Shared Perceptions of Personal Moral Development: An Inquiry in Social Research

2003 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-19
Nancy Maldonado, ◽  
Joan Efinger, ◽  
Candace H. Lacey,

This qualitative study investigated perceptions of 14 contemporary moral leaders regarding primary influences on their moral development. Findings indicated a number of important factors influenced the participants’ moral development, including parents, spirituality, education/mentors/friends, and peak experiences. This study has implications for those in the caring professions for their own moral leadership development and their support of others. Awareness of the factors that influenced the 14 participants, recognized for their moral leadership, can promote a keen awareness of moral formation factors. Transformational therapeutic approaches may be used to support positive moral leadership development during stressful life shifts and experiences.

BJPsych Open ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 501-509 ◽  
David McGuinness ◽  
Kathy Murphy ◽  
Emma Bainbridge ◽  
Liz Brosnan ◽  
Mary Keys ◽  

BackgroundA theoretical model of individuals' experiences before, during and after involuntary admission has not yet been established.AimsTo develop an understanding of individuals' experiences over the course of the involuntary admission process.MethodFifty individuals were recruited through purposive and theoretical sampling and interviewed 3 months after their involuntary admission. Analyses were conducted using a Straussian grounded theory approach.ResultsThe ‘theory of preserving control’ (ToPC) emerged from individuals' accounts of how they adapted to the experience of involuntary admission. The ToPC explains how individuals manage to reclaim control over their emotional, personal and social lives and consists of three categories: ‘losing control’, ‘regaining control’ and ‘maintaining control’, and a number of related subcategories.ConclusionsInvoluntary admission triggers a multifaceted process of control preservation. Clinicians need to develop therapeutic approaches that enable individuals to regain and maintain control over the course of their involuntary admission.Declaration of interestNone.

Ahmad Yanizon

Perkembangan moral pada masa kanak-kanak masih dalam tingkat yang rendah. Hal ini disebabkan karena perkembangan intelektual anak-anak belum mencapai titik di mana ia dapat mempelajari atau menerapkan prinsip-prinsip abstrak tentang benar dan salah. Orang tua merupakan tempat pertama terbentuknya moral anak. Kasih sayang yang diberikan orang tua terhadap anak, membangun sistem interaksi yang bermoral antara anak dengan orang lain. Hubungan dengan orang tua yang hangat, ramah, gembira dan menunjukkan sikap kasih sayang merupakan pupuk bagi perkembangan moral anak. Dengan demikian, maka penting sekali peranan orang tua di keluarga dalam perkembangan moral anak, karena orang tua merupakan pendidik pertama yang diterima anak ketika mereka terlahir kedunia. Adapun peran orang tua dalam pembentukan moral anak dilihat dari pegembangan pandangan moral, perasaan moral dan tingkah laku moral. Ketiga unsur tersebut terbentuk dari interaksi orang tua anak dalam keluarga yang berlangsung dari anak-anak hingga dewasa. Oleh karena itu, sudah seharusnyalah orang tua berperan sebagai teladan yang baik di keluarga untuk menjadi contoh bagi anak-anaknya.Kata Kunci: Moral, Peran Orang Tua Moral development in childhood is still in a low level. It is because of the children’s intellectual development has not already reached the level where he is able to learn or apply the abstract principles about right and wrong things. Parental is the first point of children’s moral formation. Parents’ Affection toward children, build their moral interaction systems. A warm, friendly, happy relationship and affection between parents and children are children’s moral development fertilizer. Thus, parents’ roles toward children’s moral development are very essential, because parents are the first educators for children when they got born into the world. Parents’ roles toward children’s moral formation are viewed from children’s developing moral vision, a sense of morality and moral behavior. These three elements were formed from parents and children’s interaction in a family since childhood to adulthood. Therefore, it is a must for parents to figure well in the family to be as a good example for their children.Keywords: Moral, Parents’ Role  

Т. Серебрякова ◽  
T. Serebryakova ◽  
О. Казакова ◽  
O. Kazakova ◽  
А. Бурханова ◽  

