scholarly journals Islamic Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Dynamic of Online Learning on Character Education

Nadwa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-108
Mohammad Rindu Fajar Islamy

This study explores the Islamic Education learning process dynamics during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the character education activities. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the learning model from face-to-face to online learning. Developing effective and efficient online learning procedures and forms is a significant challenge faced by teachers. This research study incorporates a qualitative approach where data is collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The object of the research were three government schools, namely SMPN 3 Lembang, SMKN 10 Bandung, and SMAN 1 Sungailiat Bangka Belitung. The research question is directed to explore the dynamics and problems that arise and the role of teachers and schools in mitigating these problems. The study results showed that most online learning uses popular applications such as Zoom, Google Meet, Google Classroom, Whatsapp Group, and Quizziz. To make online learning effective, among the efforts made by the teacher were explaining the technical activities to be carried out. Constraints that often occurred are limited internet quotas, network constraints, to inadequate computer devices. Amid the challenging situation, learning to shape students' character was still undertaken by internalizing religious values manifested in various forms of simple online religious activities.

Злата Ржевська-Штефан

Статтю присвячено проблемі мотивації до навчання студентів-першокурсників університету в умовах карантинного дистанційного навчання, для яких вимушений і раптовий перехід на дистанційну форму співпав з періодом їх адаптації до навчання у виші. Проаналізовано переваги та обмеження дистанційної форми навчання в плані мотивування студентів до досягнення навчальних цілей. Розкрито специфіку мотивації студентів в умовах дистанційного карантинного навчання. З метою вивчення особливостей мотивації до навчання студентів першокурсників в умовах карантинного дистанційного навчання використано методику «Шкали академічної мотивації» Т.О. Гордеевої, яка дозволяє визначити рівень розвитку різних мотиваційних конструктів в контексті теорії самодетермінації. Визначено, що у більшості студентів під час академічного року 2020-2021 домінувала внутрішня мотивація, а загальною тенденцією в динаміці мотивації студентів було незначне зниження показників за всіма шкалами як внутрішньої, так і зовнішньої мотивації. Виключенням є показники шкали амотивації, яка несуттєво зросла. Порівняння отриманих результатів із даними про мотивацію першокурсників, що навчались очно, показало, що мотивація студентів, що навчалися в умовах дистанційного та змішаного навчання, виявилась достовірно вищою за всіма шкалами внутрішньої мотивації, а також за шкалами мотивації самоповаги та інтроеційованої мотивації. Виявлені особливості, на наш погляд, визначають специфіку адаптаційних процесів першокурсників в умовах карантинного дистанту. Також отримані результати свідчать, що, попри негативний вплив умов локдауну, студенти виявились достатньо мобілізованими для подолання викликів адаптації до незвичних умов навчання. В свою чергу умови дистанційного навчання спільно з викликами пандемії створили підґрунтя для активізації процесів саморегуляції першокурсників і набуття ними суб’єктного досвіду. Водночас цих умов вочевидь недостатньо для того, щоб такі процеси набули масовості та більшої глибини. Література Гордеева, Т.О., Сычев, О.А., & Осин, Е.Н. (2014). Опросник «Шкалы академической мотивации». Психологический журнал, 35(4), 96–107. Дворецкая, Т.А., & Ахмадиева, Л.Р. (2018). Динамика направленности учебной мотивации у студентов разных курсов в течение учебного года. Профессиональное образование в современном мире, 8(2), 1924–1933. Іванеко, Ю. (2020). Дистанційне навчання як засіб розвитку самоорганізації студентів. Збірник наукових праць «Проблеми сучасної психології», 49, 60–83. https://org/10.32626/2227-6246.2020-49 Красюк, Ю.М. (2010). Проблеми мотивації навчальної діяльності студентів дистанційної форми навчання. Режим доступу: Панферов, В.Н., Безгодова, С.А., Васильева, С.В., Иванов, А.С., & Микляева, А.В. (2020). Эффективность обучения и академическая мотивация студентов в условиях онлайн-взаимодействия с преподавателем (на примере видеолекции). Социальная психология и общество, 11(1), 127–143. Прибилова, В. (2017). Проблеми та переваги дистанційного навчання у вищих навчальних закладах України. Проблеми сучасної освіти, 4, 27–36. Режим доступа: Пуляєва, В.Н., & Неврюев, А.Н. (2019). Академическая мотивация: как фактор удовлетворенности образовательными услугами. Креативная экономика, 3, 533–544. Режим доступа: Савин, Е.Ю. (2019). Соотношение субъектного опыта студента с внешней и внутренней мотивацией академической активности. Мир науки. Педагогика и психология, 2. Режим доступа: Смульсон, Ю.Л. (2012). Дистанційне навчання: психологічні засади. (Монографія). Кіровоград : Імекс-ЛТД. Biwer,, Wiradhany, W., oude Egbrink, M., Hospers, H., Wasenitz, S., Jansen, W., & de Bruin,A. (2021). Changes and Adaptations: How University Students Self-Regulate Their Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Front. Psychol., 12, 642593. Deci, E., & Ryan, R.M. (2012). Motivation, Personality, and Development within Embedded Social Contexts: An Overview of Self-Determination Theory. In The Oxford Handbook of Human Motivation, 1–26. Markova, Т., Glazkova, І., & Zaborova, Е. (2017). Quality Issues of Online Distance Learning. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 237, 685–691. Meeter, M., Bele, T., Hartogh, C. d., Bakker, T., de Vries, R.E., & Plak, S. (2020). College students’ motivation and study results after COVID-19 stay-at-home orders.  Meşe, E., & Sevilen, Ç. (2021). Factors influencing EFL students’ motivation in online learning: A qualitative case study. Journal of Educational Technology & Online Learning, 4(1), 11–22.  Retrieved from Stark, E. (2019). Examining the Role of Motivation and Learning Strategies in the Success of Online vs. Face-to-Face Students. Online Learning, 23(3), 234–251.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-202
Rony Sandra Yofa Zebua

