scholarly journals The Relationship Between Social Support Of Coolers And The Self Adjustment Of Employees With The Deaf

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Tri Hendrayanti ◽  
Dwi Nastiti

This research was conducted because there is a phenomenon of adjustment problems for deaf employees in their workplace, PT. Young Tree Industry Sidoarjo. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the social support of coworkers and the adjustment of deaf employees at PT. Young Tree Industry Sidoarjo. This research is a correlational quantitative research. The population of deaf employees is 23 people so that all of them are used as research samples. The data collection technique uses a psychological adjustment scale and social support which is arranged on a Likert scale. The data analysis technique for hypothesis testing was carried out with the Pearson Correlaton Product Moment. The results of this study indicate the correlation coefficient (rxy) = 0.834 (significance 0.000 <0.05). Thus the research hypothesis is accepted, that there is a positive relationship between co-workers' social support and adjustment to deaf employees at PT. Young Tree Sidoarjo. This means that the higher the social support, the higher the adjustment, and vice versa. The determination test shows the effect of social support on self-adjustment by 68%.

Proyeksi ◽  
1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Kharisma Nail Mazaya ◽  
Ratna Supradewi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui secara empiris hubungan antara konsep diri dengan kebermaknaan hidup pada remaja putri di Panti Asuhan Sunu Ngesti Tomo Jepara. Hipotesis yang diajukan yaitu ada hubungan positif antara konsep diri dengan kebermaknaan hidup pada remaja di Panti Asuhan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua remaja  penghuni panti asuhan di bawah UPT Dinas Sosial Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja penghuni Panti Asuhan Ngesti Tomo Jepara, berusia antara 15 sampai 21 tahun. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan  purpossive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 51 orang. Kedua variabel dalam penelitian ini diukur dengan menggunakan skala kebermaknaan hidup dan konsep diri. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu teknik korelasi product moment. Hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai korelasi rxy = 0,595 dengan p= 0,000 (p < 0,01). Hal ini menunjukkan ada hubungan positif yang sangat signifikan antara konsep diri dengan kebermaknaan hidup pada remaja di Panti Asuhan Sunu Ngesti Utomo Jepara. Artinya semakin tinggi konsep diri yang dimiliki remaja maka, semakin tinggi pula kebermaknaan hidupnya. Sebaliknya semakin rendah konsep diri yang dimilikinya, maka semakin rendah pula kebermaknaan hidupnya. Hasil dari uji korelasi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis diterima. Kata kunci : konsep diri, kebermaknaan hidup, remaja, Panti Asuhan.  SELF CONCEPT AND LIFE MEANINGFULNESS AMONG ADOLESCENTS IN ORPHANAGE Abstract This study aimed to empirically determine the relationship between self-concept and meaningfulness of life among adolescent girls in the orphanage Sunu Ngesti Tomo Jepara. The hypothesis proposed that there is a positive relationship between self-concept and meaningfulness of life in adolescents at the Orphanage. The populations in this study were all young residents of the orphanage under the Social Service Unit of Central Java Province. The samples in this study were juvenile orphanage residents Ngesti Tomo Jepara, aged between 15 to 21 years. The sampling method using purposive technique whereas the amount of samples amount was 51. Both variables in this study were measured using a scale of meaningfulness of life and self-concept. Data analysis technique used is product moment correlation technique.The results of analysis of data obtained correlation values rxy = 0.595 with p = 0.000 (p <0.01). This suggests there was a very significant positive relationship between self-concept and meaningfulness of life in adolescents at the Orphanage Sunu Ngesti Utomo Jepara. This means that the higher the self-concept that the adolescent has, the higher the meaningfulness of life. Conversely the lower the self-concept has, then the lower the meaningfulness of life. The results of correlation test showed that the hypothesis is accepted. Keywords: Self concept, meaningfulness of life, teenager, orphanage

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 353-367
Meiske Kristin Lumanauw

