2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 36
Eka Mishbahatul Marah Has ◽  
Elida Ulfiana ◽  
Ilya Krisnana ◽  
Yuni Sufyanti Arief ◽  
Annisa Mufidah ◽  

Pendahuluan: Indonesia masih menjadi negara dengan angka kejadian Tuberkulosis (TB) Paru tertinggi kedua di dunia. Kurangnya kepatuhan terhadap pengobatan dan perilaku pencegahan penularan diketahui menjadi penyebab utama tingginya kasus TB Paru di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Klampis Ngasem. Keluarga yang tinggal bersama dengan klien TB Paru sangat rentan terinfeksi karena rendahnya pengetahuan terkait pencegahan TB. Oleh karena itu, program pendampingan keluarga sadar dan siaga TB Paru (PAGAR BESI) perlu dilaksanakan. Program PAGAR BESI bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan keluarga dan perilaku pencegahan penularan TB Paru di lingkungan keluarga sebagai upaya mencapai zero TB case di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Klampis Ngasem, Kota Surabaya.Metode: Pendekatan metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pendampingan (health coaching). Pendampingan (health coaching) dilaksanakan dengan pemberian edukasi tentang: 1) konsep TB Paru; 2) penularan TB Paru; 3) perilaku pencegahan penularan TB Paru; dan 4) dukungan keluarga. Edukasi dilakukan dengan metode ceramah dan diskusi, dilengkapi dengan media power point presentation, modul, dan audio visual aids. Program diikuti oleh 50 orang care giver primer dari klien TB Paru.Hasil: Penilaian dilakukan terhadap perubahan pengetahuan melalui kuesioner dichotomous choice (pre-posttest). Skor pre-test menunjukkan 48% peserta memiliki pengetahuan dalam kategori baik, 52% dalam kategori cukup, dan 0% dalam kategori kurang. Hasil post-test didapatkan peningkatan pengetahuan dalam kategori baik 86% dan 14% dalam kategori cukup.Kesimpulan: Program pendampingan keluarga sadar dan siaga TB Paru (PAGAR BESI) terbukti efektif meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta. Selanjutnya, dengan peningkatan pengetahuan ini diharapkan dapat mendorong peningkatan perilaku pencegahan penularan TB Paru di lingkungan keluarga. Tindak lanjut program dapat dilaksanakan secara periodik oleh perawat komunitas untuk meningkatkan retensi perilaku.

Preetha Jose ◽  
Firoz Thaha ◽  
Kavitha Varghese ◽  
Aruvi Poomali

Background: The use of electronic media and audio-visual aids for teaching has become increasingly common in medical colleges. This teaching method is considered superior to blackboard and chalk by majority of the students and teachers. But the quality of medical education has not drastically improved in comparison. This study compares the impact of lecture delivery using PowerPoint presentation as opposed to blackboard and chalk in medical students attending pharmacology classes.Methods: This was a cross sectional study done in the second year MBBS students attending pharmacology classes in the Department of Pharmacology at Government Medical College, Thrissur in the year 2017. Students were given lectures on two similar topics, one using PowerPoint presentation and the other using blackboard and chalk by the same teacher. The students were given a post-test after each lecture and marks were analysed using Independent student’s t test. A feedback was also taken from the students regarding the two lecture delivery methods and the data is expressed in percentages.Results: This study was done in 149 medical students who attended pharmacology classes. The students scored significantly higher marks in the post-test when the lecture was taken using black board and chalk (p <0.001). 58% of the students preferred lecture delivery using PowerPoint compared to 38% preferring black board and chalk. 4% of the students considered both methods equally good.Conclusions: Lecture delivery using black board and chalk was found to be more efficacious than power point presentation when the marks of the post-tests were compared. However, majority of the students preferred lecture delivery using power point to blackboard and chalk.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-22
Laili Nur Azizah ◽  
Indriana Noor Istiqomah

