scholarly journals Some reflections on improving the provisions of the code of Ukraine on administrative offenses in terms of increasing liability for violation of legislation in the field of protecting natural ecosystems from fires

I. Kazanchuk

The article presents an analysis of the current state of the current administrative legislation of Ukraine, which regulates relations in the field of environmental protection and rational nature management in the state. The author has analyzed the provisions of the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses in relation to increasing liability for violation of legislation in the field of protecting natural ecosystems from fires” and a number of other bills. Their development and adoption is an important step towards bringing the current national legislation in line with European standards and norms, as well as further development of social and economic transformations in Ukraine in the environmental sphere. Also in this article the author indicates the feasibility of amending the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine and other legislative acts in terms of strengthening administrative responsibility for violating fire safety rules, protecting the environment, preventing fires in natural ecosystems in the country. With regard to improving the efficiency of management of the sphere of protecting natural ecosystems from fires, the author points out the need to provide additional powers to the bodies of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine for the implementation of state control and supervision over the state of fire safety at forestry facilities. In this aspect, it is timely to develop and adopt a separate legislative act to secure the rights and obligations of the relevant officials to exercise such state control and determine the procedure for its organization. In addressing the issue of protecting natural ecosystems from fires, it is proposed to pay attention to the need to ensure strict adherence to the principle of inevitability of administrative responsibility for violation of legislation on environmental protection, eliminating the imbalance between the actual amount of damage caused to the environment and the amount of sanctions; an increase in the size of fines for setting fires in natural ecosystems, including for unauthorized burning of stubble on agricultural land (fields) by their owners.

Nadezda Prokhorova ◽  
Zoran Govedar ◽  
Evgenya Moiseeva

Modern approaches to the development of nature management are focused on the formation of a system of sustainable development of regions. Forest territories act as an edifier, which has a global impact on the state of all ecosystems under the conditions of increasing anthropogenic pressure, reducing biodiversity and reducing the productivity of natural ecosystems When creating the ecological frameworks of territories, various research methods are proposed: information-analytical, comparative-geographical, the method of route survey of the territory, and cartographic. The reduction in the area of natural ecosystems leads to a significant reduction in the biodiversity of the most diverse groups of organisms. The extinction and significant reduction of species (very often even background for certain territories) leads to a decrease in genetic biodiversity, and, as a consequence, a disruption to evolutionary processes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (11) ◽  
pp. 53-58

The article analyzes the motivation systems of the organization's personnel and their features, forms and types of motives. The main technologies for providing motivational personnel potential are identified. The description of the invariant of the state civil service personnel profile is presented. Variants of the motivational profile for the staff Of the Department of nature management and environmental protection of the city of Moscow have been developed, taking into account the level of responsibility for making managerial decisions. Specific procedures for managing the motivational profile of the Department's civil service personnel are outlined.

2020 ◽  
pp. 17-28
O. Bendasiuk ◽  
V. Mykytenko

The article formulates and reveals the main mechanisms and technologies for managing the introduction of environmental and economic franchising tools in management, which allows to ensure the implementation of the target functions of the modern environmental management system and environmental protection, taking into account current problems and risks of different nature.The essence and content of basic and specific functions of nature management and environmental protection of the state are revealed. This allowed to determine the list of necessary for the implementation of economic, types of environmental and economic franchising in the context of ensuring the transition of the state and its regions to sustainable development in resource constraints as a result of increasing and rationalizing the use of natural resources.The importance and significance of ecological and economic franchising for the development of the national system of sustainable management are described. The following are formulated and detailed: a economic and legal conditions and grounds for the effectiveness of the tools of environmental and economic franchising in Ukraine; financial and environmental policies of the state. This became the basis for substantiation: a set of tasks to achieve sustainable management of socio-economic systems and territorial natural economic formations, a format for implementing effective environmental innovation projects to address environmental issues, and an innovative composition of search tools and methods. new opportunities and reserves to attract investment to increase the level of economic, environmental, social, industrial and natural resource security of the state as a whole. It is shown that the introduction of franchising requires not only changes in production and economic and organizational and managerial structures, but also the restructuring of thinking and ways of doing business at all levels, which take care of spatial management of sustainable development of the state and its regions.

