scholarly journals Analysis of partnerships for actions intra-sectoral and inter-sectors for health in areas of high socio-environmental vulnerability in the city of São Paulo/Brazil: a mixed method study

2019 ◽  
Patricia Melo Bezerra ◽  
Iara Coelho Zito Guerriero

Abstract Context Since poverty areas are socioeconomic complex and limiting environments, there is a need to develop intra-sectoral and inter-sectoral actions in the health territory in order to achieve the economic and social well-being of people and society. This research aims to understand the relationship between inter-sectorial and inter-sectoral actions for health and socio-environmental groupings of the most vulnerable health territories in the city of São Paulo, identify which are the most frequent partners of these actions and how professionals experience these partnerships in their daily lives.Method We adopted the mixed sequential and explanatory method. In the first phase, an online form is applied and identifies the Basic Health Units (BHU) that take place as intersectoral actions with more partners. In the second phase, we explored how the professionals consider the characteristics of the territory where they act to seek partnerships and how they carry out the actions.Results Analysis of quantitative data indicated that: a) More than 98% of BHUs conduct intra- and inter-sectoral partnerships and b) there is no relationship between the indices of the most vulnerable groupings and the presence of intra- and inter-sectoral actions with statistical significance p <0.05. The content analysis of literal transcriptions pointed out that: intra- and inter-sectoral practices developed in the health territories were driven by the needs of the treatment of diseases or by the precarious conditions of life of individual or collectivities. However, in order to assist different types of violence, health professionals avoid seeking partnerships, including with the Tutelary Council and the Center for Human Rights, as they fear they will suffer reprisals by those who cause this violence. There was consistency between quantitative and qualitative data, except for partnership with education, other BHUs, environment, and the Tutelary Council.Conclusion The construction of personalized partnerships for individual and collective health, in order to cope with social inequalities; of chronic diseases and by phases of the life cycle involved in socioeconomic fragilities that generate more poverty is part of the job from BHU’s professionals.

2019 ◽  
Patricia Melo Bezerra ◽  
Iara Coelho Zito Guerriero

Abstract Context: Since poverty areas are socioeconomic complex and limiting environments, there is a need to develop intra-sectoral and inter-sectoral actions in the health territory in order to achieve the economic and social well-being of people and society. This research aims to understand the relationship between inter-sectorial and inter-sectoral actions for health and socio-environmental groupings of the most vulnerable health territories in the city of São Paulo, identify which are the most frequent partners of these actions and how professionals experience these partnerships in their daily lives. Method: We adopted the mixed sequential and explanatory method. In the first phase, an online form was applied and identifies the Basic Health Units (BHU) that take place as intersectoral actions with more partners. In the second phase, we explored how the professionals consider the characteristics of the territory where they act to seek partnerships and how they carry out the actions. Results: Analysis of quantitative data indicated that: a) More than 98% of BHUs conduct intra- and inter-sectoral partnerships and b) there is no relationship between the indices of the most vulnerable groupings and the presence of intra- and inter-sectoral actions with statistical significance p <0.05. The content analysis of literal transcriptions pointed out that: intra- and inter-sectoral practices developed in the health territories were driven by the needs of the treatment of diseases or by the precarious conditions of life of individual or collectivities. However, in order to assist different types of violence, health professionals avoid seeking partnerships, including with the Tutelary Council and the Center for Human Rights, as they fear they will suffer reprisals by those who cause this violence. There was consistency between quantitative and qualitative data, except for partnership with education, other BHUs, environment, and the Tutelary Council. Conclusion: The construction of personalized partnerships for individual and collective health, in order to cope with social inequalities; of chronic diseases and by phases of the life cycle involved in socioeconomic fragilities that generate more poverty is part of the job from BHU’s professionals.

