LOSARI : Jurnal Arsitektur Kota dan Pemukiman
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Published By Universitas Muslim Indonesia

2527-8886, 2502-4892

Novi Noviar nurdin kasim ◽  
Imelda Meldawati Artayani

Kampung Kara’ba merupakan kampung nelayan yang ada di pesisir Kota Makassar  yang  pada kenyataannya kurang tertata dan diperhatikan. Disamping legalitas bermukim yang tidak ada, Kampung Kara'ba masuk dalam kategori rawan akan bencana alam seperti ombak pasang,  banjir, angin  puyuh dan juga  ancaman akan penggusuran yang terus meresahkan kalangan masyarakat Kara'ba, bahkan sampai pada pembangunan disekitarnya yang memaksa masyarakat nelayan Kara'ba mau tidak mau harus beralih profesi. Hal itu juga yang menyebabkan adanya wacana penataan dan perencanaan Kampung Kara'ba. Maka dari itu perlu adanya penggalian data eksisting dan aktivitas pada Kampung Nelayan Kara’ba agar nantinya bisa menjadi masukan rencana desain. Dengan menggunakan metode partisipatif atau pelibatan warga dan pihak-pihak terkait secara menyeluruh serta observasi lapangan, penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi eksisting dan aktivitas Kampung Nelayan Kara’ba. Pada pesisir pantai Makassar, terdapat berbagai macam kondisi  eksisting dan aktivitas yang dilakukan  oleh penduduk setempat maupun pengunjung. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, didapatkan hasil bahwa ada beberapa kondisi eksisting yang memungkinkan untuk dimasukkan dalam rencana perancangan Kampung Nelayan Kara’ba, tetapi ada pula yang sebaiknya dihilangkan demi terciptanya suatu rancangan bersama, yang diharapkan dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan ditingkatan warga dan tidak lagi menimbulkan permasalahan kedepannya, sehingga dari proses tersebut terciptalah hasil desain perancangan permukiman Kara'ba yang bercirikan perkampungan suku Bugis-Makassar dengan infrastruktur, fasilitas umum, sosial, dan ekonomi yang memadai,  serta penekanan hunian yang merupakan transformasi pembaharuan rumah tradisional Bugis-Makassar dengan sentuhan arsitektur neo-vernakuler. Kata kunci: permukiman nelayan, kondisi eksisting, aktivitas, partisipatif, profesi, perancangan.   Kara'ba Kampoong   is a fisherman's kampoong in cost city of Makassar which in fact unattended and   less organized. Beside of that, there is no legality settled. Kara'ba Kampoong included in the prone to natural disasters category such as tidal wave, flood, whirlwind, and also threats of evictions that make people restless, and even to the surrounding development forced the fishing community in Kara'ba to change their job.  It also  causes the arrangement discourse and planning of Kara'ba Kampoong. So, it is very important the existence of extracting fisherman kampoong, so that later can be include by design plan. By using the participative method or involving   the community and related parties overall and field observation. This writing aims to know  about  existing  condition and activities in Kara'ba Fisherman Kampoong. In cost city of Makassar, there are many kind of existing conditions which allows to be included in designing planing of Kara'ba Fisherman Kampoong, but some of them should not exist for the creation of a joint design, which is expected to solve the problems in the future, so by that process designing of Kara'ba settlement can be created which is the character of the Fisherman Kampong Bugis- Makassar with infrastruckture, public facilities, sosial, adequate economy, and four types of dwellings are tranformation of traditional house renewal Bugis-Makassar with architecture neo-vernakuler.

Rahmat Biki ◽  
Dewi Wahyuni K Baderan ◽  
Marini Susanti Hamidun

It is essential to involve communities in the surrounding areas or buffer zones towards effective and efficient forest area management in the management of forest conservation areas. As one of the supporting villages in the Nantu-Boliyohuto Wildlife Sanctuary area, Sari Tani Village is located in the Wonosari sub-district, Boalemo Regency, which needs to be a part of a collaboration or partner in sustainable forest management. Therefore, the community's welfare in the buffer village should be a common concern as a manifestation of the vision of sustainable forest management. Accordingly, this research seeks to measure the welfare level of the community in the village. The data were generated from interviews and observations on 85 families as research samples. Those were further analyzed using descriptive, qualitative, and quantitative methods, referring to eight welfare indicator criteria based on the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS 2016) with weighting or scoring. The results indicated that the score of the welfare indicator assessment was 13. It means that the welfare level of the Sari Tani village community was in the low category number interval. Thus, it is suggested to develop the village area as the smallest government administration area and as a buffer village for the Nantu-Boliyohuto wildlife sanctuary area using an approach to indicators that affect the level of welfare, viz. education, employment, levels and patterns of consumption, and poverty.  

