scholarly journals Religious Behavior And Self-Defense Method: A Study Of Patient With Bipolar Disorder

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-129
Wiwik Setiyani

Human life is dynamic in maintaining the balance of their soul. Life problems such as family conflict have an impact on mental balance. This study analyzed a bipolar patient, based on the result of observation, in-depth interviews, and relevant documents from one of the mental hospitals. Freud and Jung were chosen as a method for analyzing the concept of self-defense. The purpose of the study was to analyze bipolar psychiatric condition by finding the factors that influenced it. The findings revealed that life experience formed spirituality with zikir continually and practiced prayer despite the bipolar condition. Self-defense by continuing to maintain religious behavior as religious healing is one of the alternative solutions by involving the role of the family.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Puji Laksono

Religious fundamentalism that leads to the action of religious radicalism becomes a common event that must be prevented. Religion that should be the source of love, peace, and salvation in human life is used as an instrument of abomination. This can be seen from the recent events of global terrorism acts today. This research has a theme about the role of Pesantren Nurul Ummah in preventing religious fundamentalism-radicalism which is a the form of acts of terrorism. The purpose of this research is to know how the role of Pesantren Nurul Ummah in preventing religious fundamentalism-radicalism in the form of acts of terrorism. This research was conducted on foreign students at Pesantren Nurul Ummah, Kembang Belor, Pacet, Mojokerto. The method used is qualitative The theory used is the Social Construction theory of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. Data were collected through direct observation and in-depth interviews. The validity of the data was done by using triangulation. The results of this study indicate that the root problem of religious fundamentalism that led to the action of religious radicalism, can be seen from the aspect of a shallow religious understanding. The teachings of Islam contained in the Qur’an and Hadith in their understanding are not adapted to the social context. The role of pesantren in preventing religious fundamentalism radicalism, namely by playing the three functions. Among other religious functions, by giving an understanding of the text of the Qur’an and Hadith in accordance with its context, which is called asbab al-nuzul or asbab al-wurud. Then the function of education, by inculcating social values, such as the value of nationalism and pluralism. And the last is the social function, namely to equip students with social activities related to society. Keywords: Pesantren, religious fundamentalism, Islam.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 195-212
Ditha Prasanti ◽  
Kismiyati El Karimah

Family communication is a communication process experienced by every individual in the life of his family. Every good family will want to provide the best education and care for their children. It even manifests itself based on religious values in the family communication process. Religion is certainly the main foundation, not only in family communication, but in every aspect of human life. In this digital era, every family also has its own way in building religious values that are established through the process of family communication islamic. Therefore, the authors raised this research with the title "Internalization of Religious Values in Shaping Islamic Family Communications in the Digital Era". In this study, the authors use qualitative research method of case study. The data collection techniques used are participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and documentary tracking from various related sources. The result of the research shows that there is an effort to internalize religious values in shaping the Islamic family communication in this digital era which consists of: (1) The role of parent as communicator, very dominant in the pattern of family communication that is Islamic; (2) religious values embedded in Islamic families through the context of verbal and non verbal messages, ranging from education, health, association, and Islamic lifestyle; (3) The existence of social media use Whatsapp Group in spreading the message containing religious values to other family member

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-56
Muhammad Shodiq Masrur ◽  
Azka Salsabila

The Qur'an is the word and love of Allah to His servants. Humans living without the Qur'an will experience anxiety and loss of purpose in life. Because the Qur'an is a guide in all aspects and is able to provide solutions to all problems of human life, both in terms of physical or mental. The evidence has been proven true in the Letter of Mary, as Maryam bint Imran when experiencing mental life problems, can be resolved only by referring to the word of God. The purpose of this writing is to describe the role of religion in solving life's problems and healing psychics faced by Maryam Bint Imran. This type of research is literature, data sources taken by books, journals, relevant Qur'anic verses, data collection by means of (library research) and data analysis methods use descriptive and interpretive analysis. The results of this research are to strengthen faith and monotheism by worshiping in accordance with the guidance that Allah and the Apostle teach will lead people to happiness and mental health and be able to optimize the potential in humans.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Lidya Triana ◽  

