scholarly journals Kreativitas Guru dalam Pembelajaran Masa Study From Home

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-35
Sarihat Cihat Nawawi

Seiring dengan diberlakukannya study from home dalam Surat Edaran nomor 4, yakni dengan melaksanakan pembelajaran di rumah namun tetap membuat murid memiliki pengalaman yang bermakna dalam belajar, penulis tertarik mengkaji lebih lanjut mengenai kreativitas apa saja yang telah dihasilkan oleh guru dalam membuat pembelajaran jarak jauh menjadi lebih menarik dan bermakna kepada siswa selama masa study from home. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan bersifat library research. Data berasal dari literatur maupun bahan dokumentasi lain, seperti tulisan jurnal terakreditasi, buku nasional, artikel, database online, website, indeks dan abstrak, kemudian data tersebut dianalisis seluruhnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa bahan pembelajaran yang diberikan berhubungan dengan situasi pandemi COVID-19 yang sedang dihadapi, seperti; guru memberikan edukasi mengenai COVID-19, yakni bahaya serta cara pencegahannya dengan membuat hand sanitzer dan peralatan untuk protokol lainnya. Orang tua mengambil video atau photo anaknya saat aktivitas belajar, lalu memberikan laporan kepada guru. Ini dapat menjadi kolaborasi yang bagus antara guru, murid, dan orang tua murid dalam  berinovasi sehingga tugas dalam pembelajaran dapat berjalan baik meskipun belajar dari rumah.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-128
Maulana Khusen

Ketidakadilan gender yang terjadi pada pendidikan formal di sekolah, sering kali tanpa disadari oleh para pendidik. Melalui buku-buku pelajaran wajib, seperti buku pelajaran bahasa Arab, konsep bias gender tersosialisasikan kepada para siswa-siswi. Hal ini diakibatkan kurang selektifnya guru dalam memilih bahan ajar.Fokus pada penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab permasalahan mengenai bentuk bias gender dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Arab untuk tingkat Madrasah Tsanawiyah yang selama ini tersosialisasikan kepada siswa-siswi dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas, tanpa disadari oleh para guru.Penelitian ini termasuk library research. Data diperoleh dari tulisantulisan yang berbicara tentang bias gender dalam buku pelajaran. Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode content analysis. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, buku pelajaran bahasa Arab untuk tingkat Madrasah Tsanawiyah mempunyai peran yang sangat besar dan bermakna dalam penyampaian pesan-pesan kultur dan budaya, di antaranya tentang konsep bias gender. Dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Arab, bias gender tersosialisasikan melalui rumusan teks, kalimat dan gambar (ilustrasi dalam buku). Bentuk bias gender yang ditemukan adalah posisi mendominasi lakilaki dan tersubordinasinya perempuan, pelabelan sifat maskulin untuk lakilakidan feminim untuk perempuan, dan pembagian peran gender di mana lakilaki cenderung bekerja pada sektor publik, sementara perempuan pada sektor domestik. Sementara itu, bentuk bias gender yang paling banyak ditemukan dalam setiap buku pelajaran bahasa Arab adalah posisi mendominasi laki-laki dan tersubordinasinya perempuan, baik dalam rumusan teks, kalimat, maupun gambar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-79
Ahmat Miftakul Huda ◽  

Humans are the perfect creation of Allah SWT. It lies within their mind. Moreover, they also have the brain as a control center for all human activities. This article aims to explain the concepts of al-quran and neuroscience as well as the study of the brain and mind in al-quran and neuroscience. The approach used was qualitative of Creswell model library research. Data sources were obtained from the literature in the fields of the brain and mind, al-quran and neuroscience. Data collection techniques had used Sugiyono model. The data analysis technique had used Moleong analysis model. The results of this study indicated that if humans use their brains and mind to think properly and correctly, they would be able to provide and to create new ideas in solving various problems. After humans are even more aware, they would increase the faith and devotion to Allah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-36
M.Zaki Mubarok ◽  
Muchlisin Nawawi ◽  
Nailur Rahmawati

