scholarly journals Resiliensi Ibu Yang Memiliki Anak Down Syndrome Di Sidoarjo

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 141
Fiqqi Anggun Lestari ◽  
Lely Ika Mariyati

The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics and resilience factors for mothers who have children experiencing Down Syndrome. That is factors that help mother finds the strength to face the problem. The method was a qualitative exploratory study using three subjects 30-45 years old mother who has a child with Down syndrome and has resilience. The determination of the subject used purposive sampling techniques and located in some places according to the agreement of subject and significant others. Data collection methods used were interviews equipped with general guidelines as well as the recording field. The results showed that each mother were different in terms of characteristics and resilience factors and differences in educational factors, economic and employment background. Factors that affected thesubject resilience also have differences. Some of the factors supporting emerging resilience, the family support factor was the support obtained by the subject. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (5) ◽  
pp. 1339-1344
Baki Koleci

We, as individuals, continually through our lives, learn and acquire the knowledge, skill, and skill we expect to help us employ or apply appropriately in order to gain a living and secure our survival. Everyone wants to build a successful career with which he can be proud of his life. However, this is not always so easy and simple, it requires a lot of sacrifices, concessions, compromises with our partners, the family, close social relationships, and finally with ourselves. In this paper, the subject of the research is the determination of career development, career stages, career factors, then expert opinions, the difference between traditional and modern career views, goals pursued by individuals in the career, and so on, Career development can be seen as an experience of individuals (an internal career) and this is not related to an organization. Although the responsibility for career management is in the hands of individuals, individuals, however, organizations can play a key role in shaping and developing careers by providing help and providing support. Career development can not be pursued individually or separately from the personality as a whole, meaning it reflects on the context of life and the development of the person as a whole, not just personality as work. The main goal in career development is to realize the current and future needs and goals of the organization and individuals, which has to do more with developing employment opportunities and improving the skills needed for employment. Career success is reflected in the eyes of the individual and can be defined as a career pleasure through achieving personal goals related to the work, while at the same time enhancing the success and efficiency of the organization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Agustin Hanafi ◽  
Mohamad Hedhayatullah Bin Mohamad