Ahmad Nadhil Edar

Temperature affects humidity. The interaction of temperature and humidity also directly affects the health and well-being of humans. The relative humidity (RH) of the air is an indication of how much water vapor is in the air at a particular temperature compared with how much water vapor the air could actually hold at that temperature. Air at 100 % relative humidity holds the maximum amount of water possible at that particular temperature and is said to be saturated. Therefore, air at 50% relative humidity, regardless of temperature, is holding half of its total possible water capacity. In essence, cold air cannot hold as much water vapor as warm air. In a closed environment such as a display case, there will be a fixed amount of water vapor, referred to as the absolute humidity. If the temperature inside the case falls then the relative humidity will rise. If the temperature rises the relative humidity will fall. Such changes in relative humidity could be caused by many factors including direct sunlight, spotlights and air-conditioning failures. Research carried out by experimental studies that we can get the humidity ratio and specific enthalpy in a kind of rooms either using The Psychrometric Chart and The formula. The specific humidity or humidity ratio of an air sample is the ratio of the weight of water vapor contained in the sample compared to the weight of the dry air in the same sample. Enthalpy is the amount of heat (energy) in the air per unit mass. Enthalpy is the total amount of energy present in the air, both from air and water vapor contained therein. And, Specific enthalpy of moist air is defined as the total enthalpy of the dry air and the water vapor mixture - per unit mass of dry air. Keywords: Temperature; Relative Humidity; Humidity Ratio; Specific Enthalpy.

Shofiyah Nurmasari

Koridor Prof Hamka merupakan koridor utama strategis dingaliyan Semarang. Di selatan koridor terdapat Kota Satelit BSB dan disepanjang koridor terdapat kampus UIN Walisongo. Koridor Prof. Hamka menjadi koridor yang padat dan berkembang pesat dengan keberadaan 2 magnet Kawasan ini. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisa Pengaruh Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Koridor Prof Hamka Semarang dengan keberadaan 2 magnet Kawasan tersebut berdasarkan teori Hamid Shirvani. Metode yang digunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil analisis diketahui bahwa Kampus UIN Walisongo dan Kota Satelit BSB menjadi magnet beragam aktivitas dalam Koridor Prof. Hamka. BSB dan Kampus UIN Walisongo memberi Pengaruh terhadap perubahan pada Tata Guna Lahan, Tata Massa Bangunan, Sirkulasi dan parkir, Pedestrian ways, Penandaan, Ruang Terbuka dan Kegiatan Pendukung di Koridor Prof. Hamka.

Maya Fitriani

This study aims 1) to determine the characteristics and patterns of community activities in sanitation management in the slum areas in Gorontalo City, 2) to find out the sanitary conditions in the slum areas in Gorontalo City, and 3) to find out the influence of communities’ behavior on environmental sanitation in the slum areas in Gorontalo City. This study was conducted in five slum areas in Gorontalo, those are Limba B Village, Biawao Village, Bugis Village, Botu Village, and Leato Selatan Village. The techniques and procedures used in this research are direct interviews and questionnaires with a Likert model of measurement scale. This study applies a quantitative method with Multiple Linear Regression analysis. This study discovers that 1) community characteristics and activity patterns are perceived by respondents in the good category. 2) The respondents perceive drainage, drinking water and clean water, wastewater, and solid waste in the good category. 3) The characteristics and patterns of community activities simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on environmental sanitation in slum areas, while partially only the activity patterns.

Irfan ◽  
Mahludin H. Baruwadi ◽  
Sukirman Rahim

The study aims at analysing the management strategy of slums areas. In addition, this study is carried out in all slums in Gorontalo City. The techniques and procedures employed in this study are survey, FGD (Focus Group Discussion), and interview.  At the same time, the analysis method is done by applying a quantitative approach, where the analysis  for scoring the aspects of slum levels referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Number 14 of 2018, the measurement of priority aspects in handling slums using AHP (analytic hierarchy process) analysis, and management strategy applying SWOT analysis. Finding reveal that 1) the slum level in Gorontalo City is in the light slum category with the biggest problem is Drainage  for 42% and the slightest problem is potable water for 23%, 2) the priority aspect in handling slum are potable water for 42,25%, 3)  the management strategies of slum area are performed by enhancing  collaboration  between  regional and  central programs with the provision complete supporting documents to meet technical planning criteria that have good  quality, improving the role of  Housing and   Settlement Working Group (POKJA PKP) in supporting program coordination, advocacy of Regional Working Unit and stakeholders in Gorontalo City, and   providing  strategic inputs  proposing  a  planning  budget  for  slum  area management.   In addition, the management strategy is carried out by preparing planning documents for the handling of slums that are integrated with other planning documents and increasing the role of social institutions in the community in supporting the handling of slums.

