2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-44
Iza Syahroni

Tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran tidak terlepas dari kreativitas guru dalam proses pembelajaran, salah satu dari kreativitas tersebut adalah dengan guru memberikan reward. Pemberian penghargaan atau reward kepada siswa merupakan sesuatu hal yang penting karena dapat membangkitkan atau mengembangkan minat siswa. Pemberian reward memberikan dampak pada proses pembelajaran terutama pada masa anak-anak yang sedang duduk di bangku sekolah dasar seperti siswa merasa senang dan mereka akan bangga dengan apa yang sudah dikerjakan. Dengan adanya rasa seperti ini maka siswa akan termotivasi untuk mengembangkan minatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dampak pemberian reward dalam proses pembelajaran IPS siswa kelas V MI Negeri di Lombok Barat. Dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data terdiri dari guru mata pelajaran IPS dan siswa kelas V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri I Lombok Barat. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi.  Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa, dampak pemberian reward dalam proses pembelajaran IPS adalah meningkatnya perhatian siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, meningkatkan antusias belajar siswa, meningkatnya keaktifan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, siswa lebih bisa dikendalikan tingkah lakunya ketika proses pembelajaran berlangsung.   Achieving learning objectives is inseparable from the creativity of teachers in the learning process, one of the creativity is giving rewards by teachers. Awarding or rewarding students is important because it can awaken or develop students' interest. Reward giving has an impact on the learning process, especially for elementary school children because the reward will make theem feeling happy and proud of what has been done. This study aims to find out how the impact of rewarding in the learning process of IPS subject for class V students of MI Negeri 1 Lobar using descriptive qualitative research. Data source consists of subject teachers and students of class V MI Negeri I Lobar. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation.  The results of the study conclude that rewarding impacts learning process such as increasing attention, enthusiasm, participation of students and were more able to control their behavior during the learning process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 242
Antari Dea Mariam ◽  
Arsyi Rizqia Amalia ◽  
Astri Sutisnawati

This study aims to analyze the IPS learning process online and the obstacles of the IPS learning process online. This research was conducted at Baros Kencana Public Elementary School CBM which was calculated from May to early July. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The subjects of study were students in grade 4a at SDN Baros Kencana CBM. Data collection techniques in this study used semi-structured interviews, open questionnaires of Google forms and documentation. The results of research that has been done that the impact of the epidemic covid-19 has an influence on the learning process. The solution for learning to be carried out even in situations at home by holding an online learning process. The online learning process is felt to be less effective for teachers and students. The teacher is not free in delivering the material, the assignment is not in accordance with the material presented. Teachers have difficulty in processing student grades during online learning. Not all students have communication tools that support online learning. Other barriers experienced by students during the online learning process students do not understand the assignments because they are not explained beforehand and students feel bored while carrying out online learning.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Engkin Suwandana

This study aims to (1) describe the existential drama Oh, Edan, and Dag Dig Dug works of Putu Wijaya which include: (a) freedom, (b) anxiety, (c) the failure, (d) the futility, (e) death, (2) describe absurdism in drama  Ah, Edan, and Dag Dig Dug by Putu Wijaya which includes: (a) suicide philosophical, (b) the nature of the symbolic,  and  (c) of tragedy and comedy. This study focuses on (1) existentialism in the drama Oh, Edan, and Dag Dig Dug  by  Putu Wijaya which include: (a) freedom, (b) anxiety, (c) the failure, (d) the futility, (e) death and (2) absurdism in drama Ah, Edan, and Dag Dig Dug. This study is qualitative research, using descriptive qualitative research data collection. Descriptive method is a method which seeks to describe a phenomenon, the events that occurred at that time. In this study, descriptive method is used  to describe the concept of existentialism and absurdism. This research data  use  existantialism theory  and absurdism in playwrights  by PutuWijaya. By using the technique with  the  data source in the form of three plays, the relevant data collection technique is a technique read. Reading the drama text data collection activities conducted by member’s attention totally focused on the object. Reading and listening is a set of techniques to obtain valid data followed by activities recorded data. This study concluded five concepts of existentialism and three concepts of absurdism. The results showed that existentialism in the drama Oh, Edan, Dag Dig Dug by Putu Wijaya, looked  in terms of freedom, anxiety, failure, futility, and  death.  Three absurdism concepts  in drama Ah, Edan, Dag Dig Dug  by  Putu Wijaya looked through suicide philosophical, symbolic nature, tragedy and comedy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Mochammad Lutfy Aziz ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah

This scientific paper discusses several aspects, including: learning strategies at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Gempol. In the research process this time using descriptive qualitative research, data collection techniques used data collection techniques by means of direct interviews with the principal of SD Muhammadiyah 2 Gempol. This study aims to determine the changes in the learning system at SD Muhanmadiyah 2 Gempol and the learning strategies. In addition, the learning process must have a lot of challenges in implementing the programs that have been set by the school, especially in the current state of the covid-19 pandemic. Like many who are constrained by the current learning process, or other conditions. But even so, SD Muhammadiyah 2 Gempol continues to carry out the program and pays attention to the existing obstacles by utilizing technology for learning media in the school. Therefore, the learning process at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Gempol can continue to run even though there are several obstacles that can be solved with existing strategies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Mohammad Zainal Hamdy

Abstract: This research consists of two problems. Firstly, how is the process of learning reading skills using electronic newspapers at Darul Lughah wal Qur’an Boarding School Angsokah Timur Palengaan Daya Palengaan Pamekasan. Secondly, What is the Factors of learning reading skills using electronic newspapers at Darul Lughah wal Qur’an Boarding School Angsokah Timur Palengaan Daya Palengaan Pamekasan. This research uses qualitative research and the data source includes the teachers and students of learning reading skills using electronic newspapers at Darul Lughah wal Qur’an Boarding School Angsokah Timur Palengaan Daya Palengaan Pamekasan. And then,Data collection techniques using interviews and observationswhere the research was carried out for one month. Start from 2nd of February 2020 untill 3rd of March 2020 that the data analysis using descriptive analysis. The results of this research state that the process of learning reading skills using electronic newspapers at Darul Lughah wal Qur’an Boarding School Angsokah Timur Palengaan Daya Palengaan Pamekasanare effectiveexcept some problems like vocabulary difficulties in contemporary languages. So for all of students who studies this learning reading skills using electronic newspapers at Darul Lughah wal Qur’an Boarding School Angsokah Timur Palengaan Daya Palengaan Pamekasanis hoped to take the time to memorize difficult vocabularies, especially in contemporary languages. And for the teachers who teaches learning reading skills using electronic newspapers at Darul Lughah wal Qur’an Boarding School Angsokah Timur Palengaan Daya Palengaan Pamekasan could be more creative and innovate so that students love Arabic more than before and they are not bored in following their learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 33-37
Nur Adinda Putri ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah

The purpose of this research is about various aspects in it, including methods, processes, strategies and learning breakthroughs during a pandemic. In the process of this research using descriptive qualitative research methods and data collection techniques with interviews, observations and photos when the research process is carried out. This study aims to reveal the methods used in learning and conclude how the learning strategies during the pandemic in elementary schools. Like schools in general, strategies are carried out online using the Google Meet application and sometimes offline in the learning process. In addition, there are breakthroughs in online learning by teachers, there are several challenges in implementing learning strategies. But even so, elementary school teachers continue to carry out the learning process through the google meet application with the hope that students can continue to study even in pandemic conditions. Parents here play an important role in the success of online learning strategies. Because in the learning process parents do not monitor or accompany their children, so they may not pay attention, so when the teacher gives homework, they cannot answer it. If students cannot answer the questions that have been given, then the learning objectives still cannot be achieved. Because there are students who still do not understand the material presented. This strategy is carried out to prevent and break the spread of the Covid-19 virus that is currently in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1043
Yuni Maulidiyah Dwi Fajar ◽  
Durinda Puspasari

This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of e-learning as a learning media for archiving subjects at SMKN 2 Buduran Sidoarjo in the covid-19 pandemic. This study was qualitative research. Data were collected through interviews and questionnaires. The validity of data was examined by source triangulation. Then, the data were analyzed by the Miles and Huberman Model, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results showed that e-learning learning media was effectively utilized in the archiving subject, based on 4 indicators of learning effectiveness. In terms of the elearning quality, which was seen from the process and results, it was found that 2 applications used during the learning process, namely google classroom and whatsapp was easily accessed and understood. In addition, the students’ learning outcomes, which was scored more than 80 (72.6%); described the student’ and teachers’ readiness in starting the lessons and the ongoing process of learning, such as the fulfillment of facilities like cellphones and laptops, after that, the teachers provided materials for students to learn first. Moreover, in terms of incentives, the teachers’ activities whcih motivated students every time they started the lessons included giving advices and positive energy; the teachers provided additional score for active students. Then, in terms of time, it was seen from the presence of  teacher to start the lesson on time in which the teachers assigned students based on the predetermined deadlines so that the students were more disciplined.

