BJPsych Open
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Published By Royal College Of Psychiatrists


BJPsych Open ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Georg Høyer ◽  
Olav Nyttingnes ◽  
Jorun Rugkåsa ◽  
Ekaterina Sharashova ◽  
Tone Breines Simonsen ◽  

Background In 2017, a capacity-based criterion was added to the Norwegian Mental Health Act, stating that those with capacity to consent to treatment cannot be subjected to involuntary care unless there is risk to themselves or others. This was expected to reduce incidence and prevalence rates, and the duration of episodes of involuntary care, in particular regarding community treatment orders (CTOs). Aims The aim was to investigate whether the capacity-based criterion had the expected impact on the use of CTOs. Method This retrospective case register study included two catchment areas serving 16% of the Norwegian population (aged ≥18). In total, 760 patients subject to 921 CTOs between 1 January 2015 and 31 December 2019 were included to compare the use of CTOs 2 years before and 2 years after the legal reform. Results CTO incidence rates and duration did not change after the reform, whereas prevalence rates were significantly reduced. This was explained by a sharp increase in termination of CTOs in the year of the reform, after which it reduced and settled on a slightly higher leven than before the reform. We found an unexpected significant increase in the use of involuntary treatment orders for patients on CTOs after the reform. Conclusions The expected impact on CTO use of introducing a capacity-based criterion in the Norwegian Mental Health Act was not confirmed by our study. Given the existing challenges related to defining and assessing decision-making capacity, studies examining the validity of capacity assessments and their impact on the use of coercion in clinical practice are urgently needed.

BJPsych Open ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Christoph Hörmann ◽  
Annatina Bandli ◽  
Anna Bankwitz ◽  
Mateo De Bardeci ◽  
Annia Rüesch ◽  

Background There is a substantial burden on global mental health as a result of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic that has become putting pressure on healthcare systems. There is increasing concern about rising suicidality consequential to the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken. Existing research about the impact of earlier epidemics and economic crises as well as current studies about the effects of the pandemic on public mental health and populations at risk indicate rising suicidality, especially in the middle and longer term. Aims This study investigated the early impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicidality by comparing weekly in-patient admissions for individuals who were suicidal or who attempted suicide just before admission, for the first 6 months after the pandemic's onset in Switzerland with corresponding 2019 control data. Method Data was collected at the Psychiatric University Hospital of Zurich. An interrupted time-series design was used to analyse the number of patients who were suicidal. Results Instead of a suggested higher rate of suicidality, fewer admissions of patients with suicidal thoughts were found during the first 6-months after the COVID-19 outbreak. However, the proportion of involuntary admissions was found to be higher and more patients have been admitted after a first suicide attempt than in the corresponding control period from 2019. Conclusions Although admissions relating to suicidality decreased during the pandemic, the rising number of patients admitted with a first suicide attempt may be an early indicator for an upcoming extra burden on public mental health (and care). Being a multifactorial process, suicidality is influenced in several ways; low in-patient admissions of patients who are suicidal could also reflect fear of contagion and related uncertainty about seeking mental healthcare.

BJPsych Open ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Christopher Townsend ◽  
Clara Humpston ◽  
Jack Rogers ◽  
Victoria Goodyear ◽  
Anna Lavis ◽  

Background Recent research has investigated the use of serious games as a form of therapeutic intervention for depression and anxiety in young people. Aims To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis into the effectiveness of gaming interventions for treating either depression or anxiety in individuals aged 12–25 years. Method An electronic search was conducted on the 30 March 2020, using PsycINFO, ISI Web of Science Core Collection, Medline and EMBASE databases. Standardised effect sizes (Hedge's g) were calculated for between-participant comparisons between experimental (therapeutic intervention) and control conditions, and within-participant comparisons between pre- and post-intervention time points for repeated measures designs. Results Twelve studies (seven randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and five non-randomised studies) were included. For RCTs, there was a statistically significant and robust effect (g = −0.54, 95% CI −1.00 to −0.08) favouring the therapeutic intervention when treating youth depression. For non-RCTs, using a repeated measures design, the overall effect was also strong (g = −0.75, 95% CI −1.64 to 0.14) favouring therapeutic intervention, but this was not statistically significant. Interestingly, we found no statistically significant effect for treating youth anxiety. Conclusions There is preliminary evidence to suggest that gaming interventions are an effective treatment for youth depression, but not anxiety. Further research is warranted to establish the utility, acceptability and effectiveness of gaming interventions in treating mental health problems in young people.