This article presents the results of empirical research focused on the study of the value attitude of children of middle preschool age to the family, which we consider as the basis of spiritual and moral formation of preschool children. It is the attitude to the closest adults, as objectively proved by the cultural and historical concept of L.S. Vygotsky's development, that has the most decisive importance for the effectiveness of the whole process of personal formation. Given that moral development is not only an important component, but also the indicator of the full development of personality (studies F.A. Akhmatova, Z.Y. Barysheva, B.M. BIM-Bada, E.V. Bondarev-skaya, T.I. Vlasova, V.I. Dodonov, A.V. Mudrik, N.D. Nikandrova, L.I. Novikova, E.G. Ossovskogo, V.G. Pryanikov, Z.I. Ravkin, I.N. Sisimskoj, G.N. Filonov and many other researchers), we believe that the moral standards of the relationship to their friends and family, and formed in the process of interaction with them in the framework of family education in the future, having become a habit, the child will carry and the rest of society. Based on the results of research, as the most important component components of the value relationship of preschool children to their loved ones, we have identified a cognitive component, suggesting the presence of children's systemic knowledge of the rules and regulations of interaction; affective component, the component that determines the modality of the child's emotions and determines the nature and direction of his attitude to close adults; behavioral component, which, in our opinion, is a specific integration of the first two, and an indicator of their level of development. Taking into account the selected component components of the value attitude of preschool children to their loved ones, we have developed and tested an experimental diagnostic program, objectively proved the existence of the relationship between the level of value attitude of children to their family members and their spiritual and moral development.

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (6) ◽  
pp. 707-723 ◽  
Jian Xiao

While the biographical approach is widely employed in applied and theoretical social research, it is less fully developed in the specific field of (post-) subcultural studies. The article demonstrates the utility of the biographical method for (post) subcultural studies by presenting research on the punk phenomenon in an authoritarian social context within China. The discussion draws upon a qualitative study based on interviews with 34 Chinese punk musicians. Although the article focuses on one of these musicians in particular, the arguments are informed by broader research findings. Specifically, emphasis is placed on examining how the punk musician experiences the gradual process of deepening commitment to the punk scene and, through this, the multiple levels of power relations in his life. It is argued that the biographical approach can highlight the subjectivity of individual participants in their everyday practices and the wider social context in which they are actors. This article forms part of ‘On the Move’, a special issue marking the twentieth anniversary of the European Journal of Cultural Studies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 230-259
Ilona Michailovič ◽  
Liubovė Jarutienė

Abstract This article examines problems of parole application in Lithuania. The research applies a qualitative study in order to learn the peculiarities of the work and decision-making of judges and parole boards. Additionally, this study analyzes social research reports, filled out by staff in correctional facilities. This study covers as many factors influencing parole application as possible, and takes into account the peculiarities of the particular parole stages. Conclusions of this study should help theorists and practitioners see parole application from the point of view of judges and parole board members. Moreover, this work should encourage dialogue between judges, prison staff and community members not only in Lithuania, but, also in other countries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Almuhajir Almuhajir

This study aims to explain the organizing of Muhammadiyah Lhokseumawe orphanage resources in fostering the morals of foster children. This research is a qualitative research using a phenomenology approach. The results showed that organizing the resources of the Muhammadiyah Lhokseumawe orphanage in the moral formation of foster children globally had carried out their duties and mutual coordination. The Chair, coordinates and evaluates the management and cooperation with various stakeholders, both government and private. Secretary, takes care of internal and external administration of the institution. Finance, records, compiles and oversees the entry and exit of money from various parties for the needs of foster children. The field of Education, Supervision and Order is responsible for formal and non-formal education of foster children, supervises various activities, and cooperates with third parties in handling security. The field of Health and Hygiene, handles the health and hygiene of foster children both practically and in a mindset. Various job descriptors that are in the management structure of Muhammadiyah Orphanage in Lhokseumawe, handling the problem of the moral development of foster children are fully entrusted to the field of care.

Daniel Lapsley

Several lessons are drawn for future research on parenting and moral formation on the basis of an historical perspective on the moral development research program. One is that sociomoral formation is a special case of personality development that draws attention to the role of attachment, event representations, autobiographical memory, and temperament for organizing dispositional coherence around morality. A second is that research on moral development in the family will be increasingly informed by study of the moral self of infancy and on the importance of early life rearing experience, widely discussed in disparate literatures from object relations to epigenetics. A third line of research might focus on parenting characteristics “beyond parenting style” to include parents’ ideological and faith commitments, their mindsets with respect to children’s personality and capacity for change, and their own sense of generativity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Saiful Bahri

