scholarly journals Improved Analysis Animals and Plants in My House (IPA) through The Discovery Learning Method Class IV

Wahyu Hidayat

<p><em>In improving the achievement of students in science lessons, especially in the discussion of animals and plants in my home environment, the fourth grade students at SD Negeri Tombo 02 were selected using the discovery learning method. Discovery learning method is a teaching method that focuses on the activities of students in learning. In the learning process with this method, the teacher only acts as a guide and facilitator who directs students to find concepts, arguments, procedures, algorithms and the like. Thus students are encouraged to be more actively involved in learning materials and develop critical thinking skills in fourth grade students of SD Negeri Tombo 02, Bandar District, Batang Regency, 2020/2021 school year.</em><em> </em><em>After analyzing the value of the science learning process and results, the authors summarize the problems that occur in online learning, including:</em><em> </em><em>a. Students are less able to mention animals and plants,</em><em> </em><em>b. Students are less able to explain the parts of plant functions for humans,</em><em> </em><em>c. Students' perspectives are less able to explain the Indonesian landscape</em><em>. </em><em>From the results of the problem analysis above, it can be analyzed, including:</em><em> </em><em>Is the problem caused by inappropriate media or learning devices, learning materials that are not in accordance with the interests of students, or learning methods do not attract students.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Mochamad Yusuf

The purpose of this research was assess the activity of teachers, students, enhancement of critical thinking skils student,  results cognitive study, and to know student respon for learning that applied “Everyone  is a Teacher Here”strategy for cooperative models. Research used Classroom Action Research (CAR)methods. The subjects and the location of research was fourth grade students of  Hidayatul Mubtadiin Primary School, amounting to 26 students.The instrument used in this research consisted of sheet of observation teachers activities, sheets of observation of students avtivities, critical thinking skills test, cognitive results studies test, sheets of observation of afective results studies test, sheets of observation of psicomotoric results studies test, and sheets of respons students. The result showed that the activity of teacher, students, critical thinking skills, and the student’s results  study was increase significantly during two cycles with their respective percentage of completeness. Learning of applying “Everyone  is a Teacher Here” strategy for Cooperative models got positive respons from students so worthy to be applied by the teacher.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Novika Hapsari Susilo ◽  
Arfilia Wijayanti ◽  
Filia Prima Artharina

This study aims to determine the application of What 's In Here game based on the Team Games Tournament (TGT) model to foster critical thinking skills of fourth grade students at Gabus 04 SDN Pati. This research is quantitative research. This study uses One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The population in this study were all fourth grade students at Gabus 04 Pati SDN totaling 31 students in the 2018/2019 school year. The instruments used are (1) Test. (2) Questionnaire, (3) Observation, and (3) Documentation. Data analysis using technical analysis of normality test data, hypothesis testing (t-test), and N-Gain Test. The normality test is used to find out whether the class is normally distributed or not. Hypothesis testing uses the t-test. The N- Gain test is used to calculate students' critical thinking abilities. The results of the research conducted can be concluded that the game What 's In Here can be applied to foster critical thinking skills of fourth grade students at Gabus SDN 04 Pati. This can be seen from the improvement of students' critical thinking skills. Besides that it is reinforced by the results of t-test calculations obtained by tcount for critical thinking skills of 7.232 and ttable of 1.694 because of tcount (7.232)> ttable (1.694), so this shows that the t test of critical thinking skills is significant. While the results of the observations carried out the highest aspects, namely the synthesizing skills of 78.2%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 176
Susilo Rudi ◽  
Henny Dewi Koeswanti ◽  
Sri Giarti

