scholarly journals Le Corbusier and São Paulo – 1929: Architecture and Landscape

Guilherme Moreno Pianca

Abstract: This article looks into Le Corbusier’s urban proposal for the City of São Paulo, as formulated during his journey to South America in 1929. It highlights the relationship between Architecture and Landscape exposed by Le Corbusier’s plan. This paper sets out to investigate the analysis that the innovative Swiss architect performed of the geography and morphology of São Paulo. It contrasts to the works and plans carried out by technicians and engineers at that time. In order to explain how Le Corbusier’s treatment of nature and landscape differs from them, we study the extent to which Le Corbusier’s plans show design approaches, which were unusual in terms of Western History and Memory. He also looks into the relationship between Le Corbusier’s work, on the one hand, and new technological elements and changes in the visual culture at that time, on the other hand, thus seeking to highlight certain obscure spots within Le Corbusier’s work. This study aims at bringing forward some speculations and methods present in the work of Le Corbusier on cities. It deals with contradictory aspects in Le Corbusier’s work in order to deepen our understanding of contemporary urban problems. Resumen: Este artículo investiga la hipótesis de proyecto de Le Corbusier para la ciudad de San Pablo, propuesta durante su viaje a América Latina en 1929, focalizando en las relaciones entre arquitectura y paisaje. La primera cuestión analizada en este trabajo es el innovador análisis de la geografía y la morfología de San Pablo propuesto por el arquitecto suizo, que contrasta con la manera con que los técnicos e ingenieros locales desarrollaban sus propuestas en ese momento. Para explicar dicha diferencia en la manera de lidiar con la naturaleza y el paisaje, el autor de este articulo estudia como el trabajo de Le Corbusier presenta abordajes de proyecto inusuales para la Historia y la Memoria, y su relación con los nuevos elementos tecnológicos y de la cultura visual de la época, procurando así resaltar ciertos puntos oscuros en el trabajo del arquitecto. Esta discusión intenta cuestionar ciertas especulaciones proyectuales y metodologías de trabajo presentes en el trabajo de Le Corbusier sobre ciudades, utilizando sus aspectos contradictorios como modo de profundizar nuestro entendimiento de los problemas urbanos contemporáneos.  Keywords: Modern Architecture; Modern Urbanism; Landscape Architecture; Le Corbusier; São Paulo. Palabras clave: Arquitectura Moderna; Urbanismo Moderno; Arquitectura Del Paisaje; Le Corbusier; São Paulo. DOI:

2014 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-125 ◽  
Mateus Habermann ◽  
Míriam Souza ◽  
Rogério Prado ◽  
Nelson Gouveia

Air pollution is a leading public health concern. In addition, poor populations have been reported as showing increased exposure to such pollution. The current study thus aimed to evaluate the socioeconomic status of the population exposed to vehicle-related air pollution in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The study used data from the 2010 Census on head-of-household’s mean monthly income and the percentage of households connected to the sewage system. Exposure to air pollutants was estimated according to traffic density in the census tract plus a 200m surrounding buffer. The relationship between exposure and socioeconomic variables was analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis test. Exposure increased with increasing socioeconomic status (p < 0.001). The population with the highest socioeconomic status lives in the most polluted areas of the city. However, place of residence alone is not capable of measuring exposure. The study suggests that future epidemiological studies include other indicators of vulnerability.