The aims of this study are: (1) to describe the morphological formation of Asmaul Husna; (2) describe the Asmaul Husna slot; (3) describe the Asmaul Husna pattern model; (4) describe the case and the syntactic function of Asmaul Husna; (5) describe the grammatical markers on Asmaul Husna in the Qur'an. This research is an analysis of Asmaul Husna's morphosyntactic in the Qur'an. This research is a qualitative research with library research design. The data of this research are presented with the consideration sample technique. In this study, from 156 data of Asmaul Husna found 3 data ism jamid, and 153 data ism musytaq. There are 91 mubalaghah data slots, 21 ism fa'il data slots, 6 mashdar data slots, and 35 musyabbahah sifah data slots. There are 97 data on raf' cases, 31 data on nashb cases and 33 data on jar cases. There are 2 data as mubtada', 51 data for khabar case, 3 data for fa'il case, 28 data for khabar inna, 10 data for na't (marfu'), and 3 data for ma'thuf (marfu'), 21 data for khabar kana, 2 data as maf'ul bih, 1 data as munada, 6 data as tamyiz, and 1 data as na't (manshub), 8 data as majrur, 5 data as mudhaf ilaih, and 18 data as na't ( majrur), and 2 data as badal (majrur). There were 91 data marked with dhammah dhahirah, and 1 data marked with dhammah muqaddara, 31 data marked with fathah dhahirah, and 33 data marked with kasrah dhahirah.   Asmaul Husna merupakan kumpulan 99 nama-nama Allah yang menunjukan keindahan dan keperkasaan Allah. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis morfosintaksis Asmaul Husna di dalam al-Qur’an menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain studi pustaka (library research). Data penelitian ini disajikan dengan teknik sampel pertimbangan. Dalam penelitian ini, dari 156 data Asmaul Husna  ditemukan 3 data ism  jamid, dan 153 data ism musytaq. Tedapat 91 data slot mubalaghah, 21 data slot ism  fa’il, 6 data slot mashdar, dan 35 data slot sifah musyabbahah. Terdapat 2 data dengan model pola فَعَل, 5 data dengan فَعْل, 4 data dengan فَعِل, 79 data dengan فَعِيْل, 9 data dengan فَعْلَان,  15 data dengan فَعُوْل, 2 data dengan فُعُّوْل, 1 data dengan فَعَال, 17 data dengan فَاعِل, 15 data dengan فَعَّال, 1 data dengan مُفعِل, 1 data dengan مُفَيْعِل, 1 data dengan مُفَعِّل, 1 data dengan مُفْتَعِل 1 data dengan  مُتَفَعِّل, dan 1 data dengan مُتَفَاعِل. Terdapat 97 data raf’, 31 data nashb dan 33  data jar. Terdapat 2 data sebagai mubtada’, 51 data khabar, 3 data fa’il, 28 data sebagai khabar inna, 10 data na’t (marfu’),dan 3 data ma’thuf (marfu’), 21 data khabar kana, 2 data maf’ul bih, 1 data munada, 6 data tamyiz, dan 1 data na’t (manshub), 8 data majrur, 5 data mudhaf ilaih, dan 18 data na’t (majrur), dan 2 data badal (majrur). Ditemukan 91 data berpenanda dhammah dhahirah, dan 1 data berpenanda dhammah muqaddarah, 31 data  berpenanda fathah dhahirah, dan 33 data berpenanda kasrah dhahirah.

