scholarly journals Pembangunan Pertanian dengan Pendekatan Komunitas : Kasus Rancangan Program Prima Tani

2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 102 ◽  
NFN Syahyuti

<strong>English</strong><br />Development concept explained in the mid of 20th century keeps improving. One of the concept improvements is application of “community-based development” concept.  This concept criticizes the relatively unsuccessful rural development based on individuals and households. One of actual community-based development types is implemented in the Prima Tani Program planning. The Program planning consists of (i) the program is located at the rural areas as the smallest units, (ii) action plan was applied using participatory rural appraisal, (iii) encouraging self reliance, and (iv) uses of local institutional resources. The paper is a literature study based on the documents of Prima Tani Program planning and the writer’s involvement in filed activities of the Program planning in West Nusa Tenggara Province. The assessment shows that it is necessary to well measure communal degree of the community. This is the basis for overall program implementation.<br /><br /><br /><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Konsep pembangunan yang dijelaskan pada pertengahan abad ke 20 terus mengalami perbaikan. Salah satu bentuk perbaikan konsep adalah diterapkannya konsep  “pembangunan berbasiskan komunitas”. Konsep ini dapat dipandang sebagai kritik konsep pembangunan pedesaan selama ini yang berlandaskan kepada pendekatan individual dan rumah tangga yang dinilai kurang berhasil. Salah satu bentuk konkrit pembangunan berbasiskan komunitas diterapkan dalam rancangan program Prima Tani.  Hal ini setidaknya terlihat dari empat aspek yaitu: penetapan lokasi program pada desa sebagai unit terkecil, penerapan PRA dalam penyusunan rencana aksi yang dilakukan secara partisipatif, upaya meningkatkan kemandirian, serta penggunaan sumberdaya kelembagaan setempat. Tulisan ini merupakan studi literatur yang didasarkan atas dokumen-dokumen rancangan Prima Tani serta keterlibatan penulis dalam melakukan kegiatan lapang Prima Tani di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Hasil penelaahan membuktikan perlunya perhatian untuk mengukur derajat komunalitas warga secara baik. Hal ini merupakan titik tolak dalam pengimplementasian program secara keseluruhan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 127-135
Lelly Prakusya ◽  
Sutopo Patria Jati ◽  
Nurhasmadiar Nandini

COVID-19 has become a global pandemic in 2020. As of May 25, 2020 there were 22,750 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Prevention and control of COVID-19 needs to be carried out by the village government which is in direct contact with the community. Supported by the issuance of Permendes No. 6 of 2020 concerning the Implementation Regulations for the COVID-19 Response Village Program. Meteseh Village is one of the villages in Kendal Regency that has a risk of spreading COVID-19. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using in-depth interviews using purposive technique with informants selected based on criteria and literature study. The results show that the implementation of the COVID-19 Response Village Program in Meteseh Village has not been running optimally due to unclear implementation standards in related policies, limited human resource capacity in program planning and resource management, especially in the aspect of controlling COVID-19 and the community attitudes that do not apply health protocols influenced by social, economic, political conditions. Therefore, Meteseh Village is advised to increase the role of village midwives to provide education about the handling of COVID-19 to program implementers, increase the participation of health workers, religious leaders and community leaders in Meteseh Village to assist in handling COVID-19, continue to provide informations of COVID-19 and conduct evaluation activities of program implementation including make a complete written report about program implementation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Siti Ermawati ◽  
Taufiq Hidayat ◽  
Ima Isnaini Taufiqur Rohmah ◽  
Fitri Nurdianingsih ◽  
Ali Mujahidin