2019 ◽  
Patricia Melo Bezerra ◽  
Iara Coelho Zito Guerriero

Abstract Context Since poverty areas are socioeconomic complex and limiting environments, there is a need to develop intra-sectoral and inter-sectoral actions in the health territory in order to achieve the economic and social well-being of people and society. This research aims to understand the relationship between inter-sectorial and inter-sectoral actions for health and socio-environmental groupings of the most vulnerable health territories in the city of São Paulo, identify which are the most frequent partners of these actions and how professionals experience these partnerships in their daily lives.Method We adopted the mixed sequential and explanatory method. In the first phase, an online form is applied and identifies the Basic Health Units (BHU) that take place as intersectoral actions with more partners. In the second phase, we explored how the professionals consider the characteristics of the territory where they act to seek partnerships and how they carry out the actions.Results Analysis of quantitative data indicated that: a) More than 98% of BHUs conduct intra- and inter-sectoral partnerships and b) there is no relationship between the indices of the most vulnerable groupings and the presence of intra- and inter-sectoral actions with statistical significance p <0.05. The content analysis of literal transcriptions pointed out that: intra- and inter-sectoral practices developed in the health territories were driven by the needs of the treatment of diseases or by the precarious conditions of life of individual or collectivities. However, in order to assist different types of violence, health professionals avoid seeking partnerships, including with the Tutelary Council and the Center for Human Rights, as they fear they will suffer reprisals by those who cause this violence. There was consistency between quantitative and qualitative data, except for partnership with education, other BHUs, environment, and the Tutelary Council.Conclusion The construction of personalized partnerships for individual and collective health, in order to cope with social inequalities; of chronic diseases and by phases of the life cycle involved in socioeconomic fragilities that generate more poverty is part of the job from BHU’s professionals.

Yolanda Martínez Domingo ◽  
Josefina González Cubero

Resumen: El "hameau" vertical de Le Corbusier es un prototipo de alojamiento colectivo, desarrollado como alternativa plástica a la "Unité d'habitation de grandeur conforme", quizás su obra más sintética. La torre residencial se concreta a partir de las teorías urbanas de la regla de las 7V, a través de la impronta de una de las formas elementales: el volumen cilíndrico, manteniendo prácticamente inalteradas capacidad, forma y dimensiones en cualquiera de los entornos urbanos donde se inserta, los proyectos no construidos de su última etapa para Europa. Lejos de ser un modelo genuino es deudor de otras construcciones previas, los albergues para las colonias infantiles italianas, promovidas por la fábrica FIAT en los años 30, y algunos experimentos residenciales del arquitecto francés Auguste Bossu, erigidos también por esos años en la ciudad de Saint-Étienne. El artículo traza las relaciones entre estas construcciones y las aldeas cilíndricas para solteros, analizando las particularidades de su estructura formal y la dinámica de su organización interna, para comprobar cómo son adoptadas por Le Corbusier en la constitución de la identidad de un nuevo tipo de vivienda colectiva que permanece todavía a la sombra de sus proyectos más reconocidos. Abstract: The vertical "hameau" of Le Corbusier is a prototype of collective housing, developed as a plastic alternative to “Unité d’habitation de grandeur conforme", perhaps his most synthetic work. The residential tower is generated from urban doctrine of 7V theory through the shape of one of the elementary forms: the cylindrical volume. The towers keep capacity, shape and dimensions unchanged in any urban environments where they are inserted: the unbuilt urban projects in his last stage in Europe. Far from being a genuine type, is based in other previous constructions; the children's summer camps sponsored by the Fiat factory in the 30s, and some residential experiments by French architect Auguste Bossu erected by those years in the city of Saint-Etienne. The article describes the relationship between these structures and the cylindrical villages for singles and analyzes the peculiarities of their formal structure and the dynamic of their internal organization in order to check how those constructions were adapted by Le Corbusier for the constitution of a new collective type dwelling which still remains in the shadow of his most famous projects.  Palabras clave: Le Corbusier; hameaux verticaux; comuna cilíndrica; torre residencial. Keywords: Le Corbusier; hameaux verticaux; cylindrical commune; residential tower. DOI:

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-166
Fagner Veloso Silva Silva