Nafkah merupakan salah satu daripada hak isteri yang perlu ditunaikan. Hukum ini telah termaktub di dalam Al-Quran dan sebagaimana yang diketahui oleh semua muslim, salah satu kewajiban seorang suami itu adalah menyediakan nafkah buat isterinya baik dalam  tempoh  perkawinan  maupun  pasca perceraian.  Namun,  mutakhir  ini,  banyak kasus yang melibatkan perilaku suami yang mengabaikan nafkah isteri pasca perceraian. Bahagian Sokongan Keluarga (BSK) merupakan pihak berwenang yang mampu mengatasi dengan sebaik mungkin segala permasalahan berkaitan dengan pemberian nafkah. BSK memberi peluang kepada mantan isteri untuk membuat tuntutan nafkah jika suami gagal atau enggan membayar nafkah sekaligus mengembalikan hak isteri. Pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam permasalahan ini adalah bagaimana peran BSK dalam menjamin terpenuhinya  nafkah isteri pasca perceraian dan bagaimana efektifitasnya (BSK) terhadap masalah penegakan nafkah isteri pasca perceraian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang peran (BSK) dalam masalah pemenuhan nafkah isteri pasca perceraian. Penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah yuridis empiris yaitu kajian lapangan (field research) dan yuridis normatif yaitu kajian kepustakaan (library research). Adapun Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan penulis dalam skripsi ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan telaah dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, bahwa peran BSK dalam masalah pemenuhan nafkah isteri pasca perceraian berjalan secara efektif karena BSK memantau dan menangani masalah ketidakpatuhan mantan suami terhadap perintah nafkah Mahkamah Syariah melalui pembentukan Unit Khidmat Nasehat dan Perundangan, Unit Penguatkuasaan dan Pelaksanaan Perintah dan Unit Pengurusan Dana. Keberadaan BSK telah menjadi tempat rujukan dan   memberikan bantuan kepada mantan isteri. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dapat difahami bahwa pokok permasalahan dalam penyelesaian masalah pengabaian nafkah apabila mantan suami memahami  hal  berkaitan  agama  Islam  serta  mengetahui  hak  dan  tanggung  jawab terhadap isteri pasca perceraian.Kata Kunci: Bahagian Sokongan Keluarga (BSK) dan Nafkah Isteri Pasca Penceraian Living in one of the rights of wives that need to be shown. This law has been contained in the Koran and as it is known by all Muslims, one of the obligations of a husband is to provide a living for his wife both in the period of marriage or post-divorce. However, these cutting-edge, many cases involve the behavior of husbands who neglect the living wives post-divorce. The Family Support Division (BSK) is the authority who can cope with the best possible problems relating to the provision of the living. BSK allows the former wife to make a living claim if the husband fails or refuses to pay the living while returning the right of the wife. The question posed in this issue was the role of BSK in guaranteeing the fulfillment of the postpartum wife and how effectiveness (BSK) has been to the problem of establishing a divorce post. The study aims to find out about the role (BSK) in the issue of fulfilling wives after divorce. The research in this thesis was empirical, i.e. field research and normative juridical (library research) study. The methods of data collection used by the authors in this thesis are observations, interviews and documentation study. The results of the research obtained, that the role of BSK in the problem of fulfillment of wives post-divorce runs effectively because BSK monitors and addresses the problem of non-compliance of ex-husband against the order of Sharia court The establishment of the Advisory and Legal Unit, enforcement Unit and the execution of the Order and fund Management unit. The existence of BSK has been a referral place and provides relief to the former wife. Based on this, it can be understood that the subject matter in solving the issue of living if the former husband understands the matter related to Islam and knows the rights and responsibilities of the post-divorce wife.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-151
Etika Purnama Sari

Background: Sexual maturity in young women is characterized by menarche. The changes occurring at the moment of the menarche cause teenagers to become awkward. Therefore, teenagers need to organize behavioural adjustments that require family support, especially parental support.Objectives: The purpose of this research is to analyse the family support relationship with the readiness of menarche in young women.Design: The design of this research is non-experimental with correlation methods and cross sectional approaches.Methods: The population of this study is all students of 5th and 6th grade Elementary School, Taman Belajar Surabaya who have not had a menstrual period of 40 students. Sampling techniques use simple random sampling. Large sample of 36 respondents. Collection of data using a family support questionnaire and a target readiness questionnaire.Results: A statistical test is conducted using SPSS, the FisherExact test, which shows that P = 0.001 < α = 0.05, where the hypothesis is accepted which means there is a significant link between family support and the readiness of the menarche in the young womenConclusion: There is a relationship between family support and readiness to target because of the provision of good family support so that the young women have a mental knowledge and strengthening to confront the menarche. It is hoped that the family will pay more attention to the children when they begin to step up, especially when the young women are ready to face the menarche. Keywords: Family support, menarche readiness, young women

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Agustin Endriyani

The influence of culture to the status of public health could not be ignored, health is an integral part of the culture. Ethnographic research results in health the year 2012 at 12 ethnics in Indonesia show the maternal and child health issues related to health culture is very concern. The purpose of this research is to know the experience of maternal childbirth to culture in the care period of parturition. This research was qualitative research with case studies. In-depth interview data collection methods (in-depth interview). Snowball sampling techniques. Participants in this research were the mother of the parturition is the working relic of clinics Paste. The number of participants that is used in this study is as much as 7 participants. The results of this research obtained 3 themes, namely, the knowledge of the participants towards parturition period care, Influence the culture of the community, treatments against the time of parturition, and family support in the treatment period of parturition.   