Jurnal Bahasa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-230
Julaina Nopiah ◽  
Nur Maizatul Maisarah Nasrong

This study researches the meanings of implicit utterances in Mat Luthfi’s vlog. This qualitative study employs relevance theory, a linguistics-based theory proposed by Sperber and Wilson drawn from the discipline of pragmatics. This theory foregrounds three main concepts comprising the role of context, cognitive effects and processing efforts. The research data consists of implicit dialogue uttered by characters in the video. Data were identified, transcribed, and subsequently analysed based on Relevance Theory. Library research was also used to further explore the implicit and Relevance Theory-based expressions. The findings show that there are ten utterances in the vlogs with implicit elements. These in turn indicate that the speaker wished to convey specific messages to listeners. This study explains that in the Malay community, utterings are various in meaning and are not merely confined to their literal meanings for correct understanding and interpretation. Hence, the meaning of an utterance is more easily understood when interpreted using the Relevance Theory.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Dedi Wahyudi ◽  
Devi Septya Wardani

This study aims to determine the increased activity and learning outcomes akidah morals through multimedia LCD Projector. The method used in this research is library research. Data collection is obtained through documentation studies of related scientific works. The type of research is qualitative ie that produces analytical procedures that do not use statistical analysis procedures or other qualifications. Based on the results of the study concluded that the application of media: (1) Increase student learning activities. This is based on literature studies that researchers get. (2) Improve learning outcomes. This is based on literature studies that researchers obtain, from the results of pre-cycle learning has increased.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Jamal Mildad

Tabayyun an understanding something carefully the information received from the media information, checked first against, correctness content of information, whether news and information contained elements of slander and pitting. Study uses library research approach, namely study of literature, where the collection of materials and research data conducted through the review of Qur'anic text, commentary and other references that support and are considered important in this study. In the Qur'an, tabayyun explicitly mentioned in Surat an-Nisa 'verse 94 and Al-Hujarat paragraph 6. From second verse, it is explained about tabayyun which means it is seeking to clarify the nature of things or truth of facts carefully and cautiously. The fall in this verse to teach the Muslims to becareful in receiving news and information. For information very decisive decision-making mechanism, even the decision of entity itself. When you look at the phenomenon of reports in the popular media today, both print and electronic, in the context of tabayyun us by letter of An-Nisa 'verse 94 and Al-Hujarat verse 6, God does’nt memperintahkan us to deny news of fasiq or accept it, because it could be the news true or false. Therefore shall researched in advance so that we don’t regret our lack of prudence. Keywords:Mass Communication, Islam, Tabayyun

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal

Abstrak :Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk; 1)mendeskripsikan Bagaimana metode pembelajaran PAI dalam al-Qur’an, 2) Mengemukakan Bagaimana konsep pembelajaran PAI dalam al-Qur’an surah luqman ayat  12-19, 3) menganalisis implikasi dampak pembelajaran PAI dalam al-Qur’an surah luqman ayat  12-19.   Dalam Menjawab Permasalahan tersebut, penulis menggunakan beberapa pendekatan, yaitu pendekatan ilmu tafsir dan linguistik. Penelitian ini tergolong library research, data yang dikumpulkan dengan mengutip, menyadur, dan menganalisis dengan menggunakan analisis pengumpulan data terhadap literatur yang representatif dan mempunyai relevansi dengan masalah yang dibahas, kemudian mengulas dan menyimpulkannya.Hasil penelitian dalam tesis ini mengungkap sosok seseorang hamba yang sholeh yang bernama Luqman dia berasal dari Habsy (Ethiopia). Orang-orang menggelar hamparan untuknya, membuka lebar-lebar pintu untuknya  dan amat senang dengan perkataannya. Dan beliau juga di juluki seorang pendidik yang baik. Dia senang tiasa mendidik anaknya untuk bertauhid dan tidak berbuat kesyirikan, dan memberikan penjelasan untuk meninggalkannya. Kemudian beliau juga memerintahkan kepada anaknya untuk senangtiasa berbuat baik kepada kedua orang tua dan menerangkan tentang penderitaan orang tua selama ia di dalam kandungan. Akan tetapi apabila kedua orang tuamu memerintahkan untuk berbuat kesyirikan maka jangan sekali-kali melakukannya. Abu darda berkata menceritakan Luqman al-Hakim: dia tidak pernah diberikan sesuatu seperti keluarga, harta, kehormatan dan sesuatu hal akan tetapi dia adalah seseorang yang tangguh, pendiam, pemikir dan berpandangan dalam. Maka dari itu dia diberikan pemahaman tentang islam, padahal dia bukan seorang nabi dan tidak diberikan wahyu.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 231-263
Wafda Firyal