This study puts personal, social, and religious resources as a stress buffer for caregivers. The limitation of personal, social, religious resources have a detrimental effect on the mental health of caregivers of a family member with schizophrenia (hereinafter referred to as People with Schizophrenia, or PwS). Following the caregiving stress process theory, this study aims to clarify not only the role of personal and social resources but also the religious ones. For this purpose, in-depth interviews with a life history method were done to twenty (20) caregivers of PwS. The result shows that personal resources like coping mechanism management (for example, by doing a positive comparison with others and reducing the expectations on the PwS) would help to perceive the role of a caregiver more positively. Meanwhile, social resources like social support were received by the caregivers from their significant others (family members) and similar others (support group). Social support was received in the form of emotional support, caregiving help, and instrumental aid. Religious resources in the form of religious coping were also used as a buffer for the stress that came from caregiving. This was done by positive religious coping, such as asking for help from God during difficult times, involving God in everything they do, and surrendering themselves to God to get the strength to face life problems. These three resources (personal, social, religious) were needed by the caregivers so they can preserve their mental health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 82-88
Sheeba T ◽  
Praveen Sam D

Poets recreate their innermost feelings in the minds of the readers through their poems. In addition, the vast majority of occasional verses sung on poets’ own emotions. They are therefore classified as autobiographical poems. In these songs, poets not only write about the beauty of nature but also about their experiences of life and the literary world. Literature composed of pleasure, humour, carefree contentment, and the emotions of fear, sadness, anxiety, pain, rivalry, jealousy, frustration, and struggle are largely discussed in the occasional verses of medieval literature. The role of literature in the sociological and psychological analysis of the everyday life problems of poets becomes an integral part of their themes. How do the problems that this society affect the soul of an individual? In it, one can learn from the literature of the time. The success of the creators is that they create the best literature related to human life. Further, the uniqueness and personality of a poet are known by the excellence of his or her conceptual style. This article studies the verses that have been excluded from the history of Tamil literature, and known as the "Occasional Verses Collection (Single Anthology)".

Al-'Adl ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Muhammad Alifuddin ◽  
Suarni Suarni

This research aims to describe the role of Muhammadiyah in law enforcement and human rights in Kendari. The main problem that becomes the focus of this study is: what is the role and form of Muhammadiyah involvement in encouraging human rights law enforcement efforts for the 26th September 2019 case in Kendari, and what factors have pushed Muhammadiyah to be involved in this problem? The study of the problem is based on qualitative data obtained through in-depth interviews, observation and document study. The collected data were analyzed using a data analysis mechanism developed by Miles and Hubermen combined with Von Eckartsberg's hermeneutic phenomenological approach. This study concludes: (1). Muhammadiyah as a social element of Islam in Kendari plays a significant role in encouraging the law enforcement process for humanitarian cases that cause the loss of human life. The indicator of this significant role is the success of the Muhammadiyah Advocate Team in bringing and forwarding the related cases to the general court until the Panel of Judges sentenced the defendant to 4 (years) in prison. Second: the form of Muhammadiyah's involvement in cases of law and human rights violations in Kendari is to provide assistance to victims and witnesses and to oversee the law enforcement process down to the court level. Third: the serious efforts shown by Muhammadiyah elements in guarding the process and law enforcement on the 26 September 2019 case cannot be separated from the basic ideology of the Muhammadiyah movement, namely the preaching of amar maruf nahi munkar.

Minhar Minhar ◽  
Zainal Zainal ◽  
Hilal Malarangan

This paper discusses the role of husband and wife in child care from Islamic perspective. This study uses qualitative methods and data was gathered through observation, in-depth interviews, and written material. Data analysis was analyzed using grounded theory approach. The results show that parenting activities in the village of Tinggede are not only about rising children, but also about educating, guiding, and protecting children from childhood to adulthood in accordance with Islamic values, norms and culture. The parents expect their children can grow and develop naturally, harmony, and balance based on Islamic teaching. Parenting in Islamic law (hadhanah) is a responsibility of both parents who must get special attention from their parents in particular during childhood period. The authors conclude that parents should accompany their children with Islamic values and norms to inculcate religious behavior of their children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Imam Firmanshah ◽  
J. Jamaluddin ◽  
Gito Hadiprayitno

