2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 17

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Penelitian mengenai jarak tanam dan pemupukan untuk tanaman<br />rosela merah (Hibiscus sabdariffa var. sabdariffa) belum banyak dilakukan.<br />Suatu penelitian, yang dilakukan di Desa Kanyoran, Kecamatan Semen,<br />Kabupaten Kediri pada tahun 2010, bertujuan untuk mendapatkan jarak<br />tanam dan dosis pupuk NPK majemuk yang tepat bagi pertumbuhan serta<br />produksi kelopak bunga rosela merah dan analisis usaha tani. Perlakuan<br />disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan 3 ulangan.<br />Sebagai faktor pertama adalah 3 ukuran jarak tanam yang terdiri atas 1) 80<br />x 50 cm; 2) 100 x 50 cm; dan 3) 120 x 50 cm; dan sebagai faktor kedua<br />adalah 5 dosis pupuk NPK majemuk yang terdiri atas a) 30 kg NPK/ha; b)<br />37,50 kg NPK/ha; c) 45 kg NPK/ha; d) 52,50 kg NPK/ha; dan e) 60 kg<br />NPK/ha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi interaksi antara jarak<br />tanam (100 x 50 cm) dengan dosis pupuk (45 kg NPK/ha) yang<br />memberikan pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang produktif,<br />jumlah buah, bobot kelopak bunga berbiji, bobot biji, bobot basah kelopak<br />bunga tanpa biji, dan bobot kelopak bunga kering maksimal, masing-<br />masing sebesar 186,63 cm; 16,33 cabang; 117,00 buah; 41,33 kg/petak;<br />16,17 kg/petak; 26,67 kg/petak; dan 2,35 kg/petak (652,75 kg/ha). Usaha<br />tani rosela merah memberikan keuntungan sebesar Rp 10.420.000/ha<br />dengan B/C = 1,49. Harga pokok kelopak bunga kering sebesar<br />Rp13.031/kg lebih kecil dibanding harga pasar (Rp 40.000/kg), dan dapat<br />dijamin tidak akan terjadi kerugian bagi petani<br />Kata kunci : Hibiscus sabdariffa var. sabdariffa, jarak tanam, pupuk NPK<br />majemuk, pertumbuhan, produksi</p><p>ABSTRACT<br />There has been no research program on plant spacing and fertilization on<br />red roselle plant (Hibiscus sabdariffa var. sabdariffa) up to 2010. A study<br />conducted in Desa Kanyoran, Kecamatan Semen, Kediri in 2010, aimed at<br />getting appropriate plant spacing and NPK compound fertilizer dosage for<br />growth and calyx production of red roselle, as well as its farm analysis.<br />The experiment was arranged in a factorial randomized block design with<br />three replicates. As the first factor were 3 dimensions of plant spacing<br />consisting of 1) 80 x 50, 2) 100 x 50, and 3) 120 x 50 cm, and the second<br />factor were 5 doses of NPK compound fertilizer consisting of a) 30, b)<br />37.50, c) 45, d) 52.50, and e) 60 kg NPK/ha. The results showed that there<br />was an interaction between plant spacing (100 x 50 cm) with fertilizer<br />dosage (45 kg NPK/ha), which resulted in plant height, number of<br />productive branches, number of fruits, weight calyx with seed, seed<br />weight, fresh weight of seedless calyx, and maximum dry weight of calyx,<br />each amounting to 186.63 cm; 16.33 branches; 117.00 fruits; 41.33<br />kg/plot; 16.17 kg/plot; 26.67 kg/plot; and 2.35 kg/plot (652.75 kg/ha),<br />respectively. Red roselle farm provided a gain of Rp10,420,000/ha with a<br />B/C of 1.49. Production cost of dried calyx was Rp13,031/kg, lower than<br />market price (Rp 40,000/kg), and was guaranteed to be no loss to farmers.<br />Key words: Hibiscus sabdariffa var. sabdariffa, plant spacing, NPK<br />compound fertilizer, growth, production</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 544

The study aimed to determine the effect of organic planting media and the position of seed planting on the growth of Robusta coffee seedlings. The study is conducted at the Tabanan Agrotechnology Study Program, Tabanan University, which conducted from July 2019 to September 2019. The treatments are arranged in factorial in a randomized block design (RBD). Two treatments examined in this study were the doses of organic matter in the growing media (0g, 150 g, 300 g, 450 g) and seed position (prone position, upside down, tilted position). The results show that the interaction between organic planting media (soil + coffee leaf compost) and seed planting position did not significantly affect all coffee seedlings growth variables. The dose of organic compost in the growing media has a very significant effect on all growth variables except when growing and the percentage of growth. The dosing of 450 g organic matter gave the highest root fresh weight, fresh stem weight and fresh leaf weight (1.00 g, 2.97 g and 8.64 g respectively) and oven dry weight for the three variables (respectively 0.39 g, 0.55 g and 1.36 g). Seed planting position has no significant effect on all observed variables, but there is The tendency of planting position with the prone on average gives better growth compared to other positions.

