scholarly journals Analysis of HIV/AIDS Health Problems in Pacitan District East Java 2020

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 143
Mohamad Famil

The implementation of health problem analysis is carried out to increase the eff ectiveness and effi ciency of solving health problems through the selection of health problems that become priority problems in a region. The purpose of this study was to analyze the problem and determine the priority of health problems in the work area of the Pacitan District Health Office, East Java Province. This research is a descriptive observational study conducted at the Pacitan District Health Office in January 2020. The type of data used is secondary data obtained from the 2016-2019 Pacitan District Health Profile and primary data obtained through interviews with related parties, namely the head of the fi eld. , section head and program holder. Prioritization of health problems is carried out using the USG method based on the criteria of Urgency, Seriousness, Growth and fi nding the root of the problem using the fi shbone diagram method. The increase in HIV/AIDS cases with an USG score of 128 has become a top priority health problem in Pacitan District. An increase over the last  4 years with the highest number of cases in 2019, which was 39 cases. The fishbine diagram shows the root of the HIV/AIDS problem, namely the lack of public knowledge about HIV/AIDS, the lack of public knowledge about HIV/AIDS, the lack of awareness of people at risk for conducting an HIV test, this makes the community less aware of information about HIV/AIDS, causing public stigma. which results in people being closed / unwilling to check themselves at the puskesmas orhospital. The increase in HIV/AIDS cases is one of the problems in Pacitan district. To reduce the incidence, health workers need to optimize the dissemination of information about HIV/AIDS, especially risk factors, causes, prevention, symptoms and treatment. Increase the understanding of health workers and public awareness in conducting early detection.

Nita Anggerina Putri Hi Setiawan ◽  
Mateus Sakundarno Adi

The prevalence of HIV/AIDS had been increasing due to the lack of awareness of people to use or access VCT services, especially those with high risk. Many factors affect people and people at high risk of accessing VCT services. The study aims to describe barriers that arise in the implementation of the VCT program. The research method was a literature review from electronic database such as Google Scholar, PubMed, and Science Direct. Keyword search included barrier, Voluntary Counseling and Testing, and HIV VCT. Selected 9 articles published from 2018 to 2020. The results of the study of all articles founded that barriers in the implementation of VCT in the form of lack of knowledge, fear, and shame when taking an HIV test, difficulty in communicating because of hearing impairment so that the information received was not enough, stigma from the community and health workers, barriers to limited operational hours of VCT services, lack of staff as program implementers, limited competence due to lack of training, and limited health infrastructure/facilities. Keywords: barrier; VCT; HIV/AIDS ABSTRAK Prevalensi HIV/AIDS semakin meningkat karena kurangnya kesadaran orang-orang untuk memanfaatkan atau mengakses layanan VCT terutama mereka dengan risiko tinggi. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi masyarakat maupun orang dengan risiko tinggi dalam mengakses layanan VCT. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk menggambarkan tentang hambatan-hambatan yang muncul dalam pelaksanaan program VCT. Metode penelitian adalah literature review dari database elektronik seperti Google Scholar, PubMed, dan Science Direct. Kata kunci pencarian antara lain menggunakan kata kunci barrier, Voluntary Counselling and Testing, dan VCT HIV. Terpilih 9 artikel yang dipublikasi tahun 2018 sampai 2020. Hasil penelitian dari semua artikel, diperoleh bahwa hambatan-hambatan dalam pelaksanaan VCT yaitu berupa kurangnya pengetahuan, rasa takut, dan malu jika melakukan tes HIV, kesulitan dalam berkomunikasi karena memiliki gangguan pendengaran sehingga informasi yang diterima pun kurang, stigma dari masyarakat serta petugas kesehatan, hambatan jam operasional layanan VCT yang terbatas, kurangnya jumlah staf sebagai pelaksana program, kompetensi yang terbatas karena kurang mengikuti pelatihan, serta infrastruktur/fasilitas kesehatan yang terbatas. Kata Kunci: hambatan; VCT; HIV/AIDS

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Ponco Indah Arista Sari ◽  
Agus Sulistyono ◽  
Hari Basuki Notobroto