This article is a library research on the granting of rights to stepmothers in the decision of the Sidoarjo Religious Court Number: 0763/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Sda. The research data are collected using documentation techniques and are analysed using descriptive analysis techniques and using a deductive mindset that is by outlining the decision of the Sidoarjo Religious Court which is then reviewed from the perspective of maslahah mursalah. The panel of judges in determining the right of gift to stepmothers in the Sidoarjo Religious Court's decision, based on article 41 letter (a) of Law Number 1 of 1974 jo. article 105 and article 156 letter (a) Compilation of Islamic Law and the proposition in the book Bajuri juz II. In addition, a willingness from the Defendant who is the biological father of the child to give the right of gift to the Plaintiff's Reconstruction is a point that is included as consideration by the panel of judges. In Islamic law which is examined from the theory of maslahah mursalah, the judge's consideration to establish the right of hadanah to the stepmother in the Sidoarjo Religious Court's ruling is in accordance with the purpose of the hadanah namely to prioritize the interests and benefit of the child so that later he or she can grow into a good person under the care of an appropriate person, even though the child is not a biological child of the Reconvention Plaintiff, the Reconvention Plaintiff is in fact more feasible and competent to have the right of hadanah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-73
Muhammad Abrar Parinduri ◽  
Zuliana Zuliana ◽  

The presence of modernization in the world of Islamic education seems to be a necessity that cannot be avoided. The birth of reformer figures in the Islamic world who came from the Middle East and Indonesia became a separate impetus to accelerate the pace of renewal of Islamic education. This research uses library research type (library research) which is carried out using literature (literature) in the form of books, notes, and research reports from previous research. Sources of data can be obtained from documents or document studies. Document study, namely looking for data about things or variables in the form of notes or transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines, and other documents needed for research data. This research proves that the flow of renewal in Islamic education finds momentum when the Indonesian government is able to synergize with Muslim figures. Likewise, the accommodative and cooperative attitude displayed by some Indonesian Muslim leaders and Islamic community organizations has contributed to the government's belief that advancing Islamic educational institutions is not something that is scary but will add stability to the condition of government and politics in Indonesia. It is at this stage that the reform of Islamic education is ultimately integrated into the national education system.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 289
Jabbar Sabil ◽  
Juliana Juliana

Ĥadīŝ aĥād is one of the sources of Islamic law. But in practice, the scholars set different conditions as seen in the thoughts of Imam al-Sarakhsī and Imam al-Ghazālī. Therefore, this study examines the nature of ĥadīŝ aĥād according to both Imams, and their views on the criteria for the use of ĥadīŝ aĥād as the source of Islamic law. This research is done by epistemology approach which is part of a study of philosophy science. The technique of completion of research data is done by library research with the method of data analysis, that is a research according to the contents of both Imam. The data analysis is done by the comparative descriptive method that is, to find the relation between thinking with the same thing with equation and difference which is related to ĥadīŝ aĥād as the source of Islamic law. So the author comes to the conclusion of both Imams mentioned that ĥadīŝ aĥād is obliged to be practiced but doesn’t produce knowledge.The opposite side of their opinion is on the terms of practice. Imam al-Sarakhsī presupposes the fakih narrator, while Imam al-Ghazālī doesn’t because according to him the condition of the transmigrants is not realistic and complicates the practice.The analysis of the metaphysical example of ĥadīŝ aĥād fi'liyyah about ĥadīŝ yellow in the morning prayers indicates that in the ĥadīŝ the metaphysical condition of the jurists doesn’t increase the probability to certainty, and the absence of the fakih narrator doesn’t diminish its worth. Thus, the practice of ĥadīŝ aĥād is sufficient at the level of probability, so the thought of Imam al-Sarakhsī and Imam al-Ghazālī being complementary is not a contradiction.

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