This study aims to improve critical thinking skills and mathematics learning outcomes of fourth-grade students of SD Tingkir Tengah 02 Salatiga in the second semester of the 2018/2019 academic year. Critical thinking and learning outcomes are low because the teacher uses the lecture method. The author chooses the Open-Ended model assisted by powerpoint media as a solution. Research procedures include planning, action, observation, and reflection. The results showed an increase from the initial condition with 9 students or 25.71% completed and 29 students or 74.29% not complete. The implementation of the first cycle results obtained 29 students or 82.86% completed and 6 students or 17.14% did not complete. Cycle II as a follow-up and improvement of the first cycle with the acquisition of achieving attainment of 35 students or 100%. The results obtained by the conclusion of the application of Open-Ended learning assisted by powerpoint media can improve critical thinking skills and mathematics learning outcomes of fourth-grade students of SD Tingkir Tengah 02 Salatiga second semester of the 2018/2019 academic year.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-9
Sinta Maria Dewi ◽  
Anita Monica Risma

This study aims to determine the differences between cooperative learning methods of bamboo dance type on critical thinking skills of fourth grade students in social studies learning. This research is a type of quantitative research. The population used in this study were all fourth grade students, amounting to 85 students. By taking a sample of 10% of the members of the population, the sample was 40 students, 20 students in the experimental class and 20 students in the control class. The technique of collecting data through tests of critical thinking skills of class IV students in social studies learning. Data analysis techniques to test hypotheses are done by calculating the statistics of independent sample tests. The results showed that the values of the experimental class and the control class were different. With the average value of the end of the experimental class 57.75 higher than the final value of the control class of 47.60. Based on the results of the calculation of the hypothesis test shows that the probability value (significance) is 0,000. Because the significance value of 0,000 <α = 0.05, meaning that this proves that there are differences in the use of the method of cooperative learning type of bamboo dance on critical thinking skills of fourth grade students in social studies learning.

Mahmud Alpusari ◽  
Eva Astuti Mulyani ◽  
Neni Hermita ◽  
Elpri Darta Putra

This study aims to evaluate the implementation of an approach to improve elementary school students’ critical thinking skills. The approach is called MIKIR that stands for mengalami (experiencing), interaksi (interaction), komunikasi (Communication), internalisasi (internalization), and refleksi (reflection). This research was conducted at a public elementary school in Pasir Penyu District, Indragiri Hulu Regency, Indonesia. The subject of this research was 23 fourth grade students. The method used in this research was quasi-experimental method. The experimental design used in this study was pre-test and post-test one group design. The results of the study obtained an average pretest score of 22.13 and an average posttest score of 27.70 from a maximum score of 36. Based on these results, the score increased by 5.57 points or 20.10%. The overall average N-gain value of 0.41 with moderate criteria, so that the MIKIR approach can improve fourth grade students’ critical thinking skills. This result was supported by the results of student learning activities and student responses to learning with the MIKIR approach obtaining an average of 84.6% with a very good category.

Ridania Ekawati

Student worksheet (LKS) is one of the learning tools that can enable students in learning. LKS mathematics are widely used basically not in accordance with the characteristics of students and yet accommodate the students to develop their creative thinking skills to solve problems. Such circumstances become one of the triggers of low activity of the students than teachers in learning. This fact necessary to find a solution in the form of developing LKS. This solution is realized in the form of developing LKS Discovery Learning valid oriented, practical, and effective. This type of research is the development of research. This study adopts a model McKenny, consisting of the preliminary analysis phase, design phase, and assessment phase. LKS developed validated by linguists, content and construct. Kepratisan seen through the observation of learning implementation, the questionnaire responses of students and teachers. Effectiveness seen through observation of activities and results of students' creative thinking in finding the concept of learning. The results showed that the Discover LKS oriented Learning to fourth grade have developed valid criteria in terms of content, approach, format, and language. Validity of LKS developed in the category valid. Observation, questionnaires, and interviews indicate that the LKS has been practical in terms of ease of use, time of use, and readability by teachers and students. In addition, LKS developed has also been effective in increasing student activity in learning and can develop creative thinking abilities of students through the novelty of the concept, flexibility and fluency. Based on these results, we can conclude that the LKS oriented Discovery Learning that developed for fourth grade students declared valid, practical, and effective.Keywords:  Mathematics, Discovery Learning, LKS

