2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Eko - Soponyono

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>Implementatio</em><em>n of the system fabric between “general rules” with “special rules” in the substantive criminal system can not be separated from the criminal system policy will be pursued by members of the House of representatives in understanding all juridical problems are there to make a better one. Implementation of the system fabric between “general rules” with “special rules” in the substantive criminal system in Indonesia is not always ideal, because the neglect of understanding of the system of punishment in the criminal code. These conditions can be further complicated when the New penal code bill with no reforming indication intelligently addressed by the Legislature in policy formulation. Based on the above reasons, this report is organized in the hope of giving firmness to the interested student attitudes material criminal law, Law Enforcement Authorities, especially Holders Policy Formulation Phase (the Legislature).</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Integrated Systems, general rules, Special rules, Sentencing System</em></p><p align="center"> <strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p> </p><p>Implementasi jalinan sistem antara <em>“general rules” dengan “special rules” </em>dalam sistem pemidanaan substantif   tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan kebijakan sistem pemidanaan yang akan ditempuh oleh anggota DPR dalam memahami semua permasalahan juridis yang ada untuk membuat yang lebih baik. Implementasi jalinan sistem antara <em>“general rules” dengan “special rules” </em>dalam sistem pemidanaan substantif di Indonesia tidak senantiasa ideal, karena terabaikannya pemahaman atas sistem pemidanaan dalam ketentuan induknya di KUHP/WvS. Kondisi demikian bisa akan lebih rumit lagi ketika RUU KUHP Baru dengan indikasi kebaharuannya tidak disikapi secara cerdas oleh Badan Legislatif dalam kebijakan formulasinya. Berdasar alasan di atas,  tulisan ini disusun dengan harapan dapat memberi ketegasan sikap bagi mahasiswa peminat hukum pidana materiil, Aparat Penegak Hukum,   terutama Pemegang Kebijakan Tahap Formulasi (Badan Legislatif ).</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>Jalinan Sistem, Ketentuan Umum, Ketentuan Khusus, Sistem Pemidanaan</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 778-783
Christina Maya Indah Susilowati ◽  

This paper seeks to evaluate minor offenses in the Criminal Code in Indonesia. So far, the value limit for determining minor offenses in Indonesia is increasingly irrelevant to the value of the currency due to inflation. It will cause a gap in criminal law in dealing with changes. As the result, police will do unfair and non-humanistic law implementation. The objective of this study is to identify the importance of revising the lower limit of minor offenses in the Criminal Code in Indonesia. The study used a socio-legal method on the contextualization of Indonesian Criminal Codes related to the categorization of minor offense regulation in Government Regulation No. 2 of 2012 and in Penal Code, by utilizing a humanitarian perspective in law enforcement, especially by police who still charge some minor offenses with 5 years imprisonment. The results confirmed that some changes have been made related to this matter as the Indonesian Supreme Court has made some regulations, such as No. 2 of 2012 on adjustment in minor offense law. This means that all criminals doing minor offenses cannot behold as prisoners in the investigation or prosecution process. The main contribution of this study is to construct a perspective of legal and regulatory issues to emphasize a fair of justice in dealing with minor offenses with a model of humanistic law enforcement. The result is expected to practically contribute and recommend the importance of constructing fairness of justice principle in law enforcement in particular and of revising minor offense sentencing in general.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-216
Prianter Jaya Hairi

