scholarly journals The Implementation of Business Ethics in Educators to Improve the Quality of School Services

Trianto Panji Purnomo ◽  
Setyo Riyanto ◽  
Sugoni Sugoni

The application of business ethics is a very important aspect and needs special attention, because the quality of good school services can be obtained if the application of business ethics runs effectively. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of business ethics and teacher work discipline to the quality of school services. The research method in this journal uses a descriptive qualitative approach, with a critical data analysis model based on data collection in the form of library research, namely the research method for collecting and analyzing data and references to texts/literature. Ethics refers to ordinary human conduct on what is permissible and what is not permissible. Discipline is a particular type or pattern of character developed by the habit of performing those acts, which can be formed by training the desired behavior patterns and expected behaviors in an attitude that leads to living performance. Service quality refers to all economic activities that generate results that meet prime expectations, whether physical goods or services (non-physical). Discipline is a particular type or pattern of character developed by the habit of performing those acts, which can be formed by training the desired behavior patterns and expected behaviors in an attitude that leads to living performance. Service quality refers to all economic activities that generate results that meet prime expectations, whether in the form of physical goods or services (non-physical). The results of this study indicate that the application of business ethics is in the high category. In addition, the influence of teacher work discipline on the quality of school services is in the medium category. Based on the research results, there are several recommendations that are needed to improve the effectiveness of quality management, including making continuous improvements and optimizing the total quality management (TQM) approach

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-35
Eduward Purba

The church has not implemented many quality management (TQM) in its institutions because it is considered that this is only for companies that aim to profit. Whereas profit is not TQM orientation but customer satisfaction. The importance of TQM is due to the rapidly changing world and the presence of competitors from both similar and different institutions. One of the products offered by the church is teaching-based, especially the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. This is rarely done by the church, it can be seen from the absence of writings that discuss the doctrine of doctrine as part of church quality management and as an adaptation of the church in dealing with competitors. The approach used in this paper is a qualitative grounded research method; the reason is, that there has not been found a paper that presents the teaching of the basic doctrines of the Christian faith as part of the implementation of TQM in the Church. The results found that teaching the basic doctrines of the Christian faith has made the Church in general able to survive for thousands of years in the midst of various teaching attacks from both internal and external to the Church. The conclusion is that the teaching of the doctrine of the Christian faith is the main product of the Church in satisfying the congregation to ensure that the congregation remains part of the holy community, namely the Church, as well as being an important part of showing the quality of the Church.AbstrakGereja belum banyak yang menerapkan majemen mutu (TQM) di dalam lembaganya karena dianggap hal tersebut hanya untuk perusahaan yang bertujuan profit. Padahal profit bukan orien-tasi TQM tetapi kepuasaan pelanggan. Pentingnya TQM dikarenakan dunia yang cepat berubah dan hadirnya kompetitor baik dari lembaga sejenis maupun yang berbeda. Salah satu produk yang ditawarkan gereja adalah berbasis pengajaran, khususnya doktrin dasar iman Kristen. Hal ini jarang dilakukan gereja, terlihat dari belum adanya tulisan yang mengangkat bahasan peng-ajaran doktrin merupakan bagian dari manajemen mutu gereja serta sebagai adaptasi gereja dalam menghadapi kompetitor. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah kualitatif dengan metode grounded research; alasannya, karena belum ditemukan sebuah tulisan yang menyajikan pengajaran doktrin dasar iman Kristen merupakan bagian dari implementasi TQM di dalam Gereja. Hasil yang ditemukan bahwa, pengajaran doktrin dasar iman Kristen telah membuat Gereja secara umum dapat bertahan selama ribuan tahun di tengah berbagai serangan pengajaran baik dari internal dan eksternal Gereja. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah, pengajaran doktrin iman Kristen merupakan produk yang utama dari Gereja dalam memuaskan jemaat untuk menjamin jemaat tetap menjadi bagian dari persekutuan kudus yaitu Gereja, selain juga merupakan bagian penting untuk menujukkan kualitas Gereja itu.

2005 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-67
Suzana Marković

Istraživanja znanstvenih i stručnih radova, stranih autora, svjedoče o rastućem zanimanju za proučavanje koncepta kvalitete (Quality), upravljanja potpunom kvalitetom (Total Quality Management), kvalitete usluga (Service Quality) i zadovoljstva klijenta (Customer Satisfaction), za razliku od domaćih autora, koji vrlo rijetko ili samo s nekoliko aspekata, proučavaju ove koncepte. U svojoj težnji za poboljšanjem kvalitete hotelskih usluga i zadovoljstva hotelskih gostiju, hotelski menadžeri često nailaze na problem mjerenja kvalitete usluga. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja detaljno objasniti koncept kvalitete usluga, te koncept mjerenja kvalitete usluga. Osim toga, u radu se opisuje i SERVQUAL ljestvica mjerenja (Parasuraman, ZeithamI, Berry, 1985., 1988., 1991.), kao i ostale ljestvice i modeli, koji se najčešće koriste u mjerenju kvalitete usluga u hotelskoj industriji.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-81
Risa Arisanti ◽  
Maemunah Sa’diyah

This study aims to determine the implementation of modern integrated quality management (Total Quality Management/TQM) at SMPIT/SMAIT Insan Mandiri Cibubur, especially in the development of teacher performance evaluation assessment programs, by adding an assessment of teacher work commitment. This study uses qualitative research methods with in-depth interviews with informants. The results of the study show that SMPIT/SMAIT Insan Mandiri Cibubur has implemented a modern Total Quality Management system, with various superior customer-oriented programs. The school is trying to innovate continuously in improving the quality of education. One of the main focuses is improving the quality of teachers, as the heart of the educational process itself, which is in direct contact with students as the main external customers. Not only the teacher's competence factor, but the teacher's commitment factor, is something that needs to be considered, because it will affect the quality of teaching that will be received by students. The teacher commitment factor is included in the evaluation criteria for teacher performance evaluation, and the results of the assessment will affect the amount of teacher performance allowances. As a result, there is a strengthening of teacher work commitment, which results in better teacher work competencies, thereby increasing the success of student achievement.

 Keywords: Total Quality Manajement, Modern, Commitment, Teacher   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi manajemen mutu terpadu (Total Quality Management/TQM) modern di SMPIT/SMAIT Insan Mandiri Cibubur, khususnya dalam pengembangan program penilaian evaluasi kinerja guru, dengan menambahkan penilaian komitmen kerja guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik wawancara mendalam terhadap informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa SMPIT/SMAIT Insan Mandiri Cibubur telah menerapkan sistem Total Quality Management secara modern, dengan memiliki berbagai program unggulan yang berorientasi pelanggan. Pihak sekolah berusaha melakukan inovasi terus-menerus dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Salah satu fokus utama adalah peningkatan kualitas guru, sebagai jantung dari proses pendidikan itu sendiri, yang bersentuhan langsung dengan siswa sebagai pelanggan eksternal utama. Tidak hanya faktor kompetensi guru, namun faktor komitmen guru, menjadi hal yang perlu diperhatikan, karena akan mempengaruhi kualitas pengajaran yang akan diterima oleh siswa. Faktor komitmen guru dimasukkan ke dalam kriteria penilaian evaluasi kinerja guru, dan hasil penilaian akan mempengaruhi besaran tunjangan kinerja guru. Sebagai hasilnya, terjadi penguatan komitmen kerja guru, yang menghasilkan kompetensi kerja guru yang lebih baik, sehingga meningkatkan keberhasilan prestasi belajar siswa.   Kata kunci: Manajemen Mutu Terpadu, Modern, Komitmen, Guru

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 342-361
Risa Arisanti ◽  
Maemunah Sa’diyah

This study aims to determine the implementation of modern integrated quality management (Total Quality Management/TQM) at SMPIT/SMAIT Insan Mandiri Cibubur, especially in the development of teacher performance evaluation assessment programs, by adding an assessment of teacher work commitment. This study uses qualitative research methods with in-depth interviews with informants. The results of the study show that SMPIT/SMAIT Insan Mandiri Cibubur has implemented a modern Total Quality Management system, with various superior customer-oriented programs. The school is trying to innovate continuously in improving the quality of education. One of the main focuses is improving the quality of teachers, as the heart of the educational process itself, which is in direct contact with students as the main external customers. Not only the teacher's competence factor, but the teacher's commitment factor, is something that needs to be considered, because it will affect the quality of teaching that will be received by students. The teacher commitment factor is included in the evaluation criteria for teacher performance evaluation, and the results of the assessment will affect the amount of teacher performance allowances. As a result, there is a strengthening of teacher work commitment, which results in better teacher work competencies, thereby increasing the success of student achievement.

 Keywords: Total Quality Manajement, Modern, Commitment, Teacher   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi manajemen mutu terpadu (Total Quality Management/TQM) modern di SMPIT/SMAIT Insan Mandiri Cibubur, khususnya dalam pengembangan program penilaian evaluasi kinerja guru, dengan menambahkan penilaian komitmen kerja guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik wawancara mendalam terhadap informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa SMPIT/SMAIT Insan Mandiri Cibubur telah menerapkan sistem Total Quality Management secara modern, dengan memiliki berbagai program unggulan yang berorientasi pelanggan. Pihak sekolah berusaha melakukan inovasi terus-menerus dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Salah satu fokus utama adalah peningkatan kualitas guru, sebagai jantung dari proses pendidikan itu sendiri, yang bersentuhan langsung dengan siswa sebagai pelanggan eksternal utama. Tidak hanya faktor kompetensi guru, namun faktor komitmen guru, menjadi hal yang perlu diperhatikan, karena akan mempengaruhi kualitas pengajaran yang akan diterima oleh siswa. Faktor komitmen guru dimasukkan ke dalam kriteria penilaian evaluasi kinerja guru, dan hasil penilaian akan mempengaruhi besaran tunjangan kinerja guru. Sebagai hasilnya, terjadi penguatan komitmen kerja guru, yang menghasilkan kompetensi kerja guru yang lebih baik, sehingga meningkatkan keberhasilan prestasi belajar siswa.   Kata kunci: Manajemen Mutu Terpadu, Modern, Komitmen, Guru

Qurrata A’yunina C.H.

Quality is a major factor in order to survive in the business’s competition. So the quality being the main things that should be done by each company. In order to increase the quality of human resources, corporate can implement total quality management (TQM), by which an employee should do a job better, more effective and more efficient in producing the products with high quality. This research was aimed to know the influence of working discipline, working performance and the implementation of total quality management (TQM) at Oemah Djowo Classic Oto Resto Yogyakarta.This research method used is the quantitative approach. The populations in this research were 40 people and all were respondents. The result showed that working discipline and working performance has a significant influence for the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) at Oemah Djowo Classic Oto Resto Yogyakarta.

Qurrata A’yunina C. Hadipranata

Quality is a major factor in order to survive in the business’s competition. So the quality being the main things that should be done by each company. In order to increase the quality of human resources, corporate can implement total quality management (TQM), by which an employee should do a job better, more effective and more efficient in producing the products with high quality. This research was aimed to know the influence of working discipline, working performance and the implementation of total quality management (TQM) at Oemah Djowo Classic Oto Resto Yogyakarta.This research method used is the quantitative approach. The populations in this research were 40 people and all were respondents. The result showed that working discipline and working performance has a significant influence for the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) at Oemah Djowo Classic Oto Resto Yogyakarta.

2016 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-136 ◽  
Nasra Gathoni ◽  
Thomas Van der Walt

The purpose of this paper is to report on an investigation of the service quality of the Aga Khan University library in Kenya. The total quality management philosophy which forms the basis of this report has been demonstrated by the use of SERVQUAL, a user-based assessment tool, in the evaluation of service quality. The research was conducted among 123 Aga Khan University library users – nursing and medical faculty and nursing and medical students – with an aim to investigate the quality of its services based on the satisfaction of library users with the services and as expressed by and based on users’ expectations and perceptions. The data was gathered through the SERVQUAL structured questionnaire and a 63% response rate was realized. The findings generally established that the expectations of Aga Khan University library users are higher than their perceptions. The results also show that there are service quality gaps in a number of services offered by the library. This research is deemed important as there is lack of information showing libraries in Kenya having involved library users in service quality evaluation through the use of objective and user-based tools. Thus this paper may lead to libraries in Kenya embracing objective measurement tools for the evaluation of library service quality. It is hoped that this article will contribute to a better understanding of philosophies such as total quality management in an academic library environment in developing countries, users’ expectations and perceptions of quality.

Ali Abdallah Alatoum ◽  
Sohail Mohammad Bani Mustafa

The primary goal of this research is to examine the impact of TQM and e-government on service quality within Jordanian public sector entities. To achieve the study's goal, a self-administered form was designed to elicit the opinions of seventy middle and senior managers from five government agencies.The study's significance stems from its arrangement to clarify the impact of Total Quality Management and data technology collaboration on public-sector reform programs. Specifically, to assess the impact of the integrated relationship between the use of e-government and TQM on the quality of service provided by Jordan's public sector.The study's findings revealed that the establishments studied used completely different dimensions of total quality management throughout the implementation of some stages of e-government. The findings also revealed a direct relationship between the development of Total Quality Management and e-government and service quality. Lastly, the study established the relationship and impact of the interaction between the application of TQM and e-government on public and service sector in Jordan.

2010 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 130
Ahmad Hamid

This study aims to describe the role of Total Quality Management in order to increase foreign student customers.The method used is qualitative descriptive method. The selection of this method is to obtain an overall picture of the problem being studied. As for the unit of analysis or research subject as a source of data are the leaders, lecturers, staff, technical supervisors, and the students of International University of Malaysia (IIUM).The data was collected by using questionnaires. Interview method is used to support the research, and the obtained-data was analyzed through triangulation. In general, the results of this study show that continuously improvement and involve all elements of the organization starting from the rector of IIUM to personnel at the technical level in order to improve customer service quality of foreign students. This worked well and coordinated according to the system that has been applied and has been in accordance with international standards. Based on data analysis, it is known that in general, Total Quality Management (TQM) that is applied by the rector of the International Islamic University (IIUM) has reached an optimal point, whether it in terms of Customer Satisfaction, Continuous Improvement, Speaking with Fact, and Respect for People. Thus, it can be concluded that TQM applications in order to improve Customer Service Foreign Students at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) was a great influence in improving customer service quality of foreign students in accordance with the vision, mission and objectives of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).

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