Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Dalam Kesehatan
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Published By Universitas Airlangga


2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 45
Reny Sulistyowati ◽  
Fina Ratih Wira Putri Fitri Yani ◽  
Yuyun Christyanni ◽  
Agus Agus ◽  
Dedi Cahyo Nusantoro

Introduction: Since the COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia and face-to-face learning in schools has been replaced by online methods, this does not mean that school students can be free from the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. There are still no banners, and educational activities on the prevention of the COVID-19 virus for residents of the MAN City School Palangka Raya. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase knowledge and awareness for students in carrying out health protocols, one of which is also to prepare for face-to-face learning.Methods: Online Implementation of activities for 50 students of MAN City School Palangka Raya, the activity began by taking care of the administration of permits to schools, followed by the implementation of a series of activities in the form of education about COVID-19 and how to implement health protocols in the school environment following the guidelines of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.  The method of activity is done by teaching and Q&A. Before giving pre-test material and afterward post-test.Results: After being given education, the post-test score of knowledge about COVID-19 showed an increase in the average score of 13%.  Participants seemed enthusiastic at the discussion session, indicated by the number of questions from participants. Conclusion: Health protocol management education can increase participants' knowledge.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 51
Erna Dwi Wahyuni ◽  
Arina Qona'ah ◽  
Sriyono Sriyono

Introduction: Traffic accidents can have an impact both physically, psychologically, and socially. People still have low awareness and knowledge both in driving and in providing first aid to victims of traffic accidents. Students can become one of the human resources that can be used to provide education to the community or their group regarding the control and handling of past accidents.Methods: The method used is through education and training which includes safety riding and first aid. Extension activities were carried out online by using the zoom while training activities were carried out offline at SMA N 2 Lamongan. The training materials provided to students include basic life support, and splints, and ambulation. The training is carried out using lectures, demonstrations - simulations, and discussions. Media for delivering technology is also prepared, namely in the form of materials and props.Results: The students' knowledge of first aid before the activity was less than 23 people (69.69%), enough for 8 people (24.24%), and good for 2 people (6.06%). While the knowledge after the activity is less than 1 person (3.03%), only 16 people (48.48%) and good 16 people (48.48%). The results of the pre-test and post-test showed an increase in students' knowledge about first aid.Conclusion: Efforts to establish a safe community can be done by involving students as one of the components of society which is expected to become agents of change in controlling and handling traffic accidents.Keywords: safety riding, safe community, promotive, accident first aid

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 40
Nurul Laili ◽  
Ayu Septianingrum ◽  
Surya Pramesti Regita Cahyani ◽  
Yahya Iman Nurcholis ◽  
Anindya Syaza Ni’matul Azizah

Introduction: Covid-19 is a virus that attacks the human immune system. The severity is influenced by endurance, age and pre-existing disease (comorbid). Treatment is given to relieve symptoms and increase endurance. Individual conditions require immunity or immunity to fight the virus. Immunity can be formed through nutritional intake or balanced nutrition during the Covid-19 pandemic. The general objective of this community service activity is that health workers and students are able to increase community and family awareness to prevent Covid-19 transmission through increasing immunity by meeting nutritional needs.Methods: Activities in community service programs by conducting education or counseling as well as demonstrations of correct food processing and selection of food ingredients and samples that are easy to find and obtain in the environment in Buluampal Hamlet, Bendo Village, Pare District.Results: Families who participate in educational or outreach and demonstration activities can understand food that can be consumed during the pandemic, correct food processing, understanding of the content or composition of balanced nutrition and traditional food ingredients that can be used as an immune booster during a pandemic. The post-test results on family and community knowledge show that most of the families 77.78% understand about meeting nutritional needs during a pandemic including food / balanced nutrition for family members.Conclusion: Community service activities can increase understanding and knowledge of balanced nutrition to increase immunity during a pandemic and know how to process food ingredients and use home yards for herbal plants that can increase immunity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 33
Puguh Setyo Nugroho ◽  
Nyilo Purnami ◽  
Rizka Fathoni Perdana ◽  
Rosa Falerina ◽  
Alfian Nurfaizi

PENDAHULUAN: Telinga adalah salah satu organ yang paling penting  dari  akal , yang memungkinkan manusia untuk mendengar, menerima informasi, berkomunikasi, dan bersosialisasi dengan orang lain. Gangguan pendengaran akan menghambat kehidupan dan sosialisasi manusia. Anak-anak yang lahir dengan gangguan pendengaran akan menjadi tuna rungu; karena itu, gangguan pendengaran harus dideteksi dan bertindak dini dan menyeluruh. Wabah COVID-19 berdampak pada deteksi dini dan gangguan pendengaran. Sosialisasi berupa edukasi tentang deteksi dini dan gangguan pendengaran di era pandemi COVID-19 kepada tenaga medis garis depan yang diperlukan. Kegiatan edukasi tersebut bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tenaga medis untuk melakukan deteksi dini dan penanganan gangguan pendengaran dalam pandemi COVID-19.METODE: Kondisi wabah COVID-19 juga telah mengubah pola interaksi manusia, termasuk kegiatan pendidikan dan pelatihan di bidang medis. Pendidikan online kini sudah menjadi praktik yang lumrah. Studi Penyanyi mengikuti kegiatan Metode edukasi DetEksi dini Dan Gangguan pendengaran di era Pandemi COVID-19.HASIL: Seminar dengan metode online ini dilaksanakan dengan ceramah dan tanya jawab (Tanya Jawab) yang diikuti oleh 1.4 84 peserta. Skor rata-rata dari tes awal adalah 55. 05 (+ 15,61) dan skor rata-rata post-tes adalah 72. 00 (+ 21,61). Perbandingan hasil kedua dengan uji-t memberikan hasil yang berbeda nyata (p <0,0 5 ).KESIMPULAN: Metode online dalam kegiatan pendidikan menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan tenaga medis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 28
Iqlima Dwi Kurnia ◽  
Ilya Krisnana ◽  
Praba Diyan Rachmawati ◽  
Yuni Sufyanti Arief ◽  
Farida Norma Yuliati

Introduction: Cases of violence against children in Indonesia have a high number. Particularly the sexual abuse against children which has increased in the society. Lack of sexual education in children can affect the child’s emotional maturity and knowledge in assessing the deviates situation in surrounding environment. As a consequence, the child could not find ways in handling the violence behaviour. The Aim of this community services were to increase emotional maturity and knowledge about prevention of sexual violence.Methods: The activities used in this community service program are in the form of education and training using minimovie media at PPTQKids Darul Quran Surabaya for 30 elementary students of grade 1 and 2. The Topic of education about types of sexual violence against children, methods of prevention, what to do if a foreigner commits sexual violence.Results: Darul Quran PPTQKids students who take part in community service activities are very enthusiastic, both for day 1 related to providing information through minimovie and day 2 when providing training with the demonstration method. The results of the post-test showed that some respondents had a high level of knowledge as many as 27 students (90%). 22 respondents had a high level of emotional maturity (73.33%).Conclusion: Community service activities through minimovie media with education and training can increase knowledge and emotional maturity as an effort to prevent sexual violence. Minimovie media can be applied as one of the effective media in providing health education for school-age children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Hanik Endang Nihayati ◽  
Tintin Sukartini ◽  
Rizki Fitryasari

Introduction: The increase in the spread of disease due to the Covid-19 virus is the impact of low hygiene and healthy living habits in the community.Methods: Health promotion activities for clean and healthy living habits are carried out in the form of training in the area of RW 5, Pacarkembang Village, Surabaya City. This activity was attended by 40 housewives for 3 months, starting from July to September 2020. The material provided was about the importance of PHBS in households to prevent transmission of COVID 19 to evaluation of the habituation of implementing PHBS to prevent infectious disease COVID 19. The method used in activities are lectures, discussions, simulations and demonstrations by the facilitator as well as redemonstrations by the participants.Results: Knowledge, attitudes and psychomotor of housewives in the spread of Covid-19 transmission after being given PHBS training for 3 months increased. Assessment is carried out by comparing the pre-test and post-test results of the training participants. After attending the training, the majority of the participants' abilities were in the good category in the knowledge aspect (90%), the attitude aspect (90%) and the psychomotor aspect (87.5%).Conclusion: Increasing knowledge about Covid-19 during the training raises awareness, interest in housewives in Pacarakembang Village, Surabaya City to try and make behaviors to prevent the spread of Covid-19 a new good and healthy habit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Yuni Sufyanti Arief ◽  
Ilya Krisnana ◽  
Iqlima Dwi Kurnia ◽  
Praba Diyan Rachmawati

Introduction: Social problems that occur in adolescent students lead to anti-social behavior. Antisocial behavior is a disorder of adjustment to the social environment caused by weak self-control. The purpose of this community service is to provide knowledge and abilities to junior high school students as peer counselors so that they can develop adolescent prosocial behavior and can prevent antisocial behavior.Methods: The method used in this community service activity is training with the method of lectures and discussions on peer counseling, prosocial behavior in adolescents, and skills as a peer counselor. A total of 40 people consisting of selected students, counseling teachers, and person in charge of students participated in this activity and also carried out an evaluation of adolescent prosocial behavior through the pretest and posttest.Results: The results obtained through this activity are that there is an increase in the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents in developing prosocial behavior. This is because the method of lectures, discussions, through training modules can provide a clear technical picture so that participants know and can practice their abilities as peer counselors in improving prosocial behavior of junior high school adolescents.Conclusion: It is hoped that the next community service activity can achieve a wider target and a diverse community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Arief Hargono ◽  
Santi Martini ◽  
Kurnia Dwi Artanti ◽  
Erren Silvia

Introduction: Data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia shows that confirmed Covid-19 cases in Indonesia as of November 29, 2020, have reached 534,266 cases with 16,815 deaths. This figure is an increase compared to the previous report. The implementation of surveillance needs to be supported by information technology to speed up the process of recording, reporting, and analyzing data. The socialization of Covid-19 surveillance among residents of Kenjeran sub-district, Bulak district, Surabaya city has a significant impact on increasing participants' knowledge about Covid-19 surveillance.Methods: The method used in this activity was the socialization and training of the Covid-19 surveillance application for the community. The assessment was carried out to determine the acceptance of the Covid-19 surveillance application information technology through in-depth interviews with a number of training participants via telephone a few days after the training. The assessment is carried out by asking 10 questions consisting of conditions that facilitate, application function, ease of use of the application, and desire to use the application.Results: The results of testing the application of the Covid-19 surveillance application in the community showed that this application was able to perform its function as data input and produce information about the status of Covid-19 and its recommendations quickly.Conclusion: The results of testing the application of the Covid-19 surveillance application in the community indicate that this application is able to perform its function as data input and produce information about the status of Covid-19 and its recommendations quickly. There were obstacles when registering participants, but participants had the desire to continue to use the Covid-19 surveillance application because it was very helpful in determining the status of Covid-19 quickly and accurately.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Ah Yusuf ◽  
Rizki Fitryasari ◽  
Esti Yunitasari ◽  
Rr Dian Tristiana

Most home and micro-scale industries have poor business management. Good management is able to produce the desired result or good in the business being run. The partner in this community service activity is students of Al Hidayah Senior High School in Mojokerto, who has a business in making ginger drinks “Jahe Sehat”. This training aimed to increase partner’s knowledge and skill about sanitation hygiene and production management. The manufacturing process starts from the preparation of raw materials, namely ginger, extraction, cooking, sieving, packaging and labeling to marketing. It was found that healthy ginger producers still do not understand the importance of hygiene and sanitation in the production process, unattractive packaging designs and no good financial cash planning system. The community service team conducts training and outreach to solve the partner's problems. By carrying out this service activity, partners increase partner’ skills and knowledge and the healthy ginger product "jahe sehat al-hidayah" has an attractive packaging.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Dyah Fauziah ◽  
Alphania Rahniayu ◽  
Nila Kurniasari ◽  
Anny Setijo Rahaju ◽  
Etty Hary Kusumastuti ◽  

Introduction: Breast cancer and cervical cancer are common cancers in females. Both of these cancers can be detected early. Early detect vion can reduce cancer morbidity and mortality. The community outreach activities are required to increase knowledge about breast cancer and cervical cancer, in addition to screening as preventive efforts for these two cancers.Methods: The activity of raising knowledge about the prevention and early detection of breast cancer and cervical cancer was carried out through community counseling to 94 females who were members of the PKK and young females in the Kecamatan Proppo, Kabupaten Pamekasan. Pre and post tests were given before and after the community counseling. After the community counseling, 86 participants were screened for breast cancer by clinical palpation and 46 participants were screened for cervical cancer using the pap smear method.Results: The result of the post test showed a 27.53% increase in knowledge. The results of the pap smear examination on participants showed 96% concluded as Papanicolau Class II, 2% Class I, and 2% Class IV. The patient with class IV results was referred to an obstetrician.Conclusion: Community counseling about breast self examination (BSE) and Pap smear can increase people's knowledge about early detection of breast cancer and cervical cancer.

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