2012 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-126 ◽  

AbstractThis article examines the rhetoric and practice of a large social movement organised around low-income housing in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Making explicit the relationship between housing and citizenship, the União de Movimentos de Moradia (Alliance of Housing Movements) articulates a ‘politics of rights’ with which it calls on the state to uphold the constitutional right to housing, and legitimates its high-profile occupations of abandoned buildings in the centre of the city. The article engages with James Holston's historical examination of homeowners’ struggles on the peripheries of São Paulo to assert themselves as rights-holders and to mobilise against threats of eviction. While Holston names these groups of residents ‘insurgent’ citizens for the way they have unsettled entrenched social inequalities, this article presents the concept of ‘transgressive’ citizenship to reflect the challenge the housing movement makes to the state as it uses text-based law to justify building occupations.

2014 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-125 ◽  
Mateus Habermann ◽  
Míriam Souza ◽  
Rogério Prado ◽  
Nelson Gouveia

Air pollution is a leading public health concern. In addition, poor populations have been reported as showing increased exposure to such pollution. The current study thus aimed to evaluate the socioeconomic status of the population exposed to vehicle-related air pollution in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The study used data from the 2010 Census on head-of-household’s mean monthly income and the percentage of households connected to the sewage system. Exposure to air pollutants was estimated according to traffic density in the census tract plus a 200m surrounding buffer. The relationship between exposure and socioeconomic variables was analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis test. Exposure increased with increasing socioeconomic status (p < 0.001). The population with the highest socioeconomic status lives in the most polluted areas of the city. However, place of residence alone is not capable of measuring exposure. The study suggests that future epidemiological studies include other indicators of vulnerability.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-44
Vanessa Casarin ◽  
Raquel Martinelli

O objetivo central deste trabalho é apresentar um estudo comparativo sobre como as cidade de São Paulo e Roma tem lidado em suas regulamentações com os diferentes suportes de mídia exterior urbana, uma vez que são estas normas que moldam com maior ou menor rigor a forma com que a informação de caráter comercial chega aos cidadãos. O desenho da informação depende, fundamentalmente, do suporte através do qual será veiculada.  A mídia exterior tem um forte impacto na paisagem urbana e a partir da Lei Cidade Limpa implantada em São Paulo diversas cidades brasileiras se viram incentivadas a implantar ou alterar suas normativas neste sentido. A fim de contribuir com este fenômeno, procurou-se então estabelecer um paralelo entre a cidade de São Paulo, uma cidade de negócios, e a cidade de Roma, fortemente orientada ao turismo incentivado pelo seu profícuo patrimônio histórico, principalmente arquitetônico. No caso de São Paulo abordou-se o contexto de aplicação da regulamentação específica mais recente e suas alterações posteriores. Fez-se, a partir de uma analise documental da legislação vigente, uma comparação com a cidade de Roma. Observou-se que embora a cidade de Roma seja fortemente orientada ao turismo e a exploração da qualidade estética de sua paisagem, é mais permissiva em relação a presença de diferentes suportes de mídia exterior na paisagem urbana do que a cidade de São Paulo.*****The main aim of this paper is to present a comparative study between the cities of São Paulo and Rome, and how these cities are dealing with different types of urban outdoor advertising (Out-Of-Home media) in its regulations since these regulations shape the way commercial information is placed in the landscape. The information design depends, mainly, on the support it will be placed. Outdoor advertising has a strong impact on the urban landscape. Since the Clean City Law was implanted in São Paulo, several Brazilian cities have been encouraged to implement (or modify) regulations in this sense. In order to contribute to this discussion, a parallel between the city of São Paulo, a business city, and the city of Rome, strongly oriented to the tourism encouraged by its historical heritage, mainly architectonic, are presented in this paper. The results shown consider only the documental analysis (of the normative legislation, maps, and publications pertinent to the subject) which formed the basis for the evaluation of the landscape, and not the evaluation of the landscape itself. It refers to the initial stage of the research. Its character is, therefore, descriptive and the comparison established between the different case studies aims to foment the discussion around the paths followed by the cities to deal with the spread and diversity of the OOH media nowadays. It was observed that although the city of Rome is mainly oriented to tourism and the profiteering of the aesthetic quality of its landscape, it is more permissive in relation to the presence of different types of OOH media in the urban landscape than the city of São Paulo.