Petani yang menderita diabetes mellitus beresiko terjadinya ulkus diabetik karena aktifitas petani diawali dengan menyiapkan media tanam dengan proses persiapan mengolah tanah sampai dengan membajak tanah. Biasanya kegiatan ini dilakukan petani tanpa menggunakan alas kaki. Hal ini yang perlu diwaspadai karena beresiko terjadi cedera pada kaki yang disebabkan karena gigitan binatang, cidera alat pertanian, tidak menggunakan alas kaki/sepatu, membiarkan kaki terbakar matahari, atau terendam air/lumpur dalam waktu yg lama. Salah satu bentuk pencegahan salah   satunya   adalah   dengan meningkatkan   pemahaman petani tentang pencegahan ulkus diabetik yang dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian edukasi. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah petani diabetisi memahami tentang pencegahan ulkus diabetik serta mengetahui tentang cara deteksi awal risiko ulkus diabetik. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah penyuluhan/pemberian edukasi dengan tahapan sebagai berikut: 1)Ceramah dengan media Power Point Presentation (PPT) dan list deteksi risiko ulkus diabetik, 2)Melatih petani diabetisi untuk melakukan deteksi awal risiko kaki diabetik menggunakan list, 3)Evaluasi pemahaman petani diabetisi tentang materi pencegahan ulkus diabetik dan deteksi awal risiko ulkus diabetik. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah pada tahap evaluasi, 69 % petani memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang pencegahan ulkus diabetik. Tingkat pengetahuan cukup terjadi pada 31% petani yang umumnya belum terdiagnosis DM. Hal ini terjadi karena pada petani yang belum terdiagnosis DM belum memahami tentang penyakit yang mendasari ulkus diabetik, seperti diabetes mellitus. Kemudian pada tahapan evaluasi praktik, sebanyak 76% petani cukup mampu melakukan deteksi awal risiko ulkus diabetik.  Kata kunci: edukasi; ulkus diabetik; petani diabetesi  EDUCATION OF DIABETIK ULTIMATE PREVENTION IN DIABETITAN FARMERS IN KUNIR DISTRICT, LUMAJANG DISTRICT  ABSTRACT Farmers who suffer from diabetes mellitus are at risk of diabetik ulcers because the farmer's activities begin with preparing the planting media with the process of preparing to cultivate the land up to plowing the land. Usually this activity is carried out by farmers without using footwear. This should be watched out for the risk of injury to the feet caused by animal bites, injury to agricultural tools, not using footwear / shoes, leaving the feet sunburned, or submerged in water / mud for a long time. One form of prevention is to increase farmers' understanding of the prevention of diabetik ulcers that can be done by providing education. The purpose of this activity is for farmers with diabetes to understand about the prevention of diabetik ulcers and know about how to detect the risk of diabetik ulcers early. The activities carried out are counseling / providing education with the following stages: 1) Lectures with Power Point Presentation (PPT) media and diabetik ulcer risk detection list, 2) Training diabetik farmers to conduct early detection of diabetik foot risk using a list, 3) Evaluation of understanding diabetik farmers regarding material for prevention of diabetik ulcers and early detection of the risk of diabetik ulcers. The results of this activity are at the evaluation stage, 69% of farmers have good knowledge about the prevention of diabetik ulcers. This level of knowledge is sufficient for 31% of farmers who generally have not been diagnosed with DM. This happens because farmers who have not been diagnosed with diabetes do not understand the underlying diseases of diabetik ulcers, such as diabetes mellitus. Then in the practice evaluation stage, as many as 76% of farmers are quite capable of early detection of the risk of diabetik ulcers.  Keywords: education; diabetik ulcer; diabetik farmers

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 50-52
Prem Kumar Yadav ◽  
Tushar Kanti Bera ◽  
Prithwiraj Mukharjee ◽  
Shankar Yadav ◽  
Sanjay Kumar Sah ◽  

Essence and necessity to make the teaching-learning process more innovative, scientific and students' centred have become main aim and objective of present day education system. A large number of methods are being used in teaching-learning process. The audio visual aids are being increasingly used since these involve both audio (verbal) as well as visual way of teaching. Several researches have been proved that the ability to recall is high with teaching using audio visual aids. Selection of appropriate media of teaching is one of the smart and important steps of teaching students of different levels and domains. Several media of audio visual aids are being practisized such as overhead projector (OHP), power point presentation (PPT), white or black board teaching and flip charts etc. These media have merits as well as demerits. There are key techniques to make them more effective. The audio visual aids help in consolidation of long term memories of learnt information. Logical use of different types of media simultaneously during teaching can be more beneficial for the learners in many ways.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-21
Murjoko Murjoko

Tuntutan masyarakat yang semakin besar terhadap pendidikan serta kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, membuat pendidikan tidak mungkin lagi dikelola hanya dengan melalui pola lama Berdasarkan pengamatan pada waktu observasi, kenyataan di lapangan pada pembelajaran Tematik khususnya pada Subtema Globalisasi dan Manfaataya di kelas VI SDN Pulerejo 02 Kabupaten Tulungagung kurang optimal dalam memanfaatkan maupun memberdayakan sumber belajar. Pembelajaran Tematik di kelas VI tersebut cenderung masih konvensional, pembelajaran masih berpusat pada guru (teacher centered), text book, dan sedikit media. Guru lebih banyak menggunakan metode ceramah dalam setiap penyampaian materi pelajaran Tematik. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mencoba memanfaatkan media powerpoint pada pembelajaran Subtema Globalisasi untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian tindakan  kelas yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Pada masing-masing siklus dilakukan tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi,  dan  refleksi. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VI SDN  Pulerejo 02 dengan jumlah siswa 20 anak. Berdasarkan data observasi, angket, dan hasil belajar siswa dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan media Power Point Presentation dapat mengoptimalkan pembelajaran di kelas, salah satunya meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa.

