scholarly journals Educate for dejudicialization: the inclusion of cooperative practices in legal teaching

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e14288
Fabiana Marion Spengler ◽  
Maini Dornelles

Since the creation of the first law course in Brazil, in 1827, professionals have focused their training on litigation. When access to justice became a basic right, lawyers started to represent their clients before the jurisdiction, however, the judicial sphere should be used as a last resort, after extrajudicial attempts to resolve conflicts, whenever possible. In this light, we intend to answer the following research problem: To what extent can the insertion of collaborative practices in legal education educate the future jurist to de-judicialize access to justice? In order to answer the question, it will be used as a deductive approach method, starting from a general analysis to, at the end, arrive at a specific one; as for the method of procedure it will be the bibliographic. The text aims to verify whether including collaborative practices in legal education can educate the future jurist to dejudicialize access to justice.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-108
Zvonimir Jelinic

In this article, I dwell upon the Croatian system of free legal aid in civil and administrative matters. The background of the system, its problems and deficiencies are firstly discussed. Primary attention is on the legal framework for legal clinics, their position within the system of legal education, the importance of their role within the system of free legal aid, types of legal assistance that legal clinics can provide and the way they are obtaining financial support for their operations. We shall also try to foresee the future of Croatian clinical legal education under the present normative scheme and propose some steps that, we firmly believe, have the actual capacity to promote further development of clinical legal education within the system of free legal aid.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 187
Setyaningsih Setyaningsih ◽  
Anis Mashdurohatun

ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis dan mengkaji peranan Notaris dalam pembuatan Akta Pemberian Hak Tanggungan (APHT) terhadap kreditur dan debitur, untuk untuk menganalisis dan mengkaji kendala-kendala yang dihadapi Notaris dalam pembuatan Akta Pemberian Hak Tanggungan (APHT) terhadap kreditur dan debitur, dan untuk untuk menganalisis dan mengkaji dalam notaris dalam memberi solusi yang dihadapi Notaris dalam pembuatan Akta Pemberian Hak Tanggungan (APHT) terhadap kreditur dan debitur. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode pendekatan secara yuridis normatif.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat diketahui bahwa peranan Notaris dalam pembuatan APHT sesuai Pasal 15 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 Tentang Jabatan Notaris terhadap kreditur dan debitur terletak pada tanggungjawabnya yaitu tanggungjawab terhadap akta yang dibuatnya serta perlindungan terhadap para pihak yang terkait di akta tersebut bila dikemudian hari terjadi sengketa di antara para pihak. Hal ini sesuai teori keadilan tindak menjadi monopoli pemikiran satu orang ahli saja dan teori kemanfaatan hukum dimana tujuan hukum semata-mata untuk memberikan kemanfaatan atau kebahagiaan.Kata kunci : peranan notaris, pembuatan APHT, perjanjian Kredit ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to know and explain the role of Notary in making Deed of Assignment Rights (APHT) to creditors and debtor, to know and explain constraints faced by Notary in making Deed of Assignment Rights (APHT) to creditor and debtor, and to know and explains how to overcome the constraints faced by a Notary in the creation of Deed of Assignment Rights (APHT) to the creditor and debtor. This research is a qualitative research with normative juridical approach method. The purpose of this research is to analyze and examine the role of Notary in the making of Deed of Assignment Rights (APHT) to creditors and debtors, to analyze and examine the constraints faced by Notary in making Deed of Assignment Rights (APHT) to creditor and debtor, and to analyze and review in a notary in giving solution faced by Notary in making Deed of Assignment Rights (APHT) to creditor and debtor. This research is a qualitative research with normative juridical approach method.Based on the results of research and discussion it can be seen that the role of Notary in making APHT pursuant to Article 15 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 Year 2014 About Amendment of Law Number 30 Year 2004 About Position Notary to creditor and debtor lies on its responsibility that is responsibility to deed which he made as well as the protection of the parties concerned in the deed if in the future there is a dispute between the parties. This is in accordance with the theory of justice acts into a monopoly of the thinking of one expert only and the theory of legal benefit where the purpose of law solely to provide benefit or happiness.Keywords: role of notary, making of APHT, Credit agreement