2013 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 199 ◽  
Cibele Saliba Rizek

O artigo se baseia em pesquisa que apontou para novas formas de captação de recursos por meio da promoção de práticas culturais que se interligam à gestão de serviços públicos de saúde na Zona Leste da Cidade de São Paulo, sob a direção de organizações sociais privadas. O cruzamento entre modos de captação, gestão terceirizada da cultura e equipamentos de saúde aponta para uma intersetorialidade inédita dessas práticas, o que configura o que poderia ser identificado como um planejamento social privado, redesenhando formas de atuação e margens do Estado por meio de um conjunto de relações entre os programas sociais e a população em condições de pobreza na maior cidade brasileira. Os bairros da última periferia Leste da cidade de São Paulo conformam assim um terreno de experimentações dessas práticas cruzadas para além das caracterizações clássicas das zonas periféricas das grandes metrópoles brasileiras que apontavam para a precariedade das condições de vida bem como para o nascedouro de movimentos sociais, suas demandas, sujeitos e linguagens de direitos, tal como foram percebidos e enunciados a partir do final dos anos oitenta do século XX. Palavras-chave: políticas sociais; políticas públicas; privatização; periferias urbanas. Abstract: This article is based on research that pointed to new ways of raising funds through the promotion of cultural practices that are interconnected to the management of public health services in the Eastern Zone of the City of São Paulo, under the direction of private social organizations. The cross between fundraising, outsourced management of culture and health equipment points to an unprecedented relationship between the sectors of these practices, which sets up what can be identified as a private social planning. This process redrew the margins of the State redefining the relationship between social programs and policies and poor population in the largest Brazilian city. The peripheral neighborhoods of the Eastern outskirts São Paulo became an experimental field of these practices, more than classical character of precarious forms of life or the place of origin of social movements, demands, subjects, right languages, as they were known specially from the 80´s Brazilian sociological literature. Keywords: social policy; public policies; privatization; urban peripheries.

Guilherme Moreno Pianca

Abstract: This article looks into Le Corbusier’s urban proposal for the City of São Paulo, as formulated during his journey to South America in 1929. It highlights the relationship between Architecture and Landscape exposed by Le Corbusier’s plan. This paper sets out to investigate the analysis that the innovative Swiss architect performed of the geography and morphology of São Paulo. It contrasts to the works and plans carried out by technicians and engineers at that time. In order to explain how Le Corbusier’s treatment of nature and landscape differs from them, we study the extent to which Le Corbusier’s plans show design approaches, which were unusual in terms of Western History and Memory. He also looks into the relationship between Le Corbusier’s work, on the one hand, and new technological elements and changes in the visual culture at that time, on the other hand, thus seeking to highlight certain obscure spots within Le Corbusier’s work. This study aims at bringing forward some speculations and methods present in the work of Le Corbusier on cities. It deals with contradictory aspects in Le Corbusier’s work in order to deepen our understanding of contemporary urban problems. Resumen: Este artículo investiga la hipótesis de proyecto de Le Corbusier para la ciudad de San Pablo, propuesta durante su viaje a América Latina en 1929, focalizando en las relaciones entre arquitectura y paisaje. La primera cuestión analizada en este trabajo es el innovador análisis de la geografía y la morfología de San Pablo propuesto por el arquitecto suizo, que contrasta con la manera con que los técnicos e ingenieros locales desarrollaban sus propuestas en ese momento. Para explicar dicha diferencia en la manera de lidiar con la naturaleza y el paisaje, el autor de este articulo estudia como el trabajo de Le Corbusier presenta abordajes de proyecto inusuales para la Historia y la Memoria, y su relación con los nuevos elementos tecnológicos y de la cultura visual de la época, procurando así resaltar ciertos puntos oscuros en el trabajo del arquitecto. Esta discusión intenta cuestionar ciertas especulaciones proyectuales y metodologías de trabajo presentes en el trabajo de Le Corbusier sobre ciudades, utilizando sus aspectos contradictorios como modo de profundizar nuestro entendimiento de los problemas urbanos contemporáneos.  Keywords: Modern Architecture; Modern Urbanism; Landscape Architecture; Le Corbusier; São Paulo. Palabras clave: Arquitectura Moderna; Urbanismo Moderno; Arquitectura Del Paisaje; Le Corbusier; São Paulo. DOI:

