JOHME Journal of Holistic Mathematics Education
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Pelita Harapan


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
M Nur Al Awwalul Waliq ◽  
Sukmawati Sukmawati ◽  
Randy Saputra Mahmud

<p>This study describes students' ability to solve HOTS problems according to their self-confidence level in a grade 8 class at a junior high school in Pallangga. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. The research procedure includes the preparation, implementation, and analysis stages of research results. The subjects in the study were 3 grade 8 students at SMP Negeri 5 in the district of Pallangga. The subjects were selected by giving a questionnaire to all grade 8 students to select students who had high self-confidence, moderate self-confidence, and low self-confidence. The research refers to the four stages of the ability to solve mathematical problems based on Polya's steps, namely: understanding the problem, planning problem-solving strategies, carrying out calculations, and evaluating the results of problem-solving. The research instrument was a self-confidence questionnaire, an ability test to solve HOTS math problems based on Polya's steps, and interview guidelines. The results showed that there were differences in the ability to solve mathematical HOTS questions based on Polya's steps by the three selected subjects. The results showed that subjects with high self-confidence and moderate self-confidence were able to meet the indicators of understanding the problem, while subjects with low self-confidence were unable to meet the indicators of understanding the problem. At the stage of planning a problem-solving strategy, subjects with high self-confidence and moderate self-confidence were able to meet the indicators, while subjects with low self-confidence were unable to meet the indicators. At the stage of carrying out calculations, subjects with high self-confidence were able to meet the indicators, while subjects with moderate self-confidence and low self-confidence were unable to meet the indicators. And at the stage of re-examining the results of problem-solving, subjects with high self-confidence were able to meet the indicators, while subjects with moderate self-confidence and low self-confidence were unable to meet the indicator.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: </strong>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah matematika soal HOTS ditinjau dari kepercayaan diri pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Pallangga. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Prosedur penelitian meliputi persiapan, pelaksanaan dan tahap analisis hasil penelitian. Subjek dalam penelitian adalah 3 orang siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Pallangga. Subjek dipilih dengan memberikan angket kepada seluruh siswa kelas VIII untuk memilih siswa yang memiliki kepercayaan diri tinggi, kepercayaan diri sedang, dan kepercayaan diri rendah. Penelitian mengacu pada empat tahap kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah matematika berdasarkan langkah Polya yaitu: memahami masalah, merencanakan strategi pemecahan masalah, melaksanakan perhitungan, dan memeriksa kembali hasil penyelesaian masalah. Instrumen penelitian adalah angket kepercayaan diri, tes kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah matematika soal HOTS berdasarkan langkah Polya, dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah matematika soal HOTS berdasarkan langkah Polya oleh ketiga subjek yang dipilih. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa subjek dengan kepercayaan diri tinggi dan kepercayaan diri sedang mampu memenuhi indikator memahami masalah, sementara subjek dengan kepercayaan diri rendah tidak mampu memenuhi indikator memahami masalah. Pada tahap  merencanakan strategi pemecahan masalah, subjek dengan kepercayaan diri tinggi dan kepercayaan diri sedang mampu memenuhi indikator, sementara subjek dengan kepercayaan diri rendah tidak mampu memenuhi indikator. Pada tahap melaksanakan perhitugan, subjek dengan kepercayaan diri tinggi mampu memenuhi indikator, sementara subjek dengan kepercayaan diri sedang dan kepercayaan diri rendah tidak mampu memenuhi indikator. Dan pada tahap memeriksa kembali hasil penyelesaian masalah, subjek dengan kepercayaan diri tinggi mampu memenuhi indikator, sementara subjek dengan kepercayaan diri sedang dan kepercayaan diri rendah tidak mampu memenuhi indikator.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Yongki Budi Saputro ◽  
Yumiati Yumiati ◽  
Merry Noviyanti

