2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Jacob S Seleky

<p>School math learning is part of the educational process that provides students with a mathematics learning experience through a planned set of activities to achieve established goals. The goal of learning mathematics in schools in Indonesia is oriented towards achieving a balance between the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. In fact, learning mathematics in schools in Indonesia so far has focused on efforts to achieve high scores from the cognitive domain. But along with the development and change of curriculum, affective and psychomotor domains are receiving more priority to develop. In this paper, the author wants to examine the affective domain by conducting a study of character values in school mathematics learning through an analogy approach. This paper aims to contribute ideas related to the development of affective domains in learning mathematics through the study conducted. The research method used is a literature study. While the strategy for conducting the study is an analogical approach that is associated with the understanding of quantitative and qualitative relationships. Based on the results, it is evident that in school mathematics learning implied character values are learned. The author hopes that this study will be useful to math teachers in developing the affective domain of math learning in schools. The implication is that the goal of learning mathematics, namely the balance between the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains, can be achieved.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: </strong>Pembelajaran matematika sekolah adalah bagian dari proses pendidikan yang memberikan pengalaman belajar matematika kepada siswa melalui serangkaian kegiatan yang terencana untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Tujuan pembelajaran matematika sekolah di Indonesia berorientasi untuk mewujudkan keseimbangan antara domain kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor. Pada kenyataannya pembelajaran matematika sekolah di Indonesia selama ini menitikberatkan pada upaya pencapaian nilai yang tinggi dari domain kognitif. Tetapi bersamaan dengan pengembangan dan pergantian kurikulum, domain afektif dan psikomotor mendapat prioritas untuk dikembangkan. Oleh karena itu, dalam paper ini penulis ingin mengembangkan domain afektif dengan melakukan kajian nilai-nilai karakter dalam pembelajaran matematika sekolah melalui pendekatan analogi. Penulisan paper ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi pemikiran terkait pengembangan domain afektif dalam pembelajaran matematika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi literatur. Sedangkan strategi melakukan kajian adalah pendekatan analogi yang dikaitkan dengan pemahaman hubungan kuantitatif dan kualitatif<strong>. </strong>Berdasarkan hasilnya dapat diketahui bahwa didalam pembelajaran matematika sekolah terdapat nilai-nilai karakter yang tersirat untuk dipelajari<strong>. </strong>Harapan penulis, kajian ini bermanfaat untuk guru matematika dalam mengembangkan domain afektif pembelajaran matematika di sekolah. Implikasinya tujuan pembelajaran matematika yaitu keseimbangan antara domain kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor dapat tercapai.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
Ottilia Fülöp ◽  
Marcell Nagy

The emergency measures concerning enhanced epidemiological protection during the COVID-19 pandemic have put faculty members and students in a challenging situation all over the world. In this paper, we focus on the difficulties that arise in teaching and learning mathematics at a university level. The present study aims to assist instructors and policymakers in implementing online education during a crisis by pointing out some key factors that can improve the educational process and the learning experience.  We provide a summary of our strategy of teaching mathematics online during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting how the students were involved in the process of learning mathematics. We describe all the steps adopted by the instructor to improve the online mathematics learning of our students. We also present the feedback of the students regarding the online teaching of mathematics in the spring semester of the 2019/20 academic year. Our analysis is based on the answers to an anonymous survey completed by 124 full-time undergraduate students of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary. The results suggest that the students highly appreciated our efforts to create a comfortable online atmosphere by increasing empathy.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Leny Hartati

<p>This study aims to determine the effect of learning styles and attitudes of <br />students in math on math learning outcomes. The method used is the method Expose Facto. The study sample drawn from a population with affordable proportional random technique, as many as 60 students. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire instrument to measure learning style variables and variable attitudes of students in math, and test instruments, to measure the outcomes of learning mathematics. The research design used in this study is a 3 x 2 factorial design with three variables consisting of two independent variables, namely cognitive learning styles and attitudes of students in math, as well as the dependent variable, which is the result of learning mathematics. From the <br />data processing obtained the following results: (1) There are differences in mathematics learning outcomes of students who have a visual learning style, auditory and kinesthetic. It is in the show by the price of the F - count of 2,494 with a probability of 0.047 sig (sig &lt; 0.05) at significance level ? = 5 %. (2) The results of the mathematical learning of students who have a positive attitude at a higher math than students who have a negative attitude on math. It is in the show by the price of the F - count of 3,124 with a probability <br />of 0.018 sig (sig &lt; 0.05) at significance level. (3) There is no interaction between the learning styles of students in math attitudes toward math learning outcomes. It is in the show by the price of the F - calculated interaction probability value was 1.621 while sig. for interaction (learning styles * attitude of students in math) of 0.140 (sig &gt; 0.05). </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1087-1096
Supriadi Supriadi

