Os desafios e as possibilidades da prática curricular articulada ao uso das tecnologias: suscitando reflexões em relação à escola e para além dela (p. 223-250)

Mariana dos Reis Alexandre ◽  
Thais Cristina Rodrigues Tezani

ResumoCom a finalidade de garantir o processo de ensino e aprendizagem da língua escrita e falada, o governo do Estado de São Paulo estabeleceu como currículo oficial os Programas Ler e Escrever (2007) e o EMAI (2012). Já nas escolas municipais de Bauru/SP, a partir de 2013, entrou em ação o Currículo Comum, visando à unificação curricular. O currículo tem um vasto campo de definições e merece maior atenção dos professores para ser adequado aos usos das tecnologias, as quais cada vez mais estão presentes no contexto em que vivemos. O presente trabalho teve como finalidade analisar a relação entre o currículo de algumas escolas estaduais e municipais de Bauru/SP no que tange à sua articulação com o uso das tecnologias nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental, contrapondo a proposta curricular e a prática docente. Dessa forma, indagamos se há a articulação no cotidiano das escolas públicas em relação à tecnologia diante dos currículos vigentes. Para responder essa e outras indagações, realizamos uma pesquisa empírica, de base qualitativa, que utilizou como instrumento de coleta de dados análise bibliográfica, documental, entrevista e questionário com nove professores de escolas públicas da cidade de Bauru/SP. Identificamos que há flexibilidade curricular para a articulação ao uso das tecnologias. Também há diversos desafios e possibilidades relacionados às políticas públicas e à capacitação dos professores para lidar com as exigências da era digital. Palavras-chave: Currículo. Educação. Tecnologia. Programa Ler e Escrever. EMAI.AbstractIn order to ensure the teaching and learning process of written and spoken language, the state government of Sao Paulo established as official curriculum Programs Reading and Writing (2007) and the EMAI (2012). Already in the public schools of Bauru SP from 2013, it took action the Common Curriculum, aimed at curricular unification. The curriculum has a wide range of definitions and deserves more attention from teachers, to be suitable to the uses of the technologies, which are increasingly present in the context in which we live. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the curriculum of some state and municipal schools of Bauru in regard to its relationship with the use of technology in the early years of elementary school, opposing the proposed curriculum and teaching practice. Thus we ask if there is a joint in public schools every day, in relation to technology, given the existing curricula. To answer this and other questions, we conducted an empirical research, qualitative basis, which used as data collection instrument literature review, documentary, interview and questionnaire with nine teachers from public schools in the city of Bauru. We found that there is curricular flexibility to the joint of the technologies usage. There are also several challenges and possibilities related to public policies and training of teachers to deal with the demands of the digital age.Keywords: Curriculum. Education. Tecnology. Read and Write Program. EMAI.ResumenCon el fin de garantizar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la lengua escrita y hablada, el gobierno del estado de Sao Paulo estableció como currículo oficial Programas lectura y escritura (2007) y la EMAI (2012). Ya en las escuelas públicas de Bauru SP de 2013, entró en acción el Currículo Común, dirigida a la unificación curricular. El plan de estudios tiene una amplia gama de definiciones y merece más atención por parte de los profesores, que son adecuados a los usos de las tecnologías, que son cada vez más presente en el contexto en el que vivimos. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la relación entre el plan de estudios de algunas escuelas estatales y municipales de Bauru en lo que respecta a su relación con el uso de la tecnología en los primeros años de la escuela primaria, se opone a la práctica curricular y la enseñanza propuesta. Por lo tanto le pedimos si hay un conjunto en las escuelas públicas de todos los días, en relación con la tecnología, teniendo en cuenta los planes de estudio existentes. Para responder a estas y otras preguntas, se realizó una investigación empírica, base cualitativa, que utilizó como instrumento de recolección de datos y de revisión bibliográfica, documental, entrevista y cuestionario con nueve profesores de las escuelas públicas en la ciudad de Bauru. Hemos encontrado que hay flexibilidad curricular de la articulación de la utilización de las tecnologías. También hay varios retos y posibilidades relacionadas con las políticas públicas y la formación de los docentes para hacer frente a las demandas de la era digital.Palabras clave: Currículo. Educación. Technology. La lectura y el programa de escritura. EMAI.