Resumo: O ensino da disciplina de Filosofia constitui no exercício/atividade filosófica na sala de aula, pois através desta atividade buscar-se-á criar, inventar, reinventar e produzir novos saberes e ações que se configurem como uma experiência filosófica. A experiência do filosofar proporciona uma maior flexibilidade entre o pensar e o agir, tendo como finalidade a constituição do si do alunado. Como praticamente a aula de Filosofia no Ensino Médio consiste numa aula expositiva, a relação entre professor e o aluno, entre aquele que “explica” e aquele que “compreende” sugere a busca de algo em comum: interpretar o texto. Por certo, o primeiro e mais elementar trabalho de interpretação é captar aquilo que o autor se propôs ao escrever determinado texto. Por esta razão buscamos investigar quais são as contribuições de uma hermenêutica no Ensino Médio, tendo como finalidade a busca de uma “ferramenta” (hermenêutica) que o professor possa oferecer para seu alunado, proporcionando-lhes um meio de compreender a eles mesmos e o mundo em que estão inseridos, o papel da hermenêutica e sua contribuição para a vida dos alunos é a de auxiliá-los na compreensão da realidade que eles vivenciam, para que possam desenvolver uma melhor vivência em sociedade. Palavras-chave: Apropriação. Filosofar. Hermenêutica. Mundo do Texto. Abstract: The teaching of the discipline of Philosophy constitutes in the exercise/philosophical activity in the classroom, because through this activity will seek to create, invent, reinvent and produce new knowledge and actions that are configured as a philosophical experience. The experience of philosophizing provides a greater flexibility between thinking and acting, having as purpose the constitution of the student's self. As practically the Philosophy class in High School is an expositive class, the relationship between teacher and student, between the one who "explains" and the one who "understands" suggests the search for something in common: to interpret the text. Of course, the first and most elementary work of interpretation is to capture what the author proposed in writing a particular text. For this reason we seek to investigate the contributions of a hermeneutics in High School, aiming at the search for a "tool" (hermeneutics) that the teacher can offer to his / her student, providing them with a way to understand themselves and the the role of hermeneutics and their contribution to students' lives is to help them understand the reality they experience, so that they can develop a better experience in society. Keywords: Appropriation. To philosophize. Hermeneutics. World of Text.   REFERÊNCIAS GENTIL, Hélio Salles. Historicidade e compreensão das narrativas de ficção a partir da hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur. In. PAULA, Adna Candido de; SPERBER, Frankl(Organizadoras). Teoria literária e hermenêutica Ricoeuriana: um diálogo possível. Dourados, MS: UFGD, 2011, p. 177-193. GRODIN, Jean. Qué es la hermenéutica? Tradução de Antoni Martinez Riu. Barcelona: Editora Herder, 2008. KAMESAR, Adam. Biblical Interpretation in Philo. In. KAMESAR, Adam. (org.). The Cambridge Companion to Philo. Cambridge: Editora University Press, 2009, p. 65-91. ORÍGENES. Tratado sobre os princípios. São Paulo: Paulus, 2012. RICŒUR, Paul. O si-mesmo como outro. São Paulo: Editora WMF Marins Fontes, 2014. RICŒUR, Paul. O conflito das interpretações: ensaios de hermenêutica. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1978. RICŒUR, Paul. El discurso de la acción. 2ª ed. Madrid: Cátedra, 1988. RICŒUR, Paul. Teoria da interpretação: o discurso e o excesso de significação. Lisboa: Edições 70, 2000. RICŒUR, Paul. Del texto a la acción: ensayos de hermenêutica II. Editora: Fondo de Cultura Económica. México, 2002. RICŒUR, Paul. Hermeneutica e acción: de la hermenêutica del texto la hermenêutica de la acción. Buenos Aires: Editora Prometeo, 2008. RICŒUR, Paul. Historia y narratividad. Barcelona: Editora Paidós, 1999. RICOEUR, Paul. The Text as Dynamic Identity. In: VALDÉS, Mario J.; MILLER, Owen J. (eds.). Identity of the Literary Text. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985. 175-186. RICŒUR, Paul. A hermenêutica bíblica. São Paulo: Editora Loyola, 2006. RICŒUR, Paul. Retórica, poética y hermenêutica. Madrid: Universidade autònoma de Madrid, 1997. SCHLEIERMACHER, Friedrich D.E. Hermenêutica: arte e técnica da interpretação. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes, 1999. UNESCO. Aprender a viver juntos: nós falhamos? Brasília: UNESCO, IBE, 2003. Disponivel em: Acesso: 22/04/2018 THIOLLENT, Michel. Metodologia da pesquisa-ação. São Paulo: Editora Cortez, 1986.