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 34
Hasya Putri Afifian ◽  
Eka Setyaningsih

This study aims to describe the adaptive reasoning skills of students in SMP Negeri 5 Purwokerto in terms of student learning activeness in the subject system of two-variable linear equations. This study uses qualitative research methods and uses the Miles and Huberman model, which includes data reduction, data presentation (display data) and conclusions (verification/conclusion drawing). Sources of data in this study were students of class VIII H. The research subjects were obtained using purposive sampling techniques, and students were categorized into three categories, namely students with high, medium and low learning activeness categories. Each group was selected by three students for research purposes. Data collection methods in this study used questionnaires, tests, interviews and documentation. Based on the results of the study it can be said that students who have high learning activeness are able and meet three of the five indicators of adaptive reasoning skills appropriately, students who have active learning are not yet adequately fulfilling indicators of adaptive reasoning skills appropriately, and students who have low learning activeness have not been able to and mastering precisely the indicators of adaptive reasoning abilities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-67
Ahmad Yusuf Prasetiawan ◽  
Lis Safitri

The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of the emergence and rise of pop culture and the phenomenon of the Muhibbin which became a wave among students. Pop culture usually only lives in modern, urbanistic society, whereas Islamic boarding schools are known as Islamic education institutions that are generally traditionalist, closed, and conventional. As the pesantren metamorphic wave with many formal schools has sprung up since the 2000s, the pesantren’s contact with the outside world has become more intense, the influences of giving color, and new streams, especially in this social media culture, indications of the emergence of pop culture have strengthened. This study is a cross method or method combination of quantitative and qualitative, using participatory heuristic techniques (observation, interview, documentation), verification, and interpretation in digging data. This is sectional research or in a limited period (January-June 2019). Determination of informants using random sampling techniques, from 183 Islamic boarding schools listed in the Ministry of Religion Banyumas Regency, 31 boarding schools were taken, with each of the 3-4 students, bringing the total to 100 respondents. The results showed that the relationship between the santri community and pop culture was not new since the religious songs industry was booming, but with the emergence of the Muhibbin trend (lovers of the Apostles with sholawat songs), the santri community found the right form of contradictory relations between orthodoxy students with trendy pop, because Santri is the object and the subject at the same time. Muhibbin wave embodies a compromise between Santri’s sacred Islamic values and pop expression as a young spirit, where the age of santri in general.   Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk memberikan deskripsi tentang kemunculan dan maraknya budaya pop di kalangan santri dan fenomena Muhibbin yang menjadi wave. Budaya pop biasanya hanya hidup dalam masyarakat modern yang urbanistik, sedangkan Pesantren dikenal sebagai lembaga pendidikan Islam yang umumnya tradisionalis, tertutup dan konvensional. Seiring gelombang metamorfosa Pesantren dengan sekolah formal yang banyak bermunculan sejak tahun 2000-an, persentuhan Pesantren dengan dunia luar kian intens, pengaruh masuk memberi warna, dan arus baru (newmainstream), terlebih dalam budaya sosial media ini, Indikasi munculnya pop culture pun menguat. Penelitian ini merupakan cross methode atau metode kombinasi antara kuantitatif dan kualitatif, mengggunakan teknik heuristik partisipatoris (observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi), verifikasi, serta interpretasi dalam menggali data. Penelitian bersifat sectional research atau dalam kurun waktu terbatas (Januari-Juni 2019). Penentuan informan menggunakan teknik random sampling, dari 183 Pesantren yang terdaftar pada Dipontren Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Banyumas, diambil 31 Pesantren, dengan masing-masing 3-4 santri, sehingga total menjadi 100 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentuhan komunitas santri dengan budaya pop bukanlah hal baru, telah terjadi sejak industri lagu-lagu religius booming, tetapi dengan munculnya trend Muhibbin (pecinta Rasul dengan lagu-lagu sholawat), komunitas santri menemukan bentuk yang tepat dari relasi yang kontradiktif antara ortodoksi santri dengan pop yang trendy, karena Santri menjadi objek dan subjeknya sekaligus. Muhibbin wave mewujudkani sebuah kompromi antara nilai keislaman Santri yang sakral dengan ekspresi pop sebagai semangat muda, dimana usia santri pada umumnya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (5) ◽  
pp. 7-21
Izabela Krasiejko