2021 ◽  
L, Hunko ◽  
K. Berezhna ◽  

The article considers the problems and features of reclamation of disturbed lands of Ukraine in terms of regions, describes the need and importance of land protection in Ukraine and the world and the implementation of measures for reclamation of disturbed lands. The number of disturbed and reclaimed lands in Ukraine as of January 1, 2021 was analyzed and reclamation works were carried out for 2020. The main issues of legislative conflicts that arise during the reclamation of disturbed lands or "non-reclamation" are highlighted. The measures of state control over the use and protection of lands of all categories and forms of ownership conducted by the Main Departments of the State Geocadastre in the regions for the period 2017 - 2020 are analyzed. An example of the use of a spent limestone quarry for construction is given on the example of the Dalhalla Theater and why such foreign experience cannot be applied in Ukraine. The administrative responsibility for "failure" to rehabilitate disturbed lands is highlighted. The problem that arises when accepting already reclaimed lands by local governments or public authorities has been identified. Recommendations are given for the introduction of more effective measures for the restoration of disturbed lands.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-56
Владилен Татарян ◽  
Vladilen Tataryan ◽  
Елена Татарян ◽  
Elena Tataryan

This article analyzes the federal law on administrative responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements. The authors, in particular, studied and analyzed in detail the federal laws, which the legislator over the last decade that made very substantial changes and additions to the relevant articles of the Administrative Code (the Administrative Code), as well as considered the changes that have occurred with these norms, the regularities and the correlation between the legislative wording and the social, economic and political changes taking place in a specific historical period of development of the state. The authors make proposals for the development of this legislation, to simplify its use for law enforcers, to clarify the meaning of legal wording. The process of fundamental reform of federal legislation providing for responsibility for the violation of fire safety requirements, has not yet been completed, but because the current deputies of the sixth convocation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation together with the scientists and administrative officers of the Federal State supervising the fire safety laws have yet to resolve a number of contentious issues and conflicts, related to the proper application of the relevant administrative procedures.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 48-53 ◽  
G. Chobotko ◽  
L. Raychuk ◽  
I. McDonald

The aim of the article was to defi ne the role of the radioactive environment contamination in the formation of ecosystem services strategy. Methods. Monographic, systemic and structural, factor analysis, abstract and logical research methods have been used. The data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, materials of scientifi c researches, international materials and reports and other literary sources on the issues investigated have been used as an information base. Results. Retrospective analysis of sources and state of radioactive eco- systems contamination was conducted and the priority steps in developing the concept of ecosystem services in conditions of radiation contamination were found. Conclusions. The current socio-ecological paradigm of the transition from environmental use to environmental management should be refl ected in the relevant envi- ronmental management mechanisms. Currently, when assessing the state of ecosystem services in Ukraine and worldwide one must take into account the changes in food demand of residents of radioactively contaminated areas, the exploitation of radioactively safe ecosystems growth, their overload and degradation. All of this re- quires an inventory of ecosystem services by type, region, consumers, etc. and the formation of a state register of ecosystem services with a clear assignment of area of responsibility for appropriate natural ecosystems. This will help to make the economic evaluation of different ecosystem services and mechanisms of charges for ecosystem services.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Muhammad Nadzir

Water plays a very important role in supporting human life and other living beings as goods that meet public needs. Water is one of the declared goods controlled by the state as mentioned in the constitution of the republic of Indonesia. The state control over water indicated that water management can bring justice and prosperity for all Indonesian people. However, in fact, water currently becomes a product commercialized by individuals and corporations. It raised a question on how the government responsibility to protect the people's right to clean water. This study found that in normative context, the government had been responsible in protecting the people’s right over the clean water. However, in practical context, it found that the government had not fully protected people's right over clean water. The government still interpreted the state control over water in the form of creating policies, establishing a set of regulations, conducting management, and also supervision.

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