SoilREns ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Vira Kusuma Dewi ◽  
Nugoho Susetyo Putra ◽  
Benito Purwanto ◽  
Sri Hartati ◽  
Santika Sari

Chromolaena odorata (L.) is a potential compost since it has high biomass and contains calcium, manganese, potassium and nitrogen. The aim of this research was to know the potency of siam weed Chromolaena odorata compost on soil chemical and chili plant performance. The experiment was arranged in factorial randomized block design consisted of two factors and three replications. The first factor was variety of fertilizer (no fertilizer, cow manure, siam weed compost and inorganic fertilizers) and the second one was the tanglefoot (with and without tanglefoot). Overall, the results of study showed that C. odorata compost could increased crop performance when compared with the other fertilizers in terms of number of fruits, fresh/dry weight of fruits, dry weight of crops, and N-total (leaf, stem, root and fruit), though there was no difference in fresh weight of crops among treatments. Furthermore, the effect of siam weed compost was not significantly different on soil chemical if compared with all treatments. This study is likely suggesting that C. odorata compost gives a positive effect to crops performance and soil chemicals.Keywords:  Chili, Chromolaena odorata, compost  fertilizer, tanglefoot

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 165

Time Storage and Effectivity of the Prototype of Mychorrhiza Biological Fertilizer with Volcanic and Sea Sand as the Carrier Media.  This research aimed to study time storage and the efectivity of prototype of mychorrhiza biological fertilizer with volcanic and sea sand as the carrier media. The study was arranged using a randomized block design with 2 factors. The first factor was carrier media of mychorrhiza spore consist of 2 levels i.e. volcanic and and sea sand, and the second factor was time storage of prototype of mychorrhiza biological fertilizer consist of 3 levels i.e. 1, 2, and 3 month. The result of research showed that volcanic sand carrier media was better than the sea sand media proved by higher total dry weight. The best time storage of prototype of mychorrhiza biological fertilizer in this research was 1 month indicated by the highest amount of spores after storage. The interaction between carrier media and time storage gave significantly different just to stem diamater and fresh weight of corn cob.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 13

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian hara<br />pada berbagai tingkat dan frekuensi pemberian air terhadap pertumbuhan<br />dan produksi lada perdu. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah atap Instalasi<br />Penelitian Cimanggu, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, tahun<br />1996-1998. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pot drum 40 liter.<br />Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok berukuran 6<br />tanaman/petak yang diulang 3 kali. Terdapat 2 faktor yang diuji yaitu<br />kombinasi dari tingkat dan frekuensi pemberian air dan faktor kedua<br />adalah takaran hara NPK Mg 12-12-17-2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan<br />bahwa pemberian air 21 mm/2 hari, setara dengan curah hujan 3.780 mm<br />per tahun dengan pemberian pupuk 400 g NPKMg 12-12-17-2 per<br />tanaman per tahun menghasilkan pertumbuhan terbaik dan produksi<br />tertinggi yaitu 42,7 g/tanaman pada produksi tahun pertama dan 171,2<br />g/tanaman pada tahun produksi kedua. Ini berarti dengan jarak tanam<br />1,25 x 1,25 m telah mampu dicapai hasil lebih dari 1,09 ton/ha. Tingkat<br />pencucian hara makro tertinggi terjadi pada perlakuan pemberian air 21<br />mm/2hari dengan agihan pemupukan 600g/tanaman/tahun.<br />Kata kunci : Lada perdu, Piper nigrum L., pemupukan, pemberian air,<br />produksi</p><p><br />ABSTRACT<br />Nutrient leaching and intake in bushy pepper (Piper<br />nigrum L.) at different rates and frequency of watering<br />The objective of the research was to find out the effect of<br />fertilizing at different rates and frequency of watering on the growth and<br />yield of bushy pepper. The research was done at a shading house of<br />Cimanggu Experimental Farm, Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops<br />Research Institute in 1996 – 1998. Bushy pepper was planted in a<br />container of 40 litre in Cimanggu Instalation. The research used a<br />randomized block design with 3 replication, 6 plants/ plot. There were<br />two factors studied in the research i.e. the combination of the rate and<br />frequency of watering, and the rate of NPK Mg 12-12-7-2. The results<br />showed that watering at 21 ml in 2 days, equals to 3780 mm rainfall, with<br />the application of 400 g NPK Mg 12-12-17-2 per plant gave the best<br />growth performance and the highest yield of pepper 42.7 g/vine at the 1 st<br />year and 171.2 g/vine at the 2 nd year. It means that at the plant spacing of<br />1.25 x 1.25 m the plants can produce 1.09 tones/ha. The highest nutrient<br />leached happened at the treatment of watering of 21 mm/2days with<br />fertilizer application 600 g/vine.<br />Key words: Bushy pepper, Piper nigrum L., fertilizing, watering,<br />growth, production</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 140

