Puput Widodo ◽  
Ibnu Prasetyo Widiyono ◽  
Yogi Ferdy Iriawan

<p><em>The study was conducted through two stages: (1) pre-development stage, which  includes; (a) review of relevant literature and research, and (b) field studies, (2) the development stage,which includes; (a) drafting, (b) validation expert, (c) testing of small-scale models, (d) testing large-scale models, and (e) of the final product.The small-scale tryout was conducted by involving 30 students of upper grades. The large-scale tryout was conducted by involving 130 students of upper grades. The data collecting instruments were an interview guideline, a questionnaire to assess characters of traditional games, a questionnaire to assess the traditional game development, a questionnaire for the assessment by the media expert, and a questionnaire for the evaluation by students. Based on the assessment by experts andteachers of physical, sports, and health education, it was  concluded that the developed models of traditional games were effective to be used in the learning for the students of upper grades.</em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 183 ◽  
Puput Widodo ◽  
Ria Lumintuarso

Penelitian ini mengadaptasi penelitian dan pengembangan pendidikan model Borg & Gall dengan menyederhanakan menjadi 2 tahapan sebagai berikut (1) tahap pra-pengembangan, tahapan ini meliputi (a) kajian literatur dan penelitian relevan dan (b) studi lapangan, (2) tahap pengembangan, tahapan ini meliputi (a) penyusunan draf, (b) validasi ahli, (c) uji coba model skala kecil, (d) uji coba model skala besar, dan (e) produk akhir. Uji coba skala kecil dilakukan terhadap 30 anak kelas atas SDN Aditirto Pejagoan Kebumen, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Uji coba skala besar dilakukan terhadap 130 anak kelas atas dari SD Negeri 1 Karangpoh, 26 siswa SD Negeri 1 Logede, 22 siswa SD Negeri 4 Pejagoan, 24 siswa SD Negeri 1 Kebulusan, dan 30 siswa SD Negeri 3 Kebulusan Kecamatan Pejagoan, Kabupaten Kebumen, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah wawancara, kuisioner penilaian karakter permainan tradisional, kuisioner observasi pengembangan permainan tradisional, kuisioner observasi keefektifan model permainan tradisional, kuisioner penilian observasi ahli media, dan kuisioner evaluasi siswa. Hasil penelitian berupa pengembangan model permainan tradisional terdiri dari 3 jenis permainan yaitu: (1) permainan goteng, (2) lari papan/segi empat, dan (3) kasti tangan. Berdasarkan penilaian para ahli materi dan guru penjasorkes dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan model permainan tradisional yang disusun sangat baik dan efektif, sehingga model permainan layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani pada siswa kelas atas. Developing Models of Traditional Games to Build Characters of Elementary School Students of Upper Grades AbstractThe study was conducted through two stages by adapting the research and development of educational models Borg & Gall as follows (1) pre-development stage, this stage include (a) review of relevant literature and research, and (b) field studies, (2) the development stage, this stage include; (a) drafting, (b) validation expert, (c) testing of small-scale models, (d) testing large-scale models, and (e) of the final product.The small-scale tryout was conducted by involving 30 students of upper grades of state elementary schools (SES) of Aditirto, Pejagoan sub-district, Kebumen regency, Central Java porovinsi. The large-scale tryout was conducted by involving 130 students of upper grades of SES 1 of Karangpoh, 26 students of SES 1 of Logede, 22 students of SES 4 of Pejagoan, 24 students of SES 1 of Kebulusan, and 30 students of SES 3 of Kebulusan Pejagoan sub-district, Kebumen regency, Central Java porovinsi. The data collecting instruments were an interview guideline, a questionnaire to assess characters of traditional games, a questionnaire to assess the traditional game development, a questionnaire for the assessment by the media expert, and a questionnaire for the evaluation by students. The results of the study of the development of models of traditional games were three types of games, i.e: (1) goteng game, (2) board/rectangle running, and (3) hand kasti. Based on the assessment by the materials experts and the teachers of physical, sports, and health education, it could be concluded that the developed modals of traditional games were very good and effective so that they were appropriate to be used in the learning physical education for the students of upper grades.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Muna Aprilianto ◽  
Tomoliyus Tomoliyus