BJPsych Open ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Johannes H. De Kock ◽  
Helen Ann Latham ◽  
Richard G. Cowden ◽  
Breda Cullen ◽  
Katia Narzisi ◽  

Background Health and social care workers (HSCWs) are at risk of experiencing adverse mental health outcomes (e.g. higher levels of anxiety and depression) because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This can have a detrimental effect on quality of care, the national response to the pandemic and its aftermath. Aims A longitudinal design provided follow-up evidence on the mental health (changes in prevalence of disease over time) of NHS staff working at a remote health board in Scotland during the COVID-19 pandemic, and investigated the determinants of mental health outcomes over time. Method A two-wave longitudinal study was conducted from July to September 2020. Participants self-reported levels of depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9), anxiety (Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7) and mental well-being (Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale) at baseline and 1.5 months later. Results The analytic sample of 169 participants, working in community (43%) and hospital (44%) settings, reported substantial levels of depression and anxiety, and low mental well-being at baseline (depression, 30.8%; anxiety, 20.1%; well-being, 31.9%). Although mental health remained mostly constant over time, the proportion of participants meeting the threshold for anxiety increased to 27.2% at follow-up. Multivariable modelling indicated that working with, and disruption because of, COVID-19 were associated with adverse mental health changes over time. Conclusions HSCWs working in a remote area with low COVID-19 prevalence reported substantial levels of anxiety and depression, similar to those working in areas with high COVID-19 prevalence. Efforts to support HSCW mental health must remain a priority, and should minimise the adverse effects of working with, and disruption caused by, the COVID-19 pandemic.

BJPsych Open ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Ghazn Khan ◽  
Nadine Mirza ◽  
Waquas Waheed

Background Ethnic minorities in countries such as the UK are at increased risk of dementia or minor cognitive impairment. Despite this, cognitive tests used to provide a timely diagnosis for these conditions demonstrate performance bias in these groups, because of cultural context. They require adaptation that accounts for language and culture beyond translation. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is one such test that has been adapted for multiple cultures. Aims We followed previously used methodology for culturally adapting cognitive tests to develop guidelines for translating and culturally adapting the MoCA. Method We conducted a scoping review of publications on different versions of the MoCA. We extracted their translation and cultural adaptation procedures. We also distributed questionnaires to adaptors of the MoCA for data on the procedures they undertook to culturally adapt their respective versions. Results Our scoping review found 52 publications and highlighted seven steps for translating the MoCA. We received 17 responses from adaptors on their cultural adaptation procedures, with rationale justifying them. We combined data from the scoping review and the adaptors’ feedback to form the guidelines that state how each question of the MoCA has been previously adapted for different cultural contexts and the reasoning behind it. Conclusions This paper details our development of cultural adaptation guidelines for the MoCA that future adaptors can use to adapt the MoCA for their own languages or cultures. It also replicates methods previously used and demonstrates how these methods can be used for the cultural adaptation of other cognitive tests.

BJPsych Open ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Selman Repišti ◽  
Tihana Majstorović ◽  
Fjolla Ramadani ◽  
Mirjana Zebić ◽  
Ljubisha Novotni ◽  

Background Although patient and carer involvement in research is well-developed in many countries, this area has been largely overlooked in South-East European countries. Aims To explore experiences of patients participating in newly set up lived experience advisory panels (LEAPs) within a European Commission funded, large-scale, multi-country mental health research project that focused on improving treatment of individuals with psychosis. Method Twenty-one mental health patients were individually interviewed across five countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. Topic guides covered the experience of participating in LEAPs and their sustainability. Data were analysed by framework analysis. Results Seven themes were identified about participating in LEAPs: predominantly positive evaluation, high levels of participant motivation, therapeutic benefits for participants, few challenges, various future perspectives, positive appraisal of the research project and mixed reflections on mental healthcare. Overall, patients’ experiences were positive and enabled them to feel empowered. Patients expressed interest in remaining involved in advisory panels. Additionally, they felt that they could potentially contribute to the work of non-government organisations. Conclusions This study is among the few studies exploring patient participation in research projects, and the first such study conducted in South-East European countries. Patients are highly motivated for this engagement, which has the potential to empower them to take on new social roles. Significant efforts at the national level are needed in each country, to make patient involvement in research standard practice.

