scholarly journals ASMAUL HUSNA DALAM AL QUR’AN

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-36
M.Zaki Mubarok ◽  
Muchlisin Nawawi ◽  
Nailur Rahmawati

The aims of this study are: (1) to describe the morphological formation of Asmaul Husna; (2) describe the Asmaul Husna slot; (3) describe the Asmaul Husna pattern model; (4) describe the case and the syntactic function of Asmaul Husna; (5) describe the grammatical markers on Asmaul Husna in the Qur'an. This research is an analysis of Asmaul Husna's morphosyntactic in the Qur'an. This research is a qualitative research with library research design. The data of this research are presented with the consideration sample technique. In this study, from 156 data of Asmaul Husna found 3 data ism jamid, and 153 data ism musytaq. There are 91 mubalaghah data slots, 21 ism fa'il data slots, 6 mashdar data slots, and 35 musyabbahah sifah data slots. There are 97 data on raf' cases, 31 data on nashb cases and 33 data on jar cases. There are 2 data as mubtada', 51 data for khabar case, 3 data for fa'il case, 28 data for khabar inna, 10 data for na't (marfu'), and 3 data for ma'thuf (marfu'), 21 data for khabar kana, 2 data as maf'ul bih, 1 data as munada, 6 data as tamyiz, and 1 data as na't (manshub), 8 data as majrur, 5 data as mudhaf ilaih, and 18 data as na't ( majrur), and 2 data as badal (majrur). There were 91 data marked with dhammah dhahirah, and 1 data marked with dhammah muqaddara, 31 data marked with fathah dhahirah, and 33 data marked with kasrah dhahirah.   Asmaul Husna merupakan kumpulan 99 nama-nama Allah yang menunjukan keindahan dan keperkasaan Allah. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis morfosintaksis Asmaul Husna di dalam al-Qur’an menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain studi pustaka (library research). Data penelitian ini disajikan dengan teknik sampel pertimbangan. Dalam penelitian ini, dari 156 data Asmaul Husna  ditemukan 3 data ism  jamid, dan 153 data ism musytaq. Tedapat 91 data slot mubalaghah, 21 data slot ism  fa’il, 6 data slot mashdar, dan 35 data slot sifah musyabbahah. Terdapat 2 data dengan model pola فَعَل, 5 data dengan فَعْل, 4 data dengan فَعِل, 79 data dengan فَعِيْل, 9 data dengan فَعْلَان,  15 data dengan فَعُوْل, 2 data dengan فُعُّوْل, 1 data dengan فَعَال, 17 data dengan فَاعِل, 15 data dengan فَعَّال, 1 data dengan مُفعِل, 1 data dengan مُفَيْعِل, 1 data dengan مُفَعِّل, 1 data dengan مُفْتَعِل 1 data dengan  مُتَفَعِّل, dan 1 data dengan مُتَفَاعِل. Terdapat 97 data raf’, 31 data nashb dan 33  data jar. Terdapat 2 data sebagai mubtada’, 51 data khabar, 3 data fa’il, 28 data sebagai khabar inna, 10 data na’t (marfu’),dan 3 data ma’thuf (marfu’), 21 data khabar kana, 2 data maf’ul bih, 1 data munada, 6 data tamyiz, dan 1 data na’t (manshub), 8 data majrur, 5 data mudhaf ilaih, dan 18 data na’t (majrur), dan 2 data badal (majrur). Ditemukan 91 data berpenanda dhammah dhahirah, dan 1 data berpenanda dhammah muqaddarah, 31 data  berpenanda fathah dhahirah, dan 33 data berpenanda kasrah dhahirah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-54
Muhammad Rijal Fadli

Tujuan artikel ini untuk memahami desain metode penelitian kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka (library research), pengumpulan data dengan cara mencari sumber dan merkontruksi dari berbagai sumber seperti buku, jurnal, dan riset-riset yang sudah ada. Hasilnya bahwa penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan desain penelitian yang temuan-temuannya tidak didapatkan melalui prosedur statistik atau dalam bentuk hitungan, melainkan bertujuan mengungkapkan fenomena secara holistik-kontekstual dengan pengumpulan data dari latar/setting alamiah dan memanfaatkanpeneliti sebagai instrument kunci. Penelitian kualiatif memiliki sifat deskriptif dan cenderung menggunakan analisis pendekatan induktif, sehingga proses dan makna berdasarkan perspektif subyek lebih ditonjolkan dalam penelitian kualitatif ini. Desain penelitian kualitatif ini dapat dijadikan sebagai metode dalam penelitian, karena desainnya dijabarkan secara komprehensif yang mudah untuk dipahami oleh kalangan peneliti dan akademisi. The purpose of this article is to understand the design of qualitative research methods. The method used is library research, data collection by searching for sources, and reconstruction from various sources such as books, journals, and existing researches. The result is that qualitative research is conducted with a research design where the findings are not obtained through statistical procedures or in the form of calculations, but rather aim to reveal phenomena in a holistic-contextual manner by collecting data from natural settings and utilizing the researcher as a key instrument. Qualitative research has a descriptive nature and tends to use an inductive approach analysis so that the process and meaning based on the subject's perspective are emphasized more in this qualitative research. This qualitative research design can be used as a method in research because the design is described in a comprehensive manner that is easy to understand by researchers and academics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Baiq Deni Kurniati