The space for debate on the role and tasks of a given profession is one of the factors serving its professionalisation and the creation of professional identity. The opportunity to exchange experiences and obtain informational and emotional support is particularly important in the case of assistance professions, where direct action with the family raises many dilemmas, especially when children are raised by parents, whose behaviour often does not favour their proper development, and even threatens their safety. The subject of the discussion is also the location of social services in relation to each other, coherence of goals, expectations and actions with and for the family. Another issue is the development of a unique work methodology for a given profession, discussing the perspectives and threats to its development. Family assistants have the forum to exchange experiences, integrate, broaden knowledge and strengthen competences. They are annual national meetings. The purpose of this study is to describe the organization and subject matter of these meetings for family assistants.

2016 ◽  
pp. 335-348
Grażyna Mikołajczyk-Lerman

The functioning of families with a disabled child is associated with many difficulties and problems, which are not families with children experienc­ing non ­disabled. It can be argued that the mere fact of having a child with a dis­ability is a crisis situation and can cause interference to the basic functions of the family. The lack of sufficient institutional support for this type of families and their members entails, among other things, to activate and use of family support net­works. In the case of children, disability is the result of defects and diseases ac­quired early in life. Their condition may improve, stay the same, but also deteri­orate. Sometimes the child’s illness is ir­reversible, although the degree of health deficits may change – the course of his future life will depend on how the family and it itself will cope with his disability. Life chances of these children will be in large part depend on what they earn in the early stages of development, which mastered social skills and how to devel­op their abilities. That’s why so import­ant is the role of the family of a disabled child in preparing him for an indepen­dent life in society as far as its features. The subject of a paper presented causes and effects of crisis situations and ways to cope with difficulties primarily eco­nomic, educational or rehabilitation in families with a disabled child.

Pei-Chen (Chiu-Yi/Joy) Lee

Following the growing worldwide competition and internationalisation of globe markets, international expatriates’ assignments are become more and more essential to successful worldwide development for many multinational corporations. Therefore, expatriates can become an important human resource to international enterprises or multinational operations. Especially, investigating the influential factors as family support of expatriate adjustment is significant for several reasons. Firstly, failure of expatriate adjustment may cause premature return from overseas assignments, which may be very costly financially for international enterprises. Secondly, failure to accomplish the plan of the assignment is as harmful to the expatriate as it is to the parent and host companies. Inability of an expatriate to complete the assignment is likely to damage his or her self-esteem, and self-confidence, and cause a loss of prestige among co-workers. Thirdly, an unsuccessful period of expatriation is likely to decrease both the subsequent commitment to the parent company.Therefore, to facilitate business expatriates adjustment to an overseas environment and to enable them to work effectively, Multinational Corporations (MNCs) need to recognise the expatriates’ family support factor to affect cross-cultural adjustment. The main purpose of this study involves utilising previous researcher Lee’s (2002) questionnaire to investigate the relationship between the family support and cross-cultural adjustment of Taiwanese Banks’ expatriates assigned to America, and this study employed same questionnaire to examine the relationship between the family and cross-cultural adjustment of Taiwanese expatriates in several different industries assigned to Mainland China. Also, the empirical outcomes were compared between Taiwanese expatriates located in Mainland China and United States. In examining the significant degree of Taiwanese expatriates assigned to Mainland China, the instrument was a questionnaire survey conducted to this study. The variables of interest were measured using items Likert-type questions, and those items are divided into seven categories. Data collected from 353 participants who have experience of a posting to Mainland China for international assignments. Multiple regression and correlation were employed to analyse data.The statistical results of this study were compared Lee’s (2002) research that associated with Taiwanese banking expatriates in United States. Both studies indicated that the expatriates’ family support factor to affect cross-cultural adjustment without doubt. This article concludes with suggestions for both international enterprises or MNCs and individual expatriate who operate overseas journey in their normal path of business.

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