scholarly journals Concept «Destiny»: Features of Representation in Polish Lingvoculture

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-67
Valentyna Lutsenko ◽  
Olga Lutsenko

Concept «los» («destiny») as a key in the Polish culture has many lexical representation. «Destiny» in Polish is the life, the existence of someone or something; future, sequence of events; the supreme regulatory beginning. Destiny is thought of as contradictory, ambivalent beginning. It is able to help or hinder. Carriers of the Polish language are ambivalent in their relation to the destiny. Presence of the destiny may either be approved or denied. Poles have different views on the nature of destiny. On the one hand, destiny is presented as unchangeable and predefined from above. On the other, there is a view that it is created during the life (existence), and, for example, a person can have a significant influence on it. Metaphorically in Polish destiny is represented by the signs of person, connecting or disconnecting, gracious or formidable beginning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-103
Joanna Kamper-Warejko

The outline addresses the set of songs included in one of the editions of the Toruń cantional by Petrus Artomius (1601). The small extract of the text provided the opportunity to grasp the range and nature of the changes taking places in the Old Polish language when the Polish culture was affected by the Reformation. For this reason, the author attempted to indicate the origin of the works and to trace the edition modifications introduced in the text with particular emphasis on linguistic alterations. In the cantional there appear texts rooted in the Polish Catholic tradition of religious songs (e.g. XVII, XX, XXI, XXVI, XXVII), translations of Protestant carols of Martin Luther known from earlier songbooks (e.g. XXX, XXXII, XXXVI); however, they are often new, modified versions of the songs. In comparison with the first edition of the cantional, the discussed edition was somewhat reorganized, which may be observed in the editor’s attempt to modernize the language of the songs. On the basis of the presented description of philological- stylistic nature one may conclude that the language of the old Protestant community of Toruń did not differ significantly from the Old Polish language of the time. On the one hand, the texts included in the cantional refer to medieval songs stylistically and linguistically. On the other hand, they illustrate the popularity and universality of Polish songs used in religious practices of Protestants, not only Lutherans.

I. Askerova

The article is devoted to semantic-structural, historic-etymological and linguocognitive characteristics guest and hospitality concepts both in Polsih language and in other Slavic languages. The research is done on the wide field lexicographical and parenemic materials with the use of historical and culturological sources. The guest image was revealed in Polish culture, source and inner form of Polish lexem Gość was analyzed. On the basis Polish body of paramees it was found that axiological marking of guest is ambivalent. Form the one point of view it is positive, due to the peculiarities of national character of Polish people: sincerity, kindness, kindness, sincereness. On the other hand, in phraseology and paremiology of Polish language it is fixed negative attitude especially to the guests who are unexpected, unwanted, coming without warning, and also staying too long and being annoying.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 383-400
Jolanta Mędelska

The author analysed the language of the first Polish translation of the eighteenth-century poem “Metai” [The Seasons] by Kristijonas Donelaitis, a Lithuanian Lutheran pastor. The translation was made in 1933 by a socialist activist and close associate of Józef Piłsudski, Kazimierz Pietkiewicz. The analysis showed that the language of the translation is peculiar. On the one hand, this peculiarity consists in refraining from archaizing the translation and the use of elements that are close to the translator’s style of social-political journalism (e.g., dorobkiewicz [vulgarian], feministka [feminist]), on the other hand, the presence at all levels of language of peculiarities characteristic for Kresy Polish language in both its territorial variations. These are generally old features of common Polish, the retention of which in the eastern areas of the Polish Rzeczpospolita was supported by the influence of substrate languages, later also Russian, or by borrowing. This layer was natural in the language of the translator, born in Ukraine, who spent part of his life in Vilnius, some in exile in Russia. This is the colourful linguistic heritage of the former Republic of Poland.

2020 ◽  
pp. 37-78
Ioana Emy Matesan

This chapter revisits the early history of the Muslim Brotherhood to understand why an organization that started out as a nonviolent religious movement came to be associated with violence. Many blame this on the harsh repression under President Gamal Abdel Nasser. However, the analysis shows that the drift toward violence started much earlier. Reconstructing the sequence of events between 1936 and 1948, the chapter reveals that what initially politicized the Brotherhood was the presence of British troops in Egypt and Palestine. The formation of an armed wing led to competition over authority within the group, which incentivized violent escalation. The chapter then focuses on the period between 1954 and 1970 and shows that repression had a dual effect. On the one hand, it inspired new jihadi interpretations, which were particularly appealing to younger members. On the other hand, the prisons were also the backdrop against which the Brotherhood became convinced that violence was futile.