2014 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 849
Lorne Sossin

This article examines the shift towards experiential legal education and its implications. While others have focused on experiential education as a means of training better lawyers, the author advances the argument for experiential education because it is rooted in substantive problem-solving, access to justice, engagement with communities, and greater opportunities for reflective and critical thinking about law and justice. Drawing on examples from Osgoode Hall Law School, which adopted an experiential curricular requirement in 2012, the article explores the ways in which experiential education may change law school and law students. The article also canvasses the implications of the experiential shift for the future of legal education, and the blurring lines between law school and transitional professional education in law such as articling and Practical/Professional Legal Training Courses (PLTCs). Finally, a number of perspectives and research initiatives are presented to suggest that the benefits of an effectively designed experiential model are far reaching, from a learning environment that caters most effectively to the way in which students learn and access information, to increasing engagement with community needs, to the positive impacts on student wellness. Therefore, the article illustrates the significance of the experiential shift in legal education in the Canadian context as a critical driver in the evolution of the law school and professional legal education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 178
Satri Yadi ◽  
Yuniarti Munaf ◽  
Dhasono Dhasono

AbstrakAso Gumbalo dalam penciptaan karya seni lukis diilhami dari kehidupan pengembala yang menjadi inspirasi pencipta yang diungkap melalui media seni lukis dengan mengambil ide “Harapan Pengembala” (Aso Gumbalo). Harapan Gembala dapat diartikan sebagai keinginan, kecendrungan dan dorongan hati yang kuat terhadap sesuatu hal yang ingin direalisasikan untuk menjadikan seorang lebih baik dimasa depan. Pengekspresian ide cipta berangkat dari fenomena Aso Gumbalo yang pencipta ungkap dengan ekspresi simbolik kedalam penciptaan karya seni lukis. Metode penciptaan karya ini melalui tahapan yaitu; 1) Tahap eksplorasi adalah tahap pencarian ide-ide dengan melakukan riset emik dan etik untuk pembuatan karya, 2) Tahap perancangan yaitu tahap pembuatan purwarupa yang akan diwujudkan kedalam bentuk karya seni lukis, 3) Tahap proses garapan karya. Konsep dari penciptaan karya merupakan ekspresi simbolik dengan memanfaatkan idiom tradisi, ekspresi tersebut digambarkan pada perwujudan karya menggunakan strategi media dan strategi visual dengan menggunakan konsep pengolahan bentuk, yaitu disformasi dan transformasi dengan melakukan penggabungan beberapa teknik antara lain, teknik plakat, transparan, tekstur semu dan tekstur nyata. Aso Gumbalo sebagai inspirasi yang diungkapkan dalam bentuk karya seni lukis ekspresi simbolik. Karya-karya yang diciptakan pengkarya disajikan dalam bentukpameran.           Kata Kunci:aso gumbalo, ekspresi simbolik, seni lukis.   AbstractAsoGumbalo in the creation of painting works was inspired from the life of the shepherd who became the inspiration of the creator which revealed through the medium of painting by taking the idea of "Hope of the Shepherd" (AsoGumbalo). Shepherd Hope can be interpreted as a strong desire, inclination and encouragement towards something that wants to be realized to make someone better in the future. The expression of copyrighted ideas departs from the phenomenon of AsoGumbalo, which the creator expressed with a symbolic expression into the creation of painting. This method of creating works through several stages, namely; 1) The exploration phase is the stage of searching for ideas by conducting emic and ethical research for the production of works, 2) the design phase that is the prototype-making stage which will be realized in the form of painting, 3) the process stage of the work done. The concept of creation of works is a symbolic expression by utilizing traditional idioms, these expressions are depicted in the realization of the work using media strategies and visual strategies by using the concept of form processing, namely deformation and transformation by combining several techniques, such as plaque, transparent, pseudo-texture and real texture. AsoGumbalo as an inspiration expressed in the form of paintings of symbolic expression. works created by artists are presented in the form of exhibitions.  Keywords:asogumbalo, symbolic expression, painting.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 343-367
Roberto Paura

Transhumanism is one of the main “ideologies of the future” that has emerged in recent decades. Its program for the enhancement of the human species during this century pursues the ultimate goal of immortality, through the creation of human brain emulations. Therefore, transhumanism offers its fol- lowers an explicit eschatology, a vision of the ultimate future of our civilization that in some cases coincides with the ultimate future of the universe, as in Frank Tipler’s Omega Point theory. The essay aims to analyze the points of comparison and opposition between transhumanist and Christian eschatologies, in particular considering the “incarnationist” view of Parousia. After an introduction concern- ing the problems posed by new scientific and cosmological theories to traditional Christian eschatology, causing the debate between “incarnationists” and “escha- tologists,” the article analyzes the transhumanist idea of mind-uploading through the possibility of making emulations of the human brain and perfect simulations of the reality we live in. In the last section the problems raised by these theories are analyzed from the point of Christian theology, in particular the proposal of a transhuman species through the emulation of the body and mind of human beings. The possibility of a transhumanist eschatology in line with the incarnationist view of Parousia is refused.