COMMUNITY SERVICE INNOVATION OF THE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS HEALTH CENTER (PUSKESMAS) IN LEARNING MATHEMATICS BASED ON THE TOWN SQUARE. The purpose of this study was to develop an innovation in the school’s mathematics health center in mathematics learning through city square-based mathematics learning. Descriptive method is used with subjects in early childhood and elementary school students who are in the location of the school mathematics health center. The instrument used by the researcher itself, data collection techniques using structured interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used triangulation, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the media presented at the Puskesmas were all new and they had not yet gotten them in their respective schools. The attitude of students who become happy, like, cheerful in learning mathematics and easy to understand mathematical concepts, and bring out the creativity of early age and elementary school students in learning mathematics. Student concentration also increases because the learning model used uses an individual approach, so that they can focus more on seeing the student learning process. Parents who accompany their children generally feel happy because their children enjoy learning mathematics. Puskesmas activities have an impact on early age and elementary school students to be happy learning mathematics, like learning with mathematics media, cheerful in following math tutoring and enjoy learning mathematics. This program is also highly supported by parents because it is very helpful in the learning process of their children and eases the family’s economic burden in education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-26
Fitriana Eka Chandra

Mathematics has always been a difficult subject for the students. Math learning in the classroom is often a very tedious process for most students. Many students are unmotivated to study mathematics, which means that the disposition of students in learning mathematics is lacking. Mathematical dispositions relate to student attitudes, the tendency to think and act positively in learning mathematics. One of the extracurricular activities that students are interested in is the Extrakurikuler Scout activities. Students are always eager to follow the activities in these activities. This means that the education system contained in the Boy Scouts is able to attract students' attention and be able to motivate students. Even when students are given difficult challenges, students seem to be passionate and happy to follow the challenge. This means students have a positive attitude in following Scout activities. This is certainly when applied in the learning of mathematics will be able to make students feel happy to attend math lessons. So that in the end can make students' mathematics learning outcomes for the better. Keyword: Math lesson, Scout, math disposision  

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 12
Yulis Jamiah

ABSTRAKThis research purposed to obtain the overview of mathematical disposition of student mathematics education, especially the students who took number theory subject. In obtaining these overview will be applied by humanis mathematics learning model. The specific purpose of this research are: 1) describe mathematics disposition of the students; 2) describe the process of application model to increase mathematic dispositions of the student; 3) describe the effectiveness of application model. The purposes are achieved through several stages, including: 1) analyze the theoretical; 2) explore the characteristics of a mathematical disposition; (3) identify and analyze problems; (4) reviewing the learning model; (5) applying model to increase mathematic dispositions that based on observation; 6) gives a questionnaire about mathematical disposition; and 7) analyzing the data. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Based on the purpose that disclosed, the results of research: 1) mathematical disposition of the students after the application model, shows 74% very positive attitude; 24% positive attitude; and 2% doubtful attitude; 2) the process of application model that facilitates appearance of a mathematical disposition of the students based on ability cognitive domain, affective domain, and domain skills, showing the criteria very well and good; and 3) the application of humanis mathematics learning model effective to increase mathematics disposition of the students in Number theory subject. Keywords: Humanis Mathematics Learning Model, Mathematical Dispositions

Muhamad Farhan ◽  
M. Tohimin Apriyanto ◽  
Arif Rahman Hakim

This research was conducted to explore the elements of mathematics (ethnomathematics) contained in the Uma Lengge building that is located in Bima, West Nusa Teggara (NTB), Indonesia. The research used a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. The data were obtained from literature studies, observation, and documentation. Observation and documentation were used to identify and explore the elements of mathematics (ethnomathematics) contained in the Uma Lengge building, literature studies are used to find out more about the cultural values that exist in the uma lengge building as an application in learning mathematics. The results show elements of mathematics (ethnomathematics) in the uma lengge contain plane figure namely the concept of square, rectangle and triangle, concept of parallel and perpendicular lines, concept of geometry namely triangular prism and concept of similarity in triangle. The implication of this research is that the cultural elements contained in the uma lengge building can be used in mathematics learning applications in schools. Keywords: ethnomathematics, uma lengge, math learning

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Ayu Rahman Hidayah ◽  
Putri Aourah ◽  
Ade Suci Ramadhani