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Penelitian untuk mendapatkan klon-klon unggul rami untuk lahan di<br />antara pohon kelapa, telah dilaksanakan pada bulan April 1999 - Maret<br />2000, di lahan kebun plasma PIR-Kelapa 5 (NES 5) Desa Mekarsari,<br />Kecamatan Cimerak, Kabupaten Ciamis, Jawa Barat. Tanaman kelapa<br />hibrida ditanam pada tahun 1993/1994 dengan jarak tanam 9 m x 9 m, dan<br />sudah berproduksi. Perlakuan terdiri dari 12 klon rami yang disusun dalam<br />rancangan acak kelompok dan diulang 3 kali. Klon-klon tersebut adalah<br />Pujon 10, Pujon 13, Bandung A, Pujon 9, Pujon 902, Indochina, Kotaraja,<br />Japan I, Hakuki, Padang 3, Jawa Timur 3-0 dan Pujon 601. Bibit/rhizoma<br />ditanam dengan jarak tanam 50 cm x 80 cm satu stek per lubang, pada plot<br />berukuran 4 m x 9 m. Kapur dan pupuk kandang diberikan bersamaan<br />dengan pengolahan tanah dengan dosis masing-masing 2 ton dan 20 ton<br />per hektar. Sedangkan pupuk buatan diberikan pada 10 hari setelah tanam<br />dengan dosis 200 kg urea + 150 kg SP-36 + 100 kg KC1 per hektar.<br />Pemupukan selanjutnya dilakukan 7-10 hari setiap sehabis panen/pangkas<br />dengan dosis yang sama. Panen pertama dilakukan pada 70 HST,<br />sedangkan panen berikutnya setiap dua bulan sekali. Pengamatan pada<br />sebelum dan sesudah panen dilakukan terhadap tinggi tanaman, diameter<br />batang, jumlah anakan per rumpun, bobot brangkasan segar, bobot batang<br />segar dan bobot kering china grass. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa<br />klon Pujon 10, Pujon 13, Padang 3, Bandung A dan Indochina merupakan<br />klon-klon yang memiliki daya adaptasi tinggi di lahan antara pohon kelapa<br />di Ciamis sampai dengan panen ke empat.<br />Kata kunci: Rami, Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud, adaptasi, kebun kelapa,<br />tanaman sela, Jawa Barat</p><p><br />ABSTRACT<br />Adaptation of ramie clones in coconut plantation<br />An experiment to find out the promising clones of ramie in coconut<br />plantation in Mekarsari, Cimerak,West Java from April 1999 to March<br />2000. Coconut trees in the experiment location were planted in 1993/1994<br />with plant spacing 9 x 9 m and have already producted. Twelve rami<br />clones viz. Pujon 10, Pujon 13, Bandung A, Pujon 9, Pujon 902,<br />Indochina, Kotaraja, Japan I, Hakuki, Padang 3, Jawa Timur 3-0 and Pujon<br />601, was evaluated using Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three<br />replications. Rami rhizome was planted in 4 m x 9 m plot size with 50 cm<br />x 80 cm plant spacing and one rhizome per hole. Lime (2 ton/ha) and<br />organic manure (20 ton/ha) were applied during land preparation. Organic<br />fertilizers were applied 10 days after planting 200 kg urea •+• 150 kg SP-36<br />+ 100 kg KC1 per hectare. The next fertilizing was conducted 7 - 10 days<br />every after harvest with the same doses. The first harvesting time was 70<br />days after planting and the folowing harvests were conducted every two<br />months. Parameters observed were plant height, stem diameter, plant<br />number per scrub, fresh wight biomass, stem fresh wight and chinagrass<br />dry weight. Research result indicated that ramie clones viz. Pujon 10,<br />Pujon 13, Padang 3, Bandung A, and Indochina, were more adaptable in<br />coconut plantation in Ciamis, West Java, up to the fourth harvest.<br />Ramie, Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud, adaptation, cocon<br />plantation, intercrop, West Java</p>