This research was aimed to find out the effectiveness of Obstacle Race Game toward students’ motivation in learning grammar and to find out the correlation between students’ motivation and grammar at MA Darul Husaini Sanggeng. The kind of this research is experimental research (quantitative approach). This research design was applied pretest-posttest design. The population of this research was all of the second grade students of MA Darul Husaini Sanggeng. The sample of this research was consist of two classes namely XI-A as experimental class consist of 17 students and XI-B as control class consist of 17 students. The sample technique used in this research was saturated sampling technique. The technique which was used to analysis the data was t-test and r-test formula. From the research data found that the t-test score is higher than t-table (2,635>2, 021). Based on the result of this research, it can be conclude that the Obstacle Race Game has positive effect towards students’ motivation in learning grammar. From the research data found that r-test is higher than r-table (0,990>0,482). It can be conclude that there is correlation between students’ motivation and grammar.

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 218
Inatigris Anggriani Harahap ◽  
Amrin . Saragih ◽  
Zainuddin . Zainuddin

In teaching, almost all schools use textbooks. In teaching, the schools give the textbooks to students as the medium of teaching. The textbooks do not only include lessons and practices, but they also include texts and even various text types. The text types are given to the students as medium of practicing the lessons that the students focusing. Halliday                    (1989:12) states context consists of three aspects, namely field, tenor and mode. The objective of this study is to reason for the various text types are realized in the textbooks of the first Grade of State Islamic School. Donal ( 2010: 29) states that qualitative research is a study that aims to understand a phenomenon that focuses on the total picture. Research design in this study was done by descriptive qualitative research. Data analysis in this research is there are 19 text types used in the textbooks of the first Grade of State Islamic School. The technique for collecting data is observation which observesthe reason for the use of the text types in the textbooks and then analyzed the reason for the use of the text types in the textbooks by using Miles, Huberman and Saldana model ( 2014: 31) with three steps of data analysis such as abbreviating data, presenting data and picturing and proving conclusion. The findings show that the reason for the use of the text types in the textbooks of the first Grade of State Islamic School is based on the three aspects of context, namely field, tenor and mode. Keywords: Texts, Text Types, Systemic Linguistic,Textbooks

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Maeda Elsera Siagian ◽  
Rahmad . Husein ◽  
Sahron . Lubis

ABSTRACTIn communication, sometimes people get difficulties in interpreting the messages. In communication, sometimes other people have difficulty interpreting the implied message of a word or sentence. The meaning of utterances does not depend on the literal meaning uttered by the speaker, but there is an implicit meaning behind the social speech and action in which the speech occurs. Searle (2014) state Illocutionary act the five basic kinds of illocutionary acts are namely assertive, directive, commissive, expressive and declarative. The objectives of this study are to explain types of illocutionary acts in first debate of Jakarta Governor election 2017. Bogdan and Biklen (1992:29) add that qualitative research is descriptive where data collected are in the form of word and picture rather than number. Research design in this study was conducted by descriptive qualitative research. Data analysis in this research is there are 733 clauses of which illocutionary act in the first debate of Jakarta governor election 2017. the technique for collecting data is documentary technique which download video from Youtube and transcribed the video into the interactive model by using Miles and Huberman (2014) with the three phases of data analysis such as data condensation, data display and conclusion. The findings show all types of illocutionary act were used in the first debate of Jakarta governor election 2017, namely: assertive (54%), directive (15%), commissive (18%), expressive (12%) and declarative (1%). Assertive dominantly is used in Governor and vice governor in the form of stating out of 250 utterances or 34,1%.  Keywords: Illocutionary act, Speech, Governor, Jakarta, Debat

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-58
Mudrofin Mudrofin ◽  
Mohamad Yusuf Ahmad Hasyim ◽  
Darul Qutni