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 150
Winda Putri Ardhia ◽  
Dwi Prasetiyawati ◽  
Sunan Baedowi

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of dakota media on students' critical thinking skills in KPK and FPB material. This type of research is quantitative with the research design of One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The population were all fourth grade students of SDN 01 Gemuhblanten. The sample taken was 19 fourth grade students. The data in this study were obtained through tests, interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of hypothesis testing on students' critical thinking abilities show that tcount 19.851 and ttable 2.086 with a significancy level of 5%. Because tcount> ttable is 19.851> 2.086, then Ha is accepted, that is, dacota media has an effect on students' critical thinking abilities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-66
Awalus Sa'diyah ◽  
Yari Dwikurnaningsih

This research aims to improve critical thinking skills on thematic learning of fourth-grade elementary school through discovery learning model. The design of the study was based on classroom action research by Kemmis & McTaggart with two cycles. This research procedure was done by implementing discovery learning model which was planned, action, observation, and reflection. The quantitative and qualitative data were compared to the data analysis technique. The sample of this research was eighteens fourth-grade public elementary school in Kutowinangun 11. The results showed that implementation discovery learning model in thematic learning could increase critical thinking skills’ student of the fourth-grade public elementary school in Kutowinangun 11with average of an increasing percentage of critical thinking skills was 16.04%, with the average score in cycle 1 was 68 and cycle 2 was 81. Increasing critical thinking skills occurs through discovery learning steps includes stimulation, problem statements, data collection, data processing, verification, and generalization.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 62 ◽  
M. Anas Thohir ◽  
Wasis Wasis ◽  
Sugimin WW

This research is focused to remediate students’s misconceptions to dynamic electrical materials. Remediation activities are performed by improving critical thinking skills through guided discovery learning method. This research through two stages, namely the stage of development of learning instrument that using the design of 4-D models Thiagarajan (1974) continued with the implementation of the 35 students on Physics Education 2011 class A at State University of Surabaya by one group pretest-posttest design. The results of data analysis showed that the devices in good category, assement of the implementation of guided discovery learning method derived from observer with good category. Implementation of guided discovery methods of learning dynamicelectric materials can improve critical thinking skills of the students. Profiles initial misconceptions are found in each of the concepts before learning and decreased after remediation. The result is closely linked to increased student thinking skills. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that learning instrument was developed to enhance the learning of critical thinking skills in an effort to remediate student’s misconceptions dynamical electric material, but the result of correlation analysis between improving critical skill with remediation of misconceptions is not significant. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meremediasi miskonsepsi mahasiswa materi listrik dinamis. Kegiatan remediasi dilakukan dengan meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis melalui pembelajaran metode penemuan terbimbing. Penelitian ini melalui dua tahap, yaitu tahap pengembangan perangkat mengikuti rancangan 4-D model Thiagarajan (1974) dilanjutkan dengan implementasi perangkat pada 35 mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika 2011 kelas A di Universitas Negeri Surabaya dengan desain One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptis dan kuantitatif.  Data hasil penelitian menunjukkan penilaian perangkat dalam kategori baik, keterlaksanaan pembelajaran metode penemuan terbimbing diperoleh dari penilaian pengamat mendapatkan nilai rata-rata keterlaksanaan 3,6 dengan katagori sangat baik. Implementasi pembelajaran metode penemuan terbimbing materi listrik dinamis dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa. Profil miskonsepsi awal ditemukan pada setiap konsep sebelum pembelajaran dan menurun setelah remediasi. Penemuan tersebut tidak terlepas dari meningkatnya keterampilan berpikir mahasiswa. Berdasakan hasil analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dalam upaya remediasi miskonsepsi mahasiswa materi listrik dinamis, namun hasil analisis pengaruh peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis terhadap remediasi miskonsepsi tidak signifikan.

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