Jurnal Agro ◽  
10.15575/810 ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-42
Ida Nur Istina

Bawang merah merupakan salah satu komoditas hortikultura strategis yang penyebarannya hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Permasalahan pengembangan komoditas ini adalah masih rendahnya produktivitas sebagai akibat adaptasi dan kecukupan asupan hara tanaman. Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan jenis pupuk NPK yang efektif dan efisien telah dilakukan di desa Langensari Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat dari Maret sampai Mei 2014 menggunakan Rancangan Acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 6 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Pupuk NPK yang digunakan adalah A= NPK 18+9+10+Te, B=NPK 15+15+sulfat 10, C=NPK 12+11+18z+(S) z +3 Mg+3,8S+Te, D= NPK 15+9+20(S)+2 MgO+3,8 S+Te, E= NPK 25+7+7 dan F=kontrol. Parameter yang diamati meliputi: tinggi tanaman, jumlah umbi, jumlah daun, panjang umbi (cm), diameter umbi (cm), bobot basah (g) dan bobot kering brangkasan (g). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa NPK 12+11+18z+(S)z+3 Mg+3,8S+Te menghasilkan bobot umbi terbaik. The shallot is one of the strategic and valuable horticultural commodities which is spreaded almost all over Indonesia area. Commodity development constrain by the low productivity as a result of adaptation and inadequate intake of plant nutrients. The research purposed  to get the kind of NPK fertilizers that was efective and efficient on shallot production had been done in the Langensari village Langensari Lembang district, West Bandung regency from March till May 2014, using Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 6 treatments and 3 repplications. NPK fertilizer used were: A = NPK 18+9+10+Te, B = NPK 15+15+sulfate 10, C = NPK 12+11+18z+(S) z + 3 Mg+3,8S+Te, D = NPK 15+9+20(S)+2MgO+3,8 S+Te, E = NPK 25+7+7 and F = control. The observed parameters were plant height (cm), number of tubers, leaf number, tuber length, tuber diameter, fresh weight and dry weight tuber. The results showed that NPK 12+11+18z+ (S)z+3 Mg+3,8S+Te gave the best growth and production.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-22
Josina Irene Brigetha Hutubessy

This research aims to determine the effect of concentration of organic fertilizer Super NASA to the growth of seeds of white teak and to know the optimum dosage of organic fertilizer Super NASA can increase the growth of NASA plant seed white teak. The design used in this study was a Randomized Block Design with the treatment used is N0: without fertilizer Super NASA NASA, N1: Fertilizer NASA7 .5 ml seeds-1, N2: Fertilizer NASA 15 ml seeds-1, N3: Fertilizer NASA 22.5 ml seeds-1, N4: Fertilizer NASA 30 ml seeds-1. Variable observation in this study is the height of the plant, number of leaves, leaf area, fresh weight tan-1, fresh and dry weight oven tan-1. The results showed that the granting of Fertilizer NASA exerted a highly significant effect on the height of plant (23,65%), the number of leaves is not significant, leaf area (53,61%), fresh weight tan-1 (60,89%) and dry weight tan-1 (55,43%). The optimum dosage of Fertilizers NASA give the seed growth of white teak is best on the seed-1is 30 ml.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Taslima Akter ◽  
Md. Nazrul Islam ◽  
Md. Jahedur Rahman ◽  
Rebaka Sultana ◽  
Chaity Dey Puja ◽  