Broken plural is one of three plural study of arabic. It has special character whose make it different. Two other plural (intact masculine plural and intact feminine plural) have constant alteration of accidence measure, while it hasn’t. It has complex alteration measure. Alteration of this plural happend through augmentation, elimination, and by changing it’s vowel. Purpose of this research is to know derivate, formation method, and meaning from semantics sector of broken plural on the koran juz 29 and 30. This research is qualitative research with library research design. Data on this research are all of broken plural on the koran juz 29 and 30. Data aggregation of this research use documentation method with data card and recapitulation thread in instrument.  Result of this research is from 92 data, 28 data are minor plural, 37 data are major plural, and 27 data are ultimate plural form. Based on semantics, 41 data have constant meaning, 11 data have generalization meaning, 28 data have constrict meaning, and 12 data have changing meaning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Suryadi Suryadi ◽  
Sukamto Sukamto

Thinking and looking for the proposition to ma'rifat to Allah SWT is the first obligation for a Mukallaf (one who has received the burden of taklif). Knowing God means that someone also knows himself. Regarding knowing human self, there have actually been many theories that point to this, the proof is that there are many theories about good personality that were sparked by thinkers from the west or by Islamic scholars. In this study, researchers are interested in discussing one personality theory that is very rarely discussed, namely personality theory according to Taqiyuddin An Nabhani specifically his Islamic personality theory. The purpose of this study is as an additional reference and add Khazanah knowledge about human personality. Taqiyuddin An Nabhani is a contemporary cleric from the Palestinian area who has given birth to many works both in fiqh and politics. This research is a qualitative research with a type of library research. Data analysis technique used in this research is content analysis, namely by analyzing various reference sources both primary and secondary. After researchers examine several sources, it can be concluded that according to Taqiyuddin An Nabhani, humans have two elements of personality, namely thought patterns (‘aqliyah) and attitude patterns (nafsiyah). Mindset is a method used in understanding or thinking about something. In other words, mindset is a method used to associate facts with information, or vice versa, based on a certain basis or several methods. While the attitude pattern is a method used by humans by linking the impulse of distribution (fulfillment) with mafahim (understanding) or the way used by humans to meet gharizah (instincts) and physical needs. a person can be said to have an Islamic personality if he has ‘aqliyah Islamiyah (Islamic mindset) and nafsiyah Islamiyah (Islamic attitude pattern). If one of the two does not exist in a person then in fact he does not have an Islamic personality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-110
Hiskia C.M. Sapioper ◽  
Marlina Flassy ◽  
Ilham Ilham

The study aims to know and describe the quality of services and arrangements in the land certificates processing at Land Office of Jayapura Regency, Papua Province in Indonesia. This was a qualitative research by using service quality theory. This theory consists of five main dimensions namely, tangible, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance. The primary data was obtained through observation and interviews, while secondary data was obtained through library research. Data analysis was carried out through reduction and presentation, conclusions, and verification. Therefore, the results showed that service procedures were implemented according to standards, and the officers' competence were considered adequate. However, in terms of facilities and infrastructure, service standards did not meet the required expectations. Finally, the duration of the process indicated that the services provided were not responsive to the community needs.   Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan kualitas pelayanan dan pengaturan pertanahan dalam pengurusan sertifikat tanah hak milik di Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Jayapura, Provinsi Papua. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menuang teori kualitas pelayanan yang terdiri atas lima dimensi pokok: tangible, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, assurance. Data primer diperoleh melalui pengamatan dan wawancara, data sekunder berasal dari studi kepustakaan. Analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa prosedur pelayanan telah dilaksanakan sesuai standar pelayanan, serta kompetensi petugas juga dinilai telah memadai. Kendati demikian, dari segi sarana dan prasarana belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan standar pelayanan, lamanya proses penyelesaian pengaduan juga mengindikasikan bahwa pelayanan yang diberikan kurang memuaskan kebutuhan masyarakat selaku pengguna layanan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-78
Emran Ali Alareefi ◽  
Anggani Linggar Bharati ◽  
Fahrur Rozi

Word formation occurs when we want to form new meaning, word class, and grammatical need. Morpheme is defined as the smallest meaningful unit of a language. This study to purpose to explain the errors that Libyan students made in using derivational morphemes, to explain why they make such errors and to find the solutions to overcome these errors. Research design in this study is qualitative research. Data in the form of quotes from documents, field notes, and interviews or excerpts from videotapes, audiotapes, or electronic communications are used to present the findings of the study. Based on the findings  and discussion, the conclusion of this research as follows: The errors made by Libyan students in Semarang city in using derivational   morphemes is varied from one student to another student, from the omission, addition, misordering and misformation, about the prefix and suffix. The contribution made to this study is by knowing the number of errors that occur in Libyans in English.

