permanent formation
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2021 ◽  
Tetyana Nagornyak ◽  
Vasyl Buslenko

This article substantiates theoretical and methodological approaches regarding the impact of the power–opposition interrelations on strengthening and weakening of democracy. Based on the analysis of a number of indicators and modern political process in Poland, it has been established that democratisation takes place against the backdrop of the permanent formation and preservation of two opposed poles in the political space. Deflection from democracy increases the distance between two competing/conflicting parties – pro-government and opposition. This situation automatically accumulates the potential of pole's force. Therefore, the interrelations between the power and the opposition turn into the force of stratification and equalisation that allows reducing the "democracy deficit" and bring the political system into the state of equilibrium

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-182
Cristiane Schmidt ◽  
Maria Carolina Brustolin

A formação permanente do ser humano tem sido tema de vários debates na área da educação, visando sua interação na sociedade marcada pela diversidade sociocultural e linguística e pelo aprendizado permanente, independente da sua idade cronológica. Considerando isso, a questão orientadora deste estudo busca investigar como estão sendo abordadas na modalidade da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) as práticas de leitura e escrita. Ao mesmo tempo, o artigo tem por finalidade compreender a relevância dessas práticas na formação desses alunos na perspectiva da Educação Permanente. Como referencial teórico, destacam-se as pesquisas de Freire (1982;1983), Antunes (2010) e Soares (2001; 2003). Para tanto, a metodologia vale-se da abordagem qualitativa, com base num estudo de caso, especificamente, as análises voltam-se para uma escola localizada no município de Cascavel, situado na região oeste paranaense. Os resultados apontam que as práticas de leitura e escrita assumem uma dimensão de grande importância na formação e inserção destes sujeitos na sociedade. Palavras-chave: Práticas de leitura e escrita. Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Estudo de caso.  ABSTRACT The permanent formation of the human being has been an issue of several debates in the field of education aiming at one´s interaction with society, which is characterized by sociocultural and linguistic diversity and by the permanent learning, no matter the age group. Considering that, the main idea of this study is to investigate how the reading and writing practices are being approached in the modality of Young and Adults Education. At the same time, the article has as its aim to understand the relevance of these practices in the formation of these students in the perspective of Permanent Education. As theoretical background, we highlight the researches of Freire (1982,1983), Antunes (2010) and Soares (2001,2003). For that, the methodology is built on the qualitative approach based on a case study and the analysis are specifically carried out in the district of Cascavel, situated in the West region of the state of Paraná. The results point out that the reading and writing practices assume a dimension of great importance in the formation and insertion of these subjects in society. Keywords: Reading and writing practices. Young and Adults Education. Study case. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 50
Vanessa Schweitzer dos Santos ◽  
Gabriel Grabowski ◽  
Jairo Lizandro Schmitt

RESUMOAs práticas de Educação Ambiental (EA) devem ser inseridas permanentemente e de maneira interdisciplinar nos currículos escolares, promovendo boas práticas ambientais aos estudantes. Quando estes educandos vivenciam práticas ambientais adequadas, podem adquirir competências e criticidade para agirem adequadamente, no plano ambiental. Compreende-se que os docentes envolvidos nestes processos são fundamentais para o sucesso das atividades. Torna-se importante verificar a maneira como a EA acontece, fundamentalmente no ensino público. O presente trabalho verificou a formação docente dos profissionais envolvidos com EA realizada na Rede Municipal de Ensino de Novo Hamburgo/RS, com questionários. Nesta rede pública há um grupo docente em formação permanente em EA, denominado Coletivo Educador Ambiental, do qual fazem parte os professores participantes da pesquisa. Foi verificada também a percepção destes docentes referente às práticas educativas ambientais realizadas, no âmbito do Coletivo Educador. O grupo entrevistado percebe as ações de EA desenvolvidas positivamente, em sua maioria, considerando que as mesmas fazem diferença nas comunidades envolvidas. Verifica-se a demanda por ações mais práticas e contínuas e a necessidade de condições favoráveis à realização da EA. Concluiu-se que desenvolver a EA por meio de um grupo docente em formação permanente, promovendo estas ações enquanto rede de ensino, é uma boa alternativa de inserção da EA na rede pública. Esta formatação atende duas orientações presentes tanto na Política Nacional de EA quanto nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a EA: formação permanente dos recursos humanos envolvidos e o desenvolvimento de atividades permanentes e interdisciplinares, sem uma disciplina específica para esta finalidade.Palavras-chave: Coletivo educador. Educação ambiental. Ensino público. Formação docente. Práticas educativas ambientais.ABSTRACTEnvironmental Education (EE) practices should be inserted permanently and interdisciplinarily in school curricula, promoting good environmental practices for students. When these learners experience appropriate environmental practices, they can acquire the skills and criticality to act appropriately, in the environmental field. It is understood that the teachers involved in these processes are fundamental to the success of the activities. It becomes important to check how EA happens, fundamentally in public education. The present study verified the teacher training of the professionals involved with EE carried out in the Teaching Network of Novo Hamburgo/RS, with questionnaires. In this public network there is a teaching group in permanent formation in EE, called Collective Environmental Educator, which includes the participating teachers of the research. It was also verified the perception of these teachers regarding the environmental educational practices carried out, within the scope of the Educative Collective. The interviewed group perceives the actions of EE developed positively, in the majority, considering that they make a difference in the communities involved. There is a demand for more practical and continuous actions and the need for favorable conditions for EE. It was concluded that the development of EE through a teaching group in permanent formation, promoting these actions as a teaching network, is a good alternative for the insertion of EE into the public network. This format meets two guidelines in both the National EE Policy and the National Curricular Guidelines for EE: permanent training of the human resources involved and the development of permanent and interdisciplinary activities, without a specific discipline for this purpose.Keywords: Collective educator. Environmental education. Public education. Teacher training. Environmental education practices.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 401
Tairone Lima de Sousa ◽  
André Ferrer Pinto Martins