Abstrak : Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Untuk menganalisis hubungan dukungan sosial untuk menurunkan kecemasan karyawan akibat Covid-19 pada CV. Citra Jaya Banjarbaru; dan (2) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh dukungan sosial untuk menurunkan kecemasan karyawan akibat Covid-19 pada CV. Citra Jaya Banjarbaru. Metode penelitian yang digunakan merupakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan CV. Citra Jaya Banjarbaru yang berjumlah 41 orang. Mengingat jumlah populasi relatif kecil, yaitu di bawah 100, maka seluruh anggota populasi diambil semua sebagai sampel penelitian. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis korelasi product moment pearson dan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Ada hubungan antara dukungan sosial dengan kecemasan menghadapi Covid-19; dan (2) Dukungan sosial perpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kecemasan menghadapi Covid-19. Berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan artinya jika dukungan sosial meningkat, maka akan menyebabkan kecemasan menghadapi Covid-19 akan menurun. Variabel kecemasan menghadapi Covid-19 dijelaskan oleh variabel dukungan sosial sebesar 43,7%, sedangkan sisanya 56,3% dijelaskan oleh sebab-sebab yang lain di luar model yang tidak diteliti.   Kata Kunci: Dukungan Sosial, Kecemasan, Covid-19.   Abstact : The objectives of this study were: (1) To analyze the relationship between social support to reduce employee anxiety due to Covid-19 at CV. Citra Jaya Banjarbaru; and (2) To analyze the effect of social support to reduce employee anxiety due to Covid-19 at CV. Citra Jaya Banjarbaru. The research method used is a quantitative research method. The population in this study were all employees of CV. Citra Jaya Banjarbaru, amounting to 41 people. Considering the relatively small population, which is below 100, all members of the population are taken as the research sample. The data analysis technique used in this study used Pearson product moment correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results showed that (1) there was a relationship between social support and anxiety in facing Covid-19; and (2) Social support has a negative and significant effect on anxiety in facing Covid-19. It has a negative and significant effect, meaning that if social support increases, it will cause anxiety to face Covid-19 to decrease. The variable of anxiety facing Covid-19 is explained by the social support variable of 43.7%, while the remaining 56.3% is explained by other causes outside the model that were not studied..   Keywords: Social Support, Anxiety, Covid-19.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-62
Sabrina Agrivita Saragih ◽  
Asih Menanti ◽  
Zuhdi Budiman

The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between self-efficacy and social support with coping stress on horticulture farmers. The study was conducted in Saribudolok sample random sampling with 160 horticultural farmers for vegetable farmers as sample. The methods of data collections is through coping stress scale (focused coping stress), self-efficacy scale, and social support scale (sosial support). The data analysis technique used multiple regression with the following results: 1) There is a positive relationship between self-efficacy with coping stress with Rxy = 0,464 with p 0,05; with 21.6% contribution 2) There is a positive relationship between social support relationship with coping stress with Rxy = 0,180 with p 0,05; with 3.2% contribution 3) There is a positive relationship between self-efficacy and social support with coping stress with F 23,072 and Rxy = 0,477 while R2 = 0,227 with p 0,05. The total effective contribution of self-efficacy variables and social support with stress coping is 22.7%. This means that there is still 77.3% influence from other factors to coping stress

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Wuryanti Wuryanti ◽  
Indrianto Setiawan

This study aims to examine the relationship between self efficacy, social competence and knowledge donating variables on organizational performance. This research uses quantitative research method by using primary data taken from questionnaires dispersion. The population of this study is all employees who work in KPP Pratama Semarang (Office Tax) consisting of 113 respondents. While the sampling is done through the census method. Analysis technique of this research using Moderating Regression Analysis (MRA) technique. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant influence of self efficacy and social competence on performance. Thus, to improve the performance of the tax office needs to improve self-efficacy of employees, especially their readiness to risk their jobs by giving them some skills to minimize risks on the job, such as technical skills, organizational skills and leadership skills. The tax office also needs to improve the social competence, especially the sense of concern for their employees. The tax office also needs to create conditions that support fellow employees in order to willing to share new knowledge.

2020 ◽  
Fahrul Jamil

This study discusses the relationship between school infrastructure facilities with teaching motivation. This study aims to determine the relationship between educational infrastructure and teaching motivation in SMA 1 Pamijahan, Bogor. This type of research is quantitative research, the population and sample of this study are high school teachers 1 Pamijahan Bogor. which numbered 40 people. The data analysis technique used in this study uses descriptive statistics and correlational analysis using the product-moment correlation formula where variable x is educational infrastructure and so is the variable Y which is teaching motivation. The frequency X frequency division with the highest score of 122 and the lowest score of 73, obtained an average (mean) of 98.26; median 98.50 and 86.37 mode. As for the variable y, the highest score is 110, the lowest score is 70, the average is 95.98; a median of 91.50, and 96.50 modes. There is or there is a positive relationship between educational infrastructure and teaching motivation at SMA 1 Pamijahan Bogor. This is evidenced by the degree of freedom (DK) = N-2 and α = 0.05 of 2,000 t arithmetic (4.5961) &gt; t table (2000) then the correlation coefficient is 5% significant meaning the rcount value is greater than R table that is 0.7016 &gt; 0.05 thus the results are declared significant and the proposed hypothesis is accepted.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 243
Raras Sutatminingsih ◽  
Ihya Zaina

Happiness is a hope in the lives of many people, including the Mustahiq. This research aims to know the relationship between social support and optimism with happiness at Mustahiq. Participants in this study were 64 Mustahiq Rumah Zakat Medan determined by purposive sampling technique. The scale of research used is the scale of happiness and optimism based on the Seligman theory, and the social support scale based on House theory. The Data on this study was analyzed using multiple linear regression techniques which results in showing a positive relationship between social support and optimism with happiness at Mustahiq with significance value of. 000 which means smaller of. 05. Social support provided an effective contribution to happiness of 30.3% and optimism by 15.5%. This study reveals that high social support and optimism can help mustahiqiq achieve happiness in his life. Therefore, the institution of Amil Zakat is expected to continue to improve the social support given at Mustahiq, especially in giving attention and assistance that is directly perceived by Mustahiq.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 562
Salaida Menka ◽  
Wirdatul Aini

This research was motivated by the low learning motivation of students of package C class XI in computer subjects in PKBM SAKATO, Bayang district, Pesisir Selatan. This is presumably because it has something to do with the learning enviroment in PKBM SAKATO, Bayang district, Pesisir Selatan. This study aims to look at the description of learning motivation, learning environment and the relationship between learning motivation and learning environment of package C class XI students in computer subject at PKBM SAKATO, Bayang District, Pesisir Selatan. This type of research is quantitative research that is descriptive corerelational. The study population was 40 students of package C in PKBM SAKATO, Bayang district and a sample of 75% namely 30 people with the sampling technique is a random sample. The data collection technique is in the form of a questionnaire with the data collection tool in the form of a questionnaire. The data analysis technique in this study used the formula for the percentage of product moment correlation. The results of this study show that the learning environment of students is categorized as less conducive, then the learning motivation of students in the package C class XI in PKBM SAKATO is still categorized as low, this can be observed through the answers that have been given by respondents to the indicators of the statements that were examined. Then there is a significant relationship between the learning environment and the learning motivation of the XI class C package students in PKBM SAKATO. Suggestions to the management of the SAKATO PKBM institution to further improve the qualityy of the environment for learning. It is hoped that other studies will be able to see several other factors that have not been examined in this study.  Keywords : learning environment, learning motivation

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-26
Erma Roidhotul Jannah ◽  

This study aims to determine the magnitude of the relationship (1) Self Efficacy, (2) Academic Flow, (3) PAI Learning Achievement at SMK YPM (Maarif Education Foundation) 5 Sukodono Sidoarjo. The formulation of the issues discussed are: 1) Is there a positive relationship between self efficacy and learning achievement of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) ?; 2) Is there a positive relationship between academic flow and PAI learning achievement ?; 3) Is there a positive relationship between self efficacy and academic flow with PAI learning achievement? The purpose of this research is to 1) to find out whether there is self efficacy with PAI learning achievement; 2) Knowing whether there is academic flow with PAI learning achievements d; 3) Knowing whether there is a relationship between self efficacy and academic flow with PAI learning achievement. The approach of this research is correlational quantitative research, which is a study that focuses on calculations to find the maximum relationship between the variables studied. The sampling technique uses cluster random respondents. The analysis technique used is multiple regression with the help of the SPSS 16.00 program. The results of the study show: 1) There is a significant positive relationship between self efficacy and PAI grade X learning achievement, 2) There is a significant positive relationship between academic flow and PAI grade X learning achievement .; 3) There is a significant positive relationship between self efficacy and academic flow with the learning achievement of PAI grade X at SMK YPM 5 Sukodono Sidoarjo. (Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya hubungan (1) Self Efficacy, (2) Flow Akademik, (3) Prestasi Belajar PAI di SMK YPM (Yayasan Pendidikan Maarif) 5 Sukodono Sidoarjo. Rumusan masalah yang dibahas adalah: 1) Apakah terdapat hubungan positif antara self efficacy dengan prestasi belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI)?; 2) Apakah terdapat hubungan positif antara flow akademik dengan prestasi belajar PAI ?; 3) Apakah terdapat hubungan positif antara self efficacy dan flow akademik dengan prestasi belajar PAI ?. Tujuan dari penilitian ini adalah untuk 1) untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya self efficacy dengan prestasi belajar PAI; 2) Mengetahui ada tidaknya flow akademik dengan prestasi belajar PAI d; 3)Mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan self efficacy dan flow akademik dengan prestasi belajar PAI . Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif korelasional, yaitu suatu penelitian yang menitikberatkan pada perhitungan untuk mencari sebesar-besar hubungan antara variabel yang diteliti. Teknik pengambilan sampelnya menggunakan cluster random reponden. Teknik analisa yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda dengan bantuan program SPSS 16.00.Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Ada hubungan positif yang signifikan antara self efficacy dengan prestasi belajar PAI kelas X, 2) Ada hubungan positif yang signifikan antara flow akademik dengan prestasi belajar PAI kelas X. ; 3) Ada hubungan positif yang signifikan antara self efficacy dan flow akademik dengan prestasi belajar PAI kelas X di SMK YPM 5 Sukodono Sidoarjo)

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 144-150
Thwet Thiri Soe

A major concern for educational institutions is improving the quality of lives of students. This study investigated the relationship between social support and academic achievement of students and career aspiration of students in Myanmar. The quantitative research methodology, (survey method) was applied and 550 Grade- 8 students from public schools within Yenanchaung Township, Myanmar. Students in this study completed the two questionnaires, the social support questionnaore and the social support for career aspiration questionnaire to assess their received social support from their parents, teachers and peers. The researcher developed these questionnaires based on the four types of social support by Tardy (1985). The results of the data analysis suggest that there is a positive relationship between social support and academic achievement and the social support and students’ career aspiration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 512
Dwi Fahira Utari ◽  
Vevi Sunarti

This research is motivated by the low level of stimulus given by parents to children around the Tabing Indah Housing Market, Pasar Baru, Bayang District, Pesisir Selatan Regency, this is presumably because parents' understanding of children's fine motor development is relatively low. This study aims to: 1) describe parents' understanding of fine motor development; 2) describe the provision of stimulus to children; and 3) looking at the relationship between parents' understanding of fine motor development and providing stimulus to children around the Tabing Indah Housing Market, Bayang District, Pesisir Selatan Regency. This type of research is quantitative research with correlational descriptive technique. The population in this study were parents of children around Tabing Indah Housing, Bayang District, Pesisir Selatan Regency as many as 20 people and a sample of 14 people. The data collection technique is in the form of a questionnaire with a data collection tool in the form of a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used the Spearman rho proportion and correlation formula. The results showed that: (1) parents' understanding of fine motor development was low, (2) giving children a low stimulus, (3) there was a significant relationship between parents' understanding of fine motor development and providing stimulus to children around Tabing. Beautiful Housing Market. Bayangan Baru District, Pesisir Selatan Regency. It is recommended that parents increase knowledge about the effect of stimulation on children's fine motor development so that their development is maximized.

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