Harish G. Bagewadi ◽  
Priyadarshini M. Deodurg ◽  
B. V. Patil ◽  
Asha P. Dass

Background: The Study was designed to assess the awareness of Pharmacovigilance and to evaluate the impact of an educational intervention.Methods: This was a questionnaire-based pre- and post-test educational interventional study. Students were given handouts containing information about pharmacovigilance one month before the educational intervention. A pre-validated 20-point questionnaire on (KAP) Knowledge, attitude, perception about Pharmacovigilance was distributed to second year medical students (n=115). An interactive educational intervention (Power point presentation) was designed. The chi-square test and unpaired paired t-test was used for statistical calculation.Results: The overall response rates were expressed as percentages, Mean±SD. The knowledge, attitude and perceptions of pharmacovigilance when compared before (pre-KAP) and after (post-KAP) the educational intervention, the correct response rates were found to be statistically significant (P<0.001). The feedback from the students was encouraging, handouts before the lecture classes helped them to easily grasp the pharmacovigilance concepts better during lectures.Conclusions: The study concluded that imparting the knowledge about pharmacovigilance and ADR reporting promotes drug safety and rational use of medicines in future.

Mangesh Anandrao Bankar

Introduction: Self-Directed Learning (SDL) skills are essential for medical graduates for enabling them to engage in continuous learning during their medical practice. Aim: To assess the impact of E-learning activity on SDL readiness among second year MBBS students. Materials and Methods: The single group pre-test/post-test experimental study was conducted at Andaman and Nicobar Islands Institute of Medical Sciences, Port Blair. The Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS) was administered to 87 fifth semester MBBS students, after obtaining informed consent. The Google website- was created and an interactive Power Point presentation along with practice set was uploaded daily for six days. The students were instructed to visit the site daily and complete the practice questionnaire. Post-test and E-learning perception questionnaire was administered after completion of E-learning activity. The data analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 software. Results: Total 87students (60% female and 40% male) participated. There was a statistically significant difference between total SDLRS scores (p<0.05) and other subscales i.e., Critical Self Evaluation (CSE) (0.007), Learning Self Efficacy (LSE) (0.003) and Effective Organisation of Learning (0.001) of the pre and post-test scores. For E-learning activity perception questionnaire, mode was observed to be 4 for 5 out of six items. Conclusion: The results of the study showed that E-learning activity influences SDL readiness among students. The E-learning activity was well perceived by study participants.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Laila Nurul Himmah ◽  
Moch. Bruri Triyono

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pencapaian kompetensi siswa membuat pola menggunakan pembelajaran berbantuan media adobe flash dan media power point berdasarkan kemampuan belajarnya pada mata diklat membuat pola. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan variabel terikat kompetensi siswa, variabel bebas media berbasis komputer, dan variabel moderator kemampuan siswa. Dua kelas sebagai subyek penelitian dengan 22 siswa pada masing-masing kelas, sehingga jumlah keseluruhan 44 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa lembar penilaian unjuk kerja dan soal post test. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji Anova jalur ganda dan uji lanjut Tukeys. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat perbedaan pencapaian kompetensi siswa membuat pola yang menggunakan pembelajaran berbantuan media adobe flash dan media power point, (2) terdapat perbedaan pencapaian kompetensi siswa pada kelompok tinggi, (3) tidak terdapat perbedaan pencapaian kompetensi siswa pada kelompok rendah, dan (4) terjadi interaksi antara penggunaan media berbasis komputer dan kelompok kemampuan siswa terhadap kompetensi siswa membuat pola. THE EFFECT OF LEARNING THROUGH COMPUTER-BASED MEDIA ON THE COMPETENCY IN PATTERN MAKING STUDENTS OF SMKN 6 YOGYAKARTAAbstractThis study aimed to investigate difference in the attainment of the student competency in pattern making that using learning strategies Adobe Flash media and Power Point media based on the learning capability of the pattern making. This was a quasi-experimental study involving student’s competency as the dependent variable, computer-based media as a independent variable, and student’s capability as the moderator variable. Two class as research subjects with 22 students in each class, so that the total was 44 students. The instruments were a performance assessment sheet and a post-test. The data were analyzed by means two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post-hoc test. The results of study show that (1) there was a difference in the attainment of the students competency in pattern making that using learning strategies Adobe Flash media and Power Point media, (2) there was a difference in the attainment of the students competency in the upper group learning, (3) there was no difference in the attainment of the students competency in the lower group learning, and (4) there was an interaction of the use of computer-based media and the student learning capability group on the students competency in pattern making.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Nanda Alwardah ◽  
Kardinal Sitorus ◽  
Nuraini Nuraini

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peningkatan hasil belajar IPA kelas VII SMP dengan menerapkan model Problem Based Learning (PBL) dengan menggunakan media power point interaktif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 30 orang peserta didik. Instrumen berupa tes dalam bentuk pilihan berganda sebanyak 3o soal dengan 4 pilihan dan urian sebanyak 10 soal pada materi pencemaran lingkungan. Pembelajaran dilakukan dengan dua siklus serta setiap pembelajaran dilakukan pre-test dan post-test. Peningkatan presentasi N-Gain pada siklus I: 63,8% (kategori sedang) dan siklus II: 81,2% (kategori tinggi). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar IPA peserta didik SMP dengan menerapkan model PBL dengan menggunakan media power point interaktif pada materi Pencemaran lingkungan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-152
Bajoka Nainggolan ◽  
Dimas Nugroho PW

Penelitian quasi eksperiment ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh hasil belajar siswa yang diajar menggunakan model PBL(Problem based learning)dengan media power pointdan tanpa media power point pada larutan asam basa. Populasi seluruh siswa (3 kelas XI) SMA Budi Agung Medan ,sampel diambil 2 kelas secara random sampling (XIIPA3kelas eksperimen dan XI IPA2kontrol). Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen tes bentuk objektif sebanyak 22 soalsudah valid. Pengolahan data diperoleh rata-rata pre-test kelas eksperimen 26,07 dan kelas kontrol33,03; rata-rata post-testeksperimen 64,5 dan kontrol 63,21. Uji normalitas berdistribusi normal χ2 hitung <χ2 tabel, ; kedua sampel homogen (Fhitung< Ftabel;1,077455< 1,9775). Gain hasil belajar kimia siswa eksperimen > kelas kontrol;52,38% >45,72 %. Uji hipotesis pada α = 0,05 diperoleh thitung> ttabel: 0,949>0,6794;artinya Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Disimpulkan bahwa hasil belajar kimia siswa pada materi larutan asam basa dengan PBL dan media power point lebih tinggi dari PBL tanpa media power point , dan aspek kognitif yang paling berkembang adalah C3 (aplikasi) sebesar 58 %.   This quasi-experimental study aimed to determine the effect of student learning outcomes taught using problem based learning (PBL) models with and without power points media and on acid-base solutions. The population was all students (3 XI grade) of SMA Budi Agung Medan. The samples were 2 classes taken by random sampling (XI IPA3 as experiment class and XI IPA2 as control class). The data were collected using objective test as the instrument with 22 valid data. The data processing obtained was the average pre-test experimental class of 26.07 and the control class of 33.03; mean post-test experiment of 64.5 and controls of 63.21. The normality test was normally distributed χ2 count <χ2 table; both samples were homogeneous (F count <Ftable; 1.077455 <1.9775). Gain of chemistry learning outcomes of experimental students was higher than control class; 52.38%>45.72%. Hypothesis testing at α = 0.05 was obtained by using t count> t table: 0.949> 0.6794; meaning Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. It was concluded that students' chemistry learning outcomes in basal acid solution material with PBL and power point media were higher than PBL without power point media, and the most developed cognitive aspect was C3 (application) by 58%.

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-40
Ashutosh Kumar ◽  
Ramanuj Singh ◽  
Lalit Mohan ◽  
Mani Kant Kumar

Introduction: Medical teachers have conventionally been using different teaching methods to educate medical students previously dominated by blackboard and slide projectors. Now day’s audiovisual aids such as power point have been used. The optimum use of audiovisual aids is essential forderiving their benefits. This study was done to know the students’ preference regarding the various audiovisual aids, with an aim to improve their use in didactic lectures. Material &Methods: Two hundred and eighty six from first, second and third professional medical students were invited to participate in a questionnaire based study. Two hundred and thirteen (74.4%) students completed the questionnaire and their responses were analyzed. The first part of the questionnaire included demographic and educational details. The second part consisted of 12 statements regarding the preference of audiovisual aids for various aspects of learning. Results: In this study, 90.1% of the respondents (first, second & third professional) were stimulated for further reading if they attended a lecture which was augmented by the use of visual aids. The respondents preferred a combination of audiovisual aids during a didactic lecture. The perception of diagrams, flow charts and note taking was best accepted with a power point presentation by first and second professional students, whereas OHP preferred by third professional students . In understanding a particular topic, a combination of aids scored over the use of a particular visual aid alone. In listening and understanding a particular topic, power point presentation was the most preferred aid, with the blackboard being preferred by third professional students. About 62.4% of the respondents were interested in taking notes during class compare to handouts. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that lectures delivered by using a combination of audio visual aids are more appreciated by the students. Furthermore, the lecture should be constructed in a fashion so as to enable the students to gather factual information easily and in a concise manner. Teachers should note that the students preferred a combination of visual aids and were interested in taking notes during lectures.  DOI: Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 4(2013) 36-40

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