scholarly journals Imam Zarkasyi’s Modernization of Pesantren in Indonesia (A Case Study of Darussalam Gontor)

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 161
Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi

<p>This paper aimed at elaborating Imam Zarkasyi’s thought and practices in modernizing the traditional Islamic education called <em>Pesantren.</em> The method employed for this study is descriptive and explanatory research. The data is collected from documents such as books, research article and brochure, and from author observation from time to time. This paper identifies that the educational thought and experiences of Imam Zarkasyi as well as his religious inclination played an important role in his modernization of <em>pesantren</em>. The research also found that Imam Zarkasyi’s thought and practices in modernizing <em>Pesantren </em>system started from his serious observation and evaluation as well as his appreciation of traditional <em>pesantren</em> and <em>madrasah</em> system of education. The step taken by Imam Zarkasyi to modernize the education system was by integrating <em>pesantren</em> and <em>madrasah</em> system. In modernizing curriculum Imam Zarkasyi integrated the formal, non-formal and informal education utilizing <em>pesantren</em> environment. Students are taught not only subjects on religion and general sciences in the classroom, but also obtaining morality, mental and job skill education and other values in <em>pesantren</em> tradition within a well-designed informal and non-formal education.  Finally, to ensure the sustainability of <em>pesantren</em> Imam Zarkasyi changed the status of <em>Pesantren</em> institution from personal ownership into public property by way <em>Waqf. </em>The thought had been practically implemented successfully in secondary level and now the <em>Waqf</em>  Board started to implement the practice at university level.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
M Ihsan Dacholfany

The non-formal education of an education service that is not limited by age, time, gender, race (ethnicity, descent), economy, socio-cultural conditions, religion and so on, although formal education is an essential component of lifelong education, Informal education in the framework of lifelong educational services for the community is needed now and in the future. Herewith the Researcher uses analytic descriptive method with case study variation. Descriptive analytic method is a method of research that emphasizes the effort to obtain information about the status or symptoms at the time of the study, provide an overview of the phenomena, also further explain the relationship, and draw the meaning of a desired problem. The research in Learning centers al-Suroya in which there is Non Formal Education which is carried out especially Package B and Package C and others can fulfill a function in the effort to serve the needs of society outside the school system, the main target of non formal education and is needed by the community especially the people who want Continuing education, as well as developing the ability of interest and talent as well as training, in the hope that this program is implemented in accordance with the ability of the community despite many obstacles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1 2021) ◽  
pp. 61-78
Jovan Miljković ◽  
Marija Todorović

A brand could be named as the marketing goal of any organization, including the educational one. The issue of brand in education is becoming more and more actual, but the current focus of the scientifc community has remained mainly on branding higher education, while non-formal adult education organizations on this issue have been largely ignored. Therefore, we conducted research to determine whether users of non-formal education organizations perceive the educational service provider as a brand, as well as to identify which activities are carried out by non-formal education organizations to reach this level of connection with their users. The research used a combination of quantitative-qualitative research paradigm, with a multiple case study as a research model and a descriptive method as the dominant one. The research sample consists of managers and students of the analyzed foreign language schools. The results of the research indicate that non-formal education organizations in Serbia follow world trends and make efforts to achieve the status of an educational brand, that branding is not a uniform process, and that each organization and their strategies have certain specifcs.

2018 ◽  
Abrar M.Dawud Faza

Rekognisi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kependidikan Volume 1, No.1, 2016 PGSD, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Utara Preaching congregation in Indonesia initially occurs through informal approach, which continues to formal education. Islamic education informally implemented by adjusting the feelings and the way of life of people at that time. Informal education delivered by oral or oral propoganda and behaviour through direct interaction beetween the giver and the receiver. Over time, informal education through by local people formed the muslim community who have the same desire to practice the teacings of Islam in their daily lives, which is characterized by the construction of a mosque in the area. Formal education was held in institutionalized. Preaching congregation through formal education implemented in the mosque, langgar, boarding, meunasah, rangkang, dayah, and surau. In education institutions, preaching congregation in Indonesia carried out by teachers and clerics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Nor Hayati Fatmi Talib ◽  
Adibah Hasanah Abd Halim ◽  
Bani Hidayat Mohd Shafie

Students who enter polytechnics system are students who have completed their formal education at primary and secondary level. These students have been exposed to Islamic education including KAFA (Fardhu Ain Basic Course). This study aims to look at Islamic Education knowledge level in the aspect of Faith, Shari’a, Muamalat and appreciation of morality through 11 years of schooling. This study was carried out involving a total of 104 students in the first semester. This study used questionnaire by Ab Halim et al. (2011) and analyzed using SPSS 18.0 in a descriptive and inferential manner. This study discovers that the extent to all aspects studies is high, namely Faith at the mean score of 4.31 (sp=0.28), Shari’a at the mean score of 4.41 (sp=0.38) and Muamalat at the mean score of 4.31 (sp=0.38). The degree of morality appreciation is also at a high level at the mean score of 4.29 (sp=0.40). All aspects being studied also has a significant relationship with the appreciation of morality which is a strong relation to the aspect of Faith r=.578 and Muamalat r=.528, meanwhile Shari’a has a moderate strong relation r=.437. This study shows a good level of knowledge among the students and all aspects studied and directly related to students’ behavioral appreciation. It is recommended that the knowledge of education in Islam can be enhanced in education system of Polytechnics by emphasizing the aspect of appreciation and using it as a living practice. This is at the same time enhancing morality as it is interconnected. Abstrak Pelajar yang memasuki sistem politeknik adalah pelajar yang telah melalui pendidikan formal di peringkat sekolah  rendah  dan  menengah.  Pelajar ini  diberikan  banyak  pendedahan  terhadap  Pendidikan  Islam termasuk  KAFA  (Kursus  Asas  Fardhu  Ain).  Tujuan  kajian  ini  adalah  untuk  melihat  tahap  pengetahuan Pendidikan  Islam  aspek  Akidah,  Syariat  serta  Muamalat  dan  penghayatan  akhlak  setelah  melalui  alam persekolahan  selama  11  tahun.  Kajian  berbentuk  tinjauan  ini  melibatkan  keseluruhan  populasi  pelajar semester 1 seramai 104 orang. Kajian  ini menggunakan  instrumen soal selidik Ab Halim et al. (2011) dan dianalisis menggunakan SPSS 18.0 secara deskriptif dan inferensi. Kajian mendapati tahap kesemua aspek yang dikaji adalah tinggi iaitu Akidah pada skor min 4.60 (sp=0.28), Syariat pada skor min 4.41 (sp=0.38) dan aspek Muamalat pada skor min 4.31 (sp=0.38). Tahap penghayatan akhlak juga secara keseluruhannya berada pada tahap tinggi  iaitu pada skor Min 4.29 (sp=0.40). Kesemua aspek yang dikaji  juga mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan penghayatan akhlak iaitu hubungan yang kuat bagi aspek Akidah r=.578 dan  Muamalat  r=.528,  manakala  Syariat  mempunyai  hubungan  yang  sederhana  kuat  iaitu  r=.437.  Kajian menunjukkan  tahap  pengetahuan  yang  baik  dalam  kalangan  pelajar  dan  kesemua  aspek  yang  dikaji  dan berkait  langsung  dengan  penghayatan  akhlak  pelajar.  Disarankan  agar  pengetahuan  Pendidikan  Islam digarapkan  lagi  dalam  sistem  pendidikan  di  politeknik  dengan  menekankan  aspek  penghayatan  serta menjadikannya  sebagai  amalan  dalam  kehidupan.  Ini  sekaligus  lebih  memantapkan  penghayatan  akhak kerana ianya saling berkait.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 55 ◽  
pp. 267-284
Olena Chernyshova ◽  
Tetyana Tokmylenko

The system of education is challenged by need to prepare a new generation of professionals who would not only master a field-required skill but also harness soft skill. The paper reviews definition and characteristics of formal, non-formal and informal education models and defines the possibilities to address the education challenges in combination of forms. The Summer school as a form of non-formal education is defined and proposed to fill the gap in formal education. The paper presents a framework of how to develop a curriculum for a summer school centered around a competency-based approach. The three key components – profile of participant, expected result, and real-life problem, form a set of skills and knowledge that define learning outcomes and shape the program. Finally, the paper reviews the case study of summer school hold in Kharkiv to demonstrate how the approach can be applied to practice. Summer school is a useful tool to establish and test new forms of education that contribute to learning process of both students and educators.

2013 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 43-53
Loc Duc Nguyen

Religious, social life – the dual educational foundation in the migrating Catholic communities (Case Study on migrating Catholic communities in Ho Nai - Dong Nai and Cai San – Can Tho). In this paper, the author focuses on different educational backgrounds simultaneously perceived by each Vietnamese Catholic in their social life including the educational system of the Catholic Church (informal education) and the educational system of the State (formal education). In the current context, all challenges facing to each Vietnamese Catholic, from which they have to choose in their strategy of life are more or less rooted in this dual educational foundation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 82-94
Rajan Binayek Pasa

This study explores the interface between education and tourism constructs through a qualitative approach and multiple case study research methods. The key objectives of the research were to look at the interface between informal education and tourism, to appraise the interface between non-formal education and tourism as well as to explore the interface between formal education and tourism development activities in the study area. In-depth interviews of 6 males and 3 females from the education program and another 6 males and 3 females from the tourism development program were undertaken by applying the purposive sampling principle. Likewise, 3 FGDs and participant observation techniques were also applied for developing multiple forms of genres, which were generated through re/productive socio-cultural and economic structures of Panchmul. The findings reveal that education plays a functional transformative role in tourism development that is supported by the theory of practice, capability approach, and sustainability approach. Based on the findings, this study has also developed a strategic interface model and strategic framework for tourism development that can be applied in the Panchmularea and other similar places. Hence, knowledge generated from this study is equally fruitful to readers, local development stakeholders, and policymakers and planners in central, provincial, and local levels of governments in Nepal.  

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-164
Zulmuqim Zulmuqim

Transformation of education in Minangkabau at the Beginning the 20th Century was done by established figure of Islam, such as Abdul Karim Amrullah, Abdullah Ahmad and Rahmah el-Yunusiyah. Abdul Karim Amrullah begins transforming Islamic education by changing the status of Jembatan Besi Surau to become Islamic modern school (Madrasah) with class system, which is known as Sumatera Thawalib. Abdullah Ahmad transforms Islamic education by establishing HIS Adabiyah with school system, and also includes Islamic subjects in the curriculum. Moreover Rahmah el-Yunusiyah committed renewal by building woman Islamic school (Madrasah). Key words:Renewal, Islamic Education, Education Thinking.Copyright © 2015 by Al-Ta'lim All right reserved

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-107
P Praptiningsih

Before madrasah or Islamic school is built, mosque functions generally for holding education and includes every activity. The development of Islamic school firstly comes in three stages: first, mosque, second, institution of Masjid-Khan and third is Madrasah or Islamic school. Madrasah in Indonesia is Islamic education institution having long history. The trace exploration of the Islamic school is started by efforts of developing Islamic education system conducted by either Islamic figures or social-religious organizations. The development is influenced by policies through time, Dutch colonialism period, Japan colonialism period, independence era, old-period, and new period in Indonesia. The regulation of Sisdiknas No.20 in 2003 it is explained “education channel consists of formal education, non formal education and informal education completed and enriched each other. The education stated in verse 1 is held using opened system through meeting and long distance.

2011 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
George Die

This paper is about schooling, education and socialization in Africa with a focus on the pedagogic and instructional relevance of local cultural resource knowledge such as the teachings of Indigenous proverbs. Using Ghanaian case material, the paper examines how Indigenous cultural knowledges inform the education and socialization of youth and suggest ways for rethinking schooling and education in African contexts. Among the teachings of Indigenous proverbs highlighted are knowings about self and community, development of self-worth and character, importance of social discipline and collective social responsibility. The discussion also addresses the challenges of integrating local cultural knowledges as part of the formal education of young learners. Cet article cherche à comprendre les processus de scolarité, d‘éducation et de socialisation en Afrique en se concentrant spécialement sur la pédagogie des connaissances culturelles locales telles que l‘enseignement des proverbes autochtones. Cet article examine comment les connaissances culturelles locales informent l‘éducation et les processus de socialisation des jeunes et suggère de ce fait une remise en question de la scolarité et de l‘éducation dans les contextes africains. Parmi les proverbes autochtones enseignés, certains font référence au développement personnel du soi et à la notion de communauté, à l‘amour propre et à la dignité, à l‘importance de la discipline sociale et à la responsabilité collective sociale. En conclusion, cet article discute également des défis auxquels il faut faire face quand il est question d‘intégrer les connaissances culturelles locales dans la formation officielle des jeunes apprenants.

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