<p>The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of using the Problem Based Learning (PBL), Problem Solving (PS), and Problem Posing (PP) learning models in achieving students' creative thinking skills in social arithmetic material for a grade 7 class. Creative thinking skills is a problem variable because many students cannot answer the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) questions. This type of research is quasi-experimental with a population of grade 7 students and a sample of 3 classes. The sampling technique used simple random sampling. Data collection techniques used were documentation, observation, and tests. The test was used to measure students' creative thinking skills. Data analysis techniques used one-way Anova and post hoc (Scheffe test). The test data were analyzed using SPSS 16.0 for Windows software. The results of the study concluded that the Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Problem Solving (PS) learning models were effective in achieving students 'creative thinking abilities and the Problem Posing (PP) learning model was not effective in achieving students' creative thinking abilities. Meanwhile, there are differences in the effectiveness of using the Problem Based Learning (PBL), Problem Solving (PS), and Problem Posing (PP) learning models in the achievement of students' creative thinking abilities on social arithmetic material for grade 7 students and there are significant average differences in ability. Creative thinking of students on indicators of flexibility, and originality between groups of students who are taught with problem-based learning (PBL) and problem posing (PP) learning models.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT</strong><strong>: </strong>Tujuan penelitian ini untuk untuk mengetahui perbandingan efektivitas penggunaan model pembelajaran <em>Problem Based Learning </em>(PBL),<em> Problem Solving </em>(PS),<em> Problem Posing</em> (PP) dalam pencapaian kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa pada materi aritmatika sosial kelas VII SMP. Pengambilan kemampuan berpikir kreatif sebagaivariabel masalah dikarenakan banyak siswa yang tidak bisa menjawab soal Higher of Thhingking Skill (HOTS).  Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen semu dengan populasi siswa kelas VII dan sampel sebanyak 3 kelas. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel acak sederhana (<em>simple random sampling</em>)<em>.  </em>Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi, observasi, dan tes. Tes digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan <em>one-way Anova dan post hoc </em>(Uji <em>Scheffe</em>). Data tes  di analisis menggunakan <em>software SPSS 16.0 for Windows</em>. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran <em>Problem Based Learning </em>(PBL) dan <em>Problem Solving </em>(PS) efektif dalam pencapaian kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa dan model pembelajaran <em>Problem Posing </em>(PP) tidak efektif dalam pencapaian kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa. Sementara itu, terdapat perbedaan efektivitas penggunaan model pembelajaran <em>Problem Based Learning </em>(PBL),<em> Problem Solving </em>(PS), dan <em>Problem Posing </em>(PP) dalam pencapaian kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa pada materi aritmatika sosial kelas VII SMP serta terdapat perbedaan rata-rata yang signifikan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa pada indikator fleksibelitas, dan originalitas antara kelompok siswa yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran <em>problem based learning</em> (PBL) dan <em>problem posing</em> (PP).</p><div id="gtx-trans" style="position: absolute; left: 90px; top: 527.6px;"> </div>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Julius Eldorado Antupenka Sulis Omega Putra ◽  
Tanti Listiani

<p>During the Covid-19 pandemic, learning was carried out online. It takes student activeness with the right approach and method to provide maximal learning experiences and learning outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to describe the application of the facilitated e-learning approach combined with the 5E method on student activeness in learning. This paper used the descriptive qualitative research method. Students are imagebearers of God so a teacher should view students as special and valuable. Students have reason and ability so it can be said that they are active individuals. Therefore, a teacher should always encourage their activiteness during the learning process. Implementing the facilitated e-learning approach with the 5E method is the right solution because the students carry out learning activities independently with the teacher in the role of facilitator.  This has the potential to encourage student activeness in online learning so that students can get the maximum learning experience and learning outcomes and teachers can provide God-centered learning. In applying these approaches and methods, a teacher needs careful and measured preparation in order to provide the maximum learning experience even though it is carried out online.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: </strong>Selama pandemi covid-19, pembelajaran dilaksanakan secara daring. Dibutuhkan keaktifan siswa dengan pendekatan dan metode yang tepat untuk tetap memberikan pengalaman belajar dan hasil belajar yang maksimal. Tujuan penulisan dari penelitian ini untuk memaparkan penerapan pendekatan <em>facilitated e-learning</em> dikolaborasikan dengan metode 5E terhadap keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini disusun dengan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil pembahasan dari penelitian, siswa merupakan gambar dan rupa Allah sehingga seorang guru hendaknya memandang siswa istimewa dan berharga. Siswa memiliki akal dan kemampuan sehingga siswa dapat dikatakan sebagai pribadi yang aktif. Maka dari itu, seorang guru hendaknya dapat selalu mendorong keaktifan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Kesimpulannya, menerapkan pendekatan <em>facilitated e-learning </em>dengan metode 5E merupakan solusi yang tepat karena siswa melakukan aktivitas pembelajaran secara mandiri dengan guru memiliki peran sebagai fasilitator yang berpotensi mendorong keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran daring sehingga siswa dapat mendapatkan pengalaman belajar dan hasil belajar yang maksimal serta guru dapat memberikan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada Allah. Disarankan seorang guru dalam menerapkan pendekatan dan metode tersebut perlu memberikan persiapan yang matang dan terukur agar dapat memberikan pengalaman belajar yang maksimal meskipun dilaksanakan secara daring.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Ugorji Iheanachor Ogbonnaya ◽  
Florence Awoniyi