ResumoA epistemologia de Gaston Bachelard critica as formas tradicionais de ensino ao entender a educação com o sentido de formação, defendendo uma formação permanente dos sujeitos. Esse sentido de formação, no pensamento bachelardiano, percorre as duas vertentes da sua obra – a científi ca e a poética – ressaltando a impreterível necessidade da vivência do real e do irreal para a formação do sujeito. É por um processo copioso de desiludir-se, retifi car os erros e afastar os obstáculos que Bachelard entende a formação permanente do homem, que nunca se apresenta a priori objetivo, mas com um passado de erros retifi cados. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar as contribuições da epistemologia de Gaston Bachelard para o campo da educação, destacando a ideia de uma pedagogia científi ca no ensino como fundamento para o desenvolvimento e a formação de um novo espírito científi co, contrapondo-se às formas tradicionais de ensino. Para tanto, situamos o pensamento de Gaston Bachelard dentro do contexto acadêmico-fi losófi co-cultural francês, apontando os principais conceitos de sua epistemologia, e analisamos as contribuições do pensamento bachelardiano para o campo da educação, sinalizando o porquê da necessidade de uma pedagogia nova no ensino, defendida pelo autor. Esse estudo parte do pressuposto de que a epistemologia de Gaston Bachelard tem um “fundo pedagógico” ainda pouco explorado, expresso quando o autor destaca o “aspecto pedagógico” que as noções científi cas carregam. É uma pesquisa de natureza teórica sobre a obra do fi lósofo francês, assumindo a forma de uma pesquisa bibliográfi ca.Palavras-chave: Gaston Bachelard. Pedagogia Científica. Formação.Gas ton Bachelard and education: for a pedagogy of formationAbstractThe epistemology of Gaston Bachelard criticizes the traditional forms of teaching by understanding education as formation, defending a permanent formation of the subjects. This sense of formation in bachelardian thought runs along the two strands of his work - scientific and poetic - emphasizing the imperative need to experience the real and the unreal for the formation of the subject. It is by a copious process of disillusion, rectification of errors, and removal of obstacles that Bachelard understands the permanent formation of man, which never presents itself a priori objective, but with a past of rectified errors. In this context, the present work aims to evaluate the contributions of Gaston Bachelard’s epistemology to the field of education, highlighting the idea of a scientific pedagogy in teaching as a foundation for the development and the formation of a new scientific spirit, opposing to the traditional forms of teaching. To this end, we situate Gaston Bachelard’s thought within the French academic-philosophical-cultural context, pointing out the main concepts of his epistemology, and analyzing the contributions of bachelardian thought to the field of education, indicating the need for a new pedagogy in the teaching, defended by the author. This study assumes that the epistemology of Gaston Bachelard has a “pedagogical background” still unexplored, expressed when the author highlights the “pedagogical aspect” that scientific notions encompass. It is a theoretical research on the work of the French philosopher, taking the form of a bibliographical research.Keywords: Gaston Bachelard. Scientific pedagogy. Formation.Gaston Bachelard y la educación: por una pedagogía de la formaciónResumenLa epistemología de Gaston Bachelard critica las formas tradicionales de enseñanza al entender la educación como formación y defender la formación permanente de los sujetos. Ese sentido de formación, en el pensamiento bachelerdiano, presenta las dos vertientes de su obra (poética y científica) destacándose la indiscutible necesidad de la vivencia, de lo real y lo irreal, para la formación del individuo. Bachelard entiende la formación permanente del hombre como un proceso de mucha desilusión, rectificación de errores y superación obstáculos, en el que nunca se presenta el objetivo a priori. En este sentido, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general investigar las contribuciones de la epistemología de Gaston Bachelard en el campo de la educación, resaltando la idea de una pedagogía científica como fundamento del proceso de enseñanza para la formación y desarrollo de un nuevo espíritu científico, en contra parte a las formas tradicionales de enseñanza. Entre los objetivos específicos está ubicar la línea de pensamiento de Gaston Bachelard en el contexto académico-filosófico-cultural francés e investigar los conceptos principales de la epistemología de Gaston Bachelard analizando sus contribuciones en el campo de la educación, además de esclarecer el porqué de la necesidad de una pedagogía nueva que el autor defiende. Este trabajo está fundamentado en que la epistemología de Gaston Bachelard tiene un “fondo pedagógico” que todavía no fue suficientemente investigado, lo que queda claro cuando el autor expone el “aspecto pedagógico” del conocimiento científico. Es una investigación de tipo teórica sobre la obra del filósofo francés, por lo que puede ser considerada una revisión bibliográfica.Palabras clave: Gaston Bachelard. Pedagogía Científica. Formación.