2021 ◽  
pp. 096673502110554
Tainah Biela Dias ◽  
Fernanda Marina Feitosa Coelho

The ‘1st Congress Churches and LGBTI+ Community: ecumenical dialogues for respect for diversity’ was held between 19th and 22nd of June 2019, in the city of São Paulo. The Congress was organised by the Parish of the Holy Trinity of the Episcopal Anglican Church in Brazil and Koinonia–Ecumenical Presence in Service. As we consider this congress a historic landmark in the debates concerning religions and sexualities that escape from cisheteronormativity in Brazil, in the course of this article, we propose to analyse the social and political conjuncture that motivated the event. In a second step, we will briefly describe the structure of the event, as well as its objectives, in order to understand the assumptions that guided the construction of the Letter of São Paulo, the official and public document of the Congress, approved in plenary by the participants. We believe that the Congress and the Letter of São Paulo have political potential, as they claim the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex+ people as people of faith and denounce forms of oppression, exclusion and marginalisation reinforced by conservative and hegemonic religious discourses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (54) ◽  
Luiz Antonio Feliciano

Resumo:Esse trabalho discute a importância da produção visual, sobretudo, a fotografia, na constituição da imagem da cidade. Aborda, também, o papel da tecnologia digital na composição das subjetividades contemporâneas e suas contribuições para se fortalecer uma cultura urbana, mesmo em meio às limitações impostas pela sociedade. Para sua realização observou-se etnograficamente um grupo de skatistas, em uma pista de skate, numa cidade do interior de São Paulo. A importância dada ao celular foi um traço recorrente que permeou grande parte das discussões. Portar um aparelho híbrido e produzir imagens é uma maneira de contribuir para a construção do imaginário sobre a cidade, sobretudo, quando essas imagens veiculam pela internet. Acredita-se que o trabalho traz problematizações sobre os jovens na relação consigo, com o outro, com o grupo e com a cidade.Palavras-chave: Subjetividade. Cidade. Jovem. Skatista. Tecnologia  THE CITY BETWEEN IMAGES AND IMAGINARY: SOME CONTRIBUTIONS FROM SKATEBOARDERS' EYES Abstract: This work discusses the importance of visual production, especially photography, in the constitution of the city’s image. It also addresses the role of digital technology in the composition of contemporary subjectivities and its contributions to strengthening an urban culture, even amid the limitations imposed by society. For its realization it was observed ethnographically a group of skateboarders, in a skate track, in a city of the interior of São Paulo. The importance given to cellular was a recurrent trait that permeated much of the discussions. Carrying a hybrid device and producing images is a way of contributing to the construction of the imaginary about the city, especially when these images are transmitted through the internet. It is believed that the work brings problematizations about young people in the relationship with themselves, with the other, with the group and with the city.Keywords: Subjectivity. City. Young. Skater. Technology

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 38
Sidney Lopes Sanchez Júnior ◽  
Karina Jácob Monteiro ◽  
Silvia Gusmão Brandilla Calazans