<p>Mathematical knowledge and skill are needed by all students in their studies and future careers. Students’ perceived relevance of mathematics in their future careers influences their attitude towards learning mathematics. This study explored student and professional nurses' perceived relevance and application of mathematics in the nursing profession. A sample size of 301 nursing students in a University in Ghana and 12 professional nurses participated in the study. Data was collected using a questionnaire and interview and was analyzed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. The study revealed that both the professional and the student nurses perceived Statistics, Ratio and Rates, and Percentages as the topics in school mathematics that they find most relevant and applicable to their study and practice of nursing. It is recommended that the senior high school mathematics teachers may need to always share the professional applicability of any topic they teach, by using authentic and real-life situations in various professions.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Jacob S Seleky

<p>School math learning is part of the educational process that provides students with a mathematics learning experience through a planned set of activities to achieve established goals. The goal of learning mathematics in schools in Indonesia is oriented towards achieving a balance between the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. In fact, learning mathematics in schools in Indonesia so far has focused on efforts to achieve high scores from the cognitive domain. But along with the development and change of curriculum, affective and psychomotor domains are receiving more priority to develop. In this paper, the author wants to examine the affective domain by conducting a study of character values in school mathematics learning through an analogy approach. This paper aims to contribute ideas related to the development of affective domains in learning mathematics through the study conducted. The research method used is a literature study. While the strategy for conducting the study is an analogical approach that is associated with the understanding of quantitative and qualitative relationships. Based on the results, it is evident that in school mathematics learning implied character values are learned. The author hopes that this study will be useful to math teachers in developing the affective domain of math learning in schools. The implication is that the goal of learning mathematics, namely the balance between the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains, can be achieved.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: </strong>Pembelajaran matematika sekolah adalah bagian dari proses pendidikan yang memberikan pengalaman belajar matematika kepada siswa melalui serangkaian kegiatan yang terencana untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Tujuan pembelajaran matematika sekolah di Indonesia berorientasi untuk mewujudkan keseimbangan antara domain kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor. Pada kenyataannya pembelajaran matematika sekolah di Indonesia selama ini menitikberatkan pada upaya pencapaian nilai yang tinggi dari domain kognitif. Tetapi bersamaan dengan pengembangan dan pergantian kurikulum, domain afektif dan psikomotor mendapat prioritas untuk dikembangkan. Oleh karena itu, dalam paper ini penulis ingin mengembangkan domain afektif dengan melakukan kajian nilai-nilai karakter dalam pembelajaran matematika sekolah melalui pendekatan analogi. Penulisan paper ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi pemikiran terkait pengembangan domain afektif dalam pembelajaran matematika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi literatur. Sedangkan strategi melakukan kajian adalah pendekatan analogi yang dikaitkan dengan pemahaman hubungan kuantitatif dan kualitatif<strong>. </strong>Berdasarkan hasilnya dapat diketahui bahwa didalam pembelajaran matematika sekolah terdapat nilai-nilai karakter yang tersirat untuk dipelajari<strong>. </strong>Harapan penulis, kajian ini bermanfaat untuk guru matematika dalam mengembangkan domain afektif pembelajaran matematika di sekolah. Implikasinya tujuan pembelajaran matematika yaitu keseimbangan antara domain kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor dapat tercapai.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Margaretha Ivana Putri S ◽  
Kurnia Putri Sepdikasari Dirgantoro