Carlos Eduardo Comas

Abstract: The inhabitable viaduct is one of the most intriguing design proposals of Le Corbusier. Scholarly attention has focused upon the curvilinear megastructures designed for Rio de Janeiro and Algiers and their connection to the Ville Radieuse, downplaying the introduction of the inhabitable viaduct in São Paulo, and its connection with earlier proposals for Montevideo and Buenos Aires, the Plan Voisin and Ville Contemporaine, when Le Corbusier himself suggested that all these designs make up a sequence. The inhabitable viaduct has been understood as a reaction to non-European landscape and the airplane view, standing for a new sense of the organic in Le Corbusier’s work. A closer inspection of these designs along with Le Corbusier’s pertinent texts and imagery suggests that his architecture from 1929 onwards changes in degree rather than nature. The genesis of the inhabitable viaduct is seen as part of a sequence of topological transformations, informed by specific but generalizable site conditions and a host of precedents, but also, and primarily, as an alternative in Le Corbusier's controversial quest for monumentalizing the modern metropolis. Resumen: El viaducto habitable es una de las propuestas más intrigantes de Le Corbusier. Los estudiosos han concentrado su atención en las mega-estructuras curvilíneas proyectadas para Río de Janeiro y Argelia y en sus conexiones con la Ville Radieuse, menospreciando la introducción del viaducto habitable en São Paulo, y su conexión con las propuestas anteriores para Montevideo y Buenos Aires, el Plan Voisin y Ville Contemporaine, cuando Le Corbusier mismo sugirió que todos eses proyectos forman una secuencia. El viaducto habitable ha sido entendido como una reacción al paisaje no-europeo y a la vista del avión, indicando un sentido nuevo de lo orgánico en la obra de Le Corbusier. Una inspección mas detenida de eses proyectos a la luz de textos e imágenes pertinentes del arquitecto sugiere que su arquitectura del 1929 en adelante sufre un cambio de énfasis y no de naturaleza. La génesis del viaducto habitable se ve aquí como parte de una secuencia de transformaciones topológica, que son informadas tanto por condiciones de situación a la vez específicas y susceptible de generalización cuanto por un conjunto de precedentes, pero también, y primariamente, como una alternativa en la búsqueda controvertida de Le Corbusier por monumentalizar la metrópolis moderna.  Keywords: Inhabitable viaduct/ South America/ Algiers/ Monumentality/ Landscape/ Urbanism. Palabras clave: Viaducto habitable/ Suramerica/ Argelia/ Monumentalidad/ Paisaje/ Urbanismo. DOI: 

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3, jul.-dez.) ◽  
pp. 74-97
Caio Becsi Valiengo ◽  
Marilia Jahnel de Oliveira

