Jurnal Socius ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Selfi Gonaldy

Improving Learning Activities and Learning Outcomes Through Cooperative Learning Economics Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) Student Class X1 SMA Negeri 1 Tanah Bumbu Angsana South Kalimantan Province. The purpose of this research is to increase the activity of learners class X1 in SMA Negeri 1 Angsana in the learning process is still low, the average value of daily tests on the material demand, supply, prices and the balance of 60, of 34 learners reach KKM as many as 15 learners and there are 19 students who have not reached the KKM.Keywords: Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD), activities learning, learning outcomes

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 55-61
Supratik Supratik

AbstrakHasil rata-rata tes siswa pada materi penerapan trigonometri rendah yaitu 52 dan hal ini tidak mencapai KKM di SMA Negeri 22 Palembang yaitu 65. Oleh karena itu diperlukan alternatif model pembelajaran yang tepat untuk meningkatkan aktivitas, pola berpikir kritis dan kreatif serta hasil belajar matematika siswa. Salah satu alternatifnya adalah pembelajaran melalui pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD yang dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dan mendeskripsikan tanggapan siswa dalam penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian tindakan kelas. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, angket, dan tes. Setelah dilakukan analisis data diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa: 1) Penerapan pembelajaran melalui pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD ( Student Team Achievement Division ) yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini efektif, karena dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran matematika, mata pelajaran penerapan trigonometri pada siswa kelas X IPA6 yang berjumlah 40 orang. Hal ini terlihat pada persentase hasil aktivitas siswa pada pembelajaran tindakan I mencapai 86,36% dan pada tindakan II mencapai 89,09% dengan predikat sangat baik, dan nilai rata-rata hasil tes akhir tindakan I mencapai 67,3% dan pada Tindakan II mencapai 72,25% dengan persentase nilai rata-rata yang ditetapkan sebesar 65% yang berarti telah mencapai kriteria keberhasilan. 2) Berdasarkan hasil angket respon siswa diketahui bahwa respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran penerapan trigonometri melalui pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD sangat positif.Kata kunci: hasil belajar, penerapan trigonometri, kooperatif, STAD. AbstractThe average result of student tests on the material for applying trigonometry is low, namely 52 and this does not reach the KKM at SMA Negeri 22 Palembang, which is 6. Therefore, an alternative learning model is needed. appropriate for increasing activity, critical and creative thinking patterns as well as student mathematics learning outcomes. One alternative is learning through cooperative learning type STAD . The purpose of this study is to describe the application of cooperative learning type STAD which can improve student learning outcomes.and describe student responses in the application of cooperative learning type STAD to improve learning outcomes. This study used a classroom action research design. Data collection techniques used were observation, questionnaires, and tests. After data analysis was carried out , it was concluded that: 1) The application of learning through cooperative learning type STAD ( Student Team Achievement Division ) which was carried out in this study was effective, because it can improve student learning outcomes in mathematics, the subject of the application of trigonometry in class X IPA6, amounting to 40 people. This can be seen in the percentage of student activity results in learning in action I reached 86.36% and in action II reached 89.09% with the predicate very good, and the average value of the final test results in action I reached 67.3% and at Action II reaches 72.25% with the percentage of the average value set is 65%, which means it has reached the success criteria. 2) Based on the results of the student response questionnaire, it was found that the student's response to learning the application of trigonometry through cooperative learning type STAD was very positive.Keywords: learning outcomes, application of trigonometry, cooperative, STAD.