Aims: This study aimed to optimize the levels of gibberellic acid (GA3) and plant spacing on growth and yield of lettuce. Study Design: The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Place and Duration of Study: Horticulture farm of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, from November 2013 to January 2014. Methodology: The experiment consisted of two factors. Factor A- two levels of gibberellic acid (GA3,) application, viz. G1= 25 ppm and G2= 50 ppm in relation to a control G0 and factor B- four plant spacing viz. S1=15cm x 15cm, S2=20 cm x 20 cm, S3=25 cm x 25 cm and S4=30 cm x 30 cm. GA3 was applied twice as a foliar application by hand sprayer at 20 and 30 days after sowing. First, second and final harvesting was done at 25, 35 and 45 days after sowing respectively. Results: The growth and yield characters of lettuce showed significant variation for different levels of GA3 and plant spacing. Among GA3 levels, 25 ppm GA3 produced the maximum number of leaves (15.6), leaf area (283.9 cm2), fresh weight (91.6 g plant-1), dry weight (11.8 g plant-1), fresh yield (1794 g plot-1) and gross yield (12 t ha-1) at final harvesting compared to control where GA3 was not used. Under plant spacing, highest plant height (17.5 cm), leaf area (281.1 cm2), fresh weight (99.1 g plant-1) and dry weight (12.1 g plant-1) was revealed from wider spacing 30 cm x 30 cm followed by optimum spacing 25cm x 25cm. Meanwhile, closure spacing 15 cm x 15 cm showed maximum fresh yield (1710 g plant-1) and gross yield (15.5 t ha-1) due to higher plant density at final harvesting. Besides, lower chlorophyll content (0.43%) and the highest number of leaves (16.2) was found from 25 cm x 25 cm at final harvesting. So, optimum spacing 25 cm x 25 cm would be more suitable considering different points of view. Moreover, the treatment combinations 25 ppm GA3 with 25 cm x 25 cm exhibited highest benefit-cost ratio (2.04) than other treatments. Conclusions: It is concluded that the combinations 25 ppm GA3 application with 25cm x 25cm spacing would be optimum for better growth and yield of lettuce

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-85
Julianus Jeksen

Dryland in Indonesia has been dominated by acid soils, so that availability of phosphate (P) becomes the main obstacle in improving outcomes and only 10-30% of fertilizer P can be utilized by plants. One of the solution to meet the needs of phosphate is by utilization of mycorrhizal biofertilizer. These experiments were divided into several phases: 1) Looking for phases of mycorrhizal, 2) the laboratory analysis, 3) Testing phase on plants that were carried out by using polybags with sterile soil. The experiment was designed with a complete randomized block design (RAKL) by using a factor that consists of 6 treatments that are: 1) Without mycorrhizal inoculum (M0), 2) Mycorrhizal inoculum 5 g + 50 Spores (M5), 3) Mycorrhizal inoculum 10 g + 50 spores (M10), 4) Mycorrhizal inoculum 15 g + 50 spores (M15), 5) Mycorrhizal inoculum 20 g + 50 spores (M20), 6) Commercial mycorrhizal 10 g (Mk). All treatments were repeated four times so that the total 24 pot experiment. The experiment results show that mycorrhizal treatment given on the corn crop has very significant (P <0.01) to the number of leaf age of 35, 49, 63 days after, leaf wide have age 49 days after plant, fresh weight, oven-dry weight, absorb P, number of spores, mycorrhizal infection and significant effect (P <0.05) to plant height age of 35, 49, 63 day after plant, 63 days after plant, leaf wide, and P-available. Based on the results of this study will be suggested, in order to enhance the growth of corn plants can be used locally mikroiza a dose of 10 g + 50 spores.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 206
Prasasti Dame Aritonang ◽  
Ardian Ardian ◽  
Kukuh Setiawan

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of paclobutrazol and KOH application through leaf togrowth and production of cassava.  This study was conducted from March 2017 to October 2018 in an Integrated Field Universityof Lampung. The treatmens was arranged factorially (4 x 4) in a complete randomized block design with 4 replications be avowed as group.  The main factor were paclobutrazol consist of P1 = 0 ppm (control, no treatment), P2 = 400 ppm, P3 = 500 ppm and P4 = 600 ppm.  The second factor were KOH consist of K1 = 0% (control, no treatment), K2 =0,5%, K3 = 1% and K4 = 1,5 given a week after paclobutrazol’s application.  This study used cassava cutting varieties of kasesart.  Observation variables were plant height, number of books, number of fresh leaves, fresh weight of leaves, dry weight of leaves, fresh weight of stem, dry weight of stem, fresh weight of tubers, dry weight of tubers.  Data of each treatments were calculated its mean value and tested homogeneity.  Homogeneous data were analyzed variance and followed by the smallest real difference testat level 5%.The study’s result showed that paclobutrazol application had inhibited effect the vegetative growth of plant height, number of nodes, fresh and dry weight of stem cassava plants.  Application of KOH had a significant effect only on number of fresh leave at 13 week after planted.  The interaction of paclobutrazol and KOH treatment had a significant effect on leaf dry weight.   

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