Aparecido dos Santos

O objetivo do presente estudo é o de identificar possíveis indícios de aprendizagem docente em um processo formativo com dimensões colaborativas. O processo de formação se pautou em dois pilares: na reflexão sobre o ensino e aprendizagem das estruturas multiplicativas e nas estratégias formativas empreendidas para o seu desenvolvimento (ação-reflexão-ação) a partir da análise da prática docente. O estudo foi realizado com um grupo de 14 professoras, atuantes nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, de uma escola pública na cidade de São Paulo. Os resultados apontam que, para além, da ação e reflexão sobre a prática, que permitiu proceder análises conceituais, didáticas e cognitivas que, em última análise, qualificaram o repertório teórico-prático para o ensino das estruturas multiplicativas, foi possível identificar nos relatos descritos pelas participantes, na avaliação final do processo formativo, elementos que, a meu ver, foram potencilizadores e indicaram indícios da aprendizagem docente. Essa aprendizagem, na voz das professoras, se deu na interface de quatro dimensões: (a) na relação professor- aluno, (b) na relação professor-professor- formadores, (c) na relação teoria e prática, e (d) na reflexão sobre a prática pedagógica.Palavras-chave: Processo Formativo. Aprendizagem Docente. Reflexão. Prática. AbstractThe objective of the present study is to identify possible evidence of teacher learning in a formative process with collaborative dimensions. The formation process was based on two pillars: reflection on the teaching and learning of multiplicative structures and the formative strategies undertaken for its development (action-reflection-action) from the analysis of teaching practice. The study was performed with a group of 14 teachers, active in the initial years of Elementary School, of a public school in the city of São Paulo. The results show that, in addition to the action and reflection on the practice, which allowed us to proceed with conceptual, didactic and cognitive analyzes that ultimately qualified the theoretical-practical repertoire for the teaching of multiplicative structures, it was possible to identify in the described narratives by the participants, in the final evaluation of the formative process, elements that, in my view, were definitive and indicated indications of teacher learning. This learning, in the teachers’ voice, took place in the four-dimensional interface: (a) in the teacher-student relationship, (b) in the teacher-teacher-formers relationship, (c) in the relation theory and practice, and (d) reflection on pedagogical practice.Keywords: Formative Process. Teacher Learning. Reflection. Practice

Vera Lucia Merlini ◽  
Aparecido Dos Santos ◽  
Sandra Maria Pinto Magina

Identificar ressignificação e transformação da prática docente de professoras participantes de uma formação. Apoiado nas ideias teóricas de: Nacarato e Santos referente aos processos formativos com viés colaborativo; Schön, Zeichner e Pimenta no que tange à reflexão sobre a prática docente; Vergnaud no que concerne às Estruturas Multiplicativas e Magina, Santos e Merlini às categorias de base do Campo Conceitual Multiplicativo. Os dados foram coletados no âmbito de uma formação continuada com um grupo de 14 professoras dos anos iniciais, numa escola pública da cidade de São Paulo. As análises permitem sustentar uma mudança qualitativa nas práticas dessas professoras, nas dimensões: gestão da sala de aula de Matemática; conhecimento didático e pedagógico do conteúdo e ressignificação do currículo.Identify reinterpretation and transformation of teaching practice of participants of training teachers. Data were collected as part of a continuing training with a group of 14 teachers of early years, a public school in São Paulo. The analyzes allow sustain a qualitative change in the practices of these teachers, dimensions: management of mathematics classroom; didactic and pedagogical content knowledge and reframing the curriculum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 190-204
Edicarlo Ferreira ◽  
Rita de Cássia Frenedozo