Siska Maria Natalia ◽  
Wuri Astuti

Kinesthetic learning styles is the acquisition of learning information by touching and moving. The purpose of this study was to determine the learning process of children with kinesthetic learning styles. This research approach uses descriptive research and qualitative research. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the characteristics of playing learning FEV children are very fond of learning through touch, the advantages possessed are being actively exploring the environment, having self-confidance, and obstacles experienced by the FEV unable to focus on learning goals because they are easily disturbed by sounds or objects in around.Gaya belajar kinestetik merupakan pemerolehan informasi belajar dengan proses menyentuh dan bergerak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui proses belajar anak dengan gaya belajar kinestetik. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian bersifat deskriptif dan penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik bermain dan belajar anak FEV sangat menyukai belajar melalui sentuhan, kelebihan yang dimiliki adalah aktif bereksplorasi lingkungan, mempunyai rasa percaya diri dan hambatan yang dialami FEV tidak dapat fokus pada tujuan belajar karena mudah terganggu oleh suara-suara atau benda di sekitar. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-15
Ria Puspita Sari ◽  
Nabila Bunnanditya Tusyantari ◽  
Meidawati Suswandari

This study aims to know the impact of online learning experienced by teachers and students during the elevate Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses qualitative research, which collects data information using interview techniques, namely to find data about relevant matters. The research subjects were students of SD N Sugihan 03, Bendosari. The results showed that the learning process during the pandemic changed by using a long distance network. This impacts teachers because of a lack of ability to provide learning materials and an annoyance of the learning process that causes the unexpected purpose of learning to go unfulfilled. So that it makes the material incomplete and the use of learning media in online learning is not optimal. Student assessment is also constrained by mere cognitive assessments.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Joko Prasetio ◽  
. Marsono ◽  
I Ketut Mardika

<p><em>The scientific approach is based on science that includes observing, asking, gathering information, reasoning, and communicating. This study aims to determine (1) How is the application of scientific approach in Hindu Religious Education Learning in grade XI SMA Dwijendra Denpasar, (2) What constraints experienced by teachers in Hindu Religious Education Learning with scientific approach in class XI SMA Dwijendra Denpasar, and (3) What efforts do the teacher in handling obstacle in learning of Hindu Religious Education with scientific approach in class XI SMA Dwijendra Denpasar. The type of research used is qualitative research. Methods of data collection using observation methods, interviews, and bibliography. For data validity the researcher use triagulation. The data analysis used in this study is according to Millerman Huberman which includes data reduction, display and conclusion. The research concludes that: the application of the saiatifik approach to the Hindu Education Learning process in class XI SMA Dwijendra Denpasar with stages in scientific approach such as observing, questioning, trying, reasoning and networking have been running well.</em></p><p><em>The obstacles experienced when applying a saitifik approach to the learning process of Hinduism Education are (1) students are sleepy in learning, (2) students are tired in learning, (3) the time is too short to apply the stages of the approach saitifik, (4) students feel embarrassed, (5) preparation of learning. There are also efforts made by Hindu Religious Education teachers in improving students' keaktipan in learning are as follows: (1) Delivering learning objectives, (2) motivating students by telling stories, (3) lectures only opener, (4) assigning tasks to conclude, (5) always give the task to be asked and asked, (6) engaging ansiswa.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 901
Asiah Wati ◽  
Arrum Puspita Sari

ABSTRAKPengabdian ini merupakan bentuk hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui dampak pandemi Covid-19 terhadap perekonomian masyarakat di desa Suruhan khususnya pada pelaku UMKM, serta untuk mengetahui strategi yang tepat bagi pelaku UMKM dalam meningkatkan perekonomian. Jenis pengabdian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan data primer. Responden dalam pengabdian ini adalah 11 pemilik UMKM di desa Suruhan, kabupaten Sukoharjo. Hasil dari pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa pandemi Covid-19 berdampak negatif terhadap perekonomian masyarakat di desa Suruhan seperti kesusahan dalam mencari pekerjaan, maraknya PHK terhadap karyawan, kesusahan dalam berjualan, dan kesulitan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Adapun strategi peningkatan perekonomian yang sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan penjualan produk UMKM di masa pandemi Covid-19 yaitu dengan melakukan jual beli secara Online. Kata kunci: ekonomi; dampak covid-19; umkm; bisnis online. ABSTRACTThis service is a form of community service activity which has the aim of knowing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy of the community in Suruhan village, especially for MSME actors, and to find out the right strategy for MSME actors in improving the economy.  This type of service is qualitative research.  Data collection techniques through interviews using primary data.  Respondents in this service are 11 MSME owners in Suruhan village, Sukoharjo district.  The results of this service show that the Covid-19 pandemic has a negative impact on the economy of the community in Suruhan village such as difficulty in finding work, rampant layoffs for employees, difficulties in selling, and difficulties in meeting the necessities of life.  The strategy for increasing the economy is very effective in increasing sales of MSME products during the Covid-19 pandemic, namely by buying and selling online. Keywords: economy; the impact of covid-19; smes; online business.

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