The rubbish is the waste of goods that are not needed by the community. However, it does not mean that rubbish does not have any utility at all. Actually, used bottles can be recycled into a variety of creative products. Unfortunately, just a few people are willing to exploit the potential of the rubbish, so its existence becomes useless, and even just pollute the environment. This community service program aims to hone the creativity of students in recycling the bottles into unique piggy banks and improving students' movements to save their money. The method used in this program is Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA). The participants are the students of class 5 SDN Prigi 1 (n=14). The steps of program implementation include; 1) counseling, 2) demonstration, 3) tools provision, 4) practice, and 5) evaluation. The results of the program are the partisipant’s understanding and skill in recycling the bottles into unique and creative piggy banks. Some piggy bank products produced by participants include; a turtle-shaped pig, an owl, and a plane. Students are expected to be more motivated to save their from an early age.Keywords: Recycle, Used bottles, Piggy banks ABSTRAKSampah merupakan sisa atau buangan dari barang yang tidak diperlukan oleh masyarakat. Meskipun demikian, bukan berarti sampah tidak memiliki kegunaan sama sekali. Botol bekas sebenarnya bisa didaur menjadi berbagai produk kreatif yang memiliki nilai guna dan nilai ekonomi. Persoalannya, sangat sedikit orang dapat mememanfaatkan potensi sampah sehingga keberadaannya menjadi sia-sia dan bahkan menjadi limbah yang mencemari lingkungan. PKM ini bertujuan untuk mengasah kreativitas siswa dalam mendaur ulang botol bekas menjadi Piggy Banks dan meningkatkan movitasi siswa untuk menabung. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan PKM ini adalah Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA). Peserta PKM terdiri dari siswa Kelas V SDN Prigi 1 yang berjumlah 14 Orang. Langkah-langkah pelaksanaan PKM meliputi; 1) penyuluhan, 2) demonstrasi, 3) pemberian bantuan alat, 4) praktek, dan 5) evaluasi. Hasil dari kegiatan PKM ini adalah pemahaman dan keterampilan siswa dalam mendaur ulang botol bekas menjadi piggy bank unik dan kreatif. Beberapa produk piggy bank yang dihasilkan siswa antara lain; piggy bank berbentuk kura-kura, burung hantu, dan pesawat. Dengan hasil ini, siswa diharapkan dapat lebih termotivasi untuk menabung sejak usia dini.Kata Kunci: Daur ulang, Botol bekas, Piggy banks

Arpita Sharma ◽  
Sunil Kumar ◽  
Naresh Kumar Kandpal

Background: Livestock plays a vital role in the farmer’s life. They provide farm power, rural transport, manure, fuel, milk and meat. It provides income and employment to the small farmers. Thus, livestock has major role in rural economy. In Uttarakhand, medical facilities are very less in number. Due to unavailability of modern health facilities, poverty, connectivity with urban centre, awareness, etc. people in hilly and rural areas are still depend on traditional medicines for their health care. Some of the communities are using wild plant parts for healthcare. The indigenous knowledge of the veterinary health care system acquired by traditional herbal healers and elderly learned farmers and is orally transformed from one generation to other. Methods: Thus, a study was conducted to document the medicinally important plants used in treatment of cattle diseases by rural people living in Pithoragadh District of Uttarakhand. Interview Schedule, Participatory Rural Appraisal, Group Discussion techniques were used to identify plants and their medicinal information. Out of 219 villages under tehsil Munsyari, total five villages viz; total three villages viz; Alam, Arkhet, Baidu Mahar were selected purposively. Participatory Rural Appraisal, Group Discussion techniques were used to document the medicinal plants. Result: The investigator recorded 30 plants species to have ethnoveterinary value. These medicinal plants are highly valuable and appropriate for animal health care and management. People are dependent upon food, fruits, fodder, and medicinal plants for their healthcare. Hilly people use these traditionally available medicinal plants for animal health and believe that these are easily available, less expensive and have no side effects as compare to modern medicine. Present scenario as deforestation, tourism affects medicinal plants. Thus, conservation of these species is necessary. Proper policies should be needed to conserve the forests and medicinal plants. Attention should be made on scientific validation and proper exploitation and utilization of these medicinally important plants in animal health care.