Ana Paula Dos Santos Malheiros ◽  
Régis Forner ◽  
Lahis Braga Souza

Resumo: Buscamos, com este texto, discutir possibilidades para a formação de professores em Modelagem, considerando o contexto no qual eles atuam ou irão atuar: as escolas. Em um ensaio teórico, pautado no paradigma qualitativo, e com base em pressupostos freireanos, nosso debate se dá pelo viés das potencialidades da formação de professores frente ao contexto atual em que estamos inseridos, no qual impera um currículo prescrito. Imbricados nesse cenário e a partir de nossas vivências como formadores, defendemos que a escola se constitui como um lócus privilegiado para a formação dos professores e que as pesquisas desenvolvidas podem colaborar com a prática daqueles que estão diretamente envolvidos com os alunos, assim como com os futuros professores. Nessa dinamicidade, advogamos em favor da Modelagem enquanto uma possível abordagem passível de contribuir para a formação e para a prática do professor de Matemática, além de outros significados matemáticos para os alunos em uma perspectiva emancipadora e transformadora.Palavras-chave: Educação Matemática; Formação Inicial de Professores; Formação Permanente de Professores; Paulo Freire. Formation of teachers in Modeling and school: which ways to go?Abstract: With this text, we seek to discuss possibilities for teacher training in Modeling, considering the context in which they work or will work: schools. From a theoretical essay, in a qualitative paradigm and based on Freire’s assumptions, our debate is based on the potential of teacher education in the current context in which we are inserted, in which a prescribed curriculum prevails. Imbricated in this scenario and from our experiences as formators, we defend that the school constitutes as a privileged locus for the formation of the teachers and that the research developed can collaborate with the practice of those directly involved with students, as well as with future teachers. In this dynamism, we advocate in favor of Modeling as a possible approach that can bring ways for the formation and practice of the Mathematics teacher, in addition to other mathematical meanings for students in an emancipatory and transformative perspective.Keywords: Mathematical Education; Initial Formation of Teachers; Permanent Formation of Teachers; Paulo Freire. 

2020 ◽  
pp. 151-171
Maria Perpétua do Socorro Beserra Soares

This article presents the results of a research about permanent formation of teachers of early years of fundamental teaching of a public district school of a city of São Paulo-SP; whose general objective is to analyze scopes and limits of permanent formation of teachers to a pedagogical practice committed to building a democratic school. The theoretical contributions is based on the pedagogy of Paulo Freire (2001, 2013b, 2015, and 2016), Imbernón (2009, 2010), and Saul (2010). The nature of the investigation is qualitative and follows Chizzotti (2005) with bibliographic study, field and documentary research. The results of the research show a strong presence of dimensions of permanent formation; materializing principles as the hearing, the dialog, the participation and the movement of action-reflection-action, demonstrated on documents, interviews done, observations, formation meetings and parent-teaching conference.