Previous research only focuses on the difficulties and factors causing learning difficulties without any solution. This study aimed to identify learning difficulties, factors, and alternative solutions overcoming the problems of learning difficulties about viruses and bacteria. Data collection was carried out through the provision of a concept mastery test involving 195 students (8 schools) and in-depth interviews conducted by involving 37 students (4 schools) who received the lowest test scores. Data analysis was performed using a percentage formula to determine the proportion of difficulties for each competency. The results showed that students had difficulty with the highest percentage of virus material, those were the competence of analyzing the role of viruses in life (85.64%) and virus replication process (83.21%). The competence in bacterial material which has the highest percentage of difficulty (77.26%) in identify bacterial classification. The factors causing students to have difficulty learning virus and bacteria consisted of the nature of the topic (77.03%), attitudes and learning habits (60.81%), teacher’s teaching skills (37.84%), and school facilities (27.03%). Alternative solutions are: teachers reduce the content that is complex and detailed, carry out an interactive learning process (audiovisual/animation), providing more learning experiences through practical activities, and teaching through interesting ways.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 347
Didik Novi Rahmanto ◽  
Adrianus E. Meliala ◽  
Ferdinand Andi Lolo

Radicalism become a severe problem for the peace and security of society in Indonesia. So, it is necessary to optimize the role of educational institutions in preventing and offering alternative solutions to the movement of negative radicalism through dialogue and education in schools, from elementary to higher education level. This study aims to examine the role of school and education curriculum as an effort in reducing radicalism. This research is a qualitative study which uses in-depth interviews and literature studies in gathering data. The analysis was carried by using the age graded theory of crime. The results show that school and education curriculum have a role in reducing radicalism. School is a social institution that is very important in each phase of individual growth because schools have a huge role in carrying out positive social values. Therefore, the education curriculum can be arranged in reducing radicalism in society by increasing the portion of cultural values, humanity, tolerance, and the attachment of individuals to their environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (02) ◽  
Azka Salsabila ◽  
Muhammad Shodiq Masrur

al-Qur’an adalah firman dan kasih sayang Allah kepada hamba-Nya. Manusia hidup tanpa al-Qur’an akan mengalami keresahan dan kehilangan tujuan hidup. Sebab al-Qur’an merupakan pedoman dalam segala aspek dan mampu memberikan solusi atas segala permasalahan hidup manusia, baik dari segi fisik atau mental. Bukti tersebut sudah terbukti kebenaranya di dalam Surat Maryam, sebagaimana Maryam binti Imran ketika mengalami persoalan hidup seacara mental, mampu terselesaikan hanya dengan berpedoman pada firman Allah. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peran agama dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan hidup dan menyembuhkan psikis yang dihadapi Maryam Binti Imran. Jenis penelitian ini kepustakaan, sumber data yang diambil buku-buku, jurnal, ayat al-Qur’an yang relevan, pengumpulan data dengan cara (library research)dan metode analisis data mengunakan analisis deskriptif dan interpretatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah dengan memperkuat iman dan tauhid dengan beribadah sesuia dengan tuntunan yang Allah dan Rasul ajarkan akan mengantarkan manusia pada kebahagiaan dan kesehatan mental serta mampu mengoptimalkan potensi pada diri manusia.The Qur'an is the word and love of Allah to His servants. Humans living without the Qur'an will experience anxiety and loss of purpose in life. Because the Qur'an is a guide in all aspects and is able to provide solutions to all problems of human life, both in terms of physical or mental. The evidence has been proven true in the Letter of Mary, as Maryam bint Imran when experiencing mental life problems, can be resolved only by referring to the word of God. The purpose of this writing is to describe the role of religion in solving life's problems and healing psychics faced by Maryam Bint Imran. This type of research is literature, data sources taken by books, journals, relevant Qur'anic verses, data collection by means of (library research) and data analysis methods use descriptive and interpretive analysis. The results of this research are to strengthen faith and monotheism by worshiping in accordance with the guidance that Allah and the Apostle teach will lead people to happiness and mental health and be able to optimize the potential in humans.

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