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan buku pedoman bermain sepakbola untuk meningkatkan aspek psikologis (semangat, gembira, dan disiplin) anak usia 12-13 tahun di Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan yang terdiri atas dua tahapan yaitu tahap penelitian pendahuluan terdiri dari kajian literatur, kajian penelitian relevan, studi lapangan dan tahap pengembangan terdiri perencanaan, validasi ahli, uji skala kecil, dan uji skala besar. Peneliti ini mengambil sampel dari sekolah sepakbola di Yogyakarta. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Pada uji coba skala kecil dilakukan di SSB Real Madrid melibatkan 10 siswa dan satu orang pelatih. Pada uji coba skala besar dilakukan di dua tempat yaitu di SSB Real Madrid dan SSB Bina Putra Jaya Sleman melibatkan 38 siswa dan dua pelatih. Analsis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil validasi menunjukkan model bermain sepakbola anak usia 12-13 tahun layak untuk diuji cobakan. Berdasarkan Hasil pelaksanaan pada uji coba skala kecil dan besar secara substansi isi dan pelaksanaan tergolong sangat baik. Hasil penilaian efektivitas model tehadap psikologis anak berupa semangat, gembira, dan disiplin mengalami peningkatan: nilai pertemuan kedua lebih tinggi dari pertemuan pertama. Dapat disimpulkan model bermain sepakbola anak usia 12-13 tahun efektif untuk meningkatkan aspek psikologis berupa semangat, gembira, dan disiplin siswa dalam melakukan latihan sepakbola.Kata Kunci: model, bermain, psikologis, sekolah sepakbola Development a playing soccer model to improve the psychological aspects of 12-13 years old children in Yogyakarta AbstractThis research aims to develop a playing soccer model to improve the psychological aspects (spirit, joy, and discipline) of 12-13 years old children in Yogyakarta. This study is a research and development which consists of two stages. The Preliminary research stage and development stage. The Preliminary research stage consisted of a literature review, relevant research studies and field studies. The Development stage consisted of planning, validation expert, small-scale test, and test large scale. The Validation involve three people experts. The sampel of take it from soccer school in Yogyakarta. The small-scale tryout was conducted on 10 students and one coach of Real Madrid Soccer School in Yogyakarta. The large-scale trials were conducted with two soccer school on 38 students and two coach of Yogyakarta Real Madrid Soccer School and Sleman Bina Putra Jaya Soccer School. The resul is a playing soccer model for children aged 12-13 years with the title "Playing Soccer in Practice to Improve Psychological Aspects". Based on the small-scale tryout and the small-scale tryout content implementation aspects are in an excellent category. The Psychological development of students assessment resulting in the form of passion, joy, and discipline in playing soccer show improvement: score of the second meeting is greater than the average score of the first meeting, thus it can be concluded thaat the playing soccer model for children age 12-13 years is effective to improve students’ psychological aspects, including the aspects of spirit, joy, and discipline in doing soccer practice.Keywords: models, play, psychological, soccer school

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-121
Ari Wibowo ◽  
Basri Basri

This study aims to develop a digital literacy design based on local wisdom so that it can support social harmony in rural communities in Bangka Regency. The development of this literacy design is motivated by the high accessibility of rural communities to the use of the internet and social media, but it is not accompanied by good digital literacy skills. This study uses the Research and Development (R&D) method by adapting the Thiagarajan development cycle model which consists of four 4-D stages (define, design, develop, and disseminate). At the define stage, observations and interviews were carried out on several informants, the result was that five findings were analyzed and identified for the next stage. In the design stage, eight digital literacy components were obtained which were adapted from the Digital Literacy Across the Curriculum and adapted the Wilbur Schramm matrix format for media development, the result was that there were nine media formats that were relevant to use for local wisdom- based digital literacy. At the development stage, a small-scale test was carried out on 15 respondents, the percentage of the practicality of the media was on average 85.5%, meaning that the media was very practical to use, while in the large-scale test on 30 respondents, an average of 93.7% was obtained, the percentage of practicality the highest is in the aspects of interest and material literacy. Specifically for the development of the material aspects, there are 6 themes that are prioritized to support social harmonization in rural communities in Bangka Regency, including; 1) religious moderation, 2) tolerance, 3) prevention of hoaxes (fake news); 4) hate speech; 5) racial issues, and 6) prevention of the doctrine of religious radicalism.Keywords : Digital Literacy, Social Harmony, Local Wisdom, Rural Community

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 128
Wing Prasetya Kurniawan ◽  
M. Anis Zawawi

This study aims to produce a traditional game model as character building a physical education learning of elementary school students which is decent, effective and appropriate. The simple game model is expected to be able to develop affective, cognitive and psychomotor domains, and can be used by teachers in implementing the learning activitiesespecially physical education. This research was carried out by adapting the steps of research development Borgand Gall (2007: 580-581), which is modified into 8 step implementation of research which includes: (1) the collection of information (2) analysis of the information gathered (3) developing the initial product, (4) validation by experts and revision (5) small-scale field trials and revision (6) large-scale field trials and revisions (7) the manufacture of final products, and (8) test the effectiveness of the product. Small-scale trials were conducted to 20 students in SD Nsiramanan 3. A large trial was conducted to 22 students in SDN Kesamben 5 and 22 students in SDN Babadan 1. The instrument used to collect data were observation guide (observation), interviews, field notes, scale values, assessment sheets of effectiveness test and assessment of learning outcomes. Guttman Scale Data Analysis technique was used to analyze the data. The result of the research is a simple game model consisting models of the game, namely: Goteng (Gobak sodor dan bentengan). Model games are arranged in the form of manuals and DVDs with the title “knowledge as traditional game”. Based on the results of expert assessment of materials and trainers it can be concluded that the traditional game model as character building in physical educational learning for the elementary school students is able to develop affective, cognitive and psychomotor domains.