The current educational phenomenon is the large number of children with physical disabilities at the legs. One the reason is the environment that does not provide opportunities for them to grow and develop with their conditions. Conducive and pleasant educational environment for children with physical disabilities at the legs in grades 2 and 3 of elementary school can create a better psychological condition with a sense of enthusiasm and interest to improve academic understanding of mathematics learning. Kuda Baja or Wheelchair Playing and Learning presents as a form of author's effort to overcome these problems. The author prepare this article is using the method of literature study. So in this article Kuda Baja as a wheelchair at once includes learning media with a playing method. There are two-dimentional figure puzzle, stacking numbers, abacus, napier bar tables, and is equipped with a whiteboard and a smartphone stand.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 114
Kurnia Putri Sepdikasari Dirgantoro ◽  
Robert Harry Soesanto

<p class="abstrak">Mathematics is a subject that is considered a scourge by most students. They think that mathematics is difficult, complicated, and boring. However, if we look at the process of creation, everything in this universe (including mathematics) is God's creation and everything is really good. This truth needs to be revealed to students by the mathematics teacher. Unfortunately, many math teachers make students dislike mathematics. Therefore, this paper aims to describe the role of Christian mathematics teachers to guide students in viewing mathematics according to God's perspective. The research method used is the literature study method. The results of this study indicate that the role of Christian mathematics teachers includes: (1) appreciating and exploring mathematics first; (2) developing the four teacher competencies; and (3) understand the objectives of learning mathematics. Christian mathematics teachers also need to be careful not to fall into the sin of idolatry and pride by asking the Holy Spirit for help to be enabled in each of their ministries.</p><p class="abstrak"><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: </strong>Matematika merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang dianggap momok oleh siswa. Siswa menganggap bahwa matematika itu sulit, rumit, dan membosankan. Namun jika melihat pada proses penciptaan maka segala yang ada di alam semesta ini (termasuk matematika) merupakan ciptaan Allah dan semuanya sungguh amat baik. Kebenaran ini perlu disingkapkan kepada siswa oleh guru matematika. Namun, banyak guru matematika yang justru membuat siswa tidak menyukai matematika. Oleh sebab itu, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan peran guru matematika Kristen di dalam menuntun siswa dalam memandang matematika sesuai dengan cara pandang Allah. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini memaparkan bahwa peran guru matematika Kristen meliputi: (1) mengapresiasi dan menjelajahi matematika terlebih dahulu; (2) mengembangkan keempat kompetensi guru; serta (3) memahami tujuan pembelajaran matematika. Guru matematika Kristen juga perlu berhati-hati agar tidak jatuh ke dalam dosa penyembahan berhala dan kesombongan dengan meminta pertolongan kepada Roh Kudus agar dimampukan dalam setiap pelayanannya.</p><p class="abstrak"> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-82
Intan Juwita ◽  
Pendi P ◽  
Eka Rachma Kurniasi

This study aims to discuss the analysis of the application of character education in mathematics learning at SMP Negeri 1 Simpangkatis class VIII and MA Muhammadiyah Gantung class X MIA. Mathematics learning is used as a medium and a vehicle for character building. By advancing character education in mathematics, Mathematics Learning is no longer to support the development of the cognitive domain but also to develop the affective domain. The research method used a qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive methods. Data collection used observation and interview sheets. The research findings show that character education has been applied in mathematics learning at SMP Negeri 1 Simpangkatis and MA Muhammadiyah Gantung. As for learning activities that can foster character values, including praying together, the teacher giving worksheets and students working in groups, students presenting the results of their work in front of the class. The character referred to is having a strong attitude, discipline, tolerance, solidarity, hard work, responsibility, competitiveness and sportsmanship.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Elly Setyowati

The purpose of the study was to describe the process of inductive learning to enhance the activity and outcomes of learning mathematics for students of class VII A, SMP Negeri 1 Binangun, Cilacap. Type Classroom Action Research (CAR). Subjects were students of class VII A Binangun SMP Negeri 1 Cilacap, involving 33 students. Object of research activity and outcomes of learning mathematics using inductive learning model. The results showed an increase in the activity of the student's learning experience, from the first cycle of the average percentage of the activity of 50,21% in the second cycle becomes 73,37%. Mathematics learning outcomes also increased from an average value of 66,33 at the beginning of the ability of the first cycle to the second cycle of 71,64 and the average is 81,94. Percentage achieving KKM also increased from 51,51% in the prior knowledge, the first cycle to be 66,67% and 87,88% in the second cycle. Thus, teachers are advised to apply inductive learning model, as an alternative learning model to enhance the activity and student learning outcomes.

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