Este trabalho teve como objetivo fazer uma revisão de literatura sobre a temática ambiental no ensino formal realizado no Estado de São Paulo. O problema de pesquisa é: como está sendo trabalhada a educação ambiental nos espaços formais de ensino e aprendizagem? Objetivos específicos: investigar a adoção de atividades educativas ambientais por parte das escolas públicas; perceber como as iniciativas ambientais conduzidas nas escolas públicas podem impactar na conduta cidadã. Para a revisão de literatura adotou-se nesse estudo a Revisão Bibliográfica Narrativa. O levantamento bibliográfico considerou artigos publicados entre 2015 e 2020 nas bases de dados (Google scholar, na plataforma Scielo e no banco de teses e dissertações da CAPES). Para a busca, foram utilizadas as palavras-chave: Ambientalização, Espaço Formal e Ensino. Há escolas apropriadas com locais disponíveis a cumprir o estabelecido nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Para a Educação Ambiental, permitindo o desenvolvimento de projetos, com espírito participativo e coletivo.   This work aimed to make a literature review on the environmental theme in formal education in the State of São Paulo. The research problem is: how is environmental education being worked in formal teaching and learning spaces? Specific objectives: to investigate the adoption of environmental educational activities by public schools; to understand how environmental initiatives conducted in public schools can impact citizen conduct. For the literature review we adopted in this study the Narrative Bibliographic Review. The bibliographic survey considered articles published between 2015 and 2020 in databases (Google scholar, on the Scielo platform and in the CAPES theses and dissertations bank). For the search, the keywords were used: Environmentalization, Formal Space and Teaching. There are appropriate schools with locations available to meet the established in the National Curriculum Guidelines for Environmental Education, allowing the development of projects, with participatory and collective spirit.

Leonardo Cardoso

This book is an ethnographic study of controversial sounds and noise control debates in Latin America’s most populous city. It discusses the politics of collective living by following several threads linking sound-making practices to governance issues. Rather than discussing sound within a self-enclosed “cultural” field, I examine it as a point of entry for analyzing the state. At the same time, rather than portraying the state as a self-enclosed “apparatus” with seemingly inexhaustible homogeneous power, I describe it as a collection of unstable (and often contradictory) sectors, personnel, strategies, discourses, documents, and agencies. My goal is to approach sound as an analytical category that allows us to access citizenship issues. As I show, environmental noise in São Paulo has been entangled in a wide range of debates, including public health, religious intolerance, crime control, urban planning, cultural rights, and economic growth. The book’s guiding question can be summarized as follows: how do sounds enter and leave the sphere of state control? I answer this question by examining a multifaceted process I define as “sound-politics.” The term refers to sounds as objects that are susceptible to state intervention through specific regulatory, disciplinary, and punishment mechanisms. Both “sound” and “politics” in “sound-politics” are nouns, with the hyphen serving as a bridge that expresses the instability that each concept inserts into the other.

1982 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-229 ◽  
Charles H. Wood

After the military took power in Brazil in 1964, the government adopted a wide range of policies designed to stimulate economic growth. A central aspect of the Brazilian model of development was the control of wages. From 1964 to 1975 this strategy caused the purchasing power of the minimum wage in the city of São Paulo to fall. The decline in the real wage index was associated with a rise in infant mortality during the period. When real wages rose after 1974, the death rate dropped off. The infant mortality trend cannot be explained by other factors that affect the actual or the reported death rate, such as changes in cityward migration, shifts in the distribution of income, and improvements in the quality of vital statistics. The findings of this study indicate a causal relationship between the infant mortality trend and changes in the purchasing power of the urban poor. Additional data on nutrition, changes in household behavior, and shifts in the cause structure of mortality support this conclusion.

2020 ◽  
pp. 151-171
Maria Perpétua do Socorro Beserra Soares

This article presents the results of a research about permanent formation of teachers of early years of fundamental teaching of a public district school of a city of São Paulo-SP; whose general objective is to analyze scopes and limits of permanent formation of teachers to a pedagogical practice committed to building a democratic school. The theoretical contributions is based on the pedagogy of Paulo Freire (2001, 2013b, 2015, and 2016), Imbernón (2009, 2010), and Saul (2010). The nature of the investigation is qualitative and follows Chizzotti (2005) with bibliographic study, field and documentary research. The results of the research show a strong presence of dimensions of permanent formation; materializing principles as the hearing, the dialog, the participation and the movement of action-reflection-action, demonstrated on documents, interviews done, observations, formation meetings and parent-teaching conference.