The legal arrangement of additional penalty for repetition of crime (recidivism) as stipulated in Indonesian Criminal Code has been considered quite complicated to be executed. The draft of the New Indonesian Penal Code Bill brings changes to the concept of recidivism. This study intends to examine the concept of recidivism in the doctrine, in its current arrangement, in the draft of the New Indonesian Penal Code Bill, and to examine the implications of the concepts’ changing for criminal law enforcement in general. In the discussion it is known that the existing Criminal Code, applied the concept of special recidivism with the intermediate system, that will be transformed into a system of "Algemene Recidive" or a general recidive, which means that it would no longer differentiates the type of crime or group of repeated offenses. The draft of the New Indonesian Penal Code Bill stipulates that the period of time a person is charged due to a recidive is an additional "5 (five) years" after undergoing all or part of the principal punishment imposed or after the principal criminal sentence has been abolished, or when the crime was committed, the previous sentences has not been expired (still serving a criminal sentence). Some of the implications of these changes are to include a relatively simpler concept of recidivism in the draft Criminal Code compare to what is currently regulated in the Criminal Code. Therefore, this concept will make it easier for law enforcers to implement recidivism. Implementation of the concept of recidivism should be followed by changes in criminal procedural instruments (RUU KUHAP) and other regulations related to technical procedures in each law enforcement agency. Changes in the recidivist system also need to be followed by efforts to reform the penitentiary system, so that the level of recidivism would not increased.AbstrakPengaturan hukum mengenai pemberatan hukuman karena pengulangan tindak pidana (residivisme) yang terdapat dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) selama ini dipandang cukup rumit untuk diterapkan. RUU Hukum Pidana membawa perubahan terhadap konsep residivisme. Artikel ini bermaksud untuk mengkaji bagaimana konsep residivisme dalam doktrin, dalam pengaturannya saat ini, dalam draft RUU Hukum Pidana, serta mengkaji implikasi perubahan konsep tersebut bagi penegakan hukum pidana secara umum. Dalam pembahasan diketahui bahwa KUHP yang selama ini berlaku, menerapkan sistem residivis khusus dengan sistem antara, akan diubah menjadi sistem “Algemene Recidive” atau recidive umum, yang artinya sudah tidak lagi membedakan jenis tindak pidana atau kelompok jenis tindak pidana yang diulangi. RUU Hukum Pidana diantaranya mengatur bahwa jangka waktu seseorang dikenakan pemberatan akibat recidive ialah “5 (lima) tahun” setelah menjalani seluruh atau sebagian pidana pokok yang dijatuhkan atau pidana pokok yang dijatuhkan telah dihapuskan, atau pada waktu melakukan Tindak Pidana, kewajiban menjalani pidana pokok yang dijatuhkan terdahulu belum kedaluwarsa (masih menjalani pidana). Beberapa implikasi dari perubahan tersebut antara lain bahwa konsep recidivis dalam draf RUU Hukum Pidana relatif lebih simpel dibandingkan dengan yang diatur dalam KUHP yang berlaku saat ini. Oleh sebab itu konsep tersebut akan lebih memudahkan penegak hukum dalam penerapannya. Penerapan konsep residivis perlu diikuti dengan perubahan instrumen hukum acara pidana (RUU KUHAP) serta peraturan lain terkait prosedur teknis di masing-masing lembaga penegak hukum. Perubahan sistem residivis juga perlu diikuti dengan upaya pembenahan terhadap sistem pembinaan lembaga pemasyarakatan, agar tingkat residivisme tidak semakin tinggi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Elpina Elpina ◽  
Mariah Sonanggok Purba

A crime of narcotics abuse has experienced an alarming development, one of which is the increasing factor of narcotics abuse, one of which is the legal vacuum in law enforcement against drug abuse. The approach method used uses a normative juridical approach, the research results obtained are the weaknesses of narcotics criminal law enforcement include: (a) in the formulation of criminal sanctions, namely most of the criminal sanctions in Act No. 35 of 2009 are formulated cumutatively, in the formulation of the most cumulations are between imprisonment and sufficient fines. large, there are no special rules for corporations that do not pay fines, and no specific types of sanctions (criminal / action) are seen for corporations (b) related to the issue of criminal threats, namely: there are offenses that are given a special minimum criminal threat which is If there is a deviation from the Criminal Code system, there are no specific guidelines or regulations for the application of minimum penalties, and there are no specific criminal rules to implement the minimal system can be a problem if there is participation, trial, discourse, recidive, criminal mitigation, expiration, and so on.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-34
Nontje Rimbing ◽  
Meiske T. Sondakh ◽  
Eske N. Worang

This study investigates child sexual abuse cases that remain high in Manado as well as its law enforcement against the perpetrators, especially for underage perpetrators. By using a normative legal method, this research paper aims to examine legal materials, namely the Criminal Code and the Child Protection Law No. 35 of 2014 by collecting empirical data about law enforcement by the North Sulawesi Regional Police. The findings indicate that the law enforcement on underage perpetrators depends on the investigators in charge, in principle, under Law no. 35 of 2014, and they are detained in Child Care Centers of Tomohon. Also, this research specifically underlined that law enforcement against underage perpetrators has followed the procedures of the juvenile justice system, while the victims do need special attention of institutions outside the police. To ensure the rights to education in detention, this study suggests to make special rules regarding the obligation of teachers to provide private lessons.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-39
Efraim Mbomba Reda ◽  
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
I Made Minggu Widyantara

Progressive law puts forward the sociology of law rather than legal certainty which is the focus of legal positivism. In Indonesia, this law was coined by Satjipto Rahardjo. This study aims to determine the formulation of progressive law in future criminal law, and to determine the actualization of the concept of progressive law in regulating corruption in Indonesia. The research method used is a normative legal research method with statute and conceptual approaches. The technique of collecting legal materials in this study is a descriptive method that aims to obtain the meaning of reality related to the problems to be discussed and solved in this study. The results show that in the current Criminal Code Bill, progressive law has been regulated, to be precise in Article 2 paragraph (1) and (2). Progressive law is also regulated in Law no. 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power. Then, the actualization of progressive law in regulating corruption in Indonesia is a judge with the powers that take into account the sociological context of society in making decisions. Judges, prosecutors and lawyers can certainly discuss together in eradicating corruption. Efforts are also being made to reconstruct and redefine the power of law enforcement. This arrangement can also encourage the KPK to be more progressive in eradicating corruption, as well as building law enforcers who have morality so that they can become role models and increase public participation, for example by forming NGOs in preventing or fighting corruption in various agencies.

Т.Л. Магомадова ◽  
З.Л. Магомадова

В статье рассматриваются уголовно-правовые нормы, содержащиеся в гл. 26 УК РФ, устанавливающие ответственность за экологические преступления с точки зрения определения причин их низкой применяемости в судебной практике. Выделены наиболее актуальные уголовно-правовые проблемы, раскрыт ряд вопросов эффективности применения норм об ответственности за экологические преступления и проиллюстрированы ключевые моменты примерами правоприменительной практики, предложены пути законодательного их разрешения. The article discusses the criminal law contained in Sec. 26 of the Criminal Code, establishing liability for environmental crimes in terms of determining the causes of their low applicability in judicial practice. The most relevant criminal law problems are highlighted, a number of issues of the effectiveness of the application of the rules on liability for environmental crimes are revealed, key points are illustrated with examples of law enforcement practice, and ways to legislatively resolve them are proposed.

Michail Sagandykov ◽  
Galia Shafikova

The relevance of the study is based, on the one hand, on high public danger of crimes in the sphere of labor relations and, on the other hand, on a very low interest of law enforcement, control and supervision bodies in these crimes. The authors show that modern criminal legislation in the sphere of protecting labor rights has a high potential in comparison with both Soviet and foreign criminal law norms. At the same time, this potential, primarily expressed in Chapter 19 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, remains untapped. Many norms, including Art. 136 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation «Violating the Equality of Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen», are virtually never used against discrimination in the labor sphere, although such discrimination is quite common. No such cases have been found in court statistical data, thus it is impossible to provide a comprehensive criminological description of these crimes. The norm of Art. 136 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is seldom used by law enforcers because it is legally ambiguous. In this connection the authors suggest complementing the disposition of Art. 136 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with such factors of discrimination as «age» and «marital status». The latter factor will make it possible to provide extra protection to pregnant women and women with children under three years old against unmotivated refusal of employment and firing. The authors argue that such actions of the employer should constitute an aggregate of crimes and should be punished simultaneously under Art. 136 and 145 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the authors think that it is not appropriate to make the disposition of Art. 136 a blanket one due to vague grounds for discrimination in special legislation, including labor legislation. The obtained results could be used for the improvement of Russian legislation based on theoretical research and the practice of law enforcement.

Dmitry Ovchinnikov

Currently, the economic sector of public relations is characterized by exceptional criminality. One of the main phenomena responsible for this is illegal money cashing. Almost every business entity considers it acceptable and even necessary to resort to various criminal schemes for obtaining unaccounted cash and tax evasion. The very type of this crime has actually become a thriving and profitable business, which consists in providing services for withdrawing funds from legal circulation. While the existing judicial and investigative practice in the issue of countering this phenomenon has not yet developed a clear answer about the need for appropriate qualifications. There are about a dozen articles of the criminal law in which law enforcement officers try to find the correct legal assessment, and at present, article 172 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation “Illegal banking activities” deserves special attention.

2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 380-396
Rainer Birke

In 2001, a new penal code was adopted in Ukraine after a comprehensive discussion in politics, legal science and society, replacing a codification of the Soviet era dating back to 1960, obviously unsuitable for the new realities. The new penal code of 2001 has been changed many times since then. This also applies to the criminal law provisions against corruption, evaluated and commended by GRECO. However, there is criticism of the criminal law system in Ukraine. A large number of the issues have little or nothing to do with the text of the penal code itself, but with deficits in the application of the law and the resulting loss of confidence in the activities of the law enforcement authorities. The judiciary is said to have a significant corruption problem and is significantly overloaded. The latter is to be counteracted by the introduction of the class of misdemeanor (“kryminalnyj prostupok”) in 2019 that can be investigated in a simplified procedure, which has been criticized, inter alia, because it bears the risk of the loss of quality and possibly infringes procedural rights. Also in 2019, the work on a once again completely new codification of the penal code was commenced, which is not entirely surprising in view to the existing criticism of manual errors or inadequacies of the recent code. It is to be hoped that Ukraine, with the existing will and the necessary strength, will succeed in the creation of a criminal law system that is fully in compliance with the rule of law and that a penal code will be drafted that finally finds full recognition in the society.

1992 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-235 ◽  
Miriam Gur-Arye

Criminal law defences may be classified as either “justification” or “excuse”. A justification negates the wrongfulness of the conduct. The following are considered justifications: law enforcement, self-defence and lesser evils. An excuse, on the other hand, negates only the culpability of the actor for wrongful conduct. Under special circumstances, such as extreme pressure, it is considered unfair to blame the actor for the violation of the norm. Insanity and duress are typical excuses.

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