Arinda Wahyuni ◽  
Ahmad Nadhil Edar

Research on "Study of the rate ceiling Occupant Comfort House Live" aims to determine the appropriate standard ceiling height for the convenience of residents, to determine the effect of color on the comfort level of the household, to find a good material used for the ceiling of the house. The research was conducted by means of surveys, and the distribution of questionnaires to residents live to be studied, namely residents living that has a high ceiling, low, and medium. To achieve these objectives, the research methods used to study "Ceiling Study on Occupant Comfort Level House Live", namely: Observation is one of the methods of data collection techniques that not only measures the attitudes of respondents (interviews and questionnaires), but also can be used to record a variety of phenomena that occur (situation, condition). Questionnaire/ questionnaire was conducted data collection techniques by providing a set of questions or statements to others as respondents to answer. Research using this research tool gauges is distance meter ceiling height. Literature is a data collection technique in which researchers collected data on the theoretical basis associated with the object examined

Risnawati K ◽  
A Muh Ikhsan

This research is about factors affecting changes in land use in watang pulu district, sidrap regency. the main problem is what factors cause changes in land use. this problem is seen from the physical condition of land use changes that occur in watang pulu district. thus, this study uses descriptive analysis by looking at the currently developing land use system and identifying the developing land use system around it and its suitability with existing land conditions, namely data analysis that aims to describe the state of the observation area or according to the data obtained in this study. the form of decomposition and analysis is carried out to consider the existing physical conditions at the research location in order to anticipate the development of land use that is not in accordance with the function of the land in watang pulu district

Andre Wirapati Prasasta Natsir ◽  
Iwan Setiawan ◽  
Lili Somantri

Laju pertumbuhan penduduk yang terus meningkat berjalan seiringan dengan permintaan masyarakat pada suatu fasilitas pelayanan di bidang kesehatan, khususnya rumah sakit. Kabupaten Sumedang merupakan salah satu wilayah di Provinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia yang memiliki jumlah penduduk cukup tinggi. Namun berdasarkan standar rasio tempat tidur rumah sakit dengan jumlah penduduk 1:1.000 yang dirilis oleh Kementerian Kesehatan, Kabupaten Sumedang belum memenuhi standar rasio tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kondisi sebaran rumah sakit eksisting dan menentukan alternatif lokasi rumah sakit tipe C baru yang ideal. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Sistem Informasi Geografis dengan pembobotan AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Teknik analisis data berupa analisis spasial deskriptif, network analyst service area dan overlay. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kondisi sebaran rumah sakit eksisting mampu menjangkau 13 Kecamatan dari 26 Kecamatan di Kabupaten Sumedang berdasarkan radius 10 km. Alternatif lokasi rumah sakit baru terbagi menjadi lima kelas yakni klasifikasi sangat tidak sesuai tertinggi berada di Kecamatan Buahdua dengan luas 73,27 km2, klasifikasi tidak sesuai tertinggi berada di Kecamatan Jatigede dengan luas 47,74 km2, klasifikasi agak sesuai tertinggi berada di Kecamatan Buahdua dengan luas 34,63 km2, klasifikasi sesuai tertinggi berada di Kecamatan Sumedang Utara dengan luas 11,33 km2, dan klasifikasi sangat sesuai tertinggi berada di Kecamatan  Jatinangor dengan luas 6,83 km2. Penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi masyarakat, pihak swasta, hingga pemerintah yang berkaitan dengan perencanaan pembangunan rumah sakit baru di suatu daerah.

Mohamad Ridwan

This study aims to analyze and development of existing tourism products in Samosir regency in realizing the branding of tourism Samosir regency. The research method used in this research is qualitative method with descriptive analysis technique. Research findings: (1). Culture is the main attraction in Samosir regency. (2). The existing tourist facilities in Samosir district is adequate and meet from the needs and desires of tourists. (3). Accessibility in Samosir Regency still does not meet from the aspect of quality, so it needs improvement or better development again.

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