Hawa Rumatiga ◽  
Panji Adam Agus Putra

Abstarct. As technology develops, there are various business opportunities that require online-based services, two of which are Gojek and Grab. Both of these applications are known to only be used to provide passenger shuttle services, food, and etc. But lately many drivers are using their idle accounts for resale, even though the account is not entirely theirs and there is an agreement that has been agreed by the online motorcycle taxi partners / drivers with Gojek and Grab companies. This causes the occurrence of uncertainty and can pose a risk to the buyer, or can be said to contain Gharar so that it causes non-fulfillment of conditions in the sale and purchase transaction.The purpose of this study was to determine the form of gharar according to Islamic law, the practice of buying and selling online ojek accounts, and a review of Islamic law on the buying and selling practices of Gojek and Grab online ojek accounts.This research is a qualitative research. Data obtained from field data sources and library research sources were analyzed and compiled by descriptive analysis.The results showed that, the requirements in buying and selling transactions are things that must be fulfilled in Islamic law, the sale and purchase of an online motorcycle taxi account should not be done because it will pose a risk to the seller and the buyer. Keywords: Islamic Law, Buying and Selling, Ojek Accounts Online. Abstrak. Seiring berkembangnya teknologi munculah berbagai peluang bisnis yang memerlukan layanan berbasis online, dua diantaranya yaitu Gojek dan Grab. Kedua aplikasi ini diketahui hanya digunakan untuk memberikan layanan jasa antar jemput penumpang, makanan, dan sejenisnya. Namun belakangan ini banyak driver yang memanfaatkan akun mereka yang menganggur untuk dijual kembali, padahal akun tersebut bukan sepenuhnya milik mereka dan adanya perjanjian yang telah disepakati oleh mitra/driver ojol ini dengan perusahaan Gojek maupun Grab. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya ketidak jelasan dan dapat memberikan resiko kepada pembeli, atau dapat dikatakan mengandung Gharar sehingga menyebabkan tidak terpenuhinya syarat dalam transaksi jual beli. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bentuk gharar menurut hukum Islam, praktek jual beli akun ojek online, dan tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap praktek jual beli akun ojek online Gojek dan Grab. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Data yang diperoleh dari sumber data lapangan (field research) dan sumber data kepustakaan (Library research) dianalisis dan disusun secara deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa,       syarat dalam transaksi jual beli  merupakan hal yang wajib dipenuhi dalam hukum Islam, jual beli akun ojek online sebaiknya tidak dilakukan karena akan menimbulkan risiko kepada pejual maupun pembeli. Kata Kunci: Hukum Islam, Jual Beli, Akun Ojek Online.

ASAS ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (02) ◽  
pp. 46-63
Zuhraini Zuhraini

The Sebatin Lampung customary law community, seen from the lineage system including genealogical customary law community, draws on the patrilineal lineage. In the marriage system using an honest marriage system, where the wife is included in the husband's relatives. But for certain reasons, the Semanda marriage system was also used by the Sebatin Lampung customary law community. In the marriage system, the husband follows or is in the environment of his wife's relatives. In semanda marriage, which has more role in the inheritance dominated by the wife because the assets managed are indeed owned by the wife's family. If they get shared assets during the marriage, is there a husband's right to joint property in the distribution of inheritance. Based on the above background, the problem in this paper is how the distribution of inheritance in the Sebatin Lampung customary law community and how the husband's inheritance rights in Semanda marriage Sebatin Lampung Customary Law Community. The first research objective was to analyze the distribution of inheritance rights in Sebatin Lampung Customary Law Society. Second, to examine and analyze the husband's inheritance rights in the marriage of SemandaSebatin Lampung Customary Law Society. The method in this study, seen from its type, is qualitative research, even if seen from the nature of this research is library research. Data analysis using qualitative descriptive. The conclusion obtained in this study is First, For the Sebatin Lampung customary law community, inheritance system uses a system of major inheritance. This means that inheritance will fall on the oldest son. Assets inherited to the oldest sons are inheritance, customary titles, and parental property which is the result of the parents' efforts while still alive. Second, the distribution system of inheritance for husbands who carry out semi-marriages at the Sebatin Lampung customary law community, carried out in accordance with the conditions and conditions of each family. This division can be seen from two conditions. If in the family there are children born in semanda marriage, then the inheritance of the wife is given to the eldest son and the oldest child will take the policy to share or give part to his younger siblings. If there are no children, the inheritance is taken over by the wife's family while the husband does not get a shareKeywords: husband's inheritance rights, semanda marriage and sebatin Lampung customary law community.

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