Este estudo tem como objetivo problematizar a questão da educação escolar remota emergencial em tempos da pandemia da Covid-19, ao eleger como foco de estudo duas escolas situadas em uma cidade do interior de São Paulo, sendo uma localizada na região central (EC) e outra em um bairro periférico (EB). Assim, assume uma abordagem qualitativa, ao analisar de forma descritiva e comparativa os dados coletados por meio de um questionário online que foi respondido por 23 professores que atuam na rede municipal de ensino. Os dados revelam fatores que podem influenciar de forma negativa e positiva no desenvolvimento das atividades remotas, dentre os quais destacam-se a falta de organização da rotina escola, a baixa renda familiar, a formação acadêmica dos pais e a falta de acesso à internet e a equipamentos tecnológicos, o que aprofunda ainda mais o abismo das diferenças e desigualdades sociais e educacionais.Palavras-chave: Desigualdades Sociais. Pandemia da COVID-19. Educação Remota Emergencial.One city, two schools: a look at social inequalities in times of Covid-19 pandemicABSTRACTThis study aims to problematize the issue of Emergencial Remote School Education in times of the Covid-19 pandemic, by choosing as the focus of study two schools located in the countryside of São Paulo state, one school is located in the central region of the city (EC) and the other one is located in a peripheral region (EB). Thus, it takes a qualitative approach, when analyzing, in a descriptive and comparative method, the data collected through an online questionnaire that was answered by 23 teachers who work in the municipal school system. The data reveal factors that can negatively and positively influence the lack of development of remote activities, among which the organization of the school routine stands out, and also the low family income, the academic education of parents, and the difficult access to the internet and technological equipment, data that further deepen the abyss of social and educational differences and inequalities.Keywords: Social Inequalities. COVID-19 Pandemic. Emergency Remote Education.Una ciudad, dos escuelas: una mirada a las desigualdades sociales en tiempos de pandemia de Covid-19RESUMENEste estudio tiene como objetivo problematizar el tema de la educación escolar remota emergencial en tiempos de la pandemia de Covid-19, eligiendo como foco de estudio dos escuelas ubicadas en una ciudad en el interior de São Paulo, una ubicada en la región central (CE) y otra en un barrio periférico (EB). Por lo tanto, adopta un enfoque cualitativo al analizar de manera descriptiva y comparativa los datos recopilados a través de un cuestionario en línea que fue respondido por 23 maestros que trabajan en el sistema escolar municipal. Los datos revelan factores que pueden influir de manera negativa y positiva en el desarrollo de actividades remotas, entre los cuales la falta de organización de la rutina escolar, los bajos ingresos familiares, la educación académica de los padres y la falta de acceso a Internet y equipamiento tecnológico, que profundiza aún más el abismo de las diferencias y desigualdades sociales y educativas.Palabras clave: Desigualdades Sociales. Pandemia de COVID-19. Educación Remota Emergencial. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. e225074
Silmara Pereira de Sousa ◽  
Bruna Saud Borges ◽  
Ana Luisa Rezende Machado ◽  
Giovanna Teixeira Matteussi ◽  
Paulo Henrique Viana Pinto ◽  

The relationship between patients and dentists today is more worn and less based on trust, which can lead to high rates of lawsuits related to civil liability and dental malpractice. Aim: verify if there has been an increase in the number of lawsuits related to questioned dental treatments, and against dentists registered in the city of São Paulo (SP), Brazil, from 2012 to 2017. Methods: We outlined an overview based on the list from the São Paulo Council of Dentistry containing 30,238 registered dentists in the city of São Paulo, and searched for lawsuits on the public base of the São Paulo State Court’s. Results: The search, after the inclusion and exclusion criteria, found 247 lawsuits, with dental implants as the most involved specialty. The total indemnities requested ranged from R$ 227.42 to R$ 937,000.00, but no indemnity granted exceeded the amount of R$ 100,000.00. Conclusion: According to the analysis of cases, there is a progressive increase in the number of civil liability lawsuits against dentists involving dental malpractice litigance.

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