<p>During the Covid-19 pandemic, online learning became a new way of teaching and learning which utilized electronic devices, especially internet networks. However, in practice, online learning often encounters obstacles. With online learning, teachers need to know the causes and indicators of these difficulties. Efforts can then be made to alleviate them, namely that teachers become facilitators of online learning activities. In their role as facilitators, teachers can provide their students with supportive learning resources and media, encouragement and motivatation, and time outside of school hours to help students understand well. In this case, the author used a literature review and case study methods as the basis for preparing research instruments with the purpose of this paper being to explain the role of the teacher as a facilitator in overcoming learning difficulties of students during online learning. The author is aware of the limitations that humans have so the learning difficulties that students experience can be seen as an opportunity for teachers to serve those students. Teachers are also required to be more responsible for themselves and their students as a form of gratitude to God. The author suggests that the teacher as a facilitator can continue to learn to better understand the various strategies in overcoming learning difficulties and have a sense of responsibility towards students.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: </strong>Dalam masa pandemi seperti ini, pembelajaran daring menjadi cara baru dalam proses belajar mengajar dengan memanfaatkan perangkat elektronik, khususnya jaringan internet. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya, pembelajaran daring sering mengalami kendala. Dalam pembelajaran daring yang dihadapi, guru perlu mengetahui faktor penyebab dan indikator kesulitan belajar daring. Kemudian, upaya dapat dilakukan yaitu guru diharapkan mampu menjadi fasilitator dalam kegiatan pembelajaran daring. Dengan perannya sebagai fasilitator, guru memberikan pelayanan berupa menyediakan sumber dan media pembelajaran yang mendukung, serta memberi semangat dan motivasi, serta meluangkan waktu di luar jam sekolah agar dapat membantu peserta didik memahami pembelajaran dengan baik. Dalam hal ini, penulis menggunakan metode kajian pustaka dan studi kasus sebagai dasar dalam penyusunan instrumen penelitian, dan tujuan penulisan <em>paper</em> adalah untuk menjelaskan guru sebagai fasilitator dalam mengatasi kesulitan belajar peserta didik selama pembelajaran daring. Penulis menyadari akan keterbatasan yang manusia miliki, sehingga melalui kesulitan belajar yang peserta didik alami dapat dilihat sebagai kesempatan untuk dapat melayani peserta didik. Guru juga dituntut lebih bertanggung jawab terhadap diri sendiri maupun peserta didik, sebagai wujud ucapan syukur kepada Tuhan. Saran penulis adalah agar guru sebagai fasilitator dapat belajar terus untuk lebih memahami berbagai macam strategi dalam mengatasi kesulitan belajar dan memiliki rasa tanggung jawab terhadap peserta didik.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 215
Jan Feliksiak

<p>The Goldbach Conjecture, one of the oldest problems in mathematics, has fascinated and inspired many mathematicians for ages. In 1742 German mathematician Christian Goldbach, in a letter addressed to Leonhard Euler, proposed a conjecture. The modern-day version of the Binary/Strong Goldbach conjecture asserts that: Every even integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two primes. The conjecture had been verified empirically up to 4 × 1018, its proof however remains elusive, which seems to confirm that:</p><p><em>Some problems in mathematics remain buried deep in the catacombs of slow progress ... mind stretching mysteries await to be discovered beyond the boundaries of former thought. Avery Carr (2013) </em></p><p>The research was aimed at exposition, of the intricate structure of the fabric of the Goldbach Conjecture problem. The research methodology explores several topics, before the definite proof of the Goldbach Conjecture can be presented. The Ternary Goldbach Conjecture Corollary follows the proof of the Binary Goldbach Conjecture as well as the representation of even numbers by the difference of two primes Corollary. The research demonstrates that the Goldbach Conjecture is a genuine arithmetical question.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 260
Fredrik David Loupatty ◽  
Melda Jaya Saragih