Gabriella Alves Ferreira ◽  
Maria Núbia Barbosa Bonfim

Este estudo enfoca a relação professor/aluno e tem por principal objetivo analisar como se constrói essa relação no cotidiano da sala de aula do Curso de Licenciatura em Letras de uma Universi-dade Federal do Nordeste brasileiro. Insere-se no projeto de pesquisa intitulado “Projeto de Cooperação Acadêmica: Disciplinas da Licenciatura voltadas para o Ensino de Língua Portuguesa”, parceria entre as instituições Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA, Universidade de São Paulo - USP e Universida-de Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte - UERN, tendo a UFMA como proponente e contando com o apoio financeiro da CAPES/Procad – NF – 2008. A referida relação pode ultrapassar a sala de aula e tornar-se um ponto relevante no desenvolvimento do ensino-aprendizagem. O processo metodológico englobou o estudo do referencial teórico, a partir dos estudos realizados por Freire (1996), Gadotti (1999), Zuin (2008), Bonfim (2007;2010;2012), dentre outros. Para realizá-lo, levantamos algumas indagações que se-riam analisadas pela pesquisa: Como a relação professor/aluno afeta o processo ensino-aprendizagem? E com quais consequências? No desenvolvimento metodológico, realizamos observação participante, elaboramos e aplicamos entrevistas semiestruturadas com alunos e professores do 8º período do Curso de Letras no turno matutino 2012.2, assim como fizemos levantamento de perfil junto aos alunos para melhor conhecimento individual dos sujeitos. Para sistematização dos dados, utilizamos a técnica de Aná-lise de Conteúdo proposta por Franco (2005). Esperamos com este trabalho mostrar o quanto a relação professor/aluno ajuda a compreender algumas tessituras no processo ensino-aprendizagem e o quanto esse entendimento se torna importante para a solução de conflitos.Palavras-chave: Relação professor/aluno. Licenciatura. Cotidiano.TEACHER/STUDENT: WHAT RELATION IS THIS?ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the teacher/student relationship and its main objective is to analyze how this relationship is built in daily classroom of the Letters Course at the Federal University in Northeast Brazil. Is part of the research project entitled “Project Academic Cooperation: Disciplines of the Degree ai-med for Teaching Portuguese Language”, partnership between institutions Federal University of Maranhão - UFMA, University of São Paulo - USP and State University of Rio Grande do Norte - UERN, having UFMA as proposer and with the financial support of CAPES/Procad - NF - 2008. That relationship can overcome the classroom and become an important point in the development of teaching and learning. The methodo-logical process involved the study of the theoretical framework, based on studies by Freire (1996), Gadotti (1999), Zuin (2008), Bonfim (2007, 2010, 2012) among others. To accomplish it, we raise some questions that would be covered by the survey: As a teacher/student relationship affects the process of teaching and learning? And with what consequences? Methodological development, we conducted participant observa-tion, elaborated and applied semi-structured interviews with students and teachers from 8th period course on literature in 2012.2 morning shift, as did raising profile with students to better knowledge of individual subjects. To systematize the data, we used the technique of content analysis proposed by Franco (2005).We expect this work to show how the relationship teacher/student help understand some tessitura in the teaching- learning process and how this understanding becomes important for conflict resolution.KEYWORDS: Teacher/student relationship. Teaching. Daily.PROFESOR/ESTUDIANTE: ¿QUÉ RELACIÓN ES ÉSTA?RESUMEN: Este estudio se centra en la relación profesor/alumno y su principal objetivo es analizar cómo es construida esta relación en el curso de Licenciatura en Letras de la Universidade Federal do Mara-nhão. Este trabajo hace parte del proyecto de investigación intitulado “Projeto de Cooperação Acadêmica: Disciplinas da Licenciatura voltadas para o Ensino de Língua Portuguesa”, en colaboración con la Univer-sidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA, Universidade de São Paulo – USP, y la Universidade Estadual de Rio Grande do Norte - UERN , teniendo UFMA como proponente, y con el apoyo financiero de la CAPES / Procad - NF - 2008. La referida relación puede ir más allá del salón de clases, llegando a ser un punto importante en el desarrollo de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje. El proceso metodológico está basado en los estudios realizados por Freire (1996), Gadotti (1999), Zuin (2008), Bonfim (2007, 2010, 2012), entre otros. Para lograrlo, planteamos algunas preguntas analizadas por la referida investigación: ¿Cómo la relación profesor /alumno afecta el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje? ¿Y con qué consecuencias? En el desarrollo metodológico, realizamos una observación participante, donde construimos y aplicamos entrevistas semi-estructuradas con los estudiantes y profesores del octavo período del curso de Letras en 2012.2, en el turno de la mañana; además, hicimos un levantamiento que permitió un mejor conocimiento de los sujetos individuales. Para sistematizar los datos, utilizamos la técnica de Análisis de Contenido propuesto por Franco (2005). Esperamos con este trabajo mostrar cómo la relación profesor/alumno ayu-da a entender algunos tesituras en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y cómo este conocimiento se convierte importante para la resolución de conflictos.PALABRAS CLAVE: Relación profesor/alumno. Licenciatura. Cotidiano.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 254
Ali Alsagheer A. Mohammmad ◽  
Mohammed Albahiri

