scholarly journals Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Penggunaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Di Universitas Negeri Jakarta Ditinjau Dari Fungsi Ekstrinsik

Jurnal PenSil ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-61
Irfan Husaini ◽  
Henita Rahmayanti

This research aim to determine student’s perceptions toward green open space that has been there at the A Campus of State University of Jakarta reviewed from extrinsic functions. The research held at the A Campus of State University of Jakarta on June-July 2015.The method used in this research was a descriptive research method with survey. Sampling population in this research are students which use green open space at the A campus of State University of Jakarta. Target population in this research are students of state university of jakarta which using green open space at crowded hour. Data collection conducted with questionnaire and documentation.Results of this research are students' perceptions of the cultural dimension of the social function of the percentage reached 52.51% at one indicator assume this function has been reached, the dimensions of the aesthetic function is also considered to have achieved the highest percentage of 55.65% in one indicator, while the dimensions of the economic functions of the highest percentage of 46.86% is not considered an indicator of the implementation of this function well

Gusmardiansah Gusmardiansah ◽  
Rifdarmon Rifdarmon

Indonesia is currently experiencing many problems, the trigger is the COVID-19 outbreak so that many workers have been laid off and cause poverty. The effort made to solve this is to increase student resources who are interested in entrepreneurship. In the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Padang, there are lessons that support interest in entrepreneurship, namely the Industrial Field Experience Course (PLI). This research will look for the influence of PLI on Entrepreneurial Interest, this is done to see the entrepreneurial values that grow after the implementation of PLI. Correlational descriptive research method with a population of 83 people from the total population taken 33 people for testing, while the 50 people for research, sampling technique (simple random sampling). The results showed that there was a significant influence between variables, 84% of PLI Implementation, 77% Entrepreneurial Interest and the Influence of PLI on Entrepreneurial Interest 28.4%. Indonesia saat ini mengalami banyak permasalahan, pemicunya adalah Wabah COVID-19 sehingga banyak tenaga kerja yang di PHK dan menyebabkan kemiskinan. Usaha yang dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan ini yaitu meningkatkan Sumber Daya Mahasiswa yang berminat untuk Berwirausaha. Di fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang ada Pembelajaran yang menunjang minat berwirausaha yaitu Mata Kuliah Pengalaman Lapangan Industri (PLI). Pada penelitian ini akan di cari Pengaruh PLI terhadap Minat Berwirausah, ini dilakukan untuk melihat nilai-nilai wirausaha yang tumbuh setelah pelaksanaan PLI. Metode penelitian deskriptif korelasional dengan Populasi sebanyak 83 orang dari jumlah populasi di ambil 33 orang untuk ujicoba, sedangkan yang 50 orang untuk Penelitian, Teknik sampling (simple random sampling). Hasil penelitian adanya pengaruh siknifikan antar variabel, 84% Pelaksanaan PLI, Minat Berwirausaha 77% dan Pengaruh PLI terhadap Minat Berwirausaha 28,4%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Prima Ayu Rizqi Mahanani ◽  
Irwan Abdullah ◽  
Ratna Noviani

<p>Industry of fashion that get into the life of Salafi members makes shar'i hijab become aesthetics. Approximately 30% of Salafi women in Imam Muslim Islamic Boarding School Kediri have worn hijab shar’i as their preference. This article describes the aesthetic practices of shar’i hijab and the factors behind it. This study applies a qualitative approach using a case study as a research method in which it observes the social reality of shar’i hijab aesthetic practices among Salafi women at Imam Muslim Islamic Boarding School. The research analyzes the case and situation that occurred and also attempts to understand the informants’ point of view. Through literature studies, participatory observation, and in-depth interviews, the study found that the informants have been wearing two different shar’i hijab; dark colors and bright colors. The informants also combine their "gamis" in terms of its pattern consisting of ornaments and accents in different colors. The informants also prefer to wear a unique and funny, in order to make them look flexible, younger and up to date.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 257
Hanantyo Sri Nugroho

The Population Data Utilization System (Sidampak) in Wukirsari Village, Sleman Regency is a population administration service program that has provided many benefits. The background lacks clear planning in developing services to the community and a low level of community participation in the administration of population documents which then becomes the basis for creating a population administration service system that can provide complete, accurate, fast, easy and integrated results. This then led to a commitment for the village government of Wukirsari in making public service innovations. This innovation is not only the value of fast, easy, inexpensive, but more on the value of services that can be adapted to the culture of the Wukirsari community. Related, this study found that there are public services that consist of the Population Data Utilization System (Sidampak) program in Wukirsari Village which can then change service policies to better suit the social conditions of the community. Meanwhile, the research method used by researchers is a qualitative descriptive research method

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Gunawan Gunawan

In daily communication of among Native speakers of Malay language of Rokan dialect, which is very special because fatis can create and keep mantain the social relationship in communication. The importance of fatis in the communication of Malay dialect clearly seem that the position of fatis in many aspects namely, religion, customs, culture and manners. The theory uses is about Fatis category by Kridalaksana (1994), Malinowski in Sutami (2004. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach with descriptive research types. The research method is aimed at obtaining a description of the use of disclosure in the communi- cation of the Rokan River Malay Language. Forms of categorization of languages: Malay, Sungai Rokan dialect, District of regency, Regency of  Rokan Hulu, consisting of 25 particles, 20 in the form of words, 15 in the form of form and 6 in the form of a square and a sentence The number of syrups will be added to follow the development and the need for discussion of the Spread community itself. The function of the anti-religious in the language The Malay Sungai Rokan dialect is not only to start, greet, confirm and maintain, in this thesis, researchers  find 10 functions that are commonly used by the community of Sungai Rokan , including; pharynx functions to start, maintain, confirm, terminate, affirm, convince, admonish, praise, and fear / bully. From a group of forms, fatism in the language of living in the Sungai Rokan  is very dominant using the particle, and functions, the dominant use of which is the function and ridicule. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that the Malay language of the Rokan River Dialect has 60 forms of phisic categories and the phisic form of the particle is phatic which is often used. In terms of function, the Malay language of the Rokan River Dialect has 10 phatic functions and the dominant one is the affirmative and mocking function.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Evi Widowati ◽  
Herry Koesyanto ◽  
Anik Setyo Wahyuningsih ◽  
Sugiharto Sugiharto

Abstrak   Gedung F5 adalah gedung baru di Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan yang masih memiliki sarana keselamatan gedung yang sangat minim, dimana gedung ini memiliki potensi untuk terjadi kebakaran ataupun bencana alam lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan suatu rekomendasi sebagai upaya perbaikan dalam aspek keselamatan terhadap gedung baru F5 Universitas Negeri Semarang. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif komparatif. Hasil dari 103 poin yang dibahas, sebanyak 41 poin (39,8%) terpenuhi dan sesuai dengan standar/peraturan. Sebanyak 12 poin (11,7%) terpenuhi namun belum sesuai dengan standar/peraturan dan sebanyak 50 poin (48,5%) tidak terpenuhi. Saran untuk penelitian ini antara lain yaitu memasang instalasi alarm kebakaran, titik panggil manual, hidran, sprinkler, tanda pemasangan pada setiap APAR, dan memasang kembali check sheet yang hilang. Selain itu memasang pintu darurat, tangga darurat, pencahayaan darurat, memperbaiki penunjuk arah evakuasi darurat, menambah 1 area untuk titik berkumpul, menambah 1 akses untuk jalur keluar atau memperlebar jalur akses masuk tersebut menjadi minimal 4 dan ideal 5,5 meter dan melengkapi dengan cermin cembung setiap tikungan yang ada pada akses masuk gedung F5 sebanyak 3 unit.   Kata Kunci : Keselamatan, gedung, darurat.     Abstract F5 Building is a new building in the Faculty of Sport Science which still has very minimal building safety facilities.The purpose of this research is to produce a recommendation as an effort to improve the safety aspect of the new building of F5 State University of Semarang. This research used comparative descriptive research method and focus on 103 topic points of safety building. From observation and analysis, it resulted 41 points (39.8%) were met and in accordance with the standards / regulations. A total of 12 points (11.7%) are met but not in accordance with the standard / regulation and as many as 50 points (48.5%) are not met. Suggestions for this research include installing fire alarms, manual call points, hydrants, sprinklers, installation marks on each APAR, and reinstalling missing check sheets. In addition to installing emergency exits, emergency stairs, emergency lighting, fixing emergency evacuation directions, adding 1 area for the gathering point, adding 1 access to the exit or widening the access point to a minimum of 4 and ideal 5.5 meters and equipping with a convex mirror any bend that existed on the access entrance of F5 building.   Keywords: safety, building, emergency

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-38
Lukman Prasetyo Utomo

Final Scientific Writing is based on research about Social Adjustment of Disabled People at Social Rehabilitation House ofBinaDaksa (BBRSBD) of Prof. Dr. Soeharso Surakarta. The objectives of the research are to obtain the description about: the characteristics of respondents and 5 aspects of social adjustment namely: recognition, participation, social approval, altruism, and conformity. The method used in this research was descriptive research method with quantitative approach;it aimed to describe the Social Adjustment of Disabilities People at Social Rehabilitation House of BinaDaksa (BBRSBD) of Prof. Dr. Soeharso Surakarta. Data collection techniques used werequestionnaires, observations, and documentation studies. The research was conducted on 34 respondents determined by census. The results showed that the characteristics of respondents consisted of 10 women and 24 men among the ages of 17-25 years. The result of research also showed that 5 aspects of social adjustment, namely recognition aspect 94,12% are in high category so that it needs to be maintained, participation aspect 52,94% is in medium category so that it needs to be improved, social approval aspect 50.00% is in high category and 50.00% is in the moderate category so it needs to be improved, altruism aspect 73.53% is in high category so it needs to be maintained, conformity aspect 85,30% is in high category so it needs to be maintained. Based on the results of research, the participation and social approval aspects are in the moderate category, so they need to be improved by taking into account the problems faced and the source system that can be utilized, the writer offers problem solving in the form of "Participation Enhancement Program and Social Approval for Disabled People through Self-help Group (selfhelp group) at Social Rehabilitation House of BinaDaksa (BBRSBD) of Prof. Dr. Soeharso Surakarta. ". This program aims to improve the realization of better social adjustment for people with disabilities.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
Yoyok Soesatyo

The Purpose of this research is to describe the concept of syari’ah economics as a comprehensive learning model for student in Surabaya state university majoring in to be economics education, to be able to describe, connect with reality or phenomena and interpret the solutions of the phenomenon that exist in the community based on syari’ah economy. The method that used in this research is descriptive research method that describes the result of the research which obtained from the respondents and field observations both from primary and secondary data. The finding in this research indicate that understanding of the Islamic economismaterial given by using direct instructional model is still less than the standard of competencespecified, therefore it is necessary efforts to increase the understanding material through appropriate learning model in this study is a CTL (Contectual Teaching Learning)

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 243
Hanantyo Sri Nugroho

The Population Data Utilization System (Sidampak) in Wukirsari Village, Sleman Regency is a population administration service program that has provided many benefits. The background lacks clear planning in developing services to the community and a low level of community participation in the administration of population documents which then becomes the basis for creating a population administration service system that can provide complete, accurate, fast, easy and integrated results. This then led to a commitment for the village government of Wukirsari in making public service innovations. This innovation is not only the value of fast, easy, inexpensive, but more on the value of services that can be adapted to the culture of the Wukirsari community. Related, this study found that there are public services that consist of the Population Data Utilization System (Sidampak) program in Wukirsari Village which can then change service policies to better suit the social conditions of the community. Meanwhile, the research method used by researchers is a qualitative descriptive research method

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-47
Alem Maulana Wulida Finnahar ◽  
Riya Fatmawati

This paper contains a discussion of how to use the archive classification system at the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, State University of Padang. The use of this archive classification system aims to assist employees at the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, State University of Padang in using the archive classification system according to their respective work units. The research method used in writing this paper is a qualitative descriptive research method. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation and interviews. The subject of data collection through observation at the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, State University of Padang. Observations are made by looking at how employees understand the classification of records. Furthermore, interviews were conducted with employees at the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, Padang State University. The author conducted a question and answer session with employees directly regarding the use of archive classification codes, the obstacles faced in using classification codes, and solutions to these problems. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the archive classification system in the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs at the State University of Padang is actually used to assist employees in providing proper and correct archive classification codes. In the manual for the archive classification code at the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, State University of Padang, it can be concluded that the paper on the archive classification system at the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, State University of Padang is: (1) The archive classification system at the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, State University of Padang uses the subject system /problem (2) The archive classification system according to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Regulation Number 23 of 2018 concerning Archive Classification, Archive Retention Schedule, and Security Classification System and Dynamic Archive Access in the academic and student fields has 6 archive classification codes, namely AK (academic) , TM (Student Admission), KR (Curriculum), EP (Educational Evaluation), Scholarship (BW), Student Affairs (KM).

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 294
Ilmi Usrotin Choiriyah

Sidoarjo delta fishing becomes one of family destination that has consequences and impact on socio-economics of local tourism area. The purpose of this research is to identify the impacts or effects of fishing activities on the socio-economic life of local communities. This research method uses descriptive research type through qualitative approach. The results showed that the social impact of tourism activities on the local community, among others, the type of community work has more variation, development and improvement in the education level of local communities, as well as increasing the role and awareness of the community in maintaining the fishing tourist area of delta fishing Sidoarjo. Meanwhile, the economic impact of tourism activities include changes in the level of community income is quite significant on job opportunities and entrepreneurial communities.

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