2019 ◽  
Vol 64 (11) ◽  
pp. 677-680
V. M. Akhunov ◽  
Zh. M. Sizova ◽  
László Galgóczi ◽  
A. M. Akhunova ◽  
T. P. Lavrentyeva

Paecilomyces variotii is a commonly occurring species in air and food, and it is also associated with many types of human infections. Tissue forms of the fungus Paecilomyces variotii or their cytoskeletons were revealed in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes in patients with allergy and bronchial asthma in paecilomycosis. Our study was aimed at investigating the role of red blood cells in the mechanisms of the nonspecific protection of the host in conditions of chronic persistent infection of the blood with the fungus of the genus Paecilomyces. We examined a total of eighty-four 16-to-72-year-old patients (39 men and 45 women) presenting with activation of paecilomyces infection in blood. We used laboratory, biochemical, allergic-and-immunological and microbiological methods of study. Fungal cultures were identified phenotypically and by means of phylogenetic analysis.Our findings are suggestive of a new type of the oxygen-dependent mechanism of cytotoxicity of erythrocytes, which is caused by permanent formation of reactive oxygen species as a result of non-enzymatic oxidation of haemoglobin to methaemoglobin. The resulting superoxide anion radical (O2-), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and hydroxyl radical (OH-) exhibit a powerful bactericidal action which is, probably, activated when the fungal cells are captured and immersed in the erythrocyte cytoplasm or in a closed cavity formed by RBCs around large fungal cells. In conditions of chronic blood infection with tissue forms of fungi of the genus Paecilomyces oxygen-dependent cytotoxicity of erythrocytes is the main mechanism of readjustment of blood from the infectious agent of Paecilomycosis.

Olexandra Kovalenko ◽  
Yaroslav Kizim ◽  
Natalia Voroshylova

Abstract. The analysis of modern literature data on the mechanisms of the formation of antibiotic resistance and the role of extracellular polymeric substance in biofilms, which are the main form of microbial existence. The role of extracellular polymeric substance in limiting of the effect of unfavorable factors as well as the regularity and necessity of its formation for the community of microorganisms were discussed. The position on the permanent character of phenotype dispersion of microorganisms is postulated. This dispersion doesn’t provide the formation of more resistant strains only, but plays the prominent role in the permanent formation of various forms, that aren’t viable under given conditions but play the role of a depot of building material for extracellular polymeric substance. The mass death of low-resistant forms caused by the action of the antibiotic ensures saturation of the extracellular polymeric substance by dechromatized DNA, that increases the resistance of the microbial socium and contributes to the further formation of multiresistance.

Ormezinda Ribeiro

Este artigo analisa as memórias discursivas de um grupo de professores, matriculados em um curso de formação continuada, ministrado pelo Centro de Formação Permanente de Professores em Uberaba, MG. Buscou-se a concepção que os professores têm atualmente do que é ser criança e ser professor. Por meio de diferentes formas de linguagem os professores alfabetizadores, participantes desta pesquisa, expressaram-se oferecendo elementos para a compreensão das experiências que subjazem as suas práticas pedagógicas. Numa análise preliminar, privilegiou-se a importância da reflexão que o professor faz consigo mesmo, considerando seus saberes pessoais como ponto de partida para a compreensão de seus saberes profissionais, uma vez que esse tema foi considerado por nós de alta relevância nas discussões em classe, tendo em vista a ênfase dada a ele pelos professores-cursistas. Palavras-chave: memória discursiva; saberes pessoais; saberes profissionais. This article analyzes the discursive memories of a group of professors, registered in a continuing education course, ministered by the Professors Permanent Formation Center at Uberaba, MG. The focus was the professors` conception about what is to be child and to be professor nowadays. By many different forms of language, the primary school teachers who participated of this research had expressed themselves offering elements for the experiences understanding that are behind of their pedagogical practices/skills. In a preliminary analysis, the importance of the professor reflection was privileged, considering his personal knowledge as the starting point for the understanding of his professional knowledge, once that this subject was considered of high relevance in the classroom discussions, in view of the emphasis gave by the professors-students to it. Key words: discursive memory; personal knowledge; professional knowledge

2018 ◽  
Vasil Grigoriev

Periodontal diseases and caries are included in the group of neurodegenerative diseases. Periodontitis and caries are symptoms of periodontal depression. Periodontal depression - a disease caused by permanent neurovascular disorders in periodontium. The primary cause of periodontitis and caries is periodontal depression. The mechanism of development of periodontitis and caries is the same. Permanent formation of garbage cells in the periodontium, atrophic processes and impairment of the periodontal microcirculation lead to the onset of symptoms of periodontitis and caries, including the inflammatory processes in the periodontium.

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