Nowadays, online learning has forced educational stakeholders to sufficiently involve online learning by handling the fundamental difference from traditional learning platforms. While educative interaction is vital but very limited to online learning, the teachers should condition the new environment to enable the learning process. However, educative interaction on online learning requires exact syntax to help the teachers implement it correctly. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the implementation of educative learning on online learning and formulate the syntax to help teachers create educative interaction. The study focused on Islamic and Character Education subjects. The research method is qualitative, using in-depth interviews to gather the data. The informants were from 2 different elementary schools. The study result revealed two types of syntax for educative interaction on online learning: the syntax of educative interaction on real-time chatting app and syntax of educative interaction on the video conference app. Every syntax has similar general phases: preparation, introduction, core, and closing. However, every phase has different details, adjusted to the service provided by the application used. Eventually, the teachers' competence and spirit and supporting infrastructure become the primary factors in maximizing the interaction. Besides, application choice determines the strategy that will be done.

Rahma Siti

ABSTRACT Education is the process of changing the attitude and behavior of a person or group for the better through teaching / guidance and training. In the process, the teacher plays an important role in the delivery of material so that it has an influence on the success of their students. The subject learning of PAI (Islamic education) at MIN 1 Langsa is currently less effective and efficient due to the Covid-19 pandemic (corona virus disease) which makes teachers and students unable to meet face to face directly. Students asked to learn from home using online media.Online learning is undirect face-to-face learning between teachers and students by accessing internet networks and using social media to interact or exchange information. This study aims to describe the online learning of Islamic Education lessons at MIN 1 Langsa. The research approach is descriptive qualitative using primary and secondary data sources. The data collection uses the method of observation, documentation and interviews. The analysis of data using reduction, display data and conclusion.The result of the research showed that online learning PAI lessons carried out at MIN 1 Langsa used the Whatsapp application. Students at home are accompanied by their parents in studying the material and exercises provided by their teachers through the Whatsapp application. Because learning is done online, teachers must be more thorough and focused in evaluating learning activities. Students also complained that they had difficulties with poor internet networks. Some of them also do not have cell phones based on Android and some are not proficient in using them, it is making the learning process ineffective.Keywords:            learning, online, students

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-136
Enika Vera Intania ◽  
Sutama Sutama

Abstract Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) has an impact on all aspects of life, including education. Face-to-face education must be transferred to online learning. In learning, both face-to-face and online, character education must always be instilled in students. Character education is an important thing that students must have in order to grow their character, so they can have good personalities In a pandemic such as now, character education is very necessary for students to continue to develop their potential, even though learning is carried out online. The purposes of this study are 1) Analyzing the role of character education in learning; 2) Describing the role of character education in learning in the pandemic era of COVID-19. This type of research is a reference research. The object of this research is the role of character education in learning in the COVID-19 pandemic era. Data validity is done by Triangulation of Sources and Triangulation of Extension. In this study, data analysis techniques used constant comparison. The results of the study are twofold, 1) Character education in learning has a role for students to foster good character that can be realized in their social life; 2) In the pandemic era COVID-19 character education can play a role so that students independently want to learn material and develop an attitude of responsibility towards the tasks given by the teacher in online learning. Peran pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran selama pandemi COVID-19Pandemi COVID-19 menimbulkan dampak pada semua aspek kehidupan, termasuk pendidikan. Pendidikan tatap muka harus dialihkan ke pembelajaran online. Dalam belajar, baik tatap muka maupun online, pendidikan karakter harus selalu ditanamkan pada siswa. Pendidikan karakter merupakan hal penting yang harus dilakukan siswa agar dapat menumbuhkan karakternya, sehingga mereka dapat memiliki kepribadian yang baik Di masa pandemi seperti sekarang, pendidikan karakter sangat diperlukan bagi siswa untuk terus mengembangkan potensinya, meskipun pembelajaran dilakukan secara online. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah, 1) Menganalisa peran pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran; 2) Menggambarkan peran pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran di era pandemi COVID-19. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian referensi. Objek penelitian ini adalah peran pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran di era pandemi COVID-19. Validitas data dilakukan dengan Triangulasi Sumber dan Triangulasi Ekstensi. Dalam penelitian ini, teknik analisis data menggunakan perbandingan konstan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran memiliki peran bagi siswa untuk menumbuhkan karakter baik yang dapat diwujudkan dalam kehidupan sosialnya; 2) Di era pandemic, pendidikan karakter COVID-19 dapat berperan penting sehingga siswa secara mandiri ingin belajar materi-materi dan mengembangkan sikap tanggung jawab terhadap tugas-tugas yang diberikan guru dalam pembelajaran daring.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Erni Sulisstyowati ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah

An online learning system that is currently being implemented at SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Tulangan during the pandemic. In online learning, students are expected to continue to follow the learning schedule and collect assignments according to the time set. So that this online learning will foster the responsibility of students in participating in online learning. In the research process using descriptive qualitative research methods, by understanding social or human problems by analyzing words. The results of this study conclude that even though it is not possible to conduct face-to-face learning due to the covid 19 pandemic, SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Tulangan still carries out online learning well

2020 ◽  
Rony Sandra Yofa Zebua

Nowadays, online learning has forced educational stakeholders to sufficiently involve online learning by handling the fundamental difference from traditional learning platforms. While educative interaction is vital but very limited to online learning, the teachers should condition the new environment to enable the learning process. However, educative interaction on online learning requires exact syntax to help the teachers implement it correctly. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the implementation of educative learning on online learning and formulate the syntax to help teachers create educative interaction. The study focused on Islamic and Character Education subjects. The research method is qualitative, using in-depth interviews to gather the data. The informants were from 2 different elementary schools. The study result revealed two types of syntax for educative interaction on online learning: the syntax of educative interaction on real-time chatting app and syntax of educative interaction on the video conference app. Every syntax has similar general phases: preparation, introduction, core, and closing. However, every phase has different details, adjusted to the service provided by the application used. Eventually, the teachers' competence and spirit and supporting infrastructure become the primary factors in maximizing the interaction. Besides, application choice determines the strategy that will be done.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-164
Wahyu Hidayat ◽  
Putri Dewi ◽  
Yana Nurdiana

The application of character values ​​in the online learning process for Islamic Religious Education (PAI) subjects is a must even though it is not done face-to-face. The purpose of this study is to photograph the character values ​​taught and the challenges PAI teachers face in implementing character education in the online learning process. This type of research uses qualitative research. The sources of data in this study are teachers and students. Data were collected through interviews, documentation, and direct observation of online learning via Google Meet and WhatsApp group. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative. The dominant character values ​​in online learning of Islamic religious education at SDN 114 Leppangang Pinrang are independence, love of reading, discipline, and responsibility. Some methods of implementing character education include giving advice, giving punishments and rewards in adding and subtracting task scores, and controlling student conversation in the WhatsApp group. PAI teachers have their challenges in applying student character values, one of which is not optimal control, parental concern for controlling their children, and technical problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 18-30
Ali Mustofa

Pandemic of Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) in Indonesia has changed all education models, including in Jombang. Many problems changes for school education. Such as teachers are facing hard challenges. Educators are required to be creative in delivering material through online learning media. It also needs to be invincible with the level of educational needs. MA Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang makes effort to deliver Islamic education even in pandemic conditions. This is done through online and offline. The online or distance learning has been carried out in several ways, namely the delivery of materials and assignments through the e-learning program, email, What Sapp and using virtual face through zoom meeting application. Meanwhile the offline is done by taking an assignment in the morning at school and collected on the following day, then next is limited meeting that is reducing face-to-face hours, and designing classes based on the health protocols.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the government decided to organize online learning as a diversion for face-to-face learning in schools. For this reason, it is necessary to have technological intervention as a communication medium in learning. There are many learning methods that can be used during online learning, one of which is PjBL. This study aims to determine the benefits of implementing PjBL for Islamic Education subjects during online learning. The data collection method used is literature study through books, journals, and the results of field research conducted by previous researchers that are relevant to this research. The results of the study indicate that in online learning, PjBL is able to increase the creativity of students in carrying out projects and increase the ability of students to use technology as a medium to communicate their work as media to create products.

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 132-139 ◽  
Lauren Zubow ◽  
Richard Hurtig

Children with Rett Syndrome (RS) are reported to use multiple modalities to communicate although their intentionality is often questioned (Bartolotta, Zipp, Simpkins, & Glazewski, 2011; Hetzroni & Rubin, 2006; Sigafoos et al., 2000; Sigafoos, Woodyatt, Tuckeer, Roberts-Pennell, & Pittendreigh, 2000). This paper will present results of a study analyzing the unconventional vocalizations of a child with RS. The primary research question addresses the ability of familiar and unfamiliar listeners to interpret unconventional vocalizations as “yes” or “no” responses. This paper will also address the acoustic analysis and perceptual judgments of these vocalizations. Pre-recorded isolated vocalizations of “yes” and “no” were presented to 5 listeners (mother, father, 1 unfamiliar, and 2 familiar clinicians) and the listeners were asked to rate the vocalizations as either “yes” or “no.” The ratings were compared to the original identification made by the child's mother during the face-to-face interaction from which the samples were drawn. Findings of this study suggest, in this case, the child's vocalizations were intentional and could be interpreted by familiar and unfamiliar listeners as either “yes” or “no” without contextual or visual cues. The results suggest that communication partners should be trained to attend to eye-gaze and vocalizations to ensure the child's intended choice is accurately understood.

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