2015 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 157-167
Michał Głuszkowski

Preserved dialectal features and the Polish influence in old believers' dialect on the example of a representative of the older generation in the Augustów regionPolish Old Believers constitute a bilingual ethno-cultural minority.Their bilingualism has developed especially in the 20th century, and since then it has been modified under the influence of Polish language. On the one hand, there are Polish borrowings, insertions and loan-translations in Russian Old Believers’ dialect. On the other hand, the Old Believers have preserved many dialectal features from their region of origin – Pskov region in north-Western Russia. The author attempts to reveal, how many and which Pskov language features are still present in the Old Believers’ dialect. The analysis is basing on an idiolect of a representative of the old generation of the community of our interest.  Сохраненные диалектные черты и польское влияние в русском говоре представителя старшего поколения старообрядцев августовского регионаПольские старообрядцы составляют этнокультурное меньшинство. Их билингвизм стал развиваться начиная с ХХ столетия, и с тех пор их русский диалект подвергался особосильномувлиянию польского языка. С одной стороны, в старообрядческом говоре наблюдаются польские заимствования, вставки и кальки. С другой стороны, старообрядцы сохранили многие диалектные средневеликорусские черты. Данная статья является попыткой выяснить, какие черты диалектов из окрестностей Великих Лук, Пскова и Новгорода до сих пор существуют в говоре старообрядцев. Анализ опирается на идиолект представителя старшего поколения исследуемой общины.

N.V. Deeva

The study of naive perceptions of certain fragments of reality helps to identify the specifics of the national consciousness of the people who speak a particular language. The article deals with a systematic description of naive ideas about the soul and spirit (as similar concepts) fixed in the Polish picture of the world. Contemporary ideas about the soul and spirit in the Polish picture of the world are formed under the influence of pagan folk beliefs (the soul as a transparent, thin matter filling the human body), scientific views on the world (the soul as a combination of psychological, intellectual, emotional features of a person), as well as religious views (the soul as an intangible, immortal foundation in a man, reviving his body and leaving him at the time of a death). Soul and spirit are conceptualized as essences inextricably linked with the human body. Conceptual metaphor allows to concretize, to give conditional visibility to such abstractions as “soul” and “spirit”. In the Polish naive picture of the world the soul / spirit is endowed with signs of a living creature (including a person), plants, artifacts such as paper, fabric, book. The metaphor of space allows to imagine the soul as a kind of receptacle, which has a bottom and is characterized by signs of depth and breadth, fullness or emptiness. The metaphors of the characterizing type focus on significant for representatives of Polish culture signs of the soul, such as purity, kindness, strength, etc. The concepts “soul” and “spirit” being significant for Polish lingvoculture have multiple representations in the language through words, as well as free and stable combinations that are metaphorical in nature. The soul in the Polish naive picture of the world, on the one hand, is a source of life in a person, on the other hand, is the source of information about him, as well as his internal regulator and some value.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-27
Krzysztof Arcimowicz

The fundamental objective of the studies was to reconstruct and analyze the category of masculinity in the media discourse that refers to Robert Lewandowski as well as to describe and interpret the most important discursive strategies used in creating the image of the footballer. The research material includes almost 120 Polish-language media messages: mainly Internet articles, commercial spots, and interviews, all of which appeared in the years 2013-2019. This article presents the results of the critical analysis of the discourse, including proposals of the discourse-historical approach. The prime theoretical framework of the studies is made up of the theory of hegemonic masculinity on the one hand and the theory of inclusive masculinity on the other, as well as the concept of caring masculinities. The discourse on Lewandowski is not homogeneous; it includes elements derived from different versions of masculinity. The discourse is divided into two parts: one connected with the professional sphere and the other referring to the private. The strategies describing the footballer’s professional life are quite conservative. The elements of the highest importance within this part of the discourse include hard work, success, rivalry, and the mesomorph body type. The part of the discourse referring to the footballer’s family life is dominated by the strategies connected with the concept of caring masculinities and the notion of egalitarian relationship even though it is not completely free from the traditional gender roles.

2021 ◽  
pp. 58-73
С. Хо

В последние годы европейское оперное наследие в Китае постепенно отклонилось от первоначального традиционного направления, став объектом вторичного творчества. Китайские режиссеры и художники решаются воплотить на национальной сцене шедевры европейского искусства, пытаясь, с одной стороны, сохранить верность сложившимся традициям, с другой — адаптировать эти произведения к индивидуальным нормам китайской культуры. Сравнивая осуществленные на рубеже XX–XXI веков версии постановок жемчужины оперного искусства «Турандот» Джакомо Пуччини, мы можем ясно увидеть как европейское «прочтение» китайской культуры в этой опере, так и позитивное влияние интеграции китайской и западной парадигм. В сравнении выявляется лучший вариант исполнения. Китайские постановки, как правило, разделены на две актерские труппы: иностранную (труппа A) и китайскую (труппа B). Принцип уважения оригинального исторического облика оперного сюжета зачастую игнорируется в западных версиях, тогда как в китайских он бережно соблюдается. Визуальный дизайн китайских постановок погружает аудиторию в поток событий, музыкальное выражение потрясает слушателей. С точки зрения эмоционального выражения чувства героев в западных версиях — прямые, открытые и страстные; для Китая же характерны скрытый смысл, завуалированность в сценарии и музыке. Таким образом, западная опера «Турандот» оказывается погруженной в стихию культуры Китая. Along with the progress of the modern era and the efforts of Chinese artists in recent years, European operatic art in China has gradually deviated from the original traditional direction towards the secondary art. Chinese artists decide to present famous works of European art on the national stage, trying, on the one hand, to preserve its traditions, and on the other, to modernize them in accordance with the individual norms of Chinese culture. Comparing the Chinese and Western versions of the pearls of opera—Turandot from the late 1980s to 2000s, we can clearly see both penetration and development of the Chinese culture in this opera and the positive impact of integration of the Chinese and the Western paradigms. Chinese performances are generally divided into two acting troupes: a foreign troup (Troup A) and a Chinese troup (Troup B). In the comparison, the best design is highlighted. The principle of respect for the original historical image of the opera plot is often ignored in Western versions, while in Chinese it is carefully observed. The visual design of the Chinese versions immerses the audience into the sequence of events, the musical expression amazing the audience. In terms of  emotional expression, the feelings of the characters in Western versions are direct, open and passionate. China is characterized by a hidden meaning, veiled in the script and music. Thus, the Western opera “Turandot” acquires an inextricable connection with the culture of China, each version having a special historical value in art.

2019 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
Aleksandra Janowska

From an Adverb to a Prefix: The Case of the Polish współ-In the modern Polish language, it is difficult to determine in an unambiguous manner the word-formative status of formations which feature the element współ-. Such elements are treated as compounds or, more frequently, as prefixal forms. Historically, these elements, along with the constructions spół-, społu, constituted a class of compounds which were synonymous. The first attestations of the structures which are discussed in this article date back to as early as the Old Polish period (cf. społupomoc, społudziedzic), although their expansion occurred only in the nineteenth century (e.g. współdryblas, współdziałać, współinteresowany). The development of this derivative group is clearly associated with the evolution of adverbs of the type społu, pospołu, wespół, współ, wspołek; it mainly consists in the expansion of the forms which feature współ on the one hand, and in the slow process of disassociation of the relationship in question on the other. Owing to specialisation of the forms współ, spół in the derivational function (a process relatively discernible since the sixteenth century), we may speak about a slow process of their transformation into a prefix, which intensified along with the process of the obsolescence of the adverb wespół. Od przysłówka do przedrostka (na przykładzie polskiego współ-)We współczesnej polszczyźnie trudno jednoznacznie określić status słowotwórczy formacji z cząstką współ-. Są traktowane bądź jako złożenia, bądź – częściej – jako formy prefiksalne. W historii tworzyły razem z konstrukcjami ze spół-, społu klasę synonimicznych względem siebie złożeń. Pierwsze poświadczenia opisywanych struktur pochodzą już z czasów staropolskich (por. społupomoc, społudziedzic), jednak ich ekspansja następuje dopiero około XIX wieku (np. współdryblas, współdziałać, współinteresowany). Rozwój tej grupy derywacyjnej wyraźnie powiązany jest z ewolucją przysłówków typu społu, pospołu, wespół, współ, wspołek i polega przede wszystkim z jednej strony na ekspansji form z współ, z drugiej, na powolnym odrywaniu się od wspomnianego związku. Ze względu na dość wyraźną już od XVI wieku specjalizację form współ, spół w funkcji derywacyjnej, możemy mówić o powolnym ich przekształcaniu się w prefiks. Wraz z wycofywaniem się z języka przysłówka wespół proces ten nasilił się.

2019 ◽  
pp. 3-12
V. S. Prokopchook ◽  
A. V. Lyckbäck

This is not a play on words, but a key to solving a problem that has been deadlocked. The science of atherosclerosis is still based on the experiments of N. N. Anichkov. It always prioritizes lipid infiltration of vessel's walls. In fact, the lipid infiltration of the vessel's walls is not related to the origin of lipids in atheromas. Their origin is always associated with fatty degeneration of myofibroblasts in places of sclerosis (fibrous plaques), but not with hematogenous infiltration. The key to solving this problem lies in a disclosure of the genesis of sclerotic changes in intima. On the one hand it concerns a primary age sclerosis (compensatory) as well as secondary sclerosis (inflammatory, etc). On the other hand it is important to establish causes of degradation (fatty degeneration) and death of myofibroblasts (the so-called Langgans'cells) in places of sclerosis (fibrous plaques), followed by atheroma formation. We have first showed in vivo (at the cellular level) that a death of myofibroblasts in plaques with following release of lipids occurs due to the fact that these myofibroblasts reach the Heiflik's limit much faster than myofibroblasts on healthy vessels. These occurs due to shortening of telomeres in myofibroblasts that intensively multiply in places of reparative sclerosis. The authors propose replacing the term “atherosclerosis” with “scleroatherosis”, which more accurately reflects the essence of the disease and the sequence of events in its pathogenesis. Considering "scleroarethosis" as a nosological form, two periods of development of the process should be emphasized: the first – sclerotic period (compensatory) and the second – atheromatous (period of decompensation). The second period is accompanied by all manifestations and complications known for scleroatherosis that can't be eliminated. It is no need to spend billions on senseless "purifying” blood vessels and "lowering" cholesterol in blood plasma. It is more important to focus on a healthy lifestyle and, above all, to fight with arterial hypertension as with a main factor of blood vessels' deterioration.

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