<p>This paper investigates student learning activeness as an important part of the formation and development of student potential. The aim of this paper is to describe the use of quizzes in lesson plans (practice questions) to encourage student activeness in online learning. Doing a <span>field practicum program </span>online presents its own challenges for teachers. One of them is related to the responses of students who are less active in learning. The solution applied is to use technology media for learning, namely using <em>Quizizz</em> to do practice exercises online. Divided into 10 implementation steps, the initial 8 steps are general steps such as making an online quiz on <em>Quizizz</em> while the last 2 steps are an adaptation done by the teacher himself. The implementation of this media in doing exercises shows that students are encouraged to be actively involved in learning. It can be seen in the attitude of those who are actively discussing (question &amp; answer). This emphasizes the real practice of a Christian teacher in living his salvation through holistic learning design, for example by utilizing technology in the classroom to encourage active student involvement. This research has many weaknesses such as data validity, problem deepening, and technical problems in using <em>Quizziz</em>. This can be an evaluation and input for writers and readers.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: </strong>Paper ini dibuat untuk melihat hubungan keaktifan belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran sebagai bagian penting dalam pembentukan dan pengembangan potensi siswa. Tujuan paper ini adalah untuk memaparkan pemanfaatan <em>Quizizz</em> dalam pembelajaran untuk mendorong keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran <em>online</em>. PPL yang dilaksanakan secara <em>online</em> memberikan tantangan tersendiri bagi pengajar, di antaranya: berkaitan dengan respons siswa yang kurang aktif dalam pembelajaran. Solusi yang diterapkan adalah memanfaatkan media teknologi untuk pembelajaran yaitu menggunakan <em>Quizizz</em> untuk melakukan latihan soal secara <em>online</em>. Dibagi menjadi 10 langkah penerapan, 8 langkah awal merupakan langkah umum seperti membuat kuis <em>online</em> pada <em>Quizizz</em> sedangkan 2 langkah terakhir merupakan adaptasi yang dilakukan oleh pengajar sendiri. Pengimplementasian media ini dalam melakukan latihan soal menunjukan adanya dorongan untuk siswa dapat terlibat aktif di dalam pembelajaran. Terlihat dari sikap mereka yang aktif berdiskusi (tanya &amp; jawab). Hal ini menekankan praktik nyata seorang pengajar Kristen dalam menghidupi keselamatannya melalui perancangan pembelajaran yang holistik misalnya dengan memanfaatkan teknologi di kelas untuk mendorong keterlibatan aktif siswa. Penelitian ini memiliki banyak kelemahan seperti kevalidan data, pendalaman masalah, serta gangguan teknis dalam penggunaan <em>Quizizz</em>. Hal ini dapat menjadi evaluasi dan masukan bagi penulis maupun pembaca.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Chusmiaty Rombean ◽  
Pitaya Rahmadi ◽  
Oce Datu Appulembang

<p>The communication ability possessed by humans, especially Christians, is used to realize God's will. One of them is in carrying out the real Great Commission in the field of education, especially in the learning process. Learning in the classroom must take place effectively so that learning objectives are achieved through the realization of effective communication. Often, teachers have not been able to build effective communication because teachers are not able to manage the class properly through the delivery of appropriate information and according to the characteristics of student development, so that many students are less serious and disciplined in learning. Therefore, this article aims to discuss the importance of delivering the right information in building effective communication to third grade elementary school students as research subjects in this paper. Based on the results of the study, it was found that teachers experienced problems in managing the class, especially in attracting students' attention, giving instructions, conveying and applying class rules and procedures so that effective communication in classroom management had not been achieved, while in delivering subject matter, effective communication was quite built because students actively involved. Submission of appropriate information is very important for teachers to do, especially in building effective communication because it really determines the success or failure of learning activities by considering the characteristics of student development. Christian teachers also act as facilitators who reflect Christian values in every teaching they do.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: </strong>Kemampuan berkomunikasi yang dimiliki oleh manusia terutama orang Kristen digunakan untuk mewujudkan kehendak Tuhan. Salah satunya dalam menjalankan Amanat Agung yang nyata dalam bidang pendidikan khususnya dalam proses pembelajaran. Pembelajaran di dalam kelas harus berlangsung dengan efektif agar tujuan pembelajaran tercapai melalui terwujudnya komunikasi efektif. Sering kali, guru belum dapat membangun komunikasi efektif tersebut karena guru tidak mampu mengelola kelas dengan baik melalui penyampaian informasi yang tepat dan sesuai karakteristik perkembangan siswa, sehingga banyak siswa yang kurang serius dan disiplin dalam belajar. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas mengenai pentingnya penyampaian informasi yang tepat dalam membangun komunikasi efektif kepada siswa kelas III SD sebagai subjek penelitian dalam makalah ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, ditemukan bahwa guru mengalami kendala dalam mengelola kelas khususnya dalam menarik perhatian siswa, memberi instruksi, menyampaikan dan menerapkan peraturan<em> </em>dan prosedur kelas sehingga komunikasi efektif dalam pengelolaan kelas belum tercapai, sedangkan dalam penyampaian materi pelajaran, komunikasi efektif cukup terbangun karena siswa terlibat aktif. Penyampaian informasi yang tepat sangatlah penting untuk guru lakukan khususnya dalam membangun komunikasi efektif karena sangat menentukan berhasil atau tidaknya kegiatan pembelajaran dengan mempertimbangakan karakteristik perkembangan siswa. Guru Kristen juga berperan sebagai fasilitator yang mencerminkan nilai-nilai Kristiani dalam setiap pengajaran yang dilakukannya.</p><div><hr align="left" size="1" width="33%" /></div>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Grace Purnamasari Christian ◽  
Wahyu Irawati