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 3 ◽  
Bambang Hudayana ◽  
Pande Made Kutanegara ◽  
Setiadi Setiadi ◽  
Agus Indiyanto ◽  
Zamzam Fauzanafi ◽  

A Community service program (PkM) carried out by the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University in 2018 took place in Pucung Hamlet, Wukirsari Village, Bantul, which aims to develop Pedukuhan Pucung as a tourism village through participatory methods. In the implementation of this PkM, the participatory method that is introduced is the PRA (participatory rural appraisal) that researchers could act as facilitators and could directly facilitate citizens to recognize and utilize participatory methods to develop a CAP (Community Action Plan) which would later become a tourist village development plan. At the end of the implementation of this program, the CAP has successfully compiled the development of a Pucung tourism village based on local culture and it was also agreed to create a tourism village development organization and to select several local facilitators. Further, the PkM team will still provide assistance to the sustainability and implementation of the CAP of the Pucung Tourism Village.--------------------------------------------------Kegiatan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) yang dilakukan oleh Departemen Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada pada tahun 2018 ini mengambil lokasi di Pedukuhan Pucung, Desa Wukirsari, Bantul, yang terkait dengan pengembangan Pucung sebagai desa wisata secara partisipatoris. Dalam pelaksanaan PkM ini, metode partisipatoris yang dikenalkan adalah metode PRA sehingga peneliti dapat bertindak sebagai fasilitator dan langsung dapat memfasilitasi warga dalam mengenal dan memanfaatkan metode partisipatoris untuk menyusun CAP (Community Action Plan), yang nantinya akan menjadi program pengembangan desa wisata. Pada akhir pelaksanaan program ini telah berhasil disusun CAP pengembangan Desa Wisata Pucung yang berbasis budaya lokal dan juga disepakati untuk membentuk kepengurusan organisasi pengembangan desa wisata dan pemilihan beberapa fasilitator lokal. Dalam pengembangan selanjutnya, tim PkM masih akan melakukan pendampingan terhadap keberlanjutan dan pelaksanaan CAP pengembangan Desa Wisata Pucung. 

1997 ◽  
Vol 73 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-227 ◽  
Andrew Park

In rural Malawi, rapid population growth has contributed to deforestation, land and other chronic resource scarcities. In 1995, a team of Canadian graduate students and Malawian extension workers investigated and attempted to find solutions to specific local resource scarcities. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) was used to assess total resource supply, evaluate food security and gender issues, facilitate village fuelwood action plan and inquire into the non-adoption of a tree nursery scheme. This article relates the team's experiences and insights against reviews of the history of forestry in Malawi, recent initiatives in forestry extension, and the current condition of Malawi's indigenous woodlands. It is concluded that villagers are willing to plant trees provided their costs are minimized and maize production is not compromised. Key words: Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), participatory development, refugee affected areas, deforestation; indigenous trees, fuelwood

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-65
Nur Ratika Syamsiar ◽  
Batara Surya ◽  
Syahriar Tato