Dalam perkembangan di zaman sekarang khususnya di Kota Lhokseumawe dimana akhlak siswa telah tergeser lebih jauh dari ajaran Islam, baik sikap, sopan santun dan juga pergaulan yang tidak terarah lagi sudah masuk ke ranah narkoba, pencurian, dan bahkan sudah masuk ke ranah free seks, melihat perkembagan ini yang sangat mengkhawatirkan, maka peneliti sangat tertarik untuk mengkaji lebih mendalam tentang pelayanan bimbingan terhadap pembinaan akhlak siswa di sekolah, karena sekolah mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam membina akhlak siswa, maka atas dasar inilah peneliti membuat pertanyaan penelitian, diantaranya, 1), bagaimana pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling dalam pembinaan akhlak siswa di SMPN se Kota Lhokseumawe, 2), bagaimana bentuk pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling dalam pembinaan akhlak siswa di SMPN se Kota Lhokseumawe, dan 3), Mengapa layanan bimbingan dan konseling terhadap pembinaan akhlak tidak berjalan di sekolah. Atas dasar pertanyaan penelitian, maka menjadi tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1), untuk menjelaskan bagaimana pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling dalam pembinaan akhlak siswa di SMPN se Kota Lhokseumawe, 2), untuk menjelaskan bagaimana bentuk pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling dalam pembinaan akhlak siswa di SMPN se Kota Lhokseumawe, dan 3), untuk menjelaskan mengapa layanan bimbingan dan konseling terhadap pembinaan akhlak tidak berjalan di sekolah. Untuk mendapatkan hasil penelitian, peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, dokumetasi dan wawancara. Data penelitian ini bersumber dari guru bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah tersebut. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa 1), layanan bimbingan dan konseling terhadap pembinan akhlak siswa telah guru lakukan sesuai dengan prosedur, yaitu pertama memberika pelayana dasar terhadap siswa, kedua layanan respinsif dan ketiga layanan peminatan dan perencanaan individual terhadap siswa. 2), bentuk yang selama ini dilakukan oleh guru terhadap pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling, guru membuat tahapan-tahapan terhadap kasus/masalah yang terjadi pada siswa, yaitu setiap siswa yang bermasalah di tanangani dulu oleh guru mata pelajaran, setelah itu guru kelas, setelah itu baru guru bimpen hingga waka kepala sekolah. Adapun yang 3), tentang tidak berjalan pelayana bimbingan dan konseling terhadap pembinaan akhlak siswa tidak berjalan, semua program yang telah di rencanakan oleh guru bimbingan dan konseling semua berjalan sesuai dengan rencaana dan aturan, masalah ada kesalahan terhadap siswa diluar sekolah bukan semata menjadi tanggung jawab guru atau lingkungan sekolah, maka perlu dilibatkan masyarakat dan pemerintah, maka dari semuanya itu pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling terhadap pembinaan akhlak siswa di SMPN se Kota Lhokseumawe telah terlaksana dengan baik dan sesuai dengan aturan serta SOP yang di peugang oleh guru bimbingan dan konseling disetiap sekolah. Abstrak In the current development, especially in the Lhokseumawe city where the morality of students has been shifted further than Islamic teachings, both attitudes, manners and uncoordinated relationships have already entered the realm of drugs, theft, and have even entered to the domain of free sex, based on this worrying development, so the researchers are very interested in investigating more deeply the guidance service for students' moral development in schools, which have a very important role in fostering student morals, so based on this basis the research questions, of the research are, 1), how is the guidance and counseling service in the moral development of students at the junior high school of Lhokseumawe, 2), how is the form of guidance and counseling services in the moral development of students in Lhokseumawe High School, and 3), Why guidance and counseling services for moral formation do not run in school . On the basis of the research questions, the purpose of this study ware to find out: 1), the explaination of the guidance and counseling services in the moral development of students at the junior high school of Lhokseumawe, 2), to investigate the forms of guidance and counseling services in student moral development in junior high school of Lhokseumawe, and 3), to indentific the reasans of the guidance and counseling services for moral formation do not work in junior high school of Lhokseumawe. To get the results of the study, researchers used descriptive qualitative methods, collecting the data through observation, documentary and interview the sourced of the research data are based on the guidance and counseling teacher at the school. The result of this study are. 1), guidance and counseling services for students' moral development had been done by the teacher according to procedures, namely first, giving basic services to students, secona respective services and the third specialization services and individual planning to students. 2), the form that has been carried out by the teacher on guidance and counseling services, the teacher makes stages of cases / problems that occur in students, where, every student who has a problem is handled first by the subject teacher, then the class teacher, and the last the teacher just signed up to the headmaster. 3), all the susdance and conseling programs that have been planned by the guidance and counseling teacher are run well according to the plans and rules, meanwhile the problem is the students mistakes outside the school which not only the responsibility of teachers or school environment, it needs to be involved by the community and the government, so that all guidance and counseling services for the moral development of students in Lhokseumawe Public High School have been implemented well and in accordance with the rules and SOPs held by the guidance and counseling teachers in each school.

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