Arnida Suryani ◽  
Ajat Sudrajat ◽  
Amalia Sapriati

The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in student learning outcomes in terms of student learning activities through the implementation of cooperative learning model Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) assisted by animation media and cooperative learning model type student team achievement divisions (STAD) assisted by power point media. This research will be conducted at SD Negeri 11 Rantau Selatan in Class VI the 2019/2020 Academic Year. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling, where researchers can determine samples based on specific objectives. The researcher determined that the sample in the study consisted of 2 classes, namely class VI a as a class of cooperative learning model type STAD assisted by animation media as many as 33 people, and class VI as many as 33 people as a class of cooperative learning model type STAD assisted by Power Point media. The instruments used were the Observation Sheet and the Test / Question Sheet. Measurements were made by Reliability, Distinguishing Power Analysis, Descriptive Data Analysis, Prerequisite Test Analysis, Two Ways ANOVA Hypothesis Test Analysis. The results of the study There are differences in learning outcomes in the sub-theme of Tumbuhan Sahabatku between those taught with the Cooperative Learning Model Type Student Team Achievement Division with animation aided with the Cooperative Learning Model Type Student Team Achievement Division assisted by Media Power Point in Class VI SD Negeri 11 Rantau Selatan, There are differences in results study of students who have high learning activities in the sub-theme of Tumbuhan Sahabatku, and there is an interaction between learning models and learning activities in influencing student learning outcomes in the sub-theme of Tumbuhan Sahabatku.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-19
Mardiana Mardiana

This study aims to determine the increase in learning motivation which will ultimately improve student learning outcomes in learning English Class XI Science. 3 by implementing the STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) cooperative learning in SMA 1 Bandar Baru, the second semester of the 2013/2014 school year. This type of research includes action research. The subjects of this study were students of Class XI Science. 3 in SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Baru. The results of this study indicate: Through the results of classroom action research at Bandar Baru 1 High School there was an increase in learning motivation, namely in the first cycle the average was 65.77 while in the second cycle it was 80.38. Before learning is done with the STAD Method (Student Team Achievement Division) the student score is 61.35. In the first cycle the results of student evaluations on English subjects get an average score of 68.85, meanwhile, student learning activities and teacher performance obtain a value of 64.80% and 62.50% while in the second cycle get an average score of 77 , 31. From the study there was an increase in learning completeness as much as in the first cycle of 46% and in the second cycle was 88%. Student learning activities increased to 73.00%, while teacher performance increased to 87.50 Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of classroom action research through the STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) cooperative learning method for learning English in order to increase learning motivation with itself can improve learning outcomes for students of Class XI Science. 3 SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Baru. Keywords: STAD Cooperative Learning Method (Student Team Achievement Division) Results of Learning English

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Alfa Zayyin

The purpose of this research was to determine the learning process by using cooperative learning model type Group Investigation (GI) can enhance the activity and outcomes of learning mathematics class VII MTs Riyadhus Sholihin Purwareja Klampok. The results of research showed that for the involvement of the student and the learning outcomes of learning mathematics using coopertive learning type Group Investigation (GI) increased. In the pre-cycle, active of student learning increased by 43.16% for the first cycle to 62.24%, then on the second cycle increased to 71.84%. and the average value of student learning outcomes also increased. the pre-cycle average value of 55.73 with percentage of completeness by 31.57%. and then Increase in the first cycle to 61.71 with percentage of completeness to 52.63%. Then  increased again in the second cycle amounted to 73.42 with percentage of completeness to 76.31%.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-53
Elmi Hidayah

This classroom action research (CAR) aims to improve the learning outcomes of class II TBP SUPM N Sorong through the STAD type learning model. For the outline, there are four stages of CAR, namely (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. This research was conducted in 3 cycles, cycle 1 as comparison data for cycles 2 and 3. The number of students who were active in this study was 30 students. The results showed that the STAD type of cooperative learning model can provide better learning outcomes. This can be seen by the average value acquisition in cycle 1 38.06 and learning completeness score 16.6% then an increase in the average value in cycles 2 and 3 with cooperative learning type STAD, namely, cycle 2 class average value of 73.3 with a percentage of completeness learning 76.6% and cycle 3 class average value of 74.16 with a percentage of learning completeness 90%. Likewise with student activity has increased.