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kondisi permukiman saat ini di Kelurahan Banggae Kecamatan Banggae pasca pelaksanaan program Kotaku,  mengevaluasi penanganan permukiman kumuh dalam pelaksanaan program Kotaku, dan mengevaluasi perubahan, manfaat dan dampak yang dihasilkan dari penanganan permukiman kumuh dalam pelaksanaan program Kotaku. Tipe penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan desain eksploratif, komparatif dan evaluatif. Fokus penelitian adalah evaluasi perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan hasil penanganan permukiman kumuh dengan program Kotaku. Instrumen penelitian peneliti sendiri, peta lokasi, pedoman observasi atau survei, pedoman wawancara, dan perlengkapan peralatan lainnya. Jenis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif, dan sumber data berupa data primer dan sekunder. Data dikoleksi melalui dua pendekatan yakni library study (studi kepustakaan) dan field study (studi lapangan). Data dianalisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasca pelaksanaan program Kotaku, evaluasi kondisi permukiman saat ini di Kelurahan Banggae Tahun 2019 masih berstatus atau dikategorikan kumuh ringan (sedang). Hasil evaluasi secara keseluruhan menunjukkan, selain penanganan dominan action plan (hanya sebahagian real action), pilihan pendekatan penanganan juga masih banyak bersifat tunggal dan monoton, tidak terintegratif dan komprehensif dalam penyelesaian/ penuntasan akar masalah dan kebutuhan problem solving. Akibatnya, pola pendekatan penanganan dan pilihan intervensi menjadi tidak efektif serta tidak tuntas. Evaluasi perubahan, manfaat dan dampak berdasarkan indikator dalam perbandingan kondisi permukiman kumuh sebelum dan pasca pelaksanaan program Kotaku menunjukkan aneka ragam permasalahan dihadapi oleh masyarakat lokal dan lingkungan permukiman belum sepenuhnya terentaskan. Perubahan yang menonjol adalah pembangunan infrastruktur dan sarana prasarana dasar terutama jalan lingkungan dan drainase, namun untuk indikator-indikator lainnya masih tetap. Ada kesenjangan atau ketimpangan realisasi antar indikator, serta belum tuntasnya penanganan semua indikator permukiman kumuh. This study aimed to evaluate current condition at Banggae after program of Kota Tanpa Kumuh (Kotaku) [a program to actualize a city without slum’s area], to evaluate the handling of a slum area residence within Kotaku program implementation, and to evaluate changes, benefits and impacts resulted from the slum area management in the implementation of Kotaku program. This research is a qualitative descriptive research, with explorative, comparative and evaluative designs. The focus fo this study was to evaluate planning, implementation and output-outcome of the slum area management in Kotaku program. Instruments used include investigator as self-participant, a map of the location, a survey or observation guideline, an interview guideline, and other facilities. The data are quantitative ase well as qualitative and the sources of the data are from primary and secondary data. All data were collected using two approaches, namely literature study and field study. The data were analyzed with a qualitative approach. The result of this study indicated that after the implementation of Kotaku program, the evaluation of current condition in Banggae is still in middle or light slum category. The overall evaluation results show, in addition to the dominant handling of the action plan (only half of it as real action), many options for handling approaches are still singular and monotonous, not integrated and comprehensive in solving root causes and problem-solving needs. As a result, the pattern of treatment approaches and choice of intervention become ineffective and incomplete. Evaluation of changes, benefits and impacts based on the indicators in a comparison of the conditions of slum area before and after the implementation of the Kotaku program shows that the various problems faced by local communities and the settlement environment have not been completely resolved. The change that stands out is the development of infrastructures and basic facilities, especially the roads and drainage, but for other indicators it remains. There are gaps or imbalances in the realization of the indicators, as well as the incomplete handling of all indicators of slum area.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 074-077
Saudah Saudah ◽  
Ernilasari Ernilasari ◽  
Mulia Aria Suzanni ◽  
Irhamni Irhamni ◽  
Diana Diana

Penggunaan tumbuhan sebagai obat telah lama digunakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia, terutama masyarakat yang tinggal di pedesaan. Pengetahuan pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat di wariskan secara turun temurun. Seiring dengan perkembangan waktu, kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan ilmu teknologi, telah meningkatkan penggunaan tumbuhan obat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui cara masyarakat di Kabupaten Pidiekhususnya di Kecamatan Keumala dalam memanfaatkan tumbuhan obat. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal), yaitu proses pengkajian yang berorientasi pada keterlibatan dan peran masyarakat secara aktif dalam penelitian yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara diketahui bahwa terdapat 8 spesies tumbuhan obatyang berasal dari family Zingiberaceae yang digunakan sebagai tanaman obat oleh masyarakat Pidie.Spesies tersebut antara lain Temulasi, Temulawak, Halia, Halia Merah, Boh Rangkueh, Boh Cuko, Kunyet Molay, dan Kunyet, yang semuanya berstatus di budidayakan. Bagian yang digunakan adalah Rimpang. Diharapkan penelitian ini berpotensi untuk menemukan jenis tanaman obat baru (bioprospecting) yang bermanfaat bagi farmasi dalam rangka peningkatan kesehatan masyarakat luas.   The utilization of medicinal plant has long been conducted by Indonesian people, especially people who live in rural areas. Knowledge of the use of medicinal plants started from generation to generation. Along with the development of science and technology, the utilization of medicinal plants has increased. The research aimed to find out how the people in Pidie Regency, especially in Keumala District, use medicinal plants. The method used is the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) method, which is an assessment process that is oriented to the involvement and active role of the community in research which data collection through interviews and observations. Based on the results of interviews, there were 8 species of medicinal plants from family Zingiberaceae were used as medicinal plants by the Pidie community. These include Temulasi, Temulawak, Halia, Halia Merah, Boh Rangkueh, Boh Cuko, Kunyet Molay, and Kunyet, all of them were cultivated plants. The part used was Rhizome. The potential medicinal plants in pharmacy to improve public health could be discovered through this research.

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