<p>The post-harvest fungi is one of the greatest cause of various diseases. Particularly, in fungus that infects seeds, the toxic substance called aflatoxin is found. This has caused us to wonder: Has fungi been pathogenic fungi since the beginning of creation? The purpose of this research is to study: 1) The Place of Fungi in God’s Original Creation and the Origin of Pathogenic Fungi, 2) Characterization of post-harvest fungus on corn seeds, 3) Aspergillus sp.’s Structure as Proof of God’s Wonderful Original Creation and Providence, and 4) The factors that contribute to the growth of fungi in post-harvest corn seeds and our responsibility. We conclude that in the beginning, fungi were a part of God’s originally good and perfect creation. These fungi were created by God with the structure and function to support its operation in fulfilling God’s creative purpose. The complex structure of Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus flavus that infected the corn seeds showed God’s providence after the Fall. Pathogenic fungi were the result of the Fall of man into sin. Their growth is caused by the failure to give proper care to the crops. But this should not discourage us since the Bible tells us that God is continually working to restore His creation. Therefore, we are called to be stewards of His creation, to develop and preserve whatever is entrusted in our hands, including the crops for God’s glory and under His authority until He has fully renewed and restored everything.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT:</strong> Jamur pasca panen merupakan salah satu penyebab terbesar timbulnya berbagai penyakit, khususnya disebabkan oleh jamur yang menginfeksi biji-bijian dan menghasilkan substansi beracun disebut dengan aflatoksin. Keadaan ini menimbulkan pertanyaan apakah jamur patogenik ada sejak awal penciptaan? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari: 1) Posisi jamur patogenik di awal penciptaan dan asal mula jamur patogenik, 2) karakteristik jamur pasca panen pada biji jagung, 3) struktur <em>Aspergillus</em> sp sebagai bukti dari providensi Allah akan ciptaanNya yang sangat luar biasa, 4) faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan jamur pasca panen biji jagung dan Tanggung jawab kita. Dari hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa pada mulanya, jamur merupakan bagian ciptaan Allah yang sungguh amat baik dan sempurna. Struktur yang kompleks dari <em>Aspergillus niger</em> dan <em>Aspergillus flavus </em>yang menginfeksi biji jagung menunjukkan providensi Allah setelah kejatuhan dosa. Pertumbuhan jamur patogenik merupakan gambaran kejatuhan manusia ke dalam dosa yaitu kegagalan manusia untuk memberikan pemeliharaan yang memadahi pada biji-bijian pasca panen. Namun demikian, keadaan ini tidak mematahkan semangat kita karena Alkitab mengatakan bahwa Allah masih terus bekerja untuk memulihkan ciptaanNya. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan kita semua menjadi pelayan atas ciptaanNya untuk mengembangkan dan menjaga apa yang dipercayakan kepada kita di bawah otoritasNya termasuk biji-bijian untuk memuliakan Allah hingga Dia secara penuh memperbaharui dan memulihkan segala sesuatu</p>

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