Na última década, os grupos autodenominados “coletivos” passaram a ter visibilidade no cenário das mobilizações políticas e das pesquisas acadêmicas, trazendo desafios analíticos ao campo da ação coletiva, tendo em vista a complexidade e a pluralidade encontradas neles. O objetivo deste artigo é refletir sobre a construção de formas de organização horizontais e colaborativas dos coletivos e sobre o uso que fazem das tecnologias digitais da informação e comunicação (TDICs), bem como sobre a relação entre esses dois aspectos. As práticas organizativas e de atuação política desses grupos são analisadas a partir de material resultante de pesquisa realizada com cinco coletivos que atuam na cidade de São Paulo em diálogo com uma retomada histórica do ciclo de protestos dos anos 2010, apresentando uma perspectiva histórica e processual das lutas coletivas. O debate sobre a relação entre horizontalidade, TDICs e formas de liderança busca analisar a construção de práticas horizontais e colaborativas, indicando convergências entre as experiências do ciclo e as práticas dos coletivos, e contribui para a reflexão sobre o cenário contemporâneo de ação coletiva. Palavras-chave: Ciclo de protestos; coletivos; horizontalidade; tecnologias digitais da informação e comunicação.   Abstract In the last decade, the self-styled “collective” groups, become visible in the scenario of political mobilizations and academic researches, bringing analytical challenges to the field of collective action, considering the complexity and plurality found on them. The main goal of this article is to reflect on the building of horizontal and collaborative forms of organization of collectives and their use of digital Information and Communications Technology (ICT), as well the relationship between these both aspects. The organizational practices and political performance of these groups are analyzed from the result of research realized with five collectivist groups from São Paulo city, related to a historical resumption of the 2010 cycle of protests, presenting a historical and procedural perspective of collective struggles. The debate about the relationship between horizontality, TDIC, and forms of leadership seeks to analyze the building of horizontal and collaborative practices, indicating convergences between the experiences of the cycle and the practices of collectives, and contributes to the reflection on the contemporary scenario of collective action. Key words: Protest cycle; collective; horizontality; digital information and communication technologies.   Resumen En la última década, los grupos que se autodenominan “colectivos” han ganado visibilidad en el contexto de las movilizaciones políticas y la investigación académica, trayendo desafíos analíticos al campo de la acción colectiva, dada la complejidad y pluralidad que presentan. El objetivo del artículo es reflexionar sobre la construcción de formas horizontales y colaborativas de organización de los colectivos y el uso que hacen de las tecnologías de información y comunicación digital, así como la relación entre estos aspectos. Las prácticas organizativas y políticas de estos grupos se analizan a partir del material resultante de la investigación realizada con cinco colectivos que operan en la ciudad de São Paulo en diálogo con el panorama histórico del ciclo de protestas de los años 2010, presentando una perspectiva histórica y procesual de las luchas colectivas. El debate sobre la relación entre la horizontalidad, las TIC y las formas de liderazgo busca analizar la construcción de prácticas horizontales y colaborativas, señalando las convergencias entre las experiencias del ciclo y las prácticas de los colectivos, y contribuye a la reflexión sobre el escenario contemporáneo de la acción colectiva. Palabras clave: Ciclo de protestas; colectivo; horizontalidad; tecnologías digitales de la información y la comunicación.

2013 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 199 ◽  
Cibele Saliba Rizek

O artigo se baseia em pesquisa que apontou para novas formas de captação de recursos por meio da promoção de práticas culturais que se interligam à gestão de serviços públicos de saúde na Zona Leste da Cidade de São Paulo, sob a direção de organizações sociais privadas. O cruzamento entre modos de captação, gestão terceirizada da cultura e equipamentos de saúde aponta para uma intersetorialidade inédita dessas práticas, o que configura o que poderia ser identificado como um planejamento social privado, redesenhando formas de atuação e margens do Estado por meio de um conjunto de relações entre os programas sociais e a população em condições de pobreza na maior cidade brasileira. Os bairros da última periferia Leste da cidade de São Paulo conformam assim um terreno de experimentações dessas práticas cruzadas para além das caracterizações clássicas das zonas periféricas das grandes metrópoles brasileiras que apontavam para a precariedade das condições de vida bem como para o nascedouro de movimentos sociais, suas demandas, sujeitos e linguagens de direitos, tal como foram percebidos e enunciados a partir do final dos anos oitenta do século XX. Palavras-chave: políticas sociais; políticas públicas; privatização; periferias urbanas. Abstract: This article is based on research that pointed to new ways of raising funds through the promotion of cultural practices that are interconnected to the management of public health services in the Eastern Zone of the City of São Paulo, under the direction of private social organizations. The cross between fundraising, outsourced management of culture and health equipment points to an unprecedented relationship between the sectors of these practices, which sets up what can be identified as a private social planning. This process redrew the margins of the State redefining the relationship between social programs and policies and poor population in the largest Brazilian city. The peripheral neighborhoods of the Eastern outskirts São Paulo became an experimental field of these practices, more than classical character of precarious forms of life or the place of origin of social movements, demands, subjects, right languages, as they were known specially from the 80´s Brazilian sociological literature. Keywords: social policy; public policies; privatization; urban peripheries.