2008 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-10 ◽  

AbstractIn this analysis of the future of our profession, Barbara Tearle starts by looking at the past to see how much the world of legal information has evolved and changed. She considers the nature of the profession today and then identifies key factors which she believes will be of importance in the future, including the impact of globalisation; the potential changes to the legal profession; technology; developments in legal education; increasing commercialisation and changes to the law itself.

Małgorzata Mączko

The article aims to analyse the phenomenon of a Norwegian Internet-TV show for teenage audiences, Skam (2015–2017). The transmedia storytelling used in this production resulted in unforeseen international acclaim, subsequently leading to the creation of local remakes of the series. The article will outline the main issues that the show has dealt with, as well as the immersion-building narrative solutions used by the creators. Moreover, it will discuss Skam’s reception by Norwegian and international audiences, and suggest potential directions for the future development of this format.

Novi Noviar nurdin kasim ◽  
Imelda Meldawati Artayani

Kampung Kara’ba merupakan kampung nelayan yang ada di pesisir Kota Makassar  yang  pada kenyataannya kurang tertata dan diperhatikan. Disamping legalitas bermukim yang tidak ada, Kampung Kara'ba masuk dalam kategori rawan akan bencana alam seperti ombak pasang,  banjir, angin  puyuh dan juga  ancaman akan penggusuran yang terus meresahkan kalangan masyarakat Kara'ba, bahkan sampai pada pembangunan disekitarnya yang memaksa masyarakat nelayan Kara'ba mau tidak mau harus beralih profesi. Hal itu juga yang menyebabkan adanya wacana penataan dan perencanaan Kampung Kara'ba. Maka dari itu perlu adanya penggalian data eksisting dan aktivitas pada Kampung Nelayan Kara’ba agar nantinya bisa menjadi masukan rencana desain. Dengan menggunakan metode partisipatif atau pelibatan warga dan pihak-pihak terkait secara menyeluruh serta observasi lapangan, penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi eksisting dan aktivitas Kampung Nelayan Kara’ba. Pada pesisir pantai Makassar, terdapat berbagai macam kondisi  eksisting dan aktivitas yang dilakukan  oleh penduduk setempat maupun pengunjung. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, didapatkan hasil bahwa ada beberapa kondisi eksisting yang memungkinkan untuk dimasukkan dalam rencana perancangan Kampung Nelayan Kara’ba, tetapi ada pula yang sebaiknya dihilangkan demi terciptanya suatu rancangan bersama, yang diharapkan dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan ditingkatan warga dan tidak lagi menimbulkan permasalahan kedepannya, sehingga dari proses tersebut terciptalah hasil desain perancangan permukiman Kara'ba yang bercirikan perkampungan suku Bugis-Makassar dengan infrastruktur, fasilitas umum, sosial, dan ekonomi yang memadai,  serta penekanan hunian yang merupakan transformasi pembaharuan rumah tradisional Bugis-Makassar dengan sentuhan arsitektur neo-vernakuler. Kata kunci: permukiman nelayan, kondisi eksisting, aktivitas, partisipatif, profesi, perancangan.   Kara'ba Kampoong   is a fisherman's kampoong in cost city of Makassar which in fact unattended and   less organized. Beside of that, there is no legality settled. Kara'ba Kampoong included in the prone to natural disasters category such as tidal wave, flood, whirlwind, and also threats of evictions that make people restless, and even to the surrounding development forced the fishing community in Kara'ba to change their job.  It also  causes the arrangement discourse and planning of Kara'ba Kampoong. So, it is very important the existence of extracting fisherman kampoong, so that later can be include by design plan. By using the participative method or involving   the community and related parties overall and field observation. This writing aims to know  about  existing  condition and activities in Kara'ba Fisherman Kampoong. In cost city of Makassar, there are many kind of existing conditions which allows to be included in designing planing of Kara'ba Fisherman Kampoong, but some of them should not exist for the creation of a joint design, which is expected to solve the problems in the future, so by that process designing of Kara'ba settlement can be created which is the character of the Fisherman Kampong Bugis- Makassar with infrastruckture, public facilities, sosial, adequate economy, and four types of dwellings are tranformation of traditional house renewal Bugis-Makassar with architecture neo-vernakuler.

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