Wijiati '

The background of this research is the lack of students mathematics learning outcomes. This is because passive students in participating in learning, and in group learning activities, group less responsible members of the group, resulting in lower student learning outcomes. This study is a class action that aims to improve learning outcomes mathematics using cooperative learning model NHT. The research was conducted in classes VI SDN 011 Kerumutan Beringin Kecamatan Makmur. Research was conducted during two cycles. The research instrument consists of a sheet of teacher activity observation and student activity and learning outcomes. Based on the results of research and discussion, that the learning outcomes of students has increased after learning activities using cooperative learning model NH. This statement is supported by the results that have been raised previously, namely: (1) the results of the initial test results of learning mathematics students get an average of 54.00 with learning completeness percentage of 48%; (2) in the first cycle of students' mathematics learning outcomes increased with an average value of 64.00 with learning completeness percentage of 84%; and (3) in the second cycle students' mathematics learning outcomes increased with an average value of 67.00 with learning completeness percentage of 92%. This shows that the classical completeness has been reached, in which the research is successful if the completeness achieved 80% of students obtaining a minimum value of 70. Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that the application of cooperative learning model NHT can improve mathematics learning outcomes SDN 011 Beringin Makmur Kecamatan Kerumutan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 134
Zambri '

This research was motivated by the low result of learning science class V students of SDNegeri 011 Bukit Kapur. This study aims to improve learning outcomes science class Vstudents of SD Negeri 011 Bukit Kapur by using the method of discussion. Subjects in thisstudy were students of class V SD Negeri 011 Bukit Kapur, totaling 35 students. This researchis a class act, carried out by two cycles. Parameter research is student learning outcomesconsisting of absorption, mastery learning, student learning activities and teaching activitiesof teachers. The results showed that in the first cycle the average value of daily tests is69.71% (Enough) and the second cycle of the average value of daily tests was 78% (Good).Mastery learning increased in the first cycle was 82.86% and the second cycle is 94.28%.Activities of students in the learning process increased from 73.98% (Enough) in the firstcycle to 73.09% (Enough) in the second cycle. Activities teachers in the learning process is92.5% (Very Good) in the first cycle and 96% (Very Good) in the second cycle. From theseresults it can be concluded that the discussion method can improve learning outcomes scienceclass V students of SD Negeri 011 Bukit Kapur.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 1031
Netti Ermi

This type of research is classroom action research. Subjects of the research were students of SMA Negeri 15 Pekanbaruconsisting of 34 students in class XII. The purpose of this study is to improve the low student learning outcomes becausestudent learning completeness was only 5.56% while the maximum exhaustiveness criteria provided from the school was 82.Efforts were made by changing the method used, namely from conventional to STAD method. The assessment was takenbefore the improvement of the implementation, namely pre-cycle with complete result is 2 students and incomplete one is 34students. This research was carried out in two cycles. The first cycle of the average value of 80.61 was the highest score of70, followed by the second cycle increasing to 87.11 the lowest score is 82 and the highest score is 95. The change of thescore of the pre-cycle with the number of 2660 increased in the first cycle to 2902, and this number in the second cycleincreased again to 31.36. the Assessment by using the range and criteria of the score in the precycle score lies in thesufficient criteria, the first cycle of the score range lies in the high score, and the second cycle the score lies in the highcriteria. The highest learning activities of cycle I in the tenacious aspect face difficulties and cycle II is diligently facing thegiven task. So the STAD method can increase motivation and learning outcomes of class XII students of SMA Negeri 15Pekanbaru.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 261-273