Fabiola Gorgeri

Abstract: In the urban project of Le Corbusier the relationship between new and existing is opportunity of poetic composition. The real traces of the past of one place are transformative tools by which the new project is developed. The projects after World War II, like reconstruction project of Saint-Dié, are occasions to reflect about the new urban developments, rapid and extensive, and the relation of them with the landscape in a new territorial vision. The fragments of past and the new buildings are seen like belonging to a same context of reference and the entire urban composition forming part of a landscape on more large scale. Therefore, the urban project is an ensemble of architectural objects and nature that are held together by calculated visual relation. It is a kind of montage of urban views related to the dimension and measure of the human subject, like visual points or pedestrian paths. Memory and change are linked together by the natural history process and commensurate also to the human measure by a three dimension urbanism where the architecture can anew make the city. Resumen: En el proyecto urbanístico de Le Corbusier la relación entre la nueva y la existente es la oportunidad de la composición poética. Las huellas reales del pasado de un lugar son herramientas de transformación por el que se desarrolla el nuevo proyecto. Los proyectos después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, como el proyecto de reconstrucción de Saint-Dié, son ocasiones para reflexionar acerca de los nuevos desarrollos urbanos, rápidas y amplias, y la relación de ellos con el paisaje en una nueva visión territorial. Los fragmentos del pasado y los nuevos edificios son vistos como pertenecientes a un mismo contexto de referencia y toda la composición que forma parte urbana de un paisaje de más gran escala. Por lo tanto, el proyecto urbano es un conjunto de objetos arquitectónicos y la naturaleza que se mantienen unidas por la relación visual calculada. Es una especie de montaje de vistas urbanas relacionadas con la dimensión y la medida del ser humano, al igual que los puntos visuales o caminos peatonales. La memoria y el cambio están unidos entre sí por el proceso de la historia natural y acorde también a la medida humana por un tres dimensiones urbanismo donde la arquitectura de nuevo puede hacer de la ciudad.  Keywords: urban project; landscape; memory; Saint-Dié. Palabras clave: proyecto urbano; paisaje; memoria; Saint-Dié. DOI: 

2021 ◽  
pp. 096673502110554
Tainah Biela Dias ◽  
Fernanda Marina Feitosa Coelho

The ‘1st Congress Churches and LGBTI+ Community: ecumenical dialogues for respect for diversity’ was held between 19th and 22nd of June 2019, in the city of São Paulo. The Congress was organised by the Parish of the Holy Trinity of the Episcopal Anglican Church in Brazil and Koinonia–Ecumenical Presence in Service. As we consider this congress a historic landmark in the debates concerning religions and sexualities that escape from cisheteronormativity in Brazil, in the course of this article, we propose to analyse the social and political conjuncture that motivated the event. In a second step, we will briefly describe the structure of the event, as well as its objectives, in order to understand the assumptions that guided the construction of the Letter of São Paulo, the official and public document of the Congress, approved in plenary by the participants. We believe that the Congress and the Letter of São Paulo have political potential, as they claim the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex+ people as people of faith and denounce forms of oppression, exclusion and marginalisation reinforced by conservative and hegemonic religious discourses.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (26) ◽  
pp. 1-22

 O presente artigo comporta uma investigação a respeito das formas de inserção de três imigrantes portugueses na vila paulista de Paranaguá, no contexto das décadas de 1770 a 1790. A finalidade central deste estudo consiste em produzir um conhecimento a respeito das formas de absorção de portugueses á  vida social de uma vila colonial situada no extremo sul da Capitania de São Paulo. Nesse quadro, o desenvolvimento dessa análise é realizado por meio da sustentação de quatro argumentos. Primeiro, é demonstrado que havia ocasiões nas quais o estabelecimento na vila de Paranaguá por um imigrante português era decorrente do insucesso da iniciativa de se fixar em praça mercantil de maior porte. Segundo, evidencia-se que os portugueses radicados em Paranaguá possuá­am conexões sociais e comerciais em distintas áreas do litoral Sudeste, notadamente a cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A manutenção dessas conexões criava uma diná¢mica de absorção de caixeiros á  vila de Paranaguá. O quarto argumento afirma que a constituição de vá­nculo com um compatrá­cio era operacional para o jovem reinol enraizar-se na sociedade receptora. Por fim, é evidenciado que não era incomum que a obtenção de um treinamento profissional pelos reinóis ocorresse na época da menoridade.Palavras-chave: Brasil Meridional. Comércio. Imigração portuguesa.INTERNAL MIGRATIONS AND SOCIAL CONNECTIONS IN A COLONIAL CONTEXT: the trajectories of Portuguese immigrants in the municipality of Paranaguá (decades 1770-1790)Abstract: The present article includes an investigation about the ways of insertion of three Portuguese immigrants in the city of Paranaguá, in the context of the 1770-1790s. The main purpose of this study is to produce knowledge about the Portuguese absorption of social life of a colonial municipality located at the southern end of the Captaincy of São Paulo. Thus, the development of this analysis is done supported by four statements. First, it is shown that there are occasions when the establishment in the municipality of Paranaguá by a Portuguese immigrant was due to the failure of the initiative to establish itself in a larger market square. Second, it is evident that Portuguese people living in Paranaguá had social and commercial connections in different space areas along the Southeast coast, notably the city of Rio de Janeiro. The maintenance of these connections used to create a dynamic of absorption of the traveling men to the municipality of Paranaguá. The third argument states that the establishment of a bond with a compatriot was operative for the young Portuguese realm to take root in the receiving society. At last, it is evidenced that it was not uncommon that obtaining a professional retinue training occured at the time of minority.Keywords: Southern Brazil. Commerce. Portuguese Immigration.MIGRACIONES INTERNAS Y CONEXIONES SOCIALES EN UN CONTEXTO COLONIAL: las trayectorias de los inmigrantes portugueses en la Villa de Paranaguá (décadas de 1770 a 1790)  Resumen: Este artá­culo contiene una investigación de las formas de inserción de tres inmigrantes portugueses en la villa paulista de Paranaguá, en el contexto de las décadas de 1770 a 1790. El objetivo principal de este estudio es producir conocimiento sobre las formas de absorción de portugueses a la vida social de una villa colonial situada en el extremo sur de la Capitaná­a de São Paulo. En este marco, el desarrollo de este análisis se realiza por medio de la sustentación de cuatro argumentos. En primer lugar, se demuestra que hubo momentos en los que el establecimiento en la villa de Paranaguá por un inmigrante portugués se debió al fracaso de la iniciativa de establecerse en la mayor plaza mercantil. En segundo lugar, se evidencia que los portugueses arraigados en Paranaguá tená­an conexiones sociales y comerciales en diferentes áreas de la costa Sudeste, especialmente la ciudad de Rá­o de Janeiro. La manutención de esas conexiones creaba una dinámica de absorción de viajantes a la villa de Paranaguá. El cuarto argumento afirma que la constitución de vá­nculo con un compatriota era operativo para el joven del reino enraizarse en la sociedad receptora. Por último, se enfatiza que no era inusual que la obtención de un entrenamiento profesional por los jóvenes del reino ocurriera en la época de la menorá­a.  Palabras clave: Brasil Meridional. Comercio. Inmigración portuguesa.

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