Moh. Noer ◽  
Ali Maksum ◽  
Anung Priambodo

This research aims to develop instruments for assessing lower and upper service engineering skills in volleyball games for 6th-grade students in elementary schools. This research uses research and development methods, with the following development steps: (1) information gathering in the field, (2) analyze the information collected, (3) developing initial products, (4) expert validation and revision, (5) small-scale trials and revisions, (6) large-scale trials and revisions, (7) manufacturing of final products. The subject of this research is 6th-grade students of elementary students. Data analysis for the validity test was carried out with CVR (content validity ratio) and reliability using Alpha Cronbach. This research resulted in a handbook of instrument assessment tools for service techniques of lower and upper service in volleyball games for 6th-grade elementary school students, which contained instructions for use, student assignments sheets, assessment guidelines, assessment rubrics, and scoring tables, which have high validity. (1) And under service reliability initial attitude: r = 0.975, implementation: r = 0.961, follow-up motion: r = 0, 955. Upper Service for initial attitude: r = 0.961, implementation: r = 0.974, follow-up motion: r = 0.989.

Ade Evriansyah Lubis ◽  
Mhd Fahmi ◽  
Mawardinur Mawardinur ◽  
Filli Azandi ◽  
Agung Nugroho

Character formation should be done as early as possible. Early age is a time when a person gets the right to play with high intensity. One of the processes of character building can be done in the learning process of formal education. Moreover, the most economical form of a game is the traditional game. Therefore, efforts are needed to actualize traditional game activities for elementary school students. The socialization process was carried out using a demonstration method, both theoretically and practically. Moreover, data collection was carried out using a questionnaire. As for the results of this Community Service activity, it can be concluded that the activity went well where the principal, teachers, and students were very enthusiastic in implementing a series of socialization activities for traditional games.

Atmosphere ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 863
Roberto Paoli

This paper presents a general procedure to incorporate the effects emissions from localized sources, such as aircraft or ship engines, into chemical transport models (CTM). In this procedure, the species concentrations in each grid box of a CTM are split into plume or small-scale concentrations and background concentrations, respectively, and the corresponding conservation equations are derived. The plume concentrations can be interpreted as subgrid contributions for the CTM grid-box averaged concentrations. The chemical reactions occurring inside the plume are parameterized by introducing suitable “effective” reaction rates rather than modifying the emission indices of the species inside the plume. Various methods for implementation into large-scale models are discussed that differ by the accuracy of the description of plume process. The mathematical consistency of the method is verified on simple idealized setting consisting of a reactive plume in homogeneous turbulence.

Dewi Handayani ◽  
Elvinawati Elvinawati ◽  
Isnaeni Isnaeni ◽  
Muzanip Alperi

This research is the development of guided discovery based electronic module that aims to know the eligibility level of e-modules and student responses to guided discovery-based electronic modules in redox reaction material. This electronic module uses the ADDIE development model. The research was conducted at one of the high schools in Bengkulu with the subject 9 students of X MIPA A Students for small scale trials and 30 students of X MIPA D Students for large scale trials. From the results of the research obtained (1) the percentage of the feasibility of e-modules on the material aspect is 86,315% while from the media aspect is 91.425% so that based on the results of validation by the E-module validator is declared very valid, (2) based on the test results of the small-scale student response percentage of 75.97 % with interesting category, while for large-scale trials of 84.48% with a very interesting category. From the results percentage, it can be concluded that e-module is suitable for use in learning. Electronic module based on guided discovery is an effective tool to help students in learning redox reaction subject. E-module can be accessed by smartphone or laptop. With this e-module, students can access the study material from everywhere without any time limitation.

Anggia Sekarini Yosanti

Purose of the study to find out the steps to delevlop videomedia making body pattern woman with draping system. Research development using team theory puslijaknov which includes 5 stages namely product analsyis to be developed, develop the intial product, validation exprest and revisions, small scale trials and revisions, large-scale trials and products end. Reserarch instruments use sheet use of media in learning. Techique descriptive analysis. Research result shows the development of video media learning through: product analysis that is requirements for the type of developments. Step observations to reveal the use of the syllabus analysis and analysis of developing media, the intial product is the process of making a video validation process for experst to find out the feasibility of the media, test small scale implementation of learning use video that was revoked 2 observer with good results, large scale test implementation of learning using video which was observed by observers with the results are very good.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Komarudin Komarudin ◽  
Suherman Suherman ◽  
Laila Puspita ◽  
Indy Alda Savitri

The purpose of this study was to develop a teaching material in the form of an electronic magazine in mathematics learning. This study uses research and development methods. The development procedure used is the ADDIE (Annalyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) development model procedure. Data collection techniques used were observation, questionnaires and tests. The sample used was class VII SMP (Junior High School). The data analysis technique used is the t test. Based on the results of the validation carried out the media developed obtained very appropriate criteria by experts (media experts and material experts). Judging from the attractiveness of the results obtained from 2 large-scale trials and small-scale electronic magazines that were obtained obstained very interesting criteria. Based on the results of the t-test it was found that the learning outcomes of students using electronic electronic magazines were better than the learning outcomes of students who did not use mathematical electronic magazines. Based on this, it can be concluded that electrochemical magazines in mathematics learning developed can be used as mathematical learning aids.

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