BJPsych Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Zach Walsh ◽  
Ozden Merve Mollaahmetoglu ◽  
Joseph Rootman ◽  
Shannon Golsof ◽  
Johanna Keeler ◽  

Background In the past two decades, subanaesthetic doses of ketamine have been demonstrated to have rapid and sustained antidepressant effects, and accumulating research has demonstrated ketamine's therapeutic effects for a range of psychiatric conditions. Aims In light of these findings surrounding ketamine's psychotherapeutic potential, we systematically review the extant evidence on ketamine's effects in treating mental health disorders. Method The systematic review protocol was registered in PROSPERO (identifier CRD42019130636). Human studies investigating the therapeutic effects of ketamine in the treatment of mental health disorders were included. Because of the extensive research in depression, bipolar disorder and suicidal ideation, only systematic reviews and meta-analyses were included. We searched Medline and PsycINFO on 21 October 2020. Risk-of-bias analysis was assessed with the Cochrane Risk of Bias tools and A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR) Checklist. Results We included 83 published reports in the final review: 33 systematic reviews, 29 randomised controlled trials, two randomised trials without placebo, three non-randomised trials with controls, six open-label trials and ten retrospective reviews. The results were presented via narrative synthesis. Conclusions Systematic reviews and meta-analyses provide support for robust, rapid and transient antidepressant and anti-suicidal effects of ketamine. Evidence for other indications is less robust, but suggests similarly positive and short-lived effects. The conclusions should be interpreted with caution because of the high risk of bias of included studies. Optimal dosing, modes of administration and the most effective forms of adjunctive psychotherapeutic support should be examined further.

BJPsych Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Julia C. Stingl

In the article Analysis of the impact of antidepressants and other medications on COVID-19 infection risk in a chronic psychiatric in-patient cohort, Catherine L. Clelland and colleagues for the first time suggest a protective effect of antidepressants against infection with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) itself. During the observation period of the first wave of the pandemic in New York, more than 50% of patients in the psychiatric hospital studied were infected. From retrospective analysis of the hospital medical records, the authors found a significantly lower risk for infection in patients with antidepressant medication compared to treatment with other psychiatric drugs. The findings of a reduced infection incidence in patients who were already on antidepressant drug therapy underlines a preventive efficacy of antidepressants against COVID-19. Taken together with the prior obtained data of efficacy against deterioration of COVID-19 disease, this study adds a piece of evidence to the positive benefit-risk of antidepressants in repurposing condition against COVID-19.

BJPsych Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Abigail Burgess ◽  
Kate Cavanagh ◽  
Clara Strauss ◽  
Bonamy R. Oliver

Background Stress can compromise parental well-being and may contribute to harsh and critical parenting styles, which are in turn associated with children's conduct problems. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-related restrictions are likely to have exacerbated parental stress as, for many, UK-based family life was altered considerably. Mindfulness has been demonstrated to improve stress management and emotion regulation when delivered to parents in person, however, more accessible online interventions are under-researched. Aims To provide preliminary data on family well-being and parent–child relationships as well as the acceptability and usability of the Headspace app – a self-delivered mindfulness-based intervention – for parents in low-risk families during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Method We provided 12 parents with access to Headspace, and collected qualitative data (semi-structured interviews and 5 minute speech samples) immediately following the initial COVID-19 lockdown in the UK. The resulting transcripts were thematically analysed. Results Most parents reported Headspace to be acceptable and useful – improvements in parents’ own sleep were particularly noted – and there was high adherence to the intervention. However, difficulties related to family well-being and parent–child relationships following the lockdown were also reported. Conclusions As a result of the confounding impact of COVID-19 restrictions, and varied access to app content, we were unable to determine any outcomes to be a result of practising mindfulness specifically. However, COVID-19 has had a profound impact on many UK-based families, including those previously at low risk, and our results demonstrate that Headspace may have beneficial effects for parents. There is a need to more rigorously test this tool with a broader range of families.

BJPsych Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Kerstin Paschke ◽  
Nicolas Arnaud ◽  
Maria Isabella Austermann ◽  
Rainer Thomasius

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