scholarly journals Perencanaan Arsitektur Enterprise Dengan Kerangka Kerja TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework)

Latjuba Sofyana

PT Puma Logistic Indonesia is a company which dwelled in freight forwarder services. Services provided include export, import, domestic transportation, and warehousing. In carrying out its business activities, the company still use manual processes, such as using Microsoft office applications for bookkeeping and archiving. Manual data management will present a lot of risks, including simple errors in recording or data input. Not to mention the time that it takes relatively longer to access and to process information, and the shortade will affect the late information provided to the Head of Branch as well as the Director. Therefore, PT Puma Logistics Indonesia requires need information technology and system that could support and manage the company’s business process well. Based on above problems, PT Puma Logistic Indonesia need enterprise architecture planning which is ideal for their company vision and mission and also the company’s future development. Enterprise architecture planning in this research use TOGAF ADM framework which focused on architecture planning which produce steps of business architecture, information and technology development.The results of this study indicate that the enterprise architecture planning using TOGAF ADM can produce models of enterprise architecture (blueprint). The blueprint can be used as a guide in the procurement and development of IS / IT at PT. Puma Logistics Indonesia, including 13 business functions that have been adapted to business functions that will come in the business process architecture, 27 new entities in the data architecture, 4 application modules in architectural applications and the technology architecture in the form of the provision and upgrading hardware and software in PT. Puma Logistics Indonesia

Arvini Anindhita ◽  
Royana Afwani ◽  
Ida Bagus Ketut Widiartha

This study discusses the design of information technology enterprise architecture in the cooperation of Budi Karya. The main problem encountered is that the management still uses a bookkeeping system. The information obtained in each section has not been integrated with other, the IT management organization structure is not sufficient because there is no staff who have specialized IT experts, and require development in information technology. This was stated in one of the Budi Karya cooperation missions which read "Adopting the development of information technology and modern management systems". This study aims to produce process architecture, data, applications and technology that can be a reference for implementing all activities in cooperation of Budi Karya. This research uses the TOGAF (the Open Group Architecture Framework) which is a framework that has detailed methods and tools for developing and implementing enterprise architecture, with 8 architectural phases of vision, business architecture, information system architecture, technology architecture, opportunities and solutions, migration plan, implementation Governance, and architecture change management. Data collection is done by direct observation interviews and literature studies. The results of all these phases will produce a detailed framework of process architecture, data architecture, application architecture, and architecture in cooperation of Budi Karya Keywords:  Enterprise, Architecture, Cooperation, framework, TOGAF

Salsa Tini Kareksi ◽  
Sudin Saepudin

Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Sukabumi mempunyai beberapa bidang salah satunya bidang Kasubag Umum dan Kepegawaian yang mempunyai fungsi pengumpulan dan pengolahan data. Fungsi tersebut tentunya banyak dikerjakan oleh bagian pengarsipan surat karena bagian tersebut merupakan bagian yang paling penting atau bisa disebut sebagai jantung dari Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Sukabumi. Dimana bagian tersebut mengatur pengelolaan dalam surat masuk, surat keluar, dan laporan surat. Kegiatan pengelolaan surat masih menggunakan buku agenda, kartu disposisi dan Microsoft Office sehingga kegiatan pengelolaan surat terlihat masih belum optimal. Dari kegiatan pengelolaan surat di Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Sukabumi ditemukan beberapa permasalahan yaitu terjadi kehilangan data surat masuk tahun 2019 mencapai 50% sedangkan kesalahan dalam pendataan surat terjadi pada data surat keluar mencapai 10-40% sehingga dapat berpengaruh terhadap pembuatan laporan jumlah surat. Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Sukabumi harus mewujudkan Enterprise Architecture untuk dapat mengatur dan mengawasi dalam pengelolaan surat. Dengan adanya hal tersebut, maka peneliti akan membuat “Perancangan Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework Pada Pengelolaan Surat Di Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Sukabumi”. Hal ini akan menjadi solusi dari permasalahan tersebut. Penelitian ini akan menghasilkan kerangka kerja (blueprint) yang berupa business architecture, data architecture, application architecture, dan technology architecture.

Bibit - Sudarsono ◽  
Umi - Faddillah

Printing service order information systems sometimes experience problems in completing running business processes including, frequent loss and inaccuracy in registering orders from customers, often also losing order data from customers, recording orders often experience errors, resulting inaccurate reporting of order data. A computerized ordering service information system will greatly help improve performance and accuracy in making reports on business processes running at a company. The existence of enterprise modeling of information systems ordering printing services with the TOGAF framework will be a method that greatly helps management make a decision that will synergize with the business process activities at the company. So that the objectives of the system can be achieved properly. The TOGAF framework can be a solution and will help to produce a system architecture design, a business process architecture, a technology architecture, a number of proposed business opportunity strategy proposals and an ongoing system change proposal.