Purpose: There is need to focus on extensive use of technology in teaching and learning process, since the teachers are provided with well-organized WebQuests that are beneficial for developing effective teaching skills. The study aims to investigate the extent of the effects of WebQuests on the teaching skills and performance of pre-service teachers of English at the College of Education of King Khalid University. Methodology: The study sample, which included 35 students of the general diploma in English, were divided into two groups: experimental and control. The members of the control group were supervised in the traditional way during their teaching practice, and the members of the experimental group were given WebQuests so that they could surf the internet under the guidance of their supervisor and find the information they needed about teaching skills. The teaching performance of the teachers of both groups was assessed via a teaching performance observation form. The data collected through classroom observation was analyzed using SPSS. The differences between the teachers of both the groups in terms of the teaching skills were calculated using Mann-Whitney U test. Findings: Statistically significant differences were found in the rank means of the participants of the control and the experimental groups regarding their lesson planning and teaching skills. The results were favorable for the teachers of the experimental group; however, no significant difference was found between the scores of the experimental and the control groups in terms of lesson evaluation skills. Originality: The use of WebQuests significantly enhances the teaching skills of the students of the general diploma in English.

2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (65) ◽  
pp. 307-315 ◽  
José Leon Crochík

Abstract Hierarchies established in schools can lead to violence among students, particularly bullying, and this relationship is investigated in this study. A School Hierarchies Scale and a Peer Perception of Aggression Scale were applied to 274 9th grade students, both sexes, aged 14.08 years (SD = 0.81) old on average, attending four public schools in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The students more frequently perceived to be popular, were among the best in physical education and/or among the worst in academic subjects were also more frequently perceived to be bullies, while those more frequently perceived to be unpopular and having the worst performance in physical education were also more frequently perceived to be victims. Therefore, teachers should reflect upon the issue and fight school violence that may arise from these hierarchies.

Kofi Acheaw Owusu ◽  
Lindsey Conner ◽  
Chris Astall

The contextual factors influencing teachers' use of technology as well as teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) levels were investigated through multiple embedded case studies of five science teachers who were regular users of technology in their teaching. The case studies reported in this chapter revealed that teachers used technology to support inquiry learning through a wide range of ways in lower levels of high school but mostly to clarify concepts and theories for senior level students. This chapter identified that teachers demonstrated different TPACK levels of expertise and engagement in the use of technology when transferring different types of knowledge from one teaching and learning context to another and for addressing differences amongst learners. The context of assessment driven teaching influences science teachers' TPACK for integrating technology in instruction. The chapter noted that having teachers actively evaluate the effectiveness of the technology on students' learning may help increase teachers' TPACK levels.

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