Learning mathematics that tends to be monotonous will cause boredom and for students. This can be seen from their enthusiasm for learning. They pay attention when the teacher provides material and sample questions, but when working on the questions, they have difficulty. Therefore, it is necessary to think about ways of presenting and learning mathematics that are suitable for students, so that students can actively participate in the learning process. The suitable model is the cooperative model. One of the cooperative models is the STAD type. In this type, the teacher provides material, which in the next group of students will be deepened further. At the time of the teacher's presentation, students must really pay attention, so that later when doing quizzes they will not experience difficulties. In the group, all students can certainly master the material being studied. students of class X MIPA 1 in the even semester of the 2019/2020 Academic Year after participating in the learning process by applying the STAD type cooperative learning model. Methods of collecting data using the method of observation and tests. The technique used in this research is descriptive analytical technique, namely quantitative data obtained from quiz results that are processed using percentage descriptions and qualitative data obtained from observations about teacher and student activities are used as the basis for describing the successful application of the STAD type cooperative learning model. Student learning outcomes from cycle I and cycle II have increased. For the first cycle the average value is 54.17. While in the second cycle the average value is 67.92. The percentage of complete learning outcomes of students in the first cycle is 37.50% and in the second cycle is 79.20%. Thus the research hypothesis is proven. The action is said to be successful if there is an increase in learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II and the percentage of students who achieve the KKM (completed) score has reached a minimum of 75%. So this CAR is declared to have succeeded in improving student learning outcomes. ABSTRAKPembelajaran matematika yang cenderung monoton akan menyebabkan rasa bosan dan bagi peserta didik. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari antusiasme mereka mengikuti pembelajaran. Mereka perhatian ketika guru memberikan materi dan contoh soal, tetapi ketika mengerjakan soal, mereka mengalami kesulitan. Oleh karena itu, maka perlu dipikirkan cara penyajian dan suasana pembelajaran matematika yang cocok buat peserta didik, sehingga peserta didik dapat berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses pembelajaran. Model yang cocok adalah model kooperatif. Salah satu model kooperatif adalah tipe STAD. Pada tipe ini guru memberikan suatu materi, yang selanjutnya dalam kelompok peserta didik akan diperdalam lebih lanjut. Pada saat guru presentasi, peserta didik harus benar-benar memperhatikan, sehingga nantinya ketika mengerjakan kuis tidak mengalami kesulitan.Dalam kelompoknya, semua peserta didik dipastikan dapat menguasai materi yang dipelajari.Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui peningkatkan hasil belajar Matematika pada materi vektor pada peserta didik kelas X MIPA 1 semester genap Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020 setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dan tes. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik deskriptik analitik yaitu data kuantitatif yang diperoleh dari hasil kuis yang diolah dengan menggunakan deskripsi persentase dan data kualitatif yang diperoleh dari observasi tentang kegiatan guru dan peserta didik dijadikan dasar untuk mendeskripsikan keberhasilan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD. Hasil belajar peserta didik dari siklus I dan siklus II mengalami peningkatan. Untuk siklus I nilai rata-ratanya 54,17. Sedangkan pada siklus II nilai rata-ratanya 67,92. Persentase ketuntasan hasil belajar peserta didik pada siklus I sebesar 37,50% dan pada siklus II sebesar 79,20%. Dengan demikian hipotesis penelitian ini terbukti. Tindakan dikatakan berhasil jika ada peningkatan hasil belajar dari siklus I ke siklus II dan persentase peserta didik yang mencapai nilai  KKM (tuntas) sudah mencapai minimal 75%. Maka PTK ini dinyatakan telah berhasil meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Emmi Fauziah

This research is motivated by the phenomena that occur in the learning process, especially the subjects of Social Sciences, including the poor communication between teachers and students, teacher domination which has passive impact on students in the classroom, and lack of reinforcement and reward for students. Classroom Action Research (CAR) consists of 2 cycles, each of which consists of two to three meetings. The stages in each cycle consist of the stages of planning, implementation, observation / observation, and reflection. The research subjects were fourth grade students of RejangLebong Elementary School 135 consisting of 24 people in the 2016/2017 school year. The results were obtained that in the first cycle students' learning outcomes averaged 60.79 and the percentage of classical learning completeness was 58.33%. In the second cycle there were no more weaknesses that occurred in cycle I. The learning outcomes in the second cycle obtained an average of 72.47 with the percentage of classical learning completeness 87.5%. This fulfills the completeness criteria, ie 85% of students get a value of ,07.0 and the learning process is said to be completed individually if students get a value of ≥7. Based on the results of these studies, the Cooperative Learning Approach Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) type can improve learning outcomes, student activities, and teacher activities and the quality of the social studies learning process.

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