HIV AIDS is considered as global threat due to the adverse impacts it brings to all sectors. The number of person with HIV-AIDS increases both in men and women. For pregnant women, HIV is not just a threat to the mother but also for the infant, therefore as to prevent the transmission and complication during pregnancy, screening should be made through an HIV test. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the number ofantenatal care and stigmatization on participation of pregnant women for HIV testing after counseling by Health Workers in the working area of Turi Public Health Center, Lamongan. This study applied cross sectional study. The population in this study consisted of 80 pregnant women. Simple random sampling was chosen for Sampling Technique and it was obtained as many as 42 respondents. Data collection was done using a questionnaire and interviews. Data were analyzed using frequency distribution tables and chi square test with significance level of 5% (p = 0.05). The results revealed that from as many as 42 pregnant women who made antenatal visit > 4 times, 100% of these pregnant women did not take HIV test while pregnant women who made only 2–4 times antenatal visit was as many as 16 individuals (64%) took the test, and only one pregnant woman who took the test on the first visit. Pregnant women who did not have the stigmatization, 100% took the HIV test. Statistical analysis showed no correlation between the number of antenatal visits (p = 0.000) and stigmastization (p = 0.000) of pregnant women for HIV testing after counseling by Health Workers. It is necessary to increase the provision of information and education for the pregnant women through health promotion concerning the importance of HIV testing and antenatal visits to the Health Care.Keywords: HIV test, Number of antenatal care, Stigmatization 

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-53
Latifah Susilowati ◽  
Masta Hutasoit

Diarrhea is the leading cause of infant mortality in Indonesia. Data from the Bantul District Health Office showed that the diarrhea morbidity rate in 2015 was 4.57 per 1000 population. World Health Organization launched program to reduce morbidity and mortality due to pneumonia and diarrhea by recommending supplementation of vitamin A as an effort to maintain health since baby was born. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation of vitamin A supplementation with the incidence of diarrhea in children aged 12 - 59 months in Kasihan 1 Public Health Center. This study was used case control design with a retrospective approach. The number of control and case group were 44 children of each. Researcher collected data of children aged 12 - 59 months who suffered diarrhea last 6 months then conducted a home visit to ask about the history of vitamin A supplementation in children. There was no statistically significant correlation between vitamin A supplementation and the incidence of diarrhea in children aged 12 - 59 months. Health workers especially nurses need to increase public awareness of vitamin A supplementation to children under five years old as a form of support for government program to prevent diarrhea.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Godfrey Biemba ◽  
Dhally M. Menda ◽  
Yoram Siame ◽  
Karen Sichali Sichinga ◽  
William Macleod

This paper reports on HIV related stigma based on results from an HIV legal environment assessment (LEA) within the Churches Health Association of Zambia HIV/AIDS program. We conducted 9 Focus Group Discussions and 20 Key Informant Interviews with key HIV/AIDS stakeholders that included representatives from network of Zambian people living with HIV. We administered a Survey Questionnaire to 337 people living with HIV (PLHIV) and 233 health workers. Quantitative data were analyzed using SAS v9.4; qualitative data was analyzed using QRS NVIVO version 11.0 Pro. Internalized stigma ranged between 20.8% and 31.8% of PLHIV; more among females than males. About one third (31%, n=104)) of the 337 participants reported that they were aware of being gossiped once, a few times, or often; more among females than males. 62.3%, 63.1%, and 55.1% of the 233 health workers said it was somewhat true or certainly true that in their catchment areas, PLHIV struggle to have an HIV test because of stigma, were hesitant to start ART due to stigma; told them that they had challenges taking their ARVs because of stigma respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 38-45
Andi Sunarti ◽  
H. Jalil Genisa ◽  
Yusuf .

Work stress is the pressure of the mind of work that is felt when the demands faced exceed the strength contained in the worker. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, the workload of health workers has become very high compared to normal conditions, the ongoing emergency caused by Covid-19 has put health services under strong pressure. This study aims to determine the factors that cause work stress in the Barru District Health Office's fast-moving team. The research method used is quantitative with an analytical approach to cross-sectional study design, with a total sample of 65 people from the Covid-19 rapid response team taken by total sampling. used univariate and bivariate analysis using test Chi square. The results of the study found that there was something that affected work stress, namely the workload of the health department's fast-moving team during the COVID-19 pandemic handling Covid-19 (p = 0.010). While other variables did not affect work stress, namely the effect of work (p = 0.000), the influence of interpersonal relationships (p = 0.010), and the effect of work professionalism (p = 0.000) on the health service rapid movement team during the pandemic-19. The conclusion of this study is that there are those that affect work stress, namely the workload of the fast-moving team handling Covid-19, while the variables that do not affect work stress are the influence of work, the influence of interpersonal relationships, and the influence of work professionalism, on the fast-moving team handling Covid-19 It is recommended that the Barru District Health Office harmonize the work atmosphere at the Barru District Health Office, through activities in outdoor and outbound order to be able to maintain group and interpersonal relationships, and make rules that bind the fast-moving team to deal with Covid-19, especially the office. Barru Regency's health is related to additional tasks under certain conditions so that the leadership gives sanctions to the fast-moving team who do not work professionally in dealing with the covid-19 outbreak. Keywords: Work stress, and the Covid-19 Handling Team.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Firdausi Ramadhani ◽  
Ririh Yudhastuti ◽  
Sri Widati

Based on data from Bangkalan District health profile in 2010, total DHF cases were 709 cases. In 2011 there was a decline in cases, namely 226 people and one person died. In 2012 there was a surge in 397 cases and six people were declared dead (Bangkalan District Health Profile 2010-2012). Bangkalan District Health Office has sought various programs to deal with dengue cases. This study aims to determine the knowledge and implementation of the Eradication of Mosquito Nests. Using qualitative methods with a case study approach. Data collection was carried out during the period of April-June 2017. The population is in part of the community living in Kamal Sub-district. Data was collected through interviews with housewives from Kamal Village, community leaders and Puskesmas officers. From the results of the study it was found that public knowledge about 3M Plus DHF and PSN was still low. Communities are more familiar with fogging and larvacide to combat dengue than the 3M Plus PSN program. The low implementation of 3M Plus PSN and the lack of information on 3M Plus DBD and PSN. As a recommendation, the relevant parties should immediately take strategic and technical steps in implementing the 3M Plus PSN as the main approach in DHF control. Facilitating partnerships between communities and the government and seeking community participation in tackling DHF through PSN mobilization activities. Expanding access to information about 3M Plus DHF and PSN, not only in schools but also covering all levels of society.Berdasarkan data profil kesehatan Kabupaten Bangkalan tahun 2010  kasus DBD total penderita sebanyak 709 kasus. Pada tahun 2011 sempat mengalami penurunan kasus yaitu dengan jumlah 226 penderita dan satu orang dinyatakan meninggal. Pada tahun 2012 kembali mengalami  lonjakan  yaitu 397 kasus dan enam orang dinyatakan meninggal (Profil Kesehataan Kabupaten Bangkalan 2010-2012). Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bangkalan sudah mengupayakan berbagai program untuk mengatasi kasus DBD.             Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan pelaksanaan Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk. Menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan selama periode Bulan April-Juni 2017. Populasinya sebagian masyarakat yang tinggal di Kecamatan Kamal. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan ibu rumah tangga Desa Kamal, tokoh masyarakat dan petugas Puskesmas. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa pengetahuan masyarakat tentang DBD dan PSN 3M Plus masih rendah. Masyarakat lebih mengenal fogging dan larvasida untuk menanggulangi DBD daripada program PSN 3M Plus. Rendahnya pelaksanaan PSN 3M Plus dan minimnya informasi mengenai DBD dan PSN 3M Plus. Sebagai rekomendasi, sebaiknya pihak terkait segera mengambil langkah strategis dan teknis dalam pelaksanaan PSN 3M Plus sebagai pendekatan utama dalam pengendalian DBD. Memfasilitasi  kemitraan antara masyarakat dan pemerintah serta mengupayakan partisipasi masyarakat dalam menanggulangi DBD melalui kegiatan penggerakan PSN. Memperluas akses informasi tentang DBD dan PSN 3M Plus, bukan hanya di sekolah namun juga mencakup seluruh lapisan masyarakat.

Evy Hariana ◽  
Gandha Sunaryo Putra

ABSTRAKTuberkulosis Paru (TB Paru) merupakan penyakit yang endemis di Kabupaten Sintang. Akan tetapi evaluasi program TB Paru tidak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Hal ini disebabkan karena pengelolaan data TB masih dilakukan secara manual sehingga timbul permasalahan laporan tidak tepat waktu, sulitnya untuk mengakses informasi dan laporan mengenai pasien TB dengan HIV-AIDS masih belum ada. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan sistem informasi TB Paru terintegrasi berbasis Web untuk mendukung evaluasi program TB Paru Di Wilayah Perbatasan Kabupaten Sintan. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kualitas informasi setelah dilakukan pengembangan sistem informasi menggunakan kuesioner. Sementara metode kualitatif digunakan untuk membantu dalam proses indentifikasi pada setiap tahapan dalam metodologi pengembangan sistem menggunakan tekhnik wawancara mendalam (indept interview) kepada pengguna sistem. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan tentang aksesibilitas informasi (p value=0,008), kecepatan untuk memperoleh informasi (p value=0,016), dan ketepatan waktu informasi (p value=0,016) sebelum dan sesudah sistem dikembangkan. Perlu adanya dukungan dan komitmen dari Dinas Kesehatan Kab. Sintang dalam mendukung implementasi dari Sistem Informasi TB terintegrasi sebagai sumber informasi untuk mendukung evaluasi kegiatan TB di Dinas Kesehatan Kab. Sintang.Kata-kata kunci : TB Paru, sistem informasi, kabupaten sintangABSTRACTPulmonary tuberculosis is an endemic disease in Sintang Regency. However, the evaluation of the Pulmonary TB program did not proceed as it should. This is due to the fact that TB data management is still done manually resulting in problems with reports that are not timely, it is difficult to access information and reports regarding TB patients with HIV-AIDS. The purpose of this research is to develop a Web-based integrated pulmonary TB information system to support the evaluation of the Pulmonary TB program in the Border Region of Sintang Regency. This research method is quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative methods are used to evaluate the quality of information after the development of information systems using a questionnaire. While qualitative methods are used to assist in the identification process at each stage in the system development methodology using indepth interview techniques to system users. The results showed a positive and significant effect on information accessibility (p value = 0.008), speed to obtain information (p value = 0.016), and timeliness of information (p value = 0.016) before and after the system was developed. There needs to be support and commitment from the District Health Office. Sintang in supporting the implementation of the integrated TB Information System as a source of information to support the evaluation of TB activities in the District Health Office. SintangKeywords : Pulmonary tuberculosis, information systen, sintang regency

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 764-768 ◽  
Marcella H. Boynton ◽  
Jeffrey Gilbert ◽  
Bonnie E. Shook-Sa ◽  
Joseph G. L. Lee

Perceptions of the importance of health problems can drive advocacy, policy change, resource distribution, and individual behaviors. However, little is known about how lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT), that is, sexual and gender minority (SGM) adults view the health problems facing SGM populations. In a 2017 national, probability-based survey of U.S. SGM adults ( N = 453), we asked respondents to identify the most serious health problem facing SGM people today. Participants also rated the seriousness of five specific health problems (HIV/AIDS, suicide, hate crimes, harmful alcohol use, tobacco use). Analyses accounted for the complex sampling design and were stratified by gender identity. One quarter of U.S. SGM adults identified the most serious health problem facing SGM people to be HIV/AIDS (95% confidence interval [20.3, 31.2]). More respondents stated there were no serious LGBT health differences compared with straight/cisgender adults (4.2%, confidence interval [2.6, 5.9]) than identified tobacco use, hate crimes, chronic diseases, cancer, or suicide as the most serious. Importance ratings differed by gender and tobacco/alcohol use were perceived as less serious compared with HIV/AIDS, suicide, and hate crimes. Attention paid to HIV/AIDS by the SGM public, while important, may hinder efforts to address chronic diseases and other health issues affecting SGM people.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 183
Aida Fitria ◽  
Siti Aisyah

The risk of HIV transmission from mother to child without prevention or intervention efforts ranges from 20-50%. Taking an HIV test during pregnancy is an important activity carried out in an effort to increase public awareness about HIV and AIDS.  The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of HIV testing with the attitudes of pregnant women in the prevention of HIV / AIDS in the Work Area of the Stabat Lama Health Center UPT in 2018. The type of research used is analytic survey with cross sectional approach. The population in this study is the same as the sample taken by accidental sampling as many as 30 people. Data collection methods are primary, secondary and tertiary data. Data analysis used is using univariate and bivariate analysis with chi-square test. The results HIV testing has a relationship with the attitude of pregnant women in the prevention of HIV / AIDS. The conclusion of this study shows that HIV testing has a relationship with the attitudes of pregnant women in HIV / AIDS prevention in the Work Area of the Stabat Lama Health Center UPT in 2018. It is hoped that the research sites can be a reference for the community and for cadres better understand the importance of implementing HIV / AIDS tests for pregnant women.

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