The implementation of several modern concepts of enterprise architecture creation is analyzed and real-time business process generation is described. Cloud-based self-generated business service is constructed as a basis of the resulting concept with an aim to increase the flexibility of enterprise and introduce AaaS (architecture as a service). Under particular business request in form of correctly formulated strategic goal the generation of business process model is produced. The result of the generation is cross-cutting business process architecture model, which is approved or rejected/corrected by business owner expertise. During generation all necessary requirements for supporting resources, such as information, know-how, intellectual and professional skills, inputs and outputs, quality and operational risk limitations, control and monitoring, are formed. All formed requirements have to be satisfied by appropriate selections from the cloud facilities and again approved. Finally, after several iterations, the business model will be able to be realized in reality and could be executed with predicted results. Briefly, that means that certain sets of valued and weighted business process replicas are located in clouds and served in clouds. Thus, enterprise architecture becomes a regular service from clouds extending row of SOA in the name of AaaS. In addition, the advanced view on the topic is provided with an attempt to install a virtual SOA torrent that catches services from the internet and makes them available to customers and represents a business service basis for real-time business processes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-139 ◽  
Geert Poels ◽  
Félix García ◽  
Francisco Ruiz ◽  
Mario Piattini

Process maps provide a high-level overview of an organization?s business processes. While used for many years in different shapes and forms, there is little shared understanding of the concept and its relationship to business process architecture. In this paper, we position the concept of process map within the domain of architecture description. By ?architecting? the concept of business process map, we identify and clarify diverging views of this concept as found in the literature and set requirements for describing process maps. A meta-model for a process mapping language is produced as a result. The proposed meta-model allows investigating the suitability of EA modelling languages as a basis for defining a domain-specific language for process mapping along with the creation of a better understanding of business process architecture in relation to enterprise architecture, which can be beneficial for both BPM and EA professionals.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-61
Jefree Fahana ◽  
Rusydi Umar

Majelis Tabligh merupakan unsur pembantu pimpinan yang ditunjuk sebagai penanggungjawab lapangan dalam pengelolaan masjid Muhammadiyah. Sampai tulisan ini hadir, data-data berkait pengelolaan masjid masih belum ada, seperti jumlah masjid se-DIY, kondisi masjid, pengelolaan jamaah, pengelolaan keuangan masjid, dan lainnya. Pengawasan terhadap masjid-masjid Muhammadiyah juga masih belum bisa dilakukan, maka perlu dukungan sistem informasi/teknologi informasi (SI/TI) yang terintegrasi. Enterprise Architecture adalah gambaran hubungan logis yang terintegrasi antara visi misi, proses bisnis, system informasi, dan infrastruktur organisasi. Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) merupakan suatu metode atau kerangka acuan untuk membangun suatu arsitektur informasi yang mengacu pada tujuan atau kebutuhan bisnis organisasi yaitu arsitektur bisnis, arsitektur data, arsitektur aplikasi, arsitektur teknologi. Pada penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu arsitektur bisnis yang teridentifikasi berupa area fungsi, fungsi bisnis, dan proses bisnis Majelis Tabligh. Arsitektur data berupa 10 entitas data. Arsitektur aplikasi berupa 18 aplikasi. Arsitektur Teknologi yang teridentifikasi salahsatunya menggunakan platform web dan Mobile. Selain itu, didapatkan juga portofolio aplikasi dalam bentuk Mc Farlan Grid. The Majelis Tabligh is an auxiliary element to the leadership who is appointed to be in charge of the field in the management of the Muhammadiyah mosque. Until now, there are still no data related to mosque management, such as the number of mosques in Yogyakarta, the condition of mosques, management of congregations, mosque financial management, and others. Supervision of Muhammadiyah mosques is still not possible, so it is necessary to support an information system/information technology (IS / IT) system. Enterprise Architecture is a description of the integrated logical relationship between the vision and mission, business processes, information systems, and organizational infrastructure. Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) is a method or frame of reference for building an information architecture that refers to the goals or business needs of the organization, namely business architecture, data architecture, application architecture, technology architecture. This research resulted in an identified business architecture in the form of function areas, business functions, and the Majelis Tabligh business process. The data architecture consists of 10 data entities. The application architecture is in the form of 18 applications. One of the identified technology architectures uses web and mobile platforms. In addition, you can also get a portfolio of applications in the form of the Mc Farlan Grid.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Soni Ayi Purnama

Utilization of information systems and information technology is needed in supporting business processes of a company, because the information system is one of the important things in the key to success of a company. Along with the development of information systems have an information system architecture model, where the information system architecture is necessary to plan the information system architecture to be built in the future, where the information system architecture as a spear to improve the competitiveness of a company with other companies.             PT. Ma'soem Arias is one of Pertamina lubricant distributor in West Java. The business activities carried out are to sell Pertamina lubricants to direct customers and direct lubricant procurement from Pertamina's producers. PT. Ma'soem Arias until now in carrying out its business process has not used the information system so needed an Enterprise Architecture planning for PT. Ma'soem Arias.Enterprise architecture model used in this research is by using Oracle Enterprise Architecture Framework (OEAF) model. The advantages of OEAF is to use object oriented concept, where the concept approaches the problem from the perspective of the object and not the perspective of the functional so it is easy to be understood. The method used is Oracle Architecture Development Process (OADP) method, where OADP method has several stages, ie from start of study about business architecture, architecture vision, current state architecture and future state architecture.The result of this research is recommendation of information system of PT. Ma'soem Arias is a blueprint for enterprise architecture planning that succeeds in defining 4 main business processes, the data architecture produces 24 entities, 4 applications and for its technological architecture produces technology architecture proposal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-66
Ricky Anderson ◽  
Johanes Fernandes Andry

Implementation of IS / IT (Information Systems) / (Information Technology) is indispensable in a business process when a organizations wants to grow bigger, and its operational level is getting less simple, so instructions on data, technology, and application functionality will also be increasingly needed. PT Ikido Jorr Indo Sepatu is a manufacturing company that produces shoes for babies, and toddlers. The authors find problem such as most of its business processes still do not take full advantage and not optimally using IS and IT, and sometimes problems in the form of human errors, such as writing wrong memos, wrong data entry, and not having “real time” data processing between each of company division that can interfere with ongoing business processes. Therefore the authors will design a company enterprise architecture (EA) that results in harmony between IS / IT and the business needs of PT Ikido Jorr Indo Sepatu. In this study, the authors will design the EA using TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework) with the ADM (Architecture Development Method) method. The results of this study are in the form of a enterprise architecture blueprint for the TOGAF method that is adapted to the business processes that are running at PT. Ikido Jorr Indo Sepatu which can help maximize the company's growth.   Index Terms—enterprise architecture; TOGAF ADM; PT Ikido Jorr Indo Sepatu

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (03) ◽  
pp. 67
I Gede Mindrayasa ◽  
Murahartawaty Murahartawaty ◽  
Ridha Hanafi

PT Shafco Multi Trading menyadari semakin pentingnya pengelolaan data dan aplikasi pada perusahaan sehingga perlunya meningkatkan kualitas dan efektivitas penerapan sistem informasi yang ada dalam menjalankan kegiatan proses bisnis perusahaan. Arsitektur enterprise diperlukan dalam upaya mendukung daya saing dan transformasi bisnis. Arsitektur enterprise ini bertujuan untuk membentuk keselarasan antara penerapan teknologi informasi terhadap bisnis bagi kebutuhan perusahaan. Analisis dan perancangan pada arsitektur enterprise bersifat menyeluruh dalam skala perusahaan sehingga membantu keberhasilan pengembangan dan pelaksanaan strategi pada perusahaan. Dalam penelitian ini, konsep aristektur enterprise menjadi panduan dalam setiap pengambilan data maupun informasi serta melakukan verifikasi dengan pihak perusahaan untuk memastikan hasil yang dicapai memang sesuai dengan keinginan perusahaan dan juga konsep ideal arsitektur enterprise. Metodologi yang tepat dibutuhkan untuk melakukan perancangan arsitektur enterprise yaitu dalam hal ini adalah TOGAF ADM. Framework ini fokus pada implementasi dan proses. TOGAF ADM memiliki empat komponen utama adalah business architetcure, data architetcure, application architecture, serta technology architecture. Perancangan enterprise architecture menghasilkan blueprint yang berguna dalam mengembangkan perusahaan.

10.29007/fkhl ◽  
2019 ◽  
Debasis Chanda

Enterprises today are technology driven and comprise of plethora of applications that may be categorized based on the technology that they are developed and deployed on. For enterprises that have existed across years and across multiple business cycles, the technologies may be classified as legacy, mature or emerging. The challenge lies in interoperability within and without the organization, especially with respect to the business objects that are required across business functions, to realize the capabilities of the organization. This is also true for scenarios of M&As (Mergers & Acquisitions) and also during creation of JVs (Joint Ventures).Enterprise Architecture (EA) defines the Business-Technology alignment in organizations, and is an established methodology for business transformation and establishing enterprise maturity in the keenly competitive business world. Business objects are defined as Data Architecture artifacts within the ambit of EA.The challenges to business object interoperability arises due to the incompatibility of technologies used by the applications. This leads to the well explored n*(n-1) scenario, where n is the number of application interfaces. This has serious implications towards business health of the organization, and risk to the BAU (Business As Usual) of the organization. This is because in a complex mesh like n*(n-1) scenario, it becomes practically impossible to identify the impact of changes to business capabilities in an inconspicuous attribute of a business object in an application domain.Thus the impact analysis of business objects / data as defined by traditional description is a challenge to business sustainability of organizations. These challenges in data architecture impact analysis may be mitigated by the AI (Artificial Intelligence) paradigm, by taking recourse to the very powerful features of AI, by defining predicate calculus based knowledge bases.In our paper we consider the Banking domain for carrying out our discussions.

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