library service
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2022 ◽  
pp. 60-72
Blessing Babawale Amusan ◽  
Adepero Olajumoke Odumade

There is no doubt that data mining and linked data can enhance library service delivery. Data mining aspects such as text and image mining will enable libraries to have access to data that can be used to discover new knowledge aid planning for effective service delivery or service improvement. Also, linked data will enable libraries connect with other libraries to share such data that can enhance job performance leading to enhanced productivity, improved service delivery, and wider visibility and access to library resources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 134
Azqal Azkia ◽  
Devi Silvia Panjaitan ◽  
Fikri Hanif ◽  
Reni Rahmadani

Abstrak: Proses pelayanan perpustakaan di SMP Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Medan awal nya dilakukan secara konvensional lalu berganti menjadi Sistem Berbasis Teknologi (Web). Terdapat beberapa kendala setelah pergantian sistem tersebut. Hal ini dikarenakan kurang familiarnya siswa terhadap pengunaan Sistem Perpustakaan Berbasis Teknologi (Web), sehingga siswa menjadi kebingungan dalam mengimplementasikan pengunaannya. Untuk itu dilakukan kegiatan pengenalan literasi digital untuk membantu siswa dalam menggunakan sistem perpustakaan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan menggunakan metode seperti, Menyusun Rancangan Kegiatan, Pelatihan dan Penerapan, Evaluasi. Sehinga mendapatkan sebuah hasil Modul Pedoman Penggunaan, media pelatihan penggunaan web perpustakaan, serta video pelaksanaan kegiatan berisi informasi tentang Penggunaan Web Perpustakaan, petunjuk serta saran penggunaan media Web Perpustakaan. Program MBKM terlaksana melalui beberapa rangkaian kegiatan maupun persiapan yang bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan Pengunaan web perpustakaan di SMP Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Medan, sehingga mempermudah pelayanan untuk belajar disekolah mitra. Kata Kunci: Literasi Digital, Pelatihan, Web, Modul Pelatihan Abstract: The library service process at SMP Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Medan was initially carried out conventionally and then changed to a Technology-Based System (Web). There are several problems after the system change. This is because students are less familiar with the use of the Technology-Based Library System (Web), so that students become confused in implementing its use. For this reason, digital literacy activities were carried out to assist students in using the library system. This activity is carried out using methods such as Preparing Activity Plans, Training, and Implementation, Evaluation. the result of this activity is the Usage Guidelines Module, training media on the use of the library's web, as well as a video of the implementation of activities containing information about the use of the library's web, instructions, and suggestions for using the library's web media. The MBKM program is implemented through several series of activities and preparations aimed at optimizing the use of the library web at SMP Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Medan, thus facilitating services for learning at partner schools. Keyword: Digital Literacy, Training, Web, Training Module

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 146
Suci Almalia ◽  
Efendi Napitupulu ◽  
Asih Menanti

Abstrak: Perpustakaan sebagai sumber belajar sekaligus sumber informasi bagi siswa dalam kegiatan membaca yang dimulai sejak tingkat Sekolah Dasar. Suatu media sangat diperlukan untuk memudahkan anak dalam belajar membaca dari awal hingga akhir pendidikannya di Sekolah Dasar. Media layanan perpustakaan berupa perangkat lunak di dalam penelitian ini telah diperkenalkan kepada siswa yang mengacu pada tahapan model AMALIA (Attention, Memoryzing, Accelerating, Literal, Improving dan Assets). Model AMALIA dilengkapi dengan kartu perpustakaan yang belum diterapkan sebelumnya di perpustakaan sekolah ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah terimplementasikannya sistem layanan perpustakaan berbasis TIK dengan model AMALIA dalam meningkatkan minat membaca siswa Sekolah Dasar di Tanjung Gading Kabupaten Batu Bara. Penelitian ini adalah suatu penelitian pengembangan (R & D) yang mengikuti tahapan-tahapan penelitian pengembangan, setiap proses tahapan yang ditempuh untuk membangun produk penelitian. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan minat membaca dilakukan pretest – posttest terhadap sampel 86 siswa Sekolah Dasar di Tanjung Gading Kabupaten Batu Bara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minat membaca siswa ke perpustakaan lebih tinggi setelah menggunakan sistem layanan perpustakaan berbasis TIK dengan model AMALIA dibanding dengan sebelum menggunakan sistem layanan perpustakaan berbasis TIK dengan model AMALIA. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian direkomendasikan agar manajemen sekolah dapat mengimplementasikan sistem layanan perpustakaan berbasis TIK dengan model AMALIA dalam mengelola perpustakaan Sekolah Dasar. Kata Kunci: Sistem Layanan Perpustakaan, Model AMALIA, Minat Membaca  Abstract: The library as a learning resource and all at once as information sources for students related to reading activity started from the primary school level. A media is really needed to ease the students on reading study since the initial until more graduated at the primary school. The library service media by means of software has been introduced to students refers to stages AMALIA model (Attention, Memorizing, Accelerating, Literal, Improving and Assets). The AMALIA model is equipped with a library card that has not been implemented previously in the school library. The objective of this study was the implementation of an ICT-based library service system with the AMALIA model in increasing the reading interest of primary school students at Tanjung Gading of Batu Bara Regency. This study was educational research and development (R & D) which follows a step-by-step cycle, each step process used to develop the product. To prove, the difference in reading interest was conducted by using pretest-posttest 86 students sample of primary school in Tanjung Gading of Batu Bara Regency. The research result indicates that the reading interest of students to the library was higher after using ICT-based library service system with AMALIA model compared before using ICT-based library service system with AMALIA model. Based on the research result is recommended that the school management can implement an ICT-based library service system with the AMALIA model in managing the primary school library.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 381-392
Lamatinulu ◽  
Muh. Syaeful Ragali ◽  
Irma Nur Afiah

A student can study well if there is a good place to study as well. Likewise with reading, a person needs concentration to read. Service room design is necessitated in the reading room because it affects one’s reading comfort. Utsman bin Affan library UMI Makassar is a place for students to study. Students’ complaints and problems that are experienced when using the library service room are in the form of uncomfortable facilities, no closed rooms, and other complaints. In reference to these problems, a study was carried out in accordance with the students’ complaints by employing Kansei Engineering approach. Kansei Engineering is a consumer-oriented ergonomic technology which enables the consumer’s image or feeling to unite with the service design process of a product. By utilizing this method, product strategy and concept creation in the design of a product or service can be determined. The final results of Utsman bin Affan UMI Makassar library service room which was obtained based on the Kansei Engineering method are an open service room, large display, reading room, multimedia room, collection room, green and white colors, 3D motif and glossy texture. In addition to the main specifications of the library, there is also an additional item supporting the service room, which is a partition made of glass that gives the impression of being open to the room although it is still divided into different spaces.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-83
Wei Liu

The vision and concept of FOLIO have gained the attention and expectation from libraries. Its open and flexible service platform provides an approach to the realization of the Smart Libraries in the future. On the basis of summarising the needs of Smart Libraries in China, the paper expounds the architecture and ideas of providing smart services based on FOLIO. By analyzing the problems and challenges in the implementation and localization of FOLIO in China, the author points out that the“Chinese Alliance for Library Service Platform”(also called YunHan Alliance) should play a very important role in running the Chinese FOLIO community. It should steward the direction of the community, carry out the minimum open source software application suite, cultivate an open platform ecology, so as to support the new business models for the prosperity of Chinese libraries in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-48
Tiewei Liu

FOLIO is a future-oriented library service platform. Enlightened by the results of the 2021 International Survey of Library Automation, the author shared thoughts on how FOLIO meets librarians’ expectations, why it’s a good time to get involved in the FOLIO project and what challenges FOLIO is facing at the current development stage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 119
Matthew Carl ◽  
Louise Worsfold

This paper focuses on the introduction of a new model of digital teaching and resource provision for the University of Law (ULaw) Library Service, during the Covid-19 pandemic. It details the processes and steps we took to achieve the three core aims of: a new mode of online skills delivery, the creation of self-directed, independent learners in the various student cohorts at the university and the creation of a flexible self-assessment platform to provide an incremental learning journey for both students and staff. This paper also highlights some of the challenges and difficulties we faced, arising from a project of this size and nature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Diva Thea Theodora Ismail ◽  
Rosiana Nurwa Indah ◽  
Rifqi Zaeni Achmad Syam

The Bandung Regency Archives and Libraries Service is one of the regional public libraries of Bandung Regency which has service innovations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bandung Regency Archives and Library Service provides a mobile user interface service named i-Sabilulungan. The purpose of this study was to determine the usefulness of the i-Sabilulungan application as a service innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Bandung Regency Archives and Library Service. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method with data collection techniques through observation and interviews. In this study, the informants were librarians managing the i-Sabilulungan mobile application. The results of this study reveal that i-Sabilulungan as a library service innovation for the Bandung Regency Archives and Libraries Service has fulfilled an important element in the application of the mobile user interface application. The i-Sabilulungan application has fulfilled 10 elements of the application of the mobile user interface application which consists of several elements including connectivity, simplicity, directional, informative, interactivity, user friendliness, comprehensiveness (completeness), continuity (sustainable), personalization (personalization) and internal elements (internal).

Putri Martina Nursinta ◽  
Sukaesih - ◽  
Evi Nursanti Rukmana ◽  
Samson CMS -

The early onset of covid-19 in 2020 causes a complete shutdown of all activities including those of services in the library to avoid direct contact with users in order to prevent the spread of this covid-19 virus. The purpose of this study is to fulfill the tasks that teachers have given you and to find out what innovations the unpad library has made to serve students or other users in spite of this covid-19 pandemic. The study USES descriptive qualitative methods on concepts related to library science, as well as to analyze the practices used in libraries during the pandemic. Data obtained through interviews conducted by researchers by sending some questions through the email of the unpad central library staff. The data already obtained will be presented in a descriptive form, so it will outline the importance of providing online library services by applying digital predating concepts. By subscribing to multiple journals and e-book databases, information-related services are still needed to support student and lecturer research, in this case libraries can engage in inter-library cooperation. During the pandemic, a university library service was required to transform from manual services into digital services.Keywords: Library, Covid-19 Pandemic, Information CommunicationABSTRAKCovid-19 di awal tahun 2020 menyebabkan berhentinya seluruh aktivitas termasuk dengan layanan yang ada di perpustakaan. Hal tesebut dilakukan untuk menghindari kontak langsung dengan pengguna supaya dapat mencegah penyebaran virus Covid19 ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memenuhi tugas yang telah diberikan dosen serta untuk mengetahui inovasi apa yang dilakukan oleh perpustakaan Universitas Padjadjaran dalam melayani pengguna dalam masa pandemi Covid-19 ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif mengenai konsep-konsep yang berkaitan dengan ilmu perpustakaan, serta untuk menganalisis praktik yang digunakan perpustakaan selama pandemi. Data diperoleh melalui hasil wawancara yang telah dilaksanakan oleh peneliti dengan mengirimkan beberapa pertanyaan melalui e-mail staf perpustakaan pusat Universitas Padjadjaran. Data yang telah diperoleh akan disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Adetoun A. Oyelude

Purpose This paper aims to focus on the trends and projection for future use of artificial intelligence (AI) in libraries. AI technologies is the latest among the technologies being used in libraries. The technology has systems that have natural language processing, machine learning and pattern recognition capabilities that make service provision easier for libraries. Design/methodology/approach Systematic literature review is done, exploring blogs and wikis, to collect information on the ways in which AI is used and can be futuristically used in libraries. Findings This paper found that uses of AI in libraries entailed enhanced services such as content indexing, document matching, content mapping content summarization and many others. AI possibilities were also found to include improving the technology of gripping, localizing and human–robot interaction and also having artificial superintelligence, the hypothetical AI that surpasses human intelligence and abilities. Originality/value It is concluded that advanced technologies that AI are, will help librarians to open up new horizons and solve challenges that crop up in library service delivery.

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