post-larvae cm-2 had the highest specific growth rate, 4.98±0.08% day-1. The survival rates of post-larvae at lower densities were significantly higher (53.24±4.60% and 52.95±3.32%, on 40 and 80 post-larvae cm-2, respectively) compared to higher stocking density (31.54±0.70%). In the cultivation of A. brasiliana post-larvae, stocking density must be managed during growth. The density of 160 post-larvae cm-2 can only be used until the post-larvae reach 600μm in length, then they should be at 40 post-larvae cm-2 density to keep the maximum daily growth rate.

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (4) ◽  
pp. 459
D. P. Svozil ◽  
R. K. Kopf ◽  
R. J. Watts ◽  
A.O. Nicholls

Different populations of organisms can vary widely in their responses to environmental conditions and this variation is fundamental to the persistence of species. Using a common garden experiment, we examined temperature-specific growth and survival responses of larvae among populations of Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii) from four regions of the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB), Australia. Fish larvae from the four regions differed significantly in their growth and survival responses at high water temperatures ≥26°C. At 30°C, survival rates of larvae by Day 20 ranged from 0% in the Lachlan region to 82% in the southern region. Opposite to the geographical differences in survival, growth of larvae was highest in the Lachlan (14.8–15.4-mm standard length 95% CI) and lowest in the southern region (13.4–13.9-mm standard length 95% CI) at 26°C where sufficient numbers survived for comparison. Geographical differences in growth and survival responses did not follow a consistent latitudinal gradient as observed for other species, but were closely linked with previously described genetic structure. Our results suggest that the upper thermal limit of M. peelii larvae is near common river temperatures in the MDB and that maintaining functional response diversity and underlying genetic diversity will be important for ensuring the resilience of this apex predator under future climate change.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-214
Jojo Subagja ◽  
Vitas Atmadi Prakoso ◽  
Otong Zenal Arifin ◽  
Anang Hari Kristanto

Proper stocking density on larval rearing of barred loach (Nemacheilus fasciatus Valenciennes, 1846) is very important in terms of obtaining the best growth and survival rate. This study was aimed to observe the growth and survival rate of barred loach subjected to different larval stocking density. Fish larvae were obtained by artificial spawning from in aquarium. Larvae were stocked on aquariums (50 × 40 × 30 cm) with three stocking density treatments (5, 10, and 15 individuals/L) and three replications. The experimental fish larvae were fed by Artemia and commercial feed (crude protein content: 30%) and feeding frequency twice per day (ad libitum). The length and weight were reassured every 10 days during 70 days of rearing period. Temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen were measured at each treatment. Data obtained from measurements were analysed to assess the length gain, weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), biomass gain, and survival rate. The results showed length gain of 3.35 ± 0.01, 2.94 ± 0.10, and 2.82 ± 0.15 cm and weight gain of 0.573 ± 0.023, 0.436 ± 0.018, and 0.417 ± 0.043 g in larval stocking density of 5, 10 and 15 individuals/L, respectively. Specific growth rates and biomass growth were of 6.22 ± 0.41, 5.93 ± 0.21, and 5.68 ± 0.41 %/day and 94.04 ± 5.39, 146.80 ± 3.81, and 167.24 ± 17.48 g in larval stocking density of 5, 10 and 15 individuals/L, respectively. Meanwhile, the survival rates obtained in this study were 89.13 ± 7.25, 93.13 ± 5.13, and 76.50 ± 3.54 % in larval stocking density of 5, 10 and 15 individuals/L, respectively. Increased